bloodyfeverdreams - Happiness is a Warm Fever
Happiness is a Warm Fever

Breaker of minds and bones since the beginning of time

418 posts

Omgomgomgomg Im So Excited! Thank You @between-the-stones !!! Okay, Calm Down, Rae, You Can Do This-

omgomgomgomg I’m so excited! Thank you @between-the-stones !!! Okay, calm down, Rae, you can do this-

I’m gonna go with Michael!

Be drowned or be burned? Michael actually can’t swim, so he’d go with burned- he’s afraid of large bodies of water because it makes his powers go haywire.  Better the devil you know, right?

Be starved or be dehydrated? Starvation is a slow death.  Dehydration he’d probably pass out more quickly, so it’s over quicker.  Michael’s not one to just sit around and be tortured, not without himself holding an ace up his sleeve.

Take torture or torture someone else? Jeez, that’s a tough one.  Michael’s not the kind to self-sacrifice, unless it was for someone he loved, but he’s not heartless. Actively torturing someone isn’t something he’s capable of, he’s just a thief with a particular type of gift. At the ending of the day, he’d have to take torture- if nothing more than not to be a hypocrite

Beg or be choked? Michael does not beg- at least choking gives him an excuse to wear a pretty little choker to hide the bruises

Be conscious or unconscious during torture? What is he stupid?  Why would anyone want to be conscious?  That’s just asking for pain, and he’s no masochist.

Be stabbed or have a bone broken? Bone broken- no doubt.  Breaking a bone has very little odds of dying from that, probably about 5ish percent (just guessing) because bones tend to heal on their own, even if healing wrong- while the mortality rate for a stab wound is 27.4 percent.  That’s a big difference

whoa- almost forgot to tag some folks

How about @la-vie-en-whump @cookiecutterwrites @whump-and-coffee???

Would Whumpee Rather?

A new tag game! Would your whumpee rather…

Be drowned or be burned? E.g., Ellis would rather be burned! Burns are familiar and remind him of his Master :)

Be starved or be dehydrated? Ellis is used to being starved.

Take torture or torture someone else? Ellis is the only one who deserves to be hurt :(

Beg or be choked? Ellis is good at begging!

Be conscious or unconscious during torture? Conscious please! So he can learn his lesson.

Be stabbed or have a bone broken? Oh no, these are both scary. Umm…whichever you want, Master?

I’m gonna start us off by tagging @crash-bump-bring-the-whump @wildfaewhump @for-the-love-of-angst @whumpiary and @fallingstormphoenix, no obligation. And if you’re up for it, tell us your whumpee’s reasoning!

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More Posts from Bloodyfeverdreams

5 years ago

Whumptober Prompt #24- Secret Injury and alt.#1- “Wake Up”

I’m still sick, but have some Irondad and Spiderson.


Having Peter around for an actual internship had improved Tony’s mental health more than the mechanic cared to admit.  It was often just too hard to be miserable about the Rogues, worried about his and Pepper’s upcoming wedding, or anything that terrorists or fanatics could throw at him when he was surrounded by infectious smiles and puppy dog eyes.  Peter had somehow worked his way into the hearts of Stark Industries, even Happy likes the kid and Pepper adored him.  If Peter hadn’t had his Aunt Hottie, Pepper would’ve immediately applied for custody after she’d met him.  The kid was just too good.

Which is why Friday’s had become his favorite day.  Friday was lab day. Friday, Peter had a later curfew, as it wasn’t a school night, and often spent the night at the Tower, recently repurchased after the whole Vulture fiasco.  Because Peter has been the one to save the Towers tech, he’d renamed one of the intern labs “Soon to be Parker Industries”.  Peter had almost died on the spot.  Tony still had the footage saved for when he needed a pick-me-up.

So when Peter was late, without calling no less, Tony’s wonderful new mental state began to crumble.  Peter was never late, never wanting to burden Tony or act as if he didn’t want to be there.  Tony had found that out when Peter came in with a skyrocketing fever and enough nausea to light up the city of Toledo.  Worry was starting to eat at Tony’s normal Friday happiness.

“Peter is now in proximity to the Tower.”  FRIDAY’s voice soothed Tony’s mind.  “He’ll arrive on the landing pad in approximately fifteen point seven seconds.”

“Thanks, FRIDAY.”  Tony headed out to the landing pad to see a web above his head and a spandex Spider-Man landing badly on the landing pad.  Another shot of worry ate away at Tony’s heart.  Peter was usually so graceful.

“Bambino?”  Tony called out, heading over to the stumbling kid.

“I’m fine, Mister Stark.”  Came Peter’s strained voice.  “My healing factor will kick in a sec.  Spider-Man caught another mugger today.”

