Ikevamp X Reader - Tumblr Posts
150+ followers celebration!
AN: Hello everyone! First of all, i want to say thank you for everything. Thank you for the support, following and liking/reblogging. I am really thankful and happy! (That goes for followers and not).
I decided to open a new kind of requests with prompts to celebrate! (Keep in mind that i will finish all the other requests that are in my inbox, along with them, so stay tuned for more~). Thank you for taking the time to read!
(You will be able to find more info in the pinned masterlist!)
Which are the fandoms i will write for:
Ikemen Prince (all characters, would like to include the new ones, but a warning if they sound too ooc, due to not having stories of them yet)
Ikemen Vampire (All characters)
Ikemen Revolution (All characters)
You can request: Fluff, Angst, Smut (or a mix)
You can pick one or more prompts to put in a one-shot/Headcanons
Please don’t request anything with non-canon ab*s*, r*p*, or child romantic relationships!
You can request x reader/Mc/Alice/Belle and choose what gender you want! (female, male, gender neutral). If the gender isn’t mentioned, then the request will get written with a g.n. reader.
You can request non-romantic one-shots/hcs (ex. friendship between characters, an old memory of theirs and more).
You can always add extra information for a more specific request!
I will write:
Headcanons (you can the characters you want, even all of them!)
~Dialog prompts~
“Come and sleep with me”
“Don’t leave me.”
“I promise to love you forever.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Happy Birthday!”
“I will protect you, no matter the cost.”
“It’s cold, let’s cuddle.”
~General prompts~
Family moments
Sick days
Sleeping on the other’s legs
Pillow talk
Different types of kisses (soft, passionate, peck)
Date night
~Smut prompts under the cut~
Mutual Masturbation
Watching each other masturbate
Caught in the act (please specify what kind of catching/what act)
Public area (you can request the place, if you would like)
🎉🎊🎉 1K!!! 🎉🎊🎉
I'm so happy for you!!!!! You deserve all the love and admiration, my dear. Not only is your writing fantastic, you're sweet and I definitely consider you a friend of mine here. I appreciate you 💕
Now... could I request Theo and kissing to prove a point for your 1k celebration? I feel that's very him haha.

A/N: Here you are, @yarnnerdally 💜
Theo x f reader
Prompt: A Kiss to Prove a Point
Word Count: 1203

It has taken days of planning and many sleepless nights, but now you are finally done. The petite art gallery on the west side of Paris is decorated with elegant floral garlands and soft, twinkling fairy lights, all highlighting the theme of the collection: Romance. You’re tired, but it is a satisfied kind of tired, the kind that settles into your muscles and bones like a lioness sinking down onto the soft Savannah earth after a rewarding hunt. The artist behind the collection had been no one, just another street painter trying to sell his offerings to mildly interested tourists when you had noticed him and his work, stopping dead in your tracks to admire a painting of a couple locked in a warm embrace. They lay in a field of green grass and small pink blossoms, wrapped in one another’s arms. They're bathed in soft yellow sunshine, locked together in an eternal summer kiss. Something about the painting had felt so inviting, so real, you had pressed the tips of your fingers against your lips, your heart swelling with a wave of longing to be kissed the same way. By a certain someone.
Theo had agreed with you, once you had managed to drag him away from the mansion and back to the park where the artist was slowly packing up his wares. Buffeted by the man’s potential, you had worked together on putting together a showing of his paintings, drumming up funds from various patrons until you had enough for your showcase.
Now you walk through the small gallery, drinking in the fruits of your labor.
“There you are.” Theo’s deep voice cuts through your reverie and you turn to see him approaching you, glass of sparkling champagne in hand. He hands you one which you take with an appreciative smile.
“Cheers,” you say, lifting it towards him.
“Proost,” he answers, clinking glasses with you. Your gazes hold (you could swim forever in all that blue) Before the moment stretches into something too long to be insignificant, you both raise the delicate crystal flutes and drink. The cascade of bubbles feels like it's not just rushing down your throat but through your entire body. You blink, turning towards the painting you are closest to.
It’s the passionate couple, kissing in the summer field. The one that had so immediately caught your attention. You sigh, a light, dreamy sound that pours itself over Theo like silk, sending an unexpected rush of heat through his body. He rubs his face, turning away to hide any color that may have risen to his chiseled cheeks. You don't notice, eyes glued to the figures as you allow yourself another sip of champagne. Now, in the dimmer lighting of the art gallery late at night, there is something even more sensual about the way the couple is holding each other. His hand pressed against the rounded curve of his lover's hip, her fingers curled against the side of his neck, intimate, possessive.
“This is as satisfying as a real kiss,” you murmur, head tilting as you continue to admire the art. What pulls you out of your rose-colored haze is the decidedly unromantic snort from your right.
“If you think a painting can replace a real kiss, then you haven’t been kissing the right person, hondje.”
He’s smirking as he takes a sip of his drink, his impossibly blue eyes looking over the painting. The fairy lights are having the same effect on him as they do the artwork: he looks unfathomably beautiful, his golden hair darker than in the daylight, his face a sculptor’s dream of perfectly balanced features.
Maybe it’s the champagne. Maybe it’s the intimacy of the late hour. Maybe it’s the fact that you have been spinning from one task to another all day long without a chance to spend any time with him. It has to be something because the following words come out of your mouth:
“Prove me wrong.”
Three little words that stop the earth from turning, that grab hold of Theo’s lungs with such force that the next inhale shakes. Three little words that hang in the air between you, vaguely foreboding like flickering neon or distant thunder.
