Okay Sorry Im Rambling - Tumblr Posts
I’d like to throw my hat in here and say and Orca- if orca’s can be considered here as fish for the purpose of this concept (if not then Tim feels very Betta fish)
But okay yeah- why do I say Orca’s? Mostly because they like map onto Tim’s character traits and his story kinda well-
So uh, yeah Orcas. Orcas are pretty complex animals, they- like most other like whale, porpoise animals- live in pods and have crazy familial bonds. This ties into Tim’s big thing being his brother and the entire reason he is roped into this is his brother and a lot of things stem from his brother. Orca’s are known to even be seen honoring their dead members (mothers to stillborns will carry the calf until they can find a place to lay them and the whole pod will be there and like- it’s cool stuff) so I feel like the Orca there makes sense in my brain because like- Tim’s story feels somewhat closely connected to family and
Orca’s are also really playful; the APA (American psychological association) describes them as having traits such as “playful, cheerfulness, and affection” these traits also go into pre-s1 to s1 Tim. Before like everything goes down he is a silly guy. Well- he’s a generally cheerful and someone who tries to be generally excitable. Not to mention the entire thing with Sasha, which bleeds into this point.
Orcas are shown to experience grief. Orca’s register their own grief and others; they hold onto that grief too. Other animals are shown to do this too, but with the surrounding factors of Orcas and the cases shown where they can fall into depressive episodes (I’m looking at you, seaworld) I think even this sadder part of the animal maps on. After everything that went on during S2, once he starts his descent into self-destruction and further cynicism and everything.
Of course; Orcas are not prone to forming revenge plots (scientists think their entire ship headbutting thing is done out of playfulness) from as much as I can tell but uh yeah :3 I think they like- do the Tim thing and stuff.
What fish would Tim be
General trigger warning everything I say is like actually insane. Anyone who like, doesn’t want to hear about a kid exploding mayhaps skip over ,:3
At least with the impact and the heat of the orb of gold along with his jewelry suction cupping(/hj) himself to said orb of doom at least it is very likely that he just. Blipped, his brain probably conked out and then he just blew up. Which is not a good what to go but I don’t think he’d have much time to be in pain. He’d have maybe 30-45 seconds to be like “aaaa” and then he’s out. Then with the impact of the imperial gold death orb, Gaea, and Festus all exploding Octavian’s body got blown to bits or just incinerated. Which, bad news for his funeral but, I mean at least he wouldn’t be conscious for much of it. Of course this is assuming the giant orb of doom is hot enough from being tons and tons of magical gold concentrated together (though imperial gold probably operates differently the real gold? Seeing as If it didn’t I’d assume most people would not be able to swing around their gladii. Although I can’t calculate the weight of a golden Gladius due to the density and volume of a Gladius being like. Impossible information to come by but they’d be heavy and stuff) this also brings up the whole “how are we launching gold into the air if it’s gold.” But whatever I’m spiraling into a tangent.
Summary methinks Octavian just ka-pow and got dusted. Seeing as the imperial gold was like. Steaming if I remember correctly and I don’t think Festus racing in with a in fire Leo (I think he was on fire idk I don’t remember BoO) would help at all with the stability of said orb of doom. Have I put too much thought into his death? Mayhaps but uh. I also took time to consider the exact swing projection was of a character beating someone to death with a metal pole so really I expect only the worst from me lol. This brings up the bag of worms of how unstable a material imperial gold seems to be in high amounts and stuff, and like i want to know more about its properties because everything we learn about it just makes this metal more like. Whaaaa, okay yeah sorry I’m rambling
Just realized something in PJO
Since Octavian died via burning, he not only had a long and excruciatingly painful death, but if he has any loving family they won’t get his body back to bury it, because it’s completely charred
That’s horrifying. I get he’s a terrible person, but dang!