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4 years ago

La Squadra and a friendly oblivious neighbor who cooks for them

We know that La Squadra doesn't have fair payment and with my previous thoughts about how much Risotto usually eats, they are probably struggling with food sometimes (Leader, your muscles need too much energy)

Living on energy drinks and instant noodles aren't good for you especially when you gotta go out and kill somebody.

Their base is in a cheaper part of the town and it's shady so no one really wants to be around there. They're mostly by themselves.

Until one day, they have a neighbor. They secretly check on the person to make sure they're not a threat.

They turn out to be a harmless civilian. So they leave them be and go on with their lives.

That is - when they smell freshly cooked food coming from the house, they have their attention. When was the last time they get to eat nice homemade food?

Formaggio shows up at the neighbour's door, acting like a good friendly neighbor all at once. He's pretty good with words and thinks he might get a bite or two. No harm getting to know them more huh?

The neighbour is more than willing to give him a big slice of pie. Formaggio swears he wants to kiss them.

Formaggio acts like a messenger for a while. The neighbor hasn't met all of them but learns that there are many men living in the house. So they give them more food.

If the neighbor can get pregnant, Melone will show up next to see if they can be his potential 'mother'

The neighbour is taken aback by how thin this guy looks and gives him lots and lots of foods.

The neighbor notice a lot of empty bottles of boozes outside their doors and start to feel concern.

One time, one of them is so drunk out of their mind. He gets a good chicken soup for their hungover.

Illuso likes to snoop around their house through the mirror world and steals a bite of foods before anyone else.

The neighbor feels a sense of safety when they meet Prosciutto. He seems like a well-respect reliable business man! Why is he here is beyond their understanding. But they are also here because of the cheap renting too.

They can cook traditional food that Prosciutto asks and he gives them gifts in return.

Pesci once met them on the street carrying bags of groceries. He helps them out and got sweets as a treat.

The neighbor has heard of angry shouting from the house for a while but is so surprised to see the voice owner. They imagine him with more... 'fiery look'

They call out for him and say they have something to give to them: it's a honey lemon😂😂 Ghiaccio is offended because he thinks they want him to quiet down or that his throat will be sore from shouting.

When they met the leader who thanks them personally for providing them delicious food, they gawk at the massive man for a long while and thought 'OMg Formaggio should have mention that he has a friend this big! A big man like this needs calories!'

La squadra notices that their portion of food is more than usual after that. They start to feel like they need to pay them. It's too much to ask for.

No one touches this neighbor or their heads will roll.

You can imagine it as shipping but I adore the idea of the neighbor being an old retired lady with a poor eyesight. She has cooked her whole life so it's muscle memory for her. She feels happy to be able to cook for these fine young men and cares for them like sons she never has.

La Squadra ​is now helping her with walking and even sometimes slip banknotes into her drawers. Not too much that she will notice.

Part 2?

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2 years ago

Who loves triggering yandere assassins? I love triggering yandere assassins! May I request our dear squadra (obsessing over someone they're friends with) overhearing their darling on the phone, admitting that they have a crush on their eccentrically dressed friend but feel like it's hopeless as they are way out of his league so they've scheduled a date for tonight to get him out of their head :))

This one isn’t as yandere lol

Risotto very rarely gets flustered. Yet he knows it’s not Metallica that’s making his face heat up. As a child with overly religious parents, he had come to terms with the fact that he would never be worthy of love and the only way he could get into heaven was if he devoted his life to the church. But here it was, the golden opportunity to eat his cake and have it too. As with all things, he’s assertive when he asks (though in his tone it was more of a demand) you to go to lunch with him. There’s a swelling of pride in his chest when you explain you had plans but they could wait.

Ghiaccio decides to take the upfront approach and hangs up the phone on your behalf. He’s very quick about it, even though he tripped over his own words and spoke a little too quickly. It sounded something like: “I’mtakingyoutotheicerinksoIcanteachyouhowtoskatesowecanakatetogether.” So that’s what you did. Ghiaccio especially liked it that you immediately canceled your date and hopped in his car. It was a bonus that you clung on to him when you first got on the ice.

Melone goes out of his way to sabotage the date. It’s no secret he loves the nightlife, so it wasn’t very far-fetched to see him out and about. He acts like he hadn’t planned upon finding you and your date. It was very subtle at first, but halfway through dinner he started making flirty eyes at you when your date wasn’t looking. After, when you and the date went your separate ways, Melone clung on to your arm and smothered your cheek in kisses while claiming that he could treat you way better than your date. And that’s how he set up your first date together.

Prosciutto is upset, but not for the reason you might think. He’s mostly irritated that you wouldn’t confront him about your feelings. He’s not exactly the type to have social anxiety or worry about potentially ruining a relationship. In typical Prosciutto fashion, he invites you out to dinner at an upscale restaurant, telling you to wear something nice. He smirks to himself when he hears you squeal to your friend over the phone as he leaves.