“Alright, kid.”  Tony clapped Peer on the back.  “You sure?”

“No need to worry about me, Mister Stark.”  Peter said.  “My healing factor is already working, I can feel it.”

“Well, let’s just take it easy tonight.”  Tony led the kid inside.  “Maybe just a movie and some popcorn?  You can finally show me some of those me-me’s you keep referencing.”

“Ugh, Mister Stark, it’s memes.”  Peter groaned.

The only thing he loved about getting older was making fun of the younger generation.  Peter had to know Tony was mispronouncing it on purpose, but that didn’t take from the fun.

“If you say so.”  Tony smirked. “Come on.  Let’s take the couch in the rec room.  No one should be using it.”

“I can work, Mister Stark.”  Peter protested.  “I just need a few minutes, nothing more.”

Tony frowned.   Peter was just like him, always pushing himself too far, never quitting until he crashed.  So he decided to intervene, taking a page out of Rhodey’s book.

“Eh, I’ve got nothing big to work on right now.”  Tony lied, knowing he could put the Iron Man upgrades until next week.  It was small stuff, nothing life-threatening, but he knew the kid would love to work on the Iron Man suit.  But it could wait until Peter was feeling better.  “Why don’t you sit at the counter and do your homework and I’ll get the food and drinks?”

“I mean, if you’re sure.”  Peter shrugged, his body language relaxing.

“I’m sure.”  Tony said.  After all, there was nothing more important than Peter’s health.

Peter then pulled his mask off and shoved it in the backpack he always carried.  He always picked it up after patrol around Queens so he could bring his homework to the Tower. Friday may be lab day, but May said homework first, and when May said something everyone listened.  She was just like Pepper that way.

Peter spread his homework across the counter, the normal routine easing Tony’s mind.  He was sure Peter wouldn’t outright lie to him.  If the kid said his healing factor was working strong, he was going to believe him.  He wasn’t going to be Howard and question everything out of the kid’s mouth.  He wasn’t going to create that kind of mistrust.

So Tony went about preparing for a movie night, fondly reminiscing on the movie nights between the Avengers to get Steve and Thor caught up on Earth pop culture.  He shoved down the more unfriendly memories that tried to poison his new life, wanting to just enjoy a movie night with the kid.  He couldn’t wait until the kid relaxed enough to cuddle up close, like a cat near a heater, and they could just sit and enjoy the movie as they did on nights like these.

“It’s funny, Bambi, I don’t think we’ve had a movie night since your midterms.”  Tony said aloud, knowing the kid didn’t do well with quiet.  It made him nervous, that he’d screwed up somehow, and Tony didn’t want to stress the kid out.

A small thump echoed in Tony’s ear.  He turned away from the popcorn he was about to put in the popcorn and found Peter with his head on his book.

“It’s okay, kid, you’ll figure it out.”  Tony sighed.  “Just try looking at another angle.”

Peter didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge his words.

“Bambi?”  Tony asked, starting to get unsettled.  “Bambino, wake up.”

Peter lay still.

Tony raced over to Peter and gently pulled him back, his body limp in Tony’s arms.  Peter was pale, paler than he should be.  It was then Tony saw it, his blood running cold.  A patch of dark spreading across Peter’s back, staining the Spider-Man suit.

“FRIDAY, alert medbay!”  Tony shouted.  “Peter’s been stabbed!”

Tony hauled Peter into his arms, racing down to medbay.

“Wake up, bambino, wake up.”  Tony pleaded.

Peter’s eyes stayed firmly shut.

Tony thanked whatever was up there, God, the universe, Thor that he had restaffed the medbay in case New York was attacked again.  He had wanted help close by, and now he truly needed it.

The doctors he had on staff immediately loaded Peter onto a gurney and whisked him into surgery.

“FRIDAY, call May Parker.”  Tony announced.

“Yes, Boss.”  The rings of the phone broadcasted across the room.

“This is May.”

“Hey May, it’s Tony.”

“Hey, Mister Stark.”  Like nephew, like aunt, he supposed.  “Is everything alright?  You don’t usually call on Fridays, is Peter there?”

“Yeah he’s here.”  Tony sighed.  “May, I have bad news.”

“Oh god, what is it?  Do I need to get over there?”

“My doctors are on top of it, giving him the greatest care in the world.  But… he got stabbed tonight.”

“Oh my-”  May cut off her choked gasp.  “Will he be okay?”

“According to my doctors, yes.  It wasn’t too deep but he is in surgery now. He hid it from me, May.  I didn’t even know he was in pain.”

May chuckled humorlessly.  “He was probably trying to protect you.”