Warning flashes through your mind and you want to kick yourself and your big mouth. Why did you say that? Whatever possessed you to even think that Theodorus van Gogh would be interested in kissing–
Theodorus van Gogh sets his champagne glass down on the edge of a table full of brochures and then turns. He reaches out with both hands, cupping either side of your face and leans down, capturing your mouth with his. You freeze, both arms at your sides, the champagne in your glass sloshing around like a tiny, storm-tossed sea.
Is he…..
…..he is….
He’s kissing you, his lips moving over yours in a shockingly gentle caress, his hands holding you still, not forcefully, but carefully, like you’re something valuable, something he should handle with care. He displays a tenderness you would never have dreamed possible in a man as large as he is. Every movement of his mouth against yours sends a ripple of warmth through your body. One hand shifts, the back of his fingers stroking the softness of your cheek.
Your surprise slowly melts under his touch, disappearing like water droplets in sunshine, and your free hand rises to clutch his shoulder. You hold on tightly, reveling in the electricity every brush of his lips sparks. But before you can part your lips in invitation, before you can start truly returning his kiss, he pulls away, the movement causing a short, forlorn gasp to leave your tingling lips.
Quiet descends upon you both and for a long, tense moment, neither one of you speaks. Words seem impossible as you stare into the summer-sky of his eyes. He clears his throat, shaking his head as if trying to wake himself out of a dream. At that moment you feel him pulling away, the warmth of his kiss and the tenderness of his hands fading into memory. Your heart lurches in panic.
He grunts, unable to meet your gaze.
You step towards him, setting your champagne glass down next to his. Your hands are now free to reach out, steadier than you expected them to be, and take his, holding his strong hands tightly in yours.
“I believe…..I am starting to be swayed by your persuasive argument. But I do think I need more proof before I am fully convinced.”
His head snaps up and on his handsome face you see a dazzling array of emotions, starting with surprise and ending with a slow smile that sends your heart spinning. He pulls you towards him, unhurried, a man who now knows he has a delicious treat waiting just for him.
"More proof, huh,” he murmurs, unlocking your hands so he can slide his around you, large palms eagerly learning the curve of your hips, the slope of your waist.
You plunge your hand boldly into the thicket of his golden hair as he bends his body down to kiss you for the second time that night.
By the night’s end though….you will have lost count entirely.

Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly

Lazy morning with Comte

Words: 516
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified, but Comte calls you chérie; established relationship.

He’s been awake for a while now, but he wants to savor this peaceful moment with you. With his chest pressed against your back and his arms wrapped securely around you, he envelops you in his embrace, softly nuzzling his face into your hair from time to time.
Comte both feels and hears it when your breathing changes pace, meaning you’re waking up too. A soft yawn escapes your lips as you stretch, and your hand goes to his arm to loosen it from around your body, but he tightens his hold.
“Hm…?” you hum under your breath, turning your head to glance at your lover with a hint of confusion. “Well, bonjour,” you smile warmly as you realize he is awake.
“Bonjour, chérie,” he chuckles at the confusion on your face.
You turn the rest of your body to face him fully, giving him a peck on the lips. He holds you in place by the neck to give you a proper morning kiss, and you can’t help but giggle, warmth spreading through your heart.
“Have you been awake for long?”
“Not too long,” he replies, kissing your forehead.
“What time is it?” you mumble, propping yourself up on your elbow to glance at the clock. “It’s almost time to get up.”
“It is,” he replies, his arm gently guiding you back down onto the mattress and into his arms.
“I should get up already.”
“If you want to,” he smiles with such affection that his eyes crinkle.
“Yes,” you yawn, covering your mouth with the palm of your hand as you look at him with the same loving gaze he gives you. “This way, I can take my time getting ready before helping Sebas.”
“Of course.” He shifts his arm around you, adjusting his hold on your body.
You chuckle softly. “Comte?”
“Yes, chérie?” he entwines his legs with yours.
“Can I get up?”
He is still smiling at you, trying to disguise his true intentions of not letting you leave his arms so soon today.
“Excellent question,” he hums, pretending to ponder the answer. “Can you?” He peppers kisses on your face.
“Alright, I’ll stay,” you concede with a contented sigh, “But in a few minutes, it’s going to be an obligation, you know.”
“It never is,” he murmurs, trailing his kisses down your neck and nuzzling his face there. “I’m giving you the day off.”
“Comte,” you laugh softly as his lips tickle your skin. “I can’t do that.”
“I can.”
“I have lots of things to do with Sebastian. We’ll have a busy afternoon today.”
“Then it’s settled. You’ll rest at least in the morning.”
He abruptly pulls you closer, causing your body to collide with his, and he tucks your face under his chin as a squeak escapes you. Comte laughs and kisses the top of your head, placing one hand on your head and the other on your back, rubbing relaxing circles with his fingertips while ensuring to keep you as close as possible.
You huff, knowing it’s a lost battle.
You end up taking the whole day off.

Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chevcore @fang-and-feather
So heart touching and tender...I loved it. And the next part, oh...it was just beautiful amd exactly what I needed, even ifthough I didn't know that. Thank you <3
having an off day

Ophelia by Friedrich Heyser
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: so sorry for the weird formatting in advance. i hope it makes sense. enjoy!
>part 2: how your evening and night went
You woke up with the weight of an oppressive dread. A black hole in you seemed to suck the vitality out of you. Usually your spirit was at least alive and willing to get you out of bed, but this morning, it was only dead static in your chest. You could chalk it up to feeling homesick or hopelessness with your predicament, but nonetheless, you were not up to it at all today.
Still, you willed yourself out of bed, afraid to let Sebastian and the residents down (though you knew they wouldn’t fault you for being off, you still felt the obligation because Le Comte is letting you stay for free, after all.)
