Idk How That Works But Like Yeah- - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I’d like to throw my hat in here and say and Orca- if orca’s can be considered here as fish for the purpose of this concept (if not then Tim feels very Betta fish)

But okay yeah- why do I say Orca’s? Mostly because they like map onto Tim’s character traits and his story kinda well-

So uh, yeah Orcas. Orcas are pretty complex animals, they- like most other like whale, porpoise animals- live in pods and have crazy familial bonds. This ties into Tim’s big thing being his brother and the entire reason he is roped into this is his brother and a lot of things stem from his brother. Orca’s are known to even be seen honoring their dead members (mothers to stillborns will carry the calf until they can find a place to lay them and the whole pod will be there and like- it’s cool stuff) so I feel like the Orca there makes sense in my brain because like- Tim’s story feels somewhat closely connected to family and

Orca’s are also really playful; the APA (American psychological association) describes them as having traits such as “playful, cheerfulness, and affection” these traits also go into pre-s1 to s1 Tim. Before like everything goes down he is a silly guy. Well- he’s a generally cheerful and someone who tries to be generally excitable. Not to mention the entire thing with Sasha, which bleeds into this point.

Orcas are shown to experience grief. Orca’s register their own grief and others; they hold onto that grief too. Other animals are shown to do this too, but with the surrounding factors of Orcas and the cases shown where they can fall into depressive episodes (I’m looking at you, seaworld) I think even this sadder part of the animal maps on. After everything that went on during S2, once he starts his descent into self-destruction and further cynicism and everything.

Of course; Orcas are not prone to forming revenge plots (scientists think their entire ship headbutting thing is done out of playfulness) from as much as I can tell but uh yeah :3 I think they like- do the Tim thing and stuff.

What fish would Tim be

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