“Self-sacrificial-” He cut himself off.  “I’ve already sent Happy to come get you, he should be there soon.  He was running some errands for SI.”

“Thank you, Mister Stark.”  May said.  “And thank you for looking out for him.  I can repay you-”

“Absolutely not.”  Tony interrupted.  “I will not hear a word about payment.  Your kid is one of the greatest things in my life, and I don’t want you to worry about spending a dime while he’s in my care.  It’s my fault, I missed it.  I should’ve checked him over when I first suspected he was hurt.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Mister Stark.”  May said, trying to sound more put together than she was.  He could hear the cracks in her seams.  “Peter’s always been like this.  Trying to shield the people he loves.”

He nodded before remembering May couldn’t see him. “I understand.”

And he did.  He often did the same thing, but he wasn’t going to let Peter walk down his same path.  He was going to teach the kid to prioritize himself if it was the last thing he did.

“I think that’s Happy.”  May said.  “Thank you, Mister Stark, I’ll see you soon.”

“I’ll keep you updated if anything changes, May.”

One of Tony’s doctors then came to Tony.  “He’s alright.  Just lost a lot of blood, that’s why he passed out.  He’s going to be fine, his healing factor has already kicked in.  He shouldn’t even scar.  He just needs a lot of rest.”

Tony sagged in relief, thanked the woman, and then raced to Peter’s bed.

Peter looked much better than he had when he first collapsed, with a saline IV and more color in his cheeks.  He texted Happy to tell May that Peter would be fine, he just needed rest, but she was more than welcome at the Tower.

“What am I gonna do with you, kid?”

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5 years ago

Attention writeblr, how do you guys deal when you get a comment that... disappoints. Like someone who didn’t need to comment that they didn’t like it, or if they’d properly read the tags they would’ve seen the thing they’re complaining about coming. I don’t want to be annoyed by this but I can’t help my thoughts always drifting back. Any suggestions?

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5 years ago

Oh my God I loved what you did for coldflash adrenaline and stay with me 🤩🤩🤩😘😘😍😍😍💛💛💛💛💓💓💓💓💓

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh...

You’re the most amazing person and I love you so much.  I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve been super busy with work and mental health problems I haven’t had the time or ability to answer this.  You’re incredible and I adore every inch of you.  You’re awesome. 

5 years ago

Whumptober Prompt #19- Asphyixiation


“Are you cooking?”  Len’s voice startled him, making him nearly drop the spoon he was using to plate.

Barry rolled his eyes at him, showing his progress. He’d been able to create a grilled chicken masterpiece, only slightly burned, with an asparagus rice pilaf on the side right under Len’s nose.  Granted, the man had been napping but it still counted.

Len raised an eyebrow at him, expecting an answer.

“I wanted to do something nice for my partner.”  Barry shrugged, trying to stamp down his blush.

“And instead you cooked?”

Barry glared at him.

Len snickered, uncaring.

“I’m not a bad cook.”  He defended himself.  “I was able to survive on my own before you started cooking for me.”

Len almost never shared the kitchen, a remnant from his past, to be able to control everything that went into his body.  Barry understood that, but he did like cooking, even if his skills were rather limited in that area.

“You were living on instant ramen, microwavable meals, and protein bars when I met you, Barry Allen.”  Len said, unimpressed.  “You couldn’t cook to save your life.”

Barry frowned.  Len hadn’t known, couldn’t know, that Barry had no issues cooking but he hadn’t wanted to show Len just how much food he truly ate.  When they’d first met, he hadn’t been used to his powers, and kept everything of a high calorie count on hand, no matter how bad it was for him.  Now, he kept most of his caloric bars and extra food at STAR labs.  Caitlyn and Cisco didn’t mind, and understood his need to keep Len out of his life as the Flash.  He’d already ruined his friendship with Patty, he wasn’t going to ruin what he had with Len.  It was too important to lose.  His mother had once said true love only came knocking once, so he better answer the door.  And he was damn well answering Len’s knock.

“Well then, you’re just gonna have to try some.”  Barry said, holding out the spoon with some of the pilaf on it.  “After all, if my life depends on it…”

Len laughed, shoving his hand away.  “I don’t think it’s your life on the line here, Scarlet.”

Barry gaped, thoroughly offended.  “You bastard.”

Len’s smile made up for it though.  “Alright, Scarlet, finish up.  I’m gonna finish up my last project.  Meant to do it before I fell asleep.  Then I’ll brave dinner.”

Len leaned over and Barry met him in the middle, sharing a quick kiss.

“Dinner will be ready in five, you better be too.”  Barry said, smacking Len’s ass.  “Or I’m poisoning it on purpose.”

Len’s laugh echoed all around the kitchen as he went back into the living room.