On that note, the residents would fs feel a disturbance in the force if you weren’t out in the mansion today. You not being there would set off a chain reaction and have them be grumpy and having off days too.
While setting up breakfast with Sebastian, you asked for the cleaning tasks for the rest of the day. You loved the residents but unfortunately could muster up no energy to talk to anyone today. Sebastian's obviously the first to catch on, and as the mansion’s biggest gossip, will spread this notion to any and every vampire he encounters. Thankfully, he didn't question it and hesitantly granted you permission. He usually doesn’t give you the heavier tasks like cleaning, but seeing your dour mood, he caught on that you wanted the solitude.
While passing out breakfast for the morning vampires (Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Dazai, Isaac, Mozart, Comte) you were unusually quiet. Usually, you would bashfully respond to Arthur’s flirty remarks or retaliate to Theo’s teasing, but today you only acknowledged everyone with a slight (and very forced) smile.
Dazai Osamu
I'm of the belief that Dazai has a sadness antenna that catches on to everyone’s emotions as soon as they feel them. So best believe that as soon as you woke up, he could already sense a disturbance in the force.
So when you very quietly poured tea for him, he placed a gentle hand on your arm and gave you a silent “are you ok?” look. He could tell that you didn’t want to bring attention to yourself, but also didn’t want to leave you like this.
The deal he made with you when you first arrived came to mind. He proposed that whenever you felt even the slightest inclination of sadness, that you came to him to confide in (because you know he gets it fs).
You acknowledged it with a solemn nod, wanting to communicate that you remembered the promise but couldn’t do it just yet. Dazai pursed his lips in quiet uncertainty, but allowed you to continue your chores.
Later in the afternoon, while tending to the gardens outside, Dazai nonchalantly sat by your working figure. He settled for watching you work before piping up, “how fortunate the flowers are to be cared for by you.” You may have jumped a little bit, having been lost in your thoughts.
Dazai’s gentle smile seemed more genuine this time; not quite the clownish mask he usually wore. “Unfortunately for you, I may be the only one who understands your predicament the most.” He walked next to you, a serene silence in the air.
You confess as much of your melancholy as you could put into words while Dazai remained contemplative and respectfully quiet. Whether it was your mental wellness being disturbed, thoughts of home, or even just a broad exhaustion, Dazai will listen and understand. Sometime during your tirade, tears seeped out from your eyes unnoticed, except by his golden eyes. He softly cupped your cheek and wiped your tears away; his touch never more than gentle.
At that moment, Dazai touched your face as if it was a delicate flower petal about to fall to its demise. His heart clenched in both tender affection at your vulnerability around him, and deep anguish that it was you who suffered and he couldn’t take that burden instead. How was it that a beautiful angel like you was tormented at this moment and not him, the sinful monster who was deserving of your burden and more. Still, he kept those demeaning thoughts quiet and yearned that his love could be felt in his gentle touches to your cheek.
Dazai is the most sensitive to others’ emotions and will be the first to catch on to any of your mood changes. He'd rather die than leave you toiling in your own sadness, so he’ll follow you around until you confide in him. As tragic as it is, it’s his responsibility to make sure no one else, and especially not someone he cares about so deeply like you, feels the same torture he does.
Arthur Conan Doyle
The writers are perceptive and sensitive to people’s emotions and characters, and usually you love them for that. Today, it made you the slightest bit frustrated. With only a meek “thank you” to Arthur’s compliment of, “your beautiful face is the perfect start to this day, love” he knew something was wrong.
You poured his coffee quietly, hoping no one would pay attention to you. Arthur placed a soft hand against your back and asked lowly, “are you alright? Did something happen?” you shook your head and gave him an appreciative smile.
You moved to pour Theo’s drink next, but Arthur’s arm wrapped around your waist. He motioned for you to come closer and so you leaned down.
“I've got to run errands in town today, but I'll find you once I get back. Do you think you can talk to me then?” he whispered.
“I'm not sure.”
“I hate to leave you like this, love, really. At least promise me you can hold out until later and you can take all your frustration out on me, yes?” you find yourself laughing a little at his suggestion. He smiled in victory and gave your waist a small squeeze before letting you go.
Once Arthur returns from his errands, it’s just nearing lunch. True to his word, he finds you in the mansion (good luck evading his genius mind) and vows to take you out for a meal. You can refuse all you want, but it truly does wound him seeing you the slightest bit upset. Maybe his past influences that, but nonetheless, he wants to make you happy.
He’ll do everything in his power to make you laugh, and if that doesn’t work, he’ll try and pester you so that you take your anger out on him.
He treats you like a princess during the date, hooking his arm under yours, pushing your chair in, paying for everything, and if you were up to it, taking you shopping afterwards.
He’ll try and seek out a case nearby as those tend to cheer you up and serve as a welcome distraction.
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, he might have already caught on to what made you upset and will subtly offer a word of advice or comfort, depending on whichever you needed. And he’s perceptive enough to catch on to what you need.
Nevertheless, the author’s darling attempts of alleviating your mood will likely be a success. Arthur is one of the tragic ones who would rather suffer than even endure the thought of his cared ones being upset. And you’re the one who brought new light into his revived life, so admittedly, he enjoys being there for you. If you allow him past your walls, Arthur would do just about everything to prove it was worth doing so. His care may be hidden under layers of deceptive and cliché flirtation, but a little unravelling shows just how tenderly he cares for you. So while his attempts do reflect that playboy life, the warm hand on your back proves there is no one in this new life he treasures more than yourself.
Theodorus van Gogh
Still feeling Arthur’s and Dazai’s worried looks on your back, you moved on to Theo, who was unfortunately, less perceptive than the two.
