Idolize - Tumblr Posts
Idolize is a fanfic idea that I started to write on Wattpad, until I got into Tumblr again.
So I am writing it here instead, or phrasing.
Because I am lazy and suck at writing currently. Or just not experienced enough to write it the way I think the story deserves to be written. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.
So if you see it over on Wattpad, I am just moving it to a different platform. I might still update it there, but chances are slim.
I also will be transferring over some of my other work from that account.

You could never see her
And yet you want to be her
With how she sings on that stage
It's like she's putting put up a charade
Her mystic visage
Is it just a mirage
Her beautiful age
Is it all for stage
Do you think all that pain
Is worth the rage
Or are you as blind
As her and I
To the tears that fall from her eyes
Is it worth those 15 minutes
Or is just another gold ticket
I implore you to stick around
And find out how this canary
Got caged and got out
All we know of this story
And the marionette of this quarry
Listen well and listen wide
As I tell you the story of
Starlight Hyde

People running in different directions.
Instructions being shouted in all directions.
And in the middle was a gaggle of girls and their manager, standing in one location.
Even with all the hustle and bustle you could still hear what he said clearly,
As if he wanted the whole world to know.
"Look at you girls, you’ve grown so much. Starlight's new single hit number one on the charts. CANDYS ‘album has hit the top 100. And not to mention being the guest appearance on that popular afternoon Tv show. Aren’t we glad that the host was a fan of Starlight’s. You guys have another concert tomorrow to celebrate your 2nd year anniversary and it the dress rehearsal looked great today. Good job Starlight… and girls. A toast is in order, you all did great."
He walked them to their changing room.
Then as the man exited the scene, all but one huddled together.
They had locked her out, like always.
She was excluded.
She sat outside their circle, as they gossiped and grimaced in front of her face.
As if they didn’t care.
As if she didn’t exist.
"Honestly it sounded like he just wanted to congratulate Starlight. He doesn't care about the rest of us."
“Her new single did get number one. Maybe that’s why.”
“But he always talks about her. What’s so special about her?”
“I know right? She’s not even that cute.”
“And she’s so dull. Why doesn’t he pay attention to me?”
“Or at least anyone but her.”
“She’s just a hog.”
"She’s so mean."
"What's the point?"
There was a long silence in the room. The sound of ice clicking together in the cup was heard by all.
"Maybe we should just graduate already."
There was a shift in the table as someone jumped up. Knocking into the table.
"No! You can't. I need you guys. The company needs you guys."
"No, you don't. In fact, nobody needs us. Our manager does not care. I don’t think the fans even care.”
A pensive face appeared on her. She just couldn't understand. Why would they say that. That's not true! Even if she knew deep down that it was true, she couldn't accept that. They can't leave.
"That's not true, he does! He mentioned the album and it raising in the ranks. He wouldn't have if he didn't care. And the fans would riot if you guys suddenly disappeared.”
"Oh come on Starlight. The fans don’t care. And he obviously did it to not sound bias. We all heard him raving about your up-and-coming single. And it's no wonder he did, you know how much money the company makes off you. You are all he cares about, we're just collateral."
"That's not true! He's proud of you, of us. We did great in that album and poured our hearts and souls into it. He knows it. This is a huge accomplishment for the group, for us. We'll be world-renowned in no time. And he knows that. It's not just me, it's all of u-"
"SHUT UP. He doesn't give a fuck about the rest of us. The only thing he liked from the album was your solos. I heard him say it to the other managers. 'Starlight was so good. The rest suck though, but at least they make Starlight look better blah blah blah.' He couldn't care less. After all, you the company's golden goose, this group was made around you. All the interns practically worship the ground you walk on. Managers, fight for you. Executives, “whatever you want”. PR team, it doesn't matter. News reporters, you can do no wrong. Gossip mags, she's the greatest. Fans, we'd DIE for you. Hell, even other celebrities LOVE you. He doesn't care about us, they don't care about us. It wouldn't matter if we all quit, as long as you're here nobody would bat an eye. They would just hire our replacements or something off the bat. I bet the only reason we still have our jobs is because of you. Well, am I right?"
You couldn't lie. It was true. They had almost been terminated a couple of times. But you fought for them every time. You wonder if the cared or were insulted. After all it's not like they liked you.
"I fucking knew it. He doesn't care because he has you. What's the point in being a part of this group if I'm always going to play second fiddle to the same pompous, immature brat."
Your manager had returned awhile ago. Listening the whole time. Biting his tongue or more of peacefully observing, watching what you'd say. It's only when he felt like they had gone far enough, did he say something. His calm demeanor turned cold in seconds, slamming both hands on the table rattling the drinks on it.
"CAMI! Be nicer to Starlight! Or else I'll have you terminated."
"See, I told you. Let's go girls."
And with that they left.
Without her.
She was alone, so alone.
Even as her manager slowly wrapped his arms around her in comfort, she felt so alone.
More alone than ever before.
They hate me
Maybe... I should just go
Maybe... I should just leave
Escape to where no one can find me...
Because I'm tired...
I'm tired of this.
The saddest tune is sung by thee
Will no one answer her plee

I don’t own and of the dividers
kurtwood is my lana.