Barry finished plating the chicken and pilaf as best as he could, stealthy watching a YouTube video on mute.  He had no sense of style but Len liked the more sophisticated stuff, his fancy job as an architectural engineer gave him plenty of cash on hand.  Barry would’ve thought it suspicious if he hadn’t met Len’s boss, a Captain Rip Hunter, a retired RAF.

Now with dinner finished and plated, Barry thought to himself that it looked pretty damn good overall.

“Lenny!”  Barry called.  “Dinner.”

“Coming, Scarlet!”  Len replied at the same volume.

Barry shook his head, thinking if only he knew that his partner was the Scarlet Speedster, instead of turning the color scarlet when blushing.  But he knew he had to keep Len in the dark, no matter how much Len hated lies.  Len couldn’t protect himself from the likes Thawne or Zoom so Barry had to do the protecting.

“Alright, Scarlet, let’s see what creature you’ve sewn together.”  Len said.  “I’ll try not to become deathly ill at the sight of it and grace you with a name.”

Barry rolled his eyes but his laughter bubbled up anyway.  He loved it when Len showed just how much of a nerd he was, it had taken him months to get past those walls.

Len cut into the chicken, admiring it.  “Not pink in the middle, promising sign.”

Barry stared with bated breath, watching Len try a bite.

“It’s good.”  Len smiled, looking impressed.

Barry couldn’t keep the sigh of relief inside him.  “I worked really hard on this.  This is my first time cooking for you on my own.  I wanted it to be perfect.”

Len’s eyes softened, and he took Barry’s hand.

“It’s not your fault I’m a control freak.”  Len sighed.

“You’re not a control freak.”  Barry protested.

Len raised an eyebrow in sarcastic disbelief.

“You’re not.”  Barry insisted.  “You had a rough time growing up, and you’ve got some defense mechanisms, some intense coping techniques, but you don’t try to control me.  You don’t say I can’t see Joe even though you don’t like him much, or that I can’t be friends with Cisco because he’s interested in your sister.  You like to control your surroundings, Len, you’re not a control freak.”

Len pulled him into a kiss, this one more passionate, more intimate.  He knew Len had a hard time letting down his walls, his abusive father, people who only pretended to care because it got them ahead, people who didn’t like Len’s love language, it had made Len very jaded and lonely.  Barry had been one of the only ones who understood why Len did the things he did, and didn’t judge him for it.  Len once told him that he’d never understood how someone as wonderful as Barry had put up with him for so long.  Barry hadn’t gone on patrol that night, thankfully Central City got along just fine without him, and had spent the night having a serious talk about how Len was the wonderful one and Barry was the problem in their relationship.  A lot of tears had been shed that night, on both accounts, and they’d come out nigh attached at the hip.  Barry had realized Len was knocking on his door, and he knew Len had realized the same.

“Scarlet, come back to me.”  Len said, already having pulled back.

Barry snapped out of his trance.  “Sorry.  Guess I got a little caught up in the moment.”

“We could always skip dinner.”  Len teased.  “I’m sure it’ll keep.  We could continue this in the bedroom.”

Barry shoved down all the ideas that came to his mind.

“No, I want a nice dinner with you.”  Barry said, clearing his throat and purging his mind.  “I put a lot of work into this and I’m not reheating it.”

“Then dinner it is.”  Len said, scooping up a bite of the pilaf.  “I would do anything if it made you happy, Barry Allen.”

A rush of feeling washed over Barry.  Len had made declarations of love like that before, but it always felt like the first time each time.  It always made Barry fall just a little more in love with Len.

A small gasp escaped Len’s lips.  Barry blushed, he couldn’t believe his first attempt at cooking for Len was going so well.  He couldn’t believe in the three years he’d been with Len he’d never cooked for the man.

“Scar- Scarlet?  What is this?”  Len cleared his throat, wiping his face with a napkin.

“Asparagus rice pilaf.”  Barry said, frowning at Len’s unusual mannerism.

Len pulled at his throat, clearly in discomfort.

“Are you okay?”  Barry asked, his own food abandoned.  He knelt beside Len.  “Lenny, what’s wrong?”

“Is- sesame seed?”  Len choked, unable to draw a full breath.

“I used some sesame seed oil.”  Barry guessed.  “Only a teaspoon.”

While the Flash may be what he loved most, he was still a CSI by day, and he knew anaphylaxis when he saw it.

“Do you have an Epi-Pen?”  Barry asked, his panic seeping into his voice.

Len shook his head.  “Know… how to… avoid.”

Len’s lips were turning blue, as well as the skin under his eye from lack of oxygen.  An ambulance wouldn’t get there in time.  Len needed medical help immediately or he was going to die.

