Ignore The Fact I Need A Haircut - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
A person dressed in 1910s style menswear. A boater covers his face and he has slicked hair. He has a shirt with a high stiff collar with a grey and orange patterned bow tie. The cool grey jacket has three buttons with only the top button done. He has his hand in his navy trouser's pocket showing a gold watch chain hanging on a bright blue patterned vest. He has a blue pocket square that matches the vest and black button shoes.

Oops new period interest. (Click for better picture resolution.)

The jacket is 1950s. The shirt is 1930s with a probably Edwardian collar, and the vest I made.

I suppose I’ll add some info on the vest here since I keep forgetting to make more posts (sorry). Some might know, but for those who don’t the print is Strawberry Thief by William Morris, which he successfully made in 1883. He came up with the idea when he saw thrushes eating his strawberries from his kitchen window.

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