Ii Mephone2g - Tumblr Posts
Mephones meet silly cat!

this place seems incredible...but it's like purgatory

yay inspirade in the TPOT 11 intro

"AU" by @s7garst5r ><

all mephones with mepad are trans/enby!
Like if you agree
Some queer edits that i made with my headcanons grrrrr....(1/2)

Others made pets for the contestans...im gonna made pets for meeple>:)

All the males uses he/it and all the females uses she/it,info:
-Dan:cat carthusian and mephone2G pet
-Luly:cat russian blue and mephone3G pet
-Mike:cat angora and mephone3GS pet
-Micheal:dog labrador and mephone4 pet
-Ron:dog labrador and mephone4S pet
-Milky:hamster campbell and mepad pet
-Fifi:cat ragdoll and mephone5 pet
-Scarlet:cat bombay and mephone5S pet
-Bobby:cat eastern and mephone5C pet
-Lassie:doberman and mephone6 pet
-Rex:doberman and mephone6+ pet
-Aria:bunny california and mephone7 pet
-Max:bunny rex and mephone7+ pet
-Laika:unknown cat race and mephoneX pet
-Birde:some kind of white bird and steve cobs pet