So Barry did what he did best.  He scooped Len into his arms, and ran.

They arrived at the hospital within seconds, Len’s eyes realizing how they’d gotten there.

“Somebody please help, he’s dying!”  Barry shouted as they entered the ER.

The ER staff sprung into action, helping Len onto a gurney and a nurse fetching an Epi-Pen, slamming it into Len’s thigh.  With a gasp, Len’s breath returned to him.  The nurses wheeled him behind doors Barry wasn’t allowed into, leaving Barry to talk to the nurse now assigned to Len’s paperwork.  He explained dinner, saying that the Flash had noticed Len being unable to breath and whisked them both to the hospital.  He left out the part where Barry had been the cook, and implied the restaurant they had clearly been out had left out the sesame seed oil from the menu, making up a false name for the restaurant.

“He’s lucky Flash saw you, hon.”  The nurse said.  “An ambulance might’ve taken too long.  The Flash saves the day again.”

“Will he be okay?”  Barry asked, unashamed of the tears now running down his face.

“He should be.”  The nurse said.  “The Flash is pretty quick, he seems to have gotten here in time.”

Barry nodded and started to fill out the clipboard the secretary had given him.

“Are you next of kin?”  The secretary asked kindly when he gave it back.

“His sister but she’s in Coast City right now.”  Barry said, knowing Lisa had gone on an impromptu business trip for the Snart family business, needing to promote Len’s particular brand.  “I can call her.”

“Just write her number here.”  The secretary held out the form and Barry dutifully wrote down the number.  “Are you his husband?”

“Partner.”  Barry said.  Len hated calling Barry his boyfriend, said it made him feel like he was twenty again and he had long left the embarrassment of his twenties behind him.

The secretary nodded.  “Just listen for his name.”

Barry nodded and sat down, hugging himself so tight, if he didn’t have the healing factor he did, he would’ve left bruises.

Forty-five agonizing minutes later, “Family of Leonard Snart?”

Barry had to stop himself from flashing over there.  “I’m his partner, Barry Allen.”

“Well Mister Allen, you were very lucky Flash was there.  Leonard is going to be just fine.”  Barry nearly collapsed in relief.  “Now we’re going to keep him overnight, just in case, but the worst should be over.”

“Thank you.  Thank you so much.”  Barry shook the outstretched hand.

“I will be prescribing him an Epi-Pen after this, by the way.” The doctor added.  “The pharmacist will go over how to use it.”

“Can I see him now?”

The doctor nodded and began to lead him through the door.  “He’ll be very tired, the medication can often make a person drowsy, so don’t be afraid if he falls asleep.  This experience must’ve been very frightening for you.”

“I didn’t even see it at first, didn’t see it.”  Barry admitted.  “I’m a bad partner, I’m sure he knows all of my allergies.”

“Cut yourself a break, you’re not the first nor will you be the last.  You know now, that’s what matters going forward.”  The doctor stopped just outside of a “room” that had no doors, only curtains.

Barry nodded, thanked the woman, and headed “inside”, past the curtains.  Len lay sleeping in a flimsy hospital gown, bed raised up, nasal cannula wrapped around his face, an IV in his arm.  Barry sat down in the standard uncomfortable hospital chair, waiting for Len to wake up.  He didn’t have to wait long.

“Who knew I had you right on the money, Barry?”  Len mumbled, his eyes fluttering open.  “You did poison me.”

“I’m so sorry.”  Barry said, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks.  “I should’ve known, I should’ve been more careful.”

Len cupped Barry’s face gentler than he deserved, wiping away the tears.

“I didn’t tell you, it’s not your fault.”  Len said.  “I should’ve figured you’d get tired of me cooking all the time.”

“No, Len, don’t blame yourself.”  Barry said, scooting closer to his partner.  “You’re the one who could’ve died, and it would’ve been my fault.”

Len shook his head.  “You didn’t know.  I didn’t tell you.  Looks like we’ve both kept secrets from each other.”

Bary blushed, unable to meet Len’s eyes.

“I guess I really do know you, even if it’s subconscious.  My Scarlet Speedster.”  Len muttered.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’ve already lost so much to being the Flash.”  Barry admitted.  “My mother was murdered by a man from the future because he hated who I was going to grow up to be, my father was wrongfully convicted of her murder and I still can’t see him unless it’s behind glass, and I can’t have a normal life anymore.  I was given these powers for a reason, Lenny, not because of random chance, but because I’m supposed to be the Hero of Central City, the Fastest Man Alive.  But because I have these powers, because I chose to put myself on the line, it puts everyone I love on the line too.  Cisco and Caitlyn, my STAR labs friends?  They’ve both been kidnapped by villains who are trying to get to me.  Captain Cold once threatened Cisco’s brother to get him to build another gun for him and I just… I couldn’t bring you into that world.  I couldn’t do that to you.  You trusted me, you were supposed to feel safe around me.  And how am I supposed to do that if I’m the Flash?”

