void-bound-souls - Void-Bound

Indie - Semi-selective - OC/Multifandom friendly - Ask/rp blog for the heavily-headcanoned Gaster known as "Tatters" and his older brother, Webdings.

27 posts

Void-bound-souls - Void-Bound - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

//if we have to keep dealing with the porn bots, Tumblr should just allow NSFW again. Cowards

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2 years ago
I Forgot To Post Here That I Participated In An Echo Gaster Tribute A Group Made! :> It Premieres In

I forgot to post here that I participated in an Echo Gaster tribute a group made!  :>  It premieres in like 5 hours!

I can’t seem to imbed the video and I have to run to work, but here’s a link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iruWvaW-73g&ab_channel=NatsuneNuko

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2 years ago

//I should probably make an official post or something saying I'm on an indefinite hiatus huh.

I'm so sorry, between having little to no energy outside of work and stress with other life things, I cant seem to focus here. I thought starting fresh would help, but... I can't even draw anymore.

I'll try to be back sometime. Idk, I love and miss my babies/rping with people too much to just drop it.

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3 years ago

//oh jebus help me decide

I've been thinking about this for a while, but maybe when I launched this remade blog, I should have fast-forwarded it to after they've been saved from the Void and everyone is on the surface.

Void shenanigans are fun and all, but I'm afraid it becomes...stagnant? The previous blog was all set in the Void as well. And as much as I want to make this a semi-story blog and illustrate how they escape (and other things), I simply dont have the time and ability to dedicate to it...

Post-saved, I could expand and grow on how Monsterkind is doing on the surface, how Tatters and Webdings are adjusting to it all, and even introduce more characters for y'all to bother lol. I have others that I really want to bring to light, but sadly they're not available until post-saved.

They would still be capable of entering and leaving the void and timeline-hopping won't be a problem. And I'll still tag stuff that happens during other times (like during the war, during their entrapment in the void). It just feels like it would breathe more life into the blog, or at least push me to work more on it because it will be a lot more open.

Revamping the blog would take some time, but idk I feel like it would be worth it? Plz help me decide. >.<

And again apologies for the silence otherwise, still been incredibly tired and have been in a weird place mentally.

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3 years ago

//Sorry again for no activity. Seasonal (?) depression is royally kicking my arse right now, as well as it's a busier time of year. Hopefully in January things will ease up...

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3 years ago

//that moment when your brain is currently locked onto the wrong muse or onto a muse that has nothing to do with your blog

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3 years ago


Already off balance from her swing, and frankly, out of practice, Mara lets loose a howl as she’s grappled and lashed by the void tendrils she cannot dodge. As each grasps on her bare skin, her face, her neck, her hands, the purple flame flares a brilliant white as the scent of burning charcoal fills the air.

Gods, it’s so dark again and she’s melting and screaming- no, she will NOT GO BACK-

In desperation, her entire body lets loose an explosion of flame, the heat swallowed whole by the nothingness around it. However, it should be -plenty- bright for the tendrils, which she tears away from ferociously. She doesn’t even register the other presences, and sense of utter panic gripping her limbs as she sprints in any direction besides here. Not again, never again.


“Well your mother can go have a lovely meal without me!” She yells, aching and weary.

A squawk escaped the creature.  How dare it, how dare it!

What remained of the tendrils thrashed and vanished once again into the murk.  Pain radiated through it, but it wasn’t going to stop now.  No, not when it felt that help was rapidly approaching.

Two points of contact against the Void’s surface.

A wicked grin curled on its beak.

Two points of contact became four...

The grin faltered-

Heavy thuds of skeletal paws announced the other’s presence several seconds before a massive, horned canine charged into view.  Eyelights flaring orange magic glanced at the fleeing source of violet flames only briefly before locking on target.

The void monster had begun flailing backwards the moment it realized its situation, but he barreled forward, swiping a paw at it while beginning to enter into a tumble.  His claws snagged onto its gooey frame, a shriek escaping it as the bones warped and bent into fingers that then gripped it tightly.  The skeleton’s massive form shrunk rapidly, fluidly, as he rolled and jumped back up on his feet, clutching a now rather terrified creature.

“Picking on someone again, Doctor?”