“Took you long enough, hondje. Dogs aren’t known to be so slow.” he huffed, having already placed a generous amount of sugar in his cup. You could barely register the small, “sche uit, Theo,” from Vincent. Still, his comment served to sour your mood even further, a sinking feeling in your heart suddenly blurring your eyes.
Your spatial awareness being off, you almost overfilled Theo’s cup. This time, he took notice of your shaky and meek manner. He was about to complain, but when you turned to him to apologise, he saw your teary eyes.
“You hurt? What happened? Who hurt you?” Theo immediately asked in concern. You shook your head in alarm. His handsome face scrunched in concern, and he reached out to seize your arm to steady its shaking. He set down the coffee pot and checked if your arm got burnt.
he gruffly passed the coffee pot to his brother, and when he was faced with questioning looks from the rest of the table he simply said, “you pour your own damn coffee.” He motioned for you to leave, wanting to relieve you of your duties for this morning as a small mercy.
Theo is unfortunately one of the busier men of the mansion, so he can’t do much until the evening when he returns. So despite the tense morning, there’s no resolution until after supper. what his words can’t deliver though, his actions do.
Regardless of how many residents have comforted you, you remained silent and thoughtful. Their efforts were greatly appreciated, but your energy was still depleted.
Theo catches you right after cleaning up with Sebastian. He hid a large box behind his broad back, strangely timid from his usual bold character. He cleared his throat, “hondje, I brought you something home from work. you told me you liked this last time I took you out for a walk.”
He stepped aside to show you the large and very sweetly decorated cake in the box. you knew how expensive it was, and for a man like Theo, who was quite savvy with money, you felt a tinge of guilt for making him waste money on you.
“Theo, thank you. I don't know what to say, you really didn’t have to.”
“Hush hondje. A master’s supposed to take care of his puppy. And you’ve been working hard lately—you deserve a little treat.”
Of course, Theo indulges in the dessert with you, he may have bought it partly for himself too. But when he saw you enjoying something he gave you, it warmed his heart. Perhaps your smile is sweeter than any dessert he’s had before—and he’s got quite a sweet tooth.
Theo can be brash, and not nearly as emotionally perceptive as the others. So initially, he’ll be his usual gruff and teasing self. But he’s a good man (savannah), and will always serve you, regardless of the master-puppy dynamic he’s got going on. He’s weak to you, and would hand you the world just to get a glimpse of your sweet smile again. He can’t have his pretty girl sad, that makes him a terrible master.
Vincent van Gogh
You shook your head, insisting that you stay to help Sebastian. Theo disapprovingly shook his head and tried to stop you from doing more work, but you’d already moved to Vincent’s side.
Vincent already caught on as soon as Theo asked if you were okay. He poured his coffee himself, so you passed him the small bowl of butter and served a plate of sliced fruit to help. Vincent gently stroked your back, “Schatje, we’re just fine here, you can sit down. Have you had breakfast yourself yet?” knowing you never liked to put yourself first.
“I'm just fine, Vincent. thank you.” you stuttered out. He hummed in concern, “Sebas told me you were doing laundry outside today. I'll come help you, if that’s alright?” you shook your head, touched at his kind offer, but dreadful over having a companion. As sweet as Vincent was, you were afraid of being too brash with him, with how short your patience was today.
“We don't have to talk or anything, I'm offering because I want to, mc. please?” Vincent’s pleading eyes were too precious, so you gave him a hesitant nod.
Vincent brightened up, his angelic smile lifting your spirits up slightly. with a warm day like today, he usually painted outside anyway. at least you wouldn’t have to be with him the whole time.
He gave your arm an appreciative squeeze before you left. you weren’t sure how to thank him exactly.
True to his word, the moment you stepped foot outside, you were greeted with his “could heal any and every problem in the world” smile. He was extra handsome wearing his simple, white, button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up.
You gave him an appreciative nod, a bit flustered with having someone help you with such a simple task. Still, Vincent pleasantly hummed with no complaints, hanging the clothes you washed.
It’s true that his hands were blessed by god, but his somewhat clumsy work with clipping the clothes on the line was a contrast to his paintings. Still, his determined expression dispelled any frustration you had, with how hardworking and adorable he was.
With Vincent’s help (and the soft melody of Mozart's distant piano playing), the laundry was hung in sufficient time. other than having tea with Comte, you really didn’t have much left to do this early afternoon. Vincent cutely tilted his head in curiosity at your zoned out face.
When he giggled, you snapped out of your stupor and glanced questioningly at him. “sorry! you’re just so cute staring into space like that.” Flustered, you faced away from him.
“Don’t just say things like that Vincent. you’ll give me the wrong idea.”
“I mean it though. you’re adorable even just breathing.” He was doing that thing where he innocently compliments you, but just like his brother, actually wants to see you flustered.
“and now you’re even lovelier when you’re all embarrassed!” Vincent chuckled, finally relenting when your hands fully covered your burning face.
“Sorry for teasing you. I was just hoping I could make you smile. I know I'm not nearly as funny as Napoleon, or as dependable as Leonardo, but it hurts me to see you in pain, mc.” Vincent gently pried your hands away, holding them in his bigger and warmer ones. He stroked your palms in gentle circles.
Really, he wanted to just wrap you in an embrace and hoped that you would let out your emotions to him. But he knew you needed time and patience before confiding in him. If you allowed it, he would stay all-day with you, just comforting and listening to any of your vulnerable confessions you chose to indulge him to.
Eventually, you did relent to receiving a warm hug from him. you couldn’t see his face, but he was overjoyed you felt safe enough with him to do so.