Len stared at him, his face mostly blank with a small frown, processing Barry’s ramblings.

“It’s not that I didn’t trust you either.”  Barry continued when Len didn’t say anything.  “I trust you with my life, Lenny.  I just wanted… I just wanted you to keep yours, without any of my problems putting you in danger.”

Something slid across Barry’s hand.  Barry nearly jumped in shock, before he realized it was Len’s hand, intertwining with his.

“That’s a pretty good reason, I guess.”  Len muttered, his eyes straight ahead.  Barry squeezed his hand, giving Len time.  He had trouble making eye contact in difficult conversations, so Barry just let him stare ahead.  “I… never really considered what Flash’s family would go through for what he does.  I don’t think many people do.  Our society takes heroes for granted, thinking that they’ll always be there for us.  It’s easy to critique and praise from afar, but you’re right in the thick of it.  And now so am I.  And I’m… surprisingly okay with that.”


“Scarlet, you’re the one.”  Len pressed on, squeezing Barry’s hand like a lifeline.  “You’re the one I want to wake up to in the morning, and the last thing I wanna see before I go to sleep at night.  You make me laugh, you make me cry, you put up with my bullshit, and I put up with yours.  You make me want to go ring shopping, Lisa called it.  I’ve never wanted that before in my life.  I’ve never had anyone stick with me this long, let alone live with me who wasn’t a desperate roommate or Mick, and Mick doesn’t count.  I’ll admit, I’m a little freaked out, and I’m gonna be mad you kept it a secret a little later down the line, but for right now, with what I want… I’m good being the Flash’s partner.  I want to be the Flash’s partner.”

Barry stared at Len in amazement, unable to process Len’s words.

“That is,” Len hesitated, “if you’ll still have me.”

“Marry me.”

Len whipped his head around.  Both of them were surprised, even though the words had come out of Barry’s mouth.  But he wasn’t taking them back now.  Len knew everything and still wanted him.

“I know this is probably the worst time to ask, I don’t even have a ring or a speech, but I’m not an idiot.  You can’t say something like that and not expect me to react.”  Barry then proceeded to kneel on the ground.  “I love you, Leonard Snart, more than anyone I’ve ever loved in my life.  You’re my true love, my soulmate.  Marry me.”

“I’m taking your last name.”  Len whispered, his voice barely audible.

Barry gave a watery chuckle.  “Excuse me?”

“I’m taking your last name.”  Len said, his chest heaving, tears in his eyes.  “Always hated Snart.”

Barry felt tears well up in his own eyes.  “Is that a yes?”

“Of course it’s a yes.”  Len nodded.  “How could it be anything else?”

Barry laughed hysterically, emotionally exhausted with uncontainable ecstasy, the tears of happiness falling down his cheeks.  Even Len let a few tears slip.  Barry jumped up and kissed him, unable to control the heat and passion overflowing from the two of them.  Len pulled back sharply, coughing hard.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, are you okay, I’m so sorry.”  Barry threw himself back.

“Water.”  Len gasped out, trying to get his coughing under control.  Barry grabbed the cup on the bedside table and held it up to Len’s mouth.  Len drank slowly, the strain on his lungs easing.  Once Len was able to breathe again, Barry set the water cup down.

“Maybe we should pick this back up when you’re not recovering from a near-death experience.”  Barry said, wiping at his eyes.

Len nodded listlessly, his body slumping against the bed.

“You’re exhausted.”  Barry maneuvered around the machines and tubes to lay down beside his fiancé, and didn’t that thought send a thrill down his spine.  He wasn’t entirely sure if the hospital would allow him to sleep beside Len but at the moment, he didn’t care.  “I’m not going anywhere.  Go to sleep.”

Len adjusted so his arm was wrapped around Barry’s shoulders, their legs were intertwined, and their foreheads were almost touching.  There wasn’t really room on the bed for two people but they made do.  They always had before.

“Goodnight my hero.”  Len mumbled, already half-asleep.  “My future husband.  Husband hero.”

Barry chuckled.  “Goodnight, my darling fiancé.  I love you.”

A soft snore was his only response.  Barry allowed himself one more small smile, but snuggling into his fiancé and slipping into sleep himself.

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5 years ago

Whumptober Prompt #21- Laced Drink

Yo this one is much better I wasn’t half outta my mind with exhaustion and stress when I wrote this one.  Coldflash again folks.  Have fun


“I think someone drugged my drink.”

