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3 years ago

the sex pistols when you're dating guido mista hcs

mista is literally my <3 and i have SM headcanons involving the pistols in your relationship so enjoy! CW: my language. and that’s it. LOADS OF FLUFFY

gn! reader <3

The Sex Pistols When You're Dating Guido Mista Hcs

dating mista comes with taking care of the 7 pistols that are BASICALLY your children

omg you and mista asking them who’s each of their favorite

the others may find them annoying sometimes but you just love them. they’re a part of mista, so you GOTTA LOVE THEM TOO <3

“y/nnnnn i’m hungryyyy”

“mista is cutting salami be patient guys”


meaning: you can’t headpat, cuddle, kiss, hug, praise, etc. one of them without the others asking for said action also

you still favor number 5 tho he’s such a sweetheart

always scolding number 3 to be nice to number 5 pls he can’t get a break 💀

he’d only listen to you bc he loves you

pls if mista is gonna compliment you they’re all complimenting you

“damn babe you look hot today”

“y/n! you’re hair is so nice”

“is that a new perfume/cologne??”

and so on and so on

making them food sometimes and telling them to share


if you and mista are cuddling/napping together the pistols will also be on both you and mista’s shoulders, heads, faces, etc.


SO protective over you. you’re their royalty/king/queen and mista’s s/o so they need to make sure you’re treated right.

even if mista doesn’t tell them to do anything, if anyone even looks at you weird they’re going feral 💀 until you tell them to chill out and come back

after missions, they’ll indirectly ask for your praise.

“did you see us back there y/n?!?!”

“we did great didn’t we?!”

“yes. i saw you guys. you guys were amazing like always i’m so proud of you.”

KISSES KISSES KISSES literally throughout the entire day just randomly



mans does get jealous sometimes if you’re paying attention to the pistols more then him tho AHAHHA

i saw another hc where it said they’d slap your ass randomly💀 and they’re so mischievous it probably would happen

then mista comes in for A BIG SLAP LIKE DAMN

they help mista when he wants to get a gift for you or surprise you.

they’re just your little body guards and they adore you sm pls treat them right <3

jjba masterlist

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3 years ago

dating mista guido headcanons

more mista content bc i love him sm.

gn! reader

CW: language! sorry i literally curse sm 💀💀

Dating Mista Guido Headcanons


he also grabs your ass when he does it sometimes. he cannot resist the temptation pls.

literally made this hc list for that single one that has been in my head all week.

before dating, he’d be super smooth with you, but when it came to actually confessing and asking you out, he’d be a stuttering mess.

he is a PDA loving boy. i feel like he won’t really full on kiss you in front of the gang but he’ll give cheek/forehead kisses around them.

no shame in hugging you randomly or holding your hand tho. he has sm pride for you he’s showing that off.


you have to teach/help him to take care of himself.

he never really noticed he was stinky until trish pointed it out, and after that instance, he puts more effort and asks for your help when it comes to that.

he LOVESSSS when you play with his hair. and you do too.

pls those brown curly locks are irresistible you just gotta play with em.

he legit gets so relaxed and they’re so soft when he starts caring for his hair it’s so fun.

he likes laying between your thighs too. like non sexually. he’s super comfortable and on off days he’ll find himself in between your thighs LMAO.

the sex pistols are literally your children.