Angelic Vincent wishes he could take any and every pain you feel and take it all himself. It truly breaks his heart seeing your usually bright spirit so down, so he’ll do everything he can to comfort you. He’s patient and gentle; never crossing any of your boundaries and allowing you to take whatever you need and however long it takes you to find that out. He’ll help you with your work, sing you to sleep, feed you treats (that you hope he didn’t make), and give you as much or as little as you need. He cares about you deeply and only hopes he can be enough to cure at least a little bit of the pain you feel.
Comte de Saint-Germain
Comte's face was already scrunched in worry from the moment you entered the dining hall. his calm and elegant demeanour belied it, but he was eager to finally talk to you. Once you reached his side, you swore you could almost hear the sigh of relief.
“I speak for everyone when I say that no one can start their day right without seeing your face, chérie.” Ever the romantic, Comte wants to reassure you that you’re wanted (needed actually), and that he appreciates your being there.
You’d be hard-pressed not to feel flustered by his words. “You’re exaggerating, Comte, but thank you.” Your usual routine consisted of having tea with Comte in the early afternoon, but you weren’t sure you’d make good company. “about later today comte—“
“I'll have the tea and desserts set up. i’ve found this new patisserie in the city—“
“comte, i’m really sorry—“
“You don’t have to do any work, mc. I want you to take a break.” He was clearly well-intentioned and the break did sound tempting. so with much hesitation, you relented to comte’s demands.
Perhaps a little part of you dreaded it, knowing how protective Comte was over you. He’ll pry, and if he found out that it was another person’s doing that caused your mood, he’ll cause a riot (gracefully and elegantly, mind you). He was already waiting at the garden’s gazebo, a spread of various sweet pastries and steaming tea set up for you.
He perked up upon seeing you, pushing your chair in as you sat down. He poured you tea and placed one of each pastry on your plate while you hopelessly tried to stop him.
“I'm simply ecstatic you could join me today, ma chérie.” he hummed, sipping his tea.
“It's not anyone’s fault, it’s just me.” You wanted to clear up what you knew he was itching to find out. his shoulders sagged down in relief for a brief moment before settling back into his perfect posture.
“That's a relief, but I still want to make sure you’re okay, mc. Come, have some tea.”
You could feel Comte’s golden eyes watching your every move, but otherwise, the tea was excellent and he was certainly generous with all the pastries.
The real surprise was later in the night, after dinner, when comte asked you to meet him in his office. He was on the balcony, gazing out to the Parisian landscape (he would have been smoking then, but he tries not to).
“You called for me, comte?”
“Ah yes. mc.” The way he said your name was admittedly a bit seductive when accompanied by his golden eyes. he had this excited air about him, unknown if it was for innocent or more sinful reasons. He motioned towards a concerningly large box on his table. you opened it, and to your surprise (not really let’s bfr), there was a beautiful silk dress in your favourite colour.
Comte moved close from behind you, and with a quiet “may i?” he delicately put a necklace on your neck, the light brush of his fingers dizzying.
He trailed his hands down to your shoulders and squeezed them, before descending to your arms. “ma chérie, i want to make you feel better. how can i do that for you?” he rubbed your arms up and down before wrapping around your body altogether.
In this position, you could cry in peace, ramble in frustration, or be silent and enjoy his embrace without fear of judgement. He couldn’t see your expression, to save any embarrassment on your end, but he’s still there.
Comte will definitely be protective and try and figure out if it was anyone made you upset. He would commit a murder to whoever did, but if there wasn’t anyone, he’d focus on making you feel better. His love language is gifts, quite obviously, but I also like to believe that he’s an acts of service guy who’d want to make things at least a little easier for you, like giving you a break. He'd want to reward you with gifts, expensive, but the kind that he knows you like. and if that doesn’t show you he cares about you, he’ll stay long enough to help you recover; in a way, he feels proudly possessive, knowing you could show your vulnerability to only him.
Napoleon Bonaparte
As one of the late risers, you were tasked with waking him up in the morning. you did your usual routine of ripping the blankets off him and blocking his kiss with your hand. this time though, you left the former emperor be, once you caught sight of his half-opened eyes.
He took a minute to catch on to your disappearance (forgive him, he’s half-awake) but as soon as it registered in his sleepy brain, he zoomed out of his room to catch your retreating figure.
You knew he was one of the persistent men of the mansion, unable to leave you alone even when you weren’t upset. so this time around, he was hellbent on following you until you’d answer his inquiries.
“Nunuche? what’s gotten into you?” he would quickly catch up to you and grip your arm until you show him your teary face. And only then would he relent and hold your hand instead.
You could confide in him and tell him about all your problems, because after all, he was the man who saved you and vowed to protect you all this time. However, even if you didn’t at that moment, nothing would stop Napoleon from making you feel better.
He would briefly venture into town to absolve him of any of his guard duties so he could remain at your side the entire day. Perhaps a bit of an overreaction on his part, but owing his new life to you, he wanted to prioritise you above all else.
Unlike a certain lazy Italian, this Italian will politely request that you be relieved of your tasks, and though you insisted on at least completing the laundry with Vincent and having tea with Comte, you relented to his demands.
His usual routine was to take you to the stables and run as far as you can on his horse. It was often what helped him dispel the ghosts from his past; the coolness of the afternoon wind was a soothing balm to your face that was drenched with hot tears. He would childishly ignite a race between the two of you through the vast woods surrounding Comte’s mansion, if only to ease your heavy mind with a far less laborious task.
He’d lead you to a small meadow on the outskirts of the fields, far from prying eyes and ears. There you can let any emotion out: whether that was a yell of frustration, a scream of rage, or harsh sobs, Napoleon will do it first, if it removes any embarrassment on your end.