Len had simply been using the men’s room when a lanky, gorgeous man stumbled in, drunk off his ass.  He could barely hold himself straight up, and his face was relaxed and confused at the same time.  Len had frowned, this was the employee bathroom and what was the point of having a separate bathroom if patrons forced themselves into this one?  He didn’t have to scrub every bodily fluid off the floor every night in this bathroom.

“This is for employees only, kid.”  Len had mumbled, pointing in the direction of the customer bathroom.  “You’re looking for the one near the bar.”

The kid hadn’t responded to him, simply continuing to stare in confusion.  He was so young, he definitely got carded coming in here, and maybe Len should make sure that Sam was properly checking IDs tonight.

“How much you have to drink tonight?”  Len asked.

“One.”  The kid finally answered slowly, his voice heavy and slurred.

“One what?”   Len’s eyes raked the kid over. His fluffy brown hair was spiked up, tips spray painted pink, lavender, and blue, his pupils so dilated he could barely see the green, his runner’s physique on display under the nerdy tank top and short shorts.  He must’ve come from Pride, which was still going strong down the street, and gotten much more than a drink beforehand.  He never minded, so long as they were sober enough to properly pay the tab at the end of the night.

“One.”  The kid repeated, finally meeting Len’s eyes.  He looked like a lost puppy.

He needed to find this kid’s friends and get them to call the kid a taxi or something so he could sleep this off.

“Didn’t want to.”  The kid murmured unprompted, almost sounding hurt through the slur.

Len frowned.  This wasn’t normal behavior for inebriated people, he owned a bar, he knew highs.  This wasn’t any drug Len was familiar with.

“Who did you come here with?”  Len asked.

“Not Tony.”  Was all the kid managed to say until he said the dreaded words that always sent a chill down Len’s spine.  “I think someone drugged my drink.”

It was the first truly coherent sentence the kid had been able to say.  So he knew his attacker, that was a good sign.  That gave Len a name to throw out.

“What’s your name?”  Len said, trying to slowly approach as to not scare the kid.

“Barry.”  The kid said.  “Name’s Barry.”

The bathroom door opened, and a wall of muscle walked in. The kid whimpered.

“Hey, Barry.”  The muscle said.  “We were getting worried about him.  Thanks for finding him.  Our car’s outside, I’ll drive him home.”

Something about his words felt off to Len.

“You must be Tony, then.”  Len said easily, subtly putting himself between the kid and the muscle.  “Barry here was just telling me about you.  College friend?”

“Yeah I’m Tony.”  The wall smiled, as if Len was the stupidest man in the world.  “We were friends in high school, reconnected for Pride.”

And that was the final nail in the coffin.  He knew high school, and how this kid must’ve looked in high school.  No way the Neanderthal would be friends with the obvious nerd behind him.

“So what did he take?”  Len asked, stopping Tony from reaching behind him to get at Barry.  “I mean, he looks a little bad, maybe I should call an ambulance.”

“He’s fine.”  Tony brushed off.  “He just drank a little too much.  I can get him home.”

Tony made a brutal grab for Barry’s arm, but Len caught his hand, twisting it behind the man.  He swept his foot under Tony’s legs and got in a good punch to the face before Tony elbowed him in the gut, winding him.  Tony reached once again for Barry, yanking the kid by his shirt, ripping the HI BI shirt off Barry’s chest, sending the uncoordinated kid to the floor.

In one swift motion, Len drew his gun from his waistband, pointed it at Tony’s head and clicked off the safety.  If Tony had been so callous with a shirt, he didn’t want to think what else he would be callous with after he got what he wanted.

“Whoa, man, I don’t want any trouble.”  Tony immediately pulled his hand back to put both up, his face pale and trembling.

“Shoulda thought of that before you drugged his drink.”  Len snapped.  “I hate people like you.  Get out of my bar, and never return.  And if you drug another drink, I’ll cut your dick off.  Now get out of here.”

“Sure, man, whatever you say.”  Tony said, inching his way towards the door.

“By the way, ‘Tony’’-” Len drawled out, in the voice that Mick liked to call Captain Cold, following Tony with his gun.  “If you ever attempt to contact Barry again, so much as look in his direction, I won’t hesitate, bitch.”

Tony nodded, fear evident on his face and he took off running.

Len put the safety back on his gun, tucking back in it’s concealed holster.  He always was packing in case anyone was either dumb enough to try and rob him, or, more likely, the mob families that wanted to run Central City tried to extort him.  Last time, he had sent the Santini’s packing a little extra lead after they threatened to burn down his store.  It was infuriating enough that the bar he owned legally was threatened, but to imply that Mick would get blamed for it (Mick’s arsonistic tendencies were well-known unfortunately) was something he could not abide.