Pesci almost explodes with happiness, but immediately goes to Prosciutto for advice. And then he’s sent back down to you because he “needs to make a move quickly otherwise they’ll be gone”. Admittedly it was a bit rough around the edges, and he bit his nails a lot, but he was able to get out that he really really liked you and wanted to take you on a date! Of course when you asked him where, he sort of shut down. You two ended up just staying in and cuddling through a movie.

Illuso goes full soap opera and accuses the other person on the phone of trying to take his love away (even though it was your friend, not your date). He then dramatically flourishes and confesses to you that he loves you and would do anything to win back your love. Of course he’s actually banking on the fact you’ll date him anyway, he didn’t really want to put any effort in. Thankfully (or as he would say, all according to plan) you accepted his dramatic confession with a kiss on the cheek.

Formaggio sidles up to you and puts his hands in your pockets. He’s very blasĂ© about it, even if he was jumping around from excitement a few moments before. He nips at your ears and neck until you finish on the phone and promptly asks if you were up for a date tonight. It’s a very rough attempt at being sexy, but it works! But that means he’ll be hanging around you all the time, touching, pressing, and kissing you to make sure everyone knows you’re his (even if you don’t know that yet).

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1 year ago

NOOOO ILLUSO MY LOVE FUSIFKEKGMEKGLSK😭💕💕 He's so cute it was kinda sad but omg if that hasn't happened to me multiple times😼‍💹

The bad guys

Trying to impress the reader but it doesn't work at all and they get dumped

Characters: Ghaiccio x reader , Illuso x reader


prompt: bragging about being with someone else or being wanted

Tags: sfw, dating

You found Illuso's cocky attitude kind of cute so you didn't mind his constant bragging in your ear or showboating. Persistently he'd corner you to declare you would have the time of your life on a date with him and it's an offer you shouldn't pass up on even though you never failed to turned him down and push him out of the way. Imagine everyone's surprise when you both left together after a meeting, him with a arrogant smile aimed at the team and an arm slung over your shoulder pulling you closer into him.

"Later, someone's got a date with a hottie... don't you y/n."

Honestly he can't believe you've agreed. He's had to play off his initial shock by believing this was of course going to happen, eventually. He's trying hard to impress you at the dinner, talking about his accomplishments of great feats but you already know of them. You were hoping to see a new side of him but you let him go on, heartbroken your fears were confirmed and he was truly just a one dimensional guy.

He's panicking every time you look away glancing around the room or peeking at your phone. He's seen that look before at team briefings, you're completely bored. Another blasé sigh leaves your lips and his façade is cracking. He doesn't get what's wrong and why he isn't interesting to you. He has to be, otherwise you wouldn't have finally agreed to dinner, right?

"This place is nice right? I don't take just any one here."

"Oh, is that so..."

"Of course. I always go home with a pretty thing like you after coming here."

"Mhm. I've actually got to go Illuso."

You get your check and leave Illuso there dumbfounded. Where did he go wrong???


Prompt- beating someone up to impress you

Tags: nsfw Violence, tw blood mentions

You pulled into the mostly empty parking lot of a park. Being that it was still morning it was cloudy but you spotted a familiar sports car mixed in with what few cars were there. Ghiaccio was stretching when he caught sight of you getting out of your car fumbling with your water bottle and keys.

"I'm all set Ghiaccio!" You say sweetly as you make your way over to the blushing man.

"Then hurry up and get over here so we can start, I bet you didn't even stretch."

To say you were excited was an understatement, it took so long to convince this man you could keep up with him during his workout sessions. Finally he, begrudgingly, agreed. You were all smiles when you stepped onto the trail ready to spend some quality time together with your long time crush but it didn't last long. Keeping up pace with Ghiaccio was hard, you gave everything you had into not slowing him down and he still had to stop and wait for you a few times. It was embarrassing and you were frustrated at your lack of performance. When the sun was high in the sky you were covered in sweat and Ghiaccio was totally fine sitting back on the bench like you both didnt just run five miles together. Meanwhile you stood breathless and waiting behind one last person at the water fountain to move so you could refill your bottle. Right before it was your turn to step up you were ogling how Ghiaccio's tight shirt really showed off each muscle when some guy rudely brushed past breaking in front of you. You were annoyed but you did have two water bottles and from the way this guy was desperately gulping down water he couldn't wait any longer. Before you could even blink Ghiaccio had appeared next to you tightly grabbing a fist full of the guys hair and pulling him up off the fountain.

"Who do you think you're pushing? You want water that bad you piece of shit. Huh?!"

You gasped as the sound of shrieking and metal being rammed against hit your ears. Ghiaccio had repeatedly slammed the guys face into the fountain so hard he'd stopped screaming and went limp. You stood shocked as his listless body slid down and lay motionless dirt.

When Ghiaccio turned to you with a crooked smile and bloody knuckles you were speechless. "So 
want to call it a day and head out for smoothies?"

"Actually I don't have an appetite, think I'll head home and rest instead Ghiaccio."

"Oh yeah, of course."

You leave him there to overthink next to his bloody victim. Maybe he should have chosen yoga instead, then maybe you wouldn't have ran off so quickly.

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