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, (which you likely would, considering how unyieldingly supportive and protective Napoleon had been for you thus far) Napoleon will willingly listen to anything you say. You could wax cheesy poetry, ponder about the origins of the universe, or just recall mundane moments in the mansion, but Napoleon will respond in kind to any silly statement you make.
Napoleon of all people wouldn’t be opposed to having a nap on the soft, dewy grass, under the blanket of the warm setting sun. Once it gets cold though, he’d take you back to the mansion.
If you still felt overwhelmed, he would bring you up to the attic that overlooked the Paris skyline.
Napoleon, as he hopes that you consider him one of your closest companions, would do everything in his power to ease your pain. He’d begin by alleviating your work for the day, and whether that entailed him undertaking those chores or simply helping you with them, he’d do anything. Then, he might try what works best for him when he has his off days, usually in regard to the past, but allow you to dictate what he can or can’t do. Really, he hopes that whatever he does dispels those clouds of anguish and replaces it with some good old Napoleon humour. As the evening closes in, he’d take you to the attic. With only the stars and the moon as your witness, Napoleon would do everything in his power to bring you comfort.
sorry that i wasn't able to write for everyone in this post, but I'll feature the rest (Leonardo, Isaac, Mozart, Jean, and a few bonus characters) on the next post. i just wanted to get some content out now.
if you made it this far, thank you so much for spending your time on my writing. lmk if you enjoyed it (or didn't, but pls be nice abt it I'm sensitive). have a great day, my dear <3
I've thought long and hard for this request.
Can I ask for a wire jeweler MC gifting Mozart a brooch that she made in exchange for the crescent moon earring he gave her? (I am talking about him too much because of the brainrot)
The brooch looks similar to this but with his color palette.

I've been into wire jewelry recently and this one caught my eye.
Thank you in advance!!
SUMMARY: you give mozart a gift.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
this is unedited again please leave me alone JHAHSFDHGASD

“What's this?” he asks softly, delicate hands cupping the brooch you bestowed upon him.
“Repayment. I didn't want you to feel like I didn't care for you just as much as you care for me...especially after you gifted me such a beautiful earring.” you reply, clasping your hands together as he examines your gift.
“Did you make this yourself?” he asks again, yet another question that only serves to make you more nervous.
You nod your head in the affirmative. He sucks in a breath and smiles, so brilliantly it almost knocks you off your feet. Mozart’s eyes soften with his gentle affection, and he hands the brooch back to you.
“Will you put it on?” he says softly, and you know if he ever asked for anything like that again you would fall to your knees and obey him.
And so, you do.
You step closer and coax your shaking hands to pin the brooch on his lapel. Mozart’s arms sneak around your waist, and the second your precious gift is secure, he buries his face in your neck and kisses the bare skin he finds.
“Thank you, my love.” he croons, and it's almost unbearable the way his lips move against your skin, “I love you with everything I have.”
You tell him that just loving you with himself is enough. He lifts his head just enough to press a languid kiss against your lips, and just like that you’re falling again.
So I’m putting myself out here but here’s a NSFW alphabet if you wanted to request something for the ikevamp boys, maybe?🥺
A= aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
B= body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
C= cum (anything to do with cum basically)
D= dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
E= experience (how experienced are they? Do they have the slightest idea of what they’re doing?)
F= favorite position (favorite position in bed)
G= goofy (are they more goofy or serious in the sheets?)
H= hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
I= intimacy (how are they in the moment?)
J= jack off (masturbation headcanons)
K= kink (what are some of their kinks?)
L=location (favorite places to hank the pank)
M=motivation (what turns them on, gets them going etc.)
N=NO (something they would never ever ever ever do; turn offs)
O=oral (preference of giving or receiving, skill etc.)
P=pace(are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Who knows!)
Q=Quickie( do they like quickies? Or proper sex? How often?)
R= risk( do they take the risk? Do they want to?)
S= stamina (how many rounds can they last? How long do the rounds last?)
T=toy (do they want to try toys? On their partner or themselves? Do they own toys?)
U=unfair(how much do they tease??)
V=volume(what sounds do they make? Are they loud?)
W=wild card (random head canon of character)
X=x ray( I’ll paint a pretty picture of what they’ve got goin on downtown(with WORDS))
Y=yearning( how high is their sex drive?)
Z=Zzz (how fast do they fall asleep after??)
Omg hopefully I’m not making a fool of myself
b, c, d, f, g, i, j, k, x, w, u for Theo and jean plsss✨ if you can’t do both at the same time, pick which ever you are more comfortable writing about <3
Challenge accepted 🥰✨
There was another ask asking for e along with some of the same letters here so-
B=body part
I’m a strong believer that he love love love loves ur ass
I get that vibe from him.
He loves goin on walks with you, you’re all snuggled up to him, his arm snaked around your waist and boom
Grabs a nice handful and watches your cute expression! He can’t help but snicker and feel his heart melt.
Now, on his body, he’s particularly fond of his arms I am too, have you seen them??
His favorite time is after you two do the do, he was behind you working at whatever you got between your legs, you’re a moaning mess scratching and clawing at his arm, leaving marks.
He just🥰🥰🥰
He loves it!
Okay, you can fight me on this but he likes cumming on your chest. Gets him wanting to go all day. Watching his seed drip down your perfect chest makes him go😫
He’s deep down your warm throat and he’s got tears of pleasure in his eyes, though he’d say it’s just sweat
He throws his head back in ecstasy, and lets out a load moan as you swirl your tounge around him.
Suddenly he pull out of your mouth and you watch his wrap his hand around his wet member and stroke himself in a fast pace.
You watch at he cums out on your chest,”that’s a good Hondje,” he painted out to you,”letting me cum all over you like that..”