A low moan turned his attention downward.  Barry was still on the floor, struggling to stand.  He would get his arms in place and two seconds later would slip or collapse under the weight.  Through the ripped shirt he saw an unusual scar, there was a mass of scar tissue in between his collarbone and shoulder, and scars around it that seemed to run like rivers down his body.  What little left of Len’s heart bled for the kid.

“I’m calling an ambulance.”  He said, pulling out his phone.

“No hospitals!”  Barry shouted, slapping a hand wildly around at Len’s phone.  He didn’t come close but it made Len hesitate.  “No hospitals.  Please.  They’ll find out.  They can’t, please, they can’t.”

Aw, shit.  Kid came from a homophobic house.  No way was he going to send someone into that kind of pain willingly.  He knew what happened if a gay kid, whether they were adult or not, came home to those who were not willing to accept them.

“Okay, no hospitals.”  Len soothed, gently brushing down the shaved strands of Barry’s undercut.  Barry leaned into the motion.  “But you can’t stay on the bathroom floor forever.  I got a reputation to uphold.  Let’s get you a cab.”

“Cab?”  Barry’s voice was so young, so scared that it seemed almost inhuman.

That broke what little resolve Len had to the kid’s pretty face.  Len sighed and grabbed Barry under his back and knees, lifting him bridal style into his arms.  He adjusted slightly, he wasn’t as young as he was when he first bought this bar, hit the button to open the door he installed to help with Axel’s prosthetic, then started to walk out the door.  Barry tucked himself into the nape of Len’s neck, like a child in their father’s arms.  Which made sense, Len noted, as the kid seemed half his age.  He made it to the stairs leading up to his apartment when he heard Hartley calling him.

“Hey, boss, we’re almost out of- shit who’s that?”  Hartley asked, coming up to them.

“Kid got roofied.”  Len said simply.  “Can’t go to the hospital, homophobic next of kin will find out he’s obviously bi.  So I’m giving him a space for tonight so he can sleep it off.”

Hartley was his best bartender, had a photographic memory, and a killer taste in mixing new drinks.  And since Hartley was also as gay as a diamond-studded rainbow, who had been kicked out for that same reason, he understood.

“Of course, boss.  When you’re done making sure he won’t die, we’ll need more Fireball.  We’re almost out.”

Len nodded, made a mental note to grab the next case, and headed up the stairs.  He passed Mick watching hockey in the living room.

Mick didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to they’d known each other so long they were practically married, just raised an eyebrow and slightly tilted his beer.

Len repeated the information he’d given Hartley, and Mick, who Len had often gone to running to from his father, didn’t press why Len hadn’t just found his friends and forced one of them to take Barry to a safe place for the night like he would’ve done to any other drunk partier.

“When commercial comes on, get Hart a case of Fireball, we’re almost out.”  Len said.

Mick nodded, set his beer down, and left, leaving Len and Barry alone in their apartment.

So Len simply made his way to the seldom used guest room, almost thankful that Lisa was still away at college.  Not only was his sister’s room available, she wasn’t here to gloat to him about how a pretty face made him soft.  He gently pushed open the door with his hip, then set Barry down on the bed.  He gently removed Barry’s shoes and pulled the covers to his shoulders, as he had done for Lisa so many times.

“There’s a trash can right here in case you feel sick.”  Len said, gesturing to Barry where he was leaving Lisa’s small trash can.  “I’ll check up on you in a few hours.”

Quicker than a flash, a hand grabbed Len’s wrist.  “Stay.  Please.  ‘M scared.”

Now, not only was he glad Lisa was away at college but that he had already sent Mick for the Fireball, because there was no way he was leaving that small voice latching onto the barest inking of hope.  He didn’t know the kid, the kid didn’t know him, but in that moment, they were connected.  Flashbacks peppered his vision, of Lewis, a belt, a Bible, praying on his knees, trying so hard to be straight, unable to keep his own heart in check.  After everything this kid had been through, the scars, the fear, the almost assault, Len couldn’t leave.  Not when that was all he had wanted when he was younger.  It seemed Barry had gotten the savior all of their people wanted, and Len wasn’t going to screw that up.

“I won’t leave you.”  Len whispered the words he wished someone had whispered to him so many years ago and the hand tightened slightly.  Len pulled his wrist loose to replace it with his hand and sat down beside the bed.  From where he was, he could easily keep an eye on Barry while still holding his hand but rested his back against the wall.  It wasn’t the most comfortable position, he knew his knees would ache tomorrow and his back would never forgive him.

“Thank you.”

The last words that passed Barry’s lips before he succumbed to sleep made it all worth it, though.

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