It refused to speak at all.  Only grunts and whimpers came from it as tendrils shakily tried to pry itself out of his grasp.  The orange magic in his eyelights faded back to white rings as he looked to see if he would also need to chase down the visitor or not.  He even hesitated for a moment, realizing that for once, they weren’t a Gaster.

A quick glance would tell that he was currently a humanoid skeleton clad in bronze armor, however a tail ending in scythe-shaped bone trailed from him, as well as a closer inspection would show that he was...questionably solid.  Armor and bone shouldn’t mix together in areas like they were made of putty.

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3 years ago

//Apologies for the lack of activity, this month has been quite busy. @.@"

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3 years ago


“ I͞'̀m al҉wáy̶s҉ ͘wh̶erę ̀I̸'̷m ͜m͘eant́ ̡t̛o͝ ͟b̴e͠.” 

With little hesitation, Mara draws out her blade, the immediate area surging with light and heat, an attempt to stun her pursuer. However, it clearly seems undeterred, even as… corrupted as it seems. Her Dao blade, curved and glowing with a white flame, arcs gracefully through the voidspace, leaving behind a trail of plasma that lingers long after. The elemental grimaces, reading her stance, eyeing the monster warily. Were they a flower once? A snake? Either way, she just wants to move on, and hopefully avoid a conflict. 

“ Fo͢r no͡w,͡ I͘'m̶ pa͟ss̴ing ͜th̴ŕo͜ug̕h.͟ W̵h҉y ̡d͏oņ'́t͟ y̡ou͞-͏ HRR̵K̨-”

Her words cut off as the monster lunges, and she swings her sabre with a forceful huff, only to miss. Growling, she tries to leap back, only for one foot to be ensnared after the other, knocking her off balance. Fear surges in her throat, clamping it down as she tumbles back with a loud, crackling yelp. 

Wordless disgust lingers in the back of her mind, a war veteran, a murderer of hundreds, reduced to this.


Slashing once more, she cuts off the vines, scrambling to her feet and panting heavily. 

“ L͜e͠á́͜v̨e͜҉̶ ̨͞m͏̛e͡ ͟B͜͝͝E.̨”

Oh, the light was sharp in more than just a visual way.

A small cackle of glee escaped the creature when the first swing missed, however it shifted into a hiss when the second made contact.  The severed vines flailed wildly until they lost their shape and melded back into the void.  It stung, it stung.

The vines withdrew, only to reform and lash out again tenfold in an downward sweep from above.  The light proved to be a dangerous intruder, yes, it needed to be snuffed out.

Shudders and trembles not noticeable to the other in the void indicated to it that there were two other presences, both closing in at different speeds.  Might be good, might be bad, but it had time.

“Mother says don’t be long, she’s making dinner~” the soft voice chirped again, the glowing orbs within the crooked beak forming crescents in delight.

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3 years ago

Which Undertale song are you?



if you were a movie, you’d be a romcom that starts with two people bumping into each other in a bookstore. i don’t know why or how, but. you would


an ending

it’s not what you expected. not what you wanted. you tried your best, you reached a goal, but are you really satisfied? are you really happy? (or maybe youre just as upset with the idea of undying dying as i am)

Tagged by: @bcrnt-petcls

Tagging: Anyone who would like to do it!

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3 years ago

A starter for @bow-tie-bartender

The chatter around the camp was considerably energetic today. News spread that there was a cluster of new recruits joining their particular group, which eventually reached the two skeletons that also inhabited the campsite. The smaller of the two, Wingdings, nervously tugged at the sleeves of his cloak, hoping that the royal monster crest on his chest was noticeable enough in the mild chaos in case a memo wasn’t passed along of his...recruitment.  A quick glance upwards showed that the sun was still fresh in the sky...  He wasn't sure when he would be summoned back to the medic tents, but for now, it might be worth viewing who was new in case.

Would there be more like him? Probably not... A busy monster accidentally grazed his arm passing by, causing a small flinch before he regained his composure and clutched at a sleeve tighter. He wished Aki was around, but she was needed for something important she said... She would comment that this would be good social experience for him, wouldn't she?

It was more out of curiosity than anything, for a flurry of questions bogged his mind. Aki may have tried explaining how many have come from far and wide to aid in the war, but he just couldn't quite fathom it. The main question he had...