D=dirty secret
He’d wanna do a three way. He ain’t sure who with but he knows he wants to try it. He’s not gotten around to even begin thinking about asking you about it but if you ask first he wouldn’t say no
E= experience
He has *some* experience, not too much though. He knows what he’s doing and how to make you see stars but at first he’s super shy just cause he really cares about you and is really nervous he might do something wrong.
F=favorite position
So when having sex with Theo, be prepared for a lot. Including, his either or attitude in bed. He either focuses on your pleasure or his own. When focusing on you, he loves spooning. When focusing non himself he loves when you ride him.
His hands were on your hips as he desperately tried to thrust deeper into you. And hearing your pleads only made him want to do more to you.
“Please, please, more Theo.” You begged making him lose control. He flipped you over so you were now on all fours and absolutely went feral. At this point you were screaming out wanting this to never end.
I think he’d be a bit goofy, just so you’d be more relaxed though.
He holds you close and peppers you with kisses ‘n shit it’s so cute!
J= Jack off
I am one to believe that before he starting dating you, he was always peeling the banana. When he started developing feelings for you, he would think bout you under him, whimpering, covered in sweat with rosy cheeks. What really got him at it was when you decided to wear a short skirt and a tight choker (if you identify as male or gender neutral, pls keep in mind that skirts and dresses are socially acceptable ways of not wearing pants in public so...yeah? If you don’t want to wear any of that just imagine shorts?) so after you left he walked to his room with his hands buried in his pockets to hide his tent. Once he got to his room it was all over for him.
Ahem. Stokings and hematolagnia (sexual arousal from drinking, licking, looking at blood) though I think this one only really works for him when he’s drinking from someone instead of a bottle-
X= x ray
😈we’ve all been waiting for this one. Don’t lie to me, you were! So her we go, I’d like to think he radiates big dick energy. So when he’s just chillin’ his pack is around 7.5 inches (I say “around”but that’s oddly specific) but when he’s fully erect he’s like 8 ish inches. He’s got a bit more girth than average but we’re not complaining. He’s got this vein underlining him and it’s 🤤🤤 feeling. The head of his cock does this thing where it’s all bright red when he’s ready to go and it matches his face it’s so cute🥺. Don’t call him cute he will pin you to the bed and make you unable to walk for days😔🤤
W= wild card
HE ISN’T INTO PET PLAY BELIVE IT OR NOT HE IS NOT! Even though you pick up on it; he isn’t into it. Also, on very special occasions he’d sub for you if you asked nicely.
U= unfair
So, in bed he’d edge and shit but that’s about it. He isn’t too into teasing but he does want to make this special moment last for as long as possible. He’s so soft🥰😖
B= body part
I think he’d really like your chest. It’s where your heart beats and when y’all cuddle he likes to lie against your chest and fall asleep to your heartbeat🥺😭
On him, however, I’m not too sure he likes himself. Me tho
Jean was tired and stressed. That was a fact. He had a long day and wanted nothing more than to cuddle his beloved. He had on his comfy clothes and walked to your bedroom hoping to find you there. Once he got the “okay” to enter your room he entered with no hesitation and just plopped down on your bed.
“Uhmm. Did you want to cuddle, Jean?” You asked him innocently, he nodded in response not wanting to even speak. You smiled at this and climbed into bed with him.
He pulled you close and rested his head on your chest, listening to your heart beat, eventually finding sleep.
If you’re having sex with him; you’re married cause he’s HEAVILY into waiting until marriage. Just thought I’d put that out there. I think his favorite is when you swallow his cum. It’s by far one of the hottest things he’s ever seen you do and it makes his heart go 💥💕💞🥰
You were sucking him off, his hands gripped the sheets beneath him and he was groaning out.You would think you enjoyed swirling your tongue around every lollipop with the way you’re swirling yourself around his member.
He’s over here hissing in pleasure and you’re all teehee
soon he’s basically begging to cum and it’s music to your ears. Your’re gripping at his thighs and scratching and shit and it’a only adding to the roller coaster.
once he cums your sucking harder to avoid losing any and then when you pull off you look him in the eyes and show him his seed all over the inside of your mouth and that alone sends a shiver up his spine.
oh god I think he’s in heaven
D=dirty secret
He’s always wanted to try something new. So, like maybe tying you up? Gagging that pretty little mouth of yours? You’d have to suggest whatever you wanted to try, of course:/
F=favorite position
Cowgirls helper, leap frog, missionary.
He loves being close to you and these positions help him see you in all sorts of angles and the more the merrier!
G= goofy
He would be a little goofy; just to remove some tension from the air. So he might ask you to do a tongue twister with him or something cute like that🥺
I= intimacy
He’s super blushy and cute but don’t let that fool you, he’ll make your knees buckle in seconds. He’s also super romantic and careful. He’ll hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
K= kink
Belonephilia, knife play, and he’d never ever ever admit to being into underwear.
X= x ray
Our baby Jean has a package that is...5 closer to 6 inches! He has a strong shaft and a curve along his member making it poke his lower stomach when fully erect. Just thinking about it😖😖🤤
W= wild card
He is surprisingly really into quickies and honestly loves how you try so hard to keep quiet while he slams into you- it makes him rock hard just thinking about it!!
He really isn’t into teasing, be prefers pretty “vanilla” sex but overall he’s romantic and sensual in bed.
Okay I’m SO SO SORRY THAT TOOK LIKE TWO DAYS😭😭😭 (actually, my perception of time is honestly warped) but I hope it’s somewhat decent!
