Ikevamp Scenarios - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
robin-the-enby - Never meant to be human
robin-the-enby - Never meant to be human

Lazy morning with Comte

Lazy Morning With Comte

Words: 516

Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified, but Comte calls you chérie; established relationship.

Lazy Morning With Comte

He’s been awake for a while now, but he wants to savor this peaceful moment with you. With his chest pressed against your back and his arms wrapped securely around you, he envelops you in his embrace, softly nuzzling his face into your hair from time to time.

Comte both feels and hears it when your breathing changes pace, meaning you’re waking up too. A soft yawn escapes your lips as you stretch, and your hand goes to his arm to loosen it from around your body, but he tightens his hold.

“Hm…?” you hum under your breath, turning your head to glance at your lover with a hint of confusion. “Well, bonjour,” you smile warmly as you realize he is awake.

“Bonjour, chérie,” he chuckles at the confusion on your face.

You turn the rest of your body to face him fully, giving him a peck on the lips. He holds you in place by the neck to give you a proper morning kiss, and you can’t help but giggle, warmth spreading through your heart.

“Have you been awake for long?”

“Not too long,” he replies, kissing your forehead.

“What time is it?” you mumble, propping yourself up on your elbow to glance at the clock. “It’s almost time to get up.”

“It is,” he replies, his arm gently guiding you back down onto the mattress and into his arms.

“I should get up already.”

“If you want to,” he smiles with such affection that his eyes crinkle.

“Yes,” you yawn, covering your mouth with the palm of your hand as you look at him with the same loving gaze he gives you. “This way, I can take my time getting ready before helping Sebas.”

“Of course.” He shifts his arm around you, adjusting his hold on your body.

You chuckle softly. “Comte?”

“Yes, chérie?” he entwines his legs with yours.

“Can I get up?”

He is still smiling at you, trying to disguise his true intentions of not letting you leave his arms so soon today.

“Excellent question,” he hums, pretending to ponder the answer. “Can you?” He peppers kisses on your face.

“Alright, I’ll stay,” you concede with a contented sigh, “But in a few minutes, it’s going to be an obligation, you know.”

“It never is,” he murmurs, trailing his kisses down your neck and nuzzling his face there. “I’m giving you the day off.”

“Comte,” you laugh softly as his lips tickle your skin. “I can’t do that.”

“I can.”

“I have lots of things to do with Sebastian. We’ll have a busy afternoon today.”

“Then it’s settled. You’ll rest at least in the morning.”

He abruptly pulls you closer, causing your body to collide with his, and he tucks your face under his chin as a squeak escapes you. Comte laughs and kisses the top of your head, placing one hand on your head and the other on your back, rubbing relaxing circles with his fingertips while ensuring to keep you as close as possible.

You huff, knowing it’s a lost battle.

You end up taking the whole day off.

Lazy Morning With Comte

Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chevcore @fang-and-feather


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