Idk What Do Y'all Think - Tumblr Posts
//oh jebus help me decide
I've been thinking about this for a while, but maybe when I launched this remade blog, I should have fast-forwarded it to after they've been saved from the Void and everyone is on the surface.
Void shenanigans are fun and all, but I'm afraid it becomes...stagnant? The previous blog was all set in the Void as well. And as much as I want to make this a semi-story blog and illustrate how they escape (and other things), I simply dont have the time and ability to dedicate to it...
Post-saved, I could expand and grow on how Monsterkind is doing on the surface, how Tatters and Webdings are adjusting to it all, and even introduce more characters for y'all to bother lol. I have others that I really want to bring to light, but sadly they're not available until post-saved.
They would still be capable of entering and leaving the void and timeline-hopping won't be a problem. And I'll still tag stuff that happens during other times (like during the war, during their entrapment in the void). It just feels like it would breathe more life into the blog, or at least push me to work more on it because it will be a lot more open.
Revamping the blog would take some time, but idk I feel like it would be worth it? Plz help me decide. >.<
And again apologies for the silence otherwise, still been incredibly tired and have been in a weird place mentally.
My little sister has been rebelling against the status quo (she says SQUIPidi instead of skibidi)