If it possible for le comte C D K W and X ??? 💕
Absolutely! I had another ask going for A, M, V so I thought I’d do both :p
Le Comte:
A= aftercare
Okay so angel Daddy is honestly always super sweet and caring it’s just-
So after feeding hella of of you, he’d make sure to get you some food and water and make sure you get all cleaned up cause he’s amazing✨ the bath would be warm, bubbly and it would smell like lavender and roses. He’d pepper you with kisses and praises.
“Ma chéri, you did so well,” he said while moving a piece of your hair behind your ear lovingly,” you deserve the world and more, you know that?” He praised you.
He wrapped his arms around you much like the pink and purple bubbles that surrounded you both.
He ran his hands through your soapy hair letting the smell of tropical fruit enchant his senses. He continued mindlessly praising you while you relaxed.
C= cum
Anyone else think he’d be into cumming inside?! He believes it’s incredibly romantic to claim you in such a manner<3
D=dirty secret
He’d be real into putting collars on you. Hooking his finger through the ring and pulling his little cock sleeve towards him as he whispers dirty nothings into your ear. I think he’d actually go through with it but it’s up to you, really.
K= kink
M= motivation
So we’ve established that he’s a lawful horny, right? No? Well he is. So really he’s just causally horny with morals. But I’d have to say that you wearing his clothes. He loves your scent but when it mixes with his own it’s like⭐️
But other than that it’s gotta be when you two are cuddling cause you’re all pressed up against him and he can feel your heartbeat like 💗😩
Daddy moans softly! Can’t change my mind either. The feeling of you wrapped tight and warm around him just feels too good to do anything else but moan or praise you. On a rough day he’s grunting at most, but it still feels great knowing you’re making him feel good.
W= wild card
He has hella stamina. His record was 6 rounds🤤 and surprisingly, he felt like he could go longer. Because of this he does need to “wack it” quite a bit.
X=x ray
At an astounding 7.5-8 inches, he makes you see stars! He has a pretty thick shaft so he does have to stretch you out a bit before going all in so you don’t hurt yourself.
Okay this took longer than it should have but like,,we love sleep and playing ikevamp and then school knocks on the door and that takes 7 hours☺️
c,k,r,w for leo?
I’ve been flaking I’m so sorry😭😭😭
C= cum
I’ve seen the epilogues in YouTube! I know he’s a sex god! And he loves cumming inside of you. What’s not to love? Warm and tight embrace of his lover seems oh so welcoming. So why not?
He just loves being with you and whatever kinks you come with, he’s willing to try if it makes his little cara Mia happy!!
Okay his favorite is cumming inside you, as I’ve previously mentioned. But he’s also real into quickies! In the cellar? Yep. In the kitchen? Oh god, yes. He’s bent you over the counter and had you struggle to keep it together countless times.
W=wild card
Not so surprisingly, he’s a top, but what is surprising is his willingness to bottom for you🥺
Not as good as the others but I felt bad for putting nothing out😞
Hello, I just discovered your page and saw that you were taking requests for ikevamp (which is amazing) and so I wanted to know if I could have B, J, K, M, and O for Mozart ? Thank you so much and hope to see more of your posts in the future :))

Hey so as you can see I got two asks for out bb tsundere. Thought I’d combine them into one huge package!
A= aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s soft and gentle, but doesn’t really say much Like he’ll clean you up and just cuddle with you, basking in the afterglow and content That is, if you’re lucky enough to only be subjected to one round ;)
B=Body part
His are definitely his hands (mans a pianist, his hands are his life) Whether they’re playing the keys or buried deep inside you, his hands are his favorite. His favorite body part of yours would have to be your mouth It’s what you use to smile, to speak, where he puts his cock in order to claim your throat.... sorry, just had to slide that one in there ;)
C=cum His favorite place to cum is your face Pulling out of your mouth to bring himself over the edge with a few quick strokes Watching as he releases all over your face Your mouth stretching wide to catch what you can, using your tongue to catch what didn’t make it in your mouth before it runs off your face That’s so hot to him He’ll probably be ready to go another round right then and there
F=Favorite position He likes having you in his lap You riding him and facing him, letting him watch as you fuck yourself on his cock so nicely Watching your expression just fall apart in pleasure Knowing that he can grab your hips and control that, control what you're doing, and swoop in to swallow those cute noises of yours with his own lips He really likes that
J=Jerk off Jerks off more than he cares to admit (at least twice a day) Dw tho, he always washes his hands (he isn’t a heathen) It always starts because he’s thinking about you One moment, he’s thinking about how you sing, the next he’s in his room, pants to his knees as he recalls how delicious the noises you made last night were He just can’t get enough of you
K=kink Hematolagnia Acousticophelia (listening to you kinda thing) Likes feeling authoritative in bed (sometimes doesn’t mind if you call him Sir, but it’s nothing major for him) Mirror sex (he loves making you watch as you take his cock inch by inch) When he drinks your blood, it’s an instant mood-setter When he marks you, and people comment on it, it makes him preen and he’s only more determined to show them who you belong to If you started without him and he hears you He’s going to listen, maybe even let you cum first, before he comes in and fucks you for real.
O=oral He prefers to receive oral because he loves the way your lips wrap around his cock and watching you swallow his cum, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t good at giving it Every once in awhile, he’ll get down between your legs and fuck you on his tongue until you’re strung out and crying.
R=risk He’s not a very risky guy in bed He prefers to keep it in his own court and be in control of the situation He’ll grunt and groan in your ears, but he doesn’t make a lot of noise Part of it is because he’s not very vocal during sex The other is he wants to be able to focus on you and listen to you He’d be willing to try wax play with you He’s never done it, but it seems interesting
Thanks for reading I actually had a friend help write this and it was pretty fun! SO next I’m doing the entire alphabet for Isaac. (-_-) Next time I’m adding a request limit.