Was why.

Wingdings' bright eyelights grew lost in thought, his once purposeful pace dwindling to an absent-minded wander. The bustling monsters, the earth and dust tossed up into the air, the chatter...it began to fade away. An anxious pang in his soul scolded him for it, but at times, he just couldn't help it.

At least there was a cautious eye keeping tabs on him. The larger of the two, Webdings, was stationed near the entrance of the recruitment tent, watching as monsters passed by. Reluctantly, he was in his smaller form as to not startle any of the newcomers. It was a little bit of a scuffle between him and Wingdings to get the helmet on though...his skull itched.

Occasional sniffs of the air also accustomed him to the new scents, the new monsters...therefor less unusual scents to investigate on patrols. Anyone thinking of approaching him however was met with an intense glare. He was there to assist in case there was a human hidden amongst the rabble, or in case one scuffled with another...or if the pup got himself into trouble. Otherwise...he couldn’t care less.

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3 years ago

Churning, twisting, coiling to the breath of the void.

A ripple of discomfort, an intruder-

Like a thorn in its side.

Tendrils crept along the darkness, curling in agitation to the sound of the light speaking. Annoying, annoying-

It couldn't voice its own thoughts though, a soft, timid buzz echoed instead, "L-lovely d-day, lov-vely day. A-are yo-u-u lost?"

The tendrils lifted from the murk, exposing thorns and slightly distorting into a pale, viscous goop. The source slid out of hiding, finally able to gaze better up at the light that pierced through the darkness. It was only a few feet tall, wilted, crooked, oozing akin to an amalgamate, with a singular eye studying her intently. From the shape and layers of its face, perhaps it was a flower at some point.


Churning, Twisting, Coiling To The Breath Of The Void.

It twitched and peeled back the layers, exposing rows of teeth in rings around the beak in the center, twin lights gazing from within. The ever-so-pleasant buzzing voice echoed again, however the creature's malicious intent finally seeped through. "I am too."

The vines snaking across the ground swept forward, first aiming for Mara's feet in hopes of snaring them.

starter for @void-bound-souls

The moment the temperature drops, she knows she’s hit a new section of the void. It’s the best way to find new places, meet new people!

Unfortunately, its also the best way to find trouble. Mara glances around warily, shouldering her pack as she continues on her way. She’s done this before time and time again, but the unease never truly leaves.

Something slinks out of the corner of her eye, and she remains still, unwilling to tip off any possible pursuers. Gods, she hates the dark. She hums a simple crackling tune, one hand silently slinking to the aetherspace where she stores her sword.

Starter For @void-bound-souls

“̷S̶u̴r̷e̸ ̷i̸s̴ ̵a̶ ̶f̵i̵n̸e̵ ̶d̴a̶y̴ ̴f̷o̶r̴ ̴a̴ ̴s̶t̷r̵o̷l̷l̸,̵ ̶i̷s̸n̴’̸t̴ ̸i̵t̶?̴”̷

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3 years ago

Tatters: Th-the test results came in. I'm sorry...y-you are diagnosed...with Furry.


Web: ...What's a furry?

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3 years ago

//Tatters has a laser pointer in his inventory. Even if it's for someone else, dont doubt for a second that he will use it on Web.

Not even he can resist the quick purple dot and he hates it.

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3 years ago

What Are You the God of

//whoops I have no icons for this


patron of amends

it is not the most gratifying of works, but someone must oversee it. making amends is a tricky, slippery thing: they require sincerity and devotion, open ears and naked hearts. you cannot guarantee acceptance, only the sliver of time in which they can be seen and heard and attempt repentance. think of a festering wound and the healer that must clean and close it, plagued by the thought of underlying infection, amputation, certain death. consider of the likelihood of those terrors, but also: think of the injured at rest, then nursed back to full health and continuing to live a fruitful life. you are the god of tenderness and volatility, of intimate vulnerability and deep breaths, of searching for a safe place to land. god of misty eyes, god of the strength to still shaking hands, god of realizing wrongdoings and personal failures. defender of the prideful who are working towards humbleness, of sinners that will never again be entirely righteous. the one who blesses those fighting to make things right, falling onto swords and walking through fire if it can afford even just the smallest chance at forgiveness. the planter of the seed of closure, that will grow only when nurtured.


patron of tough love

let it be known: you do not stand by and approve of those who actively seek to hurt the ones they claim to love. but just because it is love, does not mean that it will always be soft. think of how a pack of wolves operate: strategic, deliberate, protective, entirely capable of ripping out throats and still raising their young with a burning love. think of the promise of safety in such a group, but also the devastation, should you betray its loyalty and upheave the order in place. you are the god of temperance, of caretakers, and of all those who must carry the weight of responsibility, even when it threatens to crush them dead. god of bending and enforcing rules, god of fair trial and punishment, god of breaking vicious cycles. protector of older siblings and of soft things needing thicker skin. deliverer of hard-fought clarity in a fit of rage, weaver of reason into discipline. you teach them how to be strong, to be consistent, in a world that demands them to choose cruelty. the grantor of armistice at the end of a long war, the one who blesses the hardened and makes them rest.

Tagged by: @bcrnt-petcls

Tagging: @bow-tie-bartender @windingdongs @pangobat annnnd whomever else would like to do it!

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3 years ago

//Yoo if anyone wants my Discord to chat through, feel free to PM me!

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3 years ago
//New Job Is Taking A Lot Of Energy Out Of Me, But Please Have Some Sketches And Tidbits Of Info/thoughts
//New Job Is Taking A Lot Of Energy Out Of Me, But Please Have Some Sketches And Tidbits Of Info/thoughts
//New Job Is Taking A Lot Of Energy Out Of Me, But Please Have Some Sketches And Tidbits Of Info/thoughts

//New job is taking a lot of energy out of me, but please have some sketches and tidbits of info/thoughts on the bois set back when they were in the Monster/Human War!

#1  Tatters = puppy in Web’s brain.  Gotta keep the smol safe and if that requires picking him up to move him, he will.

#2  Skeleton constructs were originally created to just go until they couldn’t anymore, but turns out monster food (magic) can replenish their energy.  So Web is making a Stinky Face(tm) because eating food??  That's weird yo. But Tats loves trying all the things, even if it’s just a dry bar of rations!  He even cried a little the first time he tried something because it was a whole new sensation that was surprisingly pleasant?  And that’s not a common thing in the war.  I wanted to add to this with a sketch of Web offering bone instead because that's how he heals/regains mass, buuuut that's a warhound thing so it doesn't fly with Tatters.  He shall remain forever smol to Web's disappointment.

#3  During this time, Web is very aggressive and mostly feral, but he will not purposefully hurt Tatters, even if he puts himself in harms way.  Tatters knows this, but it’s still terrifying to try keeping an angry warhound from ripping some new ones.  Also, the armor is a tiny incentive to keep Web in his smaller form, but there were a few times when he popped out of it anyway.  There’s a whole thing behind the armor I might sketch out stuff later for that too.

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3 years ago

//Been searching for a job and getting settled in irl ahhhh

totes wanna do stuff here, just busy atm!

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3 years ago

//JK the previous answer I couldn’t help it

//JK The Previous Answer I Couldnt Help It

Cue delighted skeleton noises!  Stars he missed him.


Cue 300 of bat-ass tackling his skeleton husband

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3 years ago

Maybe tackling a goop/skeleton monster isn’t a good idea...

(You also may have accidentally taken part of his spine and whatever was left of his pelvis.)


Cue 300 of bat-ass tackling his skeleton husband

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3 years ago


Interested in the misadventures of a dork of a Gaster and his cantankerous doggo brother?  Please take a gander!  It’s an easy-going ask/rp blog that’s OC/Canon/Duplicate/Crossover friendly.

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3 years ago

//And Followed!

//I’ve gone over my list of blogs I followed on my old blog (ATatteredSoul) and re-followed here!  If you’re an rp/ask blog, the reason is obvious lol.

If you’re an art blog/personal, ahhhh I’m sorry I don’t have a personal nor feel like making a personal and juggling multiple blogs, I love seeing your art on my dash tooooo I hope ya’ll don’t mind!



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3 years ago

//Tag List?

Oh boy gimme a bit to get used to using Tumblr again.  I might make them fancy later but for now sweet and simple sounds good to me.


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