If Anyone Wants To Drop An Ask Ir Two - Tumblr Posts
Writing Ask Game: Fruit Theme!
Send me a fruit and I’ll respond with a short share!
Optional: Include the name of the WIP you’d like me to talk about!
🍏 Share a scene from your first chapter
🍐 Share a scene from the climax of your WIP
🍎 Share a scene where a character is tempted by something/someone
🍊 Share a scene with some description that you’re proud of
🍋 Share a scene that involves love (platonic too!) and/or friendship
🍌 Share a scene that includes comedy/humour or jokes
🍉 Share a scene where your character is happy or excited
🍇 Share a scene where your character gets angry or upset
🍓 Share a scene involving a dream or an ambition
🍈 Share a scene where your character opens up or confesses something
🍒 Share a scene where a character succeeds at something
🥝 Share a scene where a character fails at something
🍑 Share a scene where two (or more!) characters work together
🥭 Share a scene that introduces a new character
🍍 Share a scene where a character relaxes or has downtime
🥥 Share a scene where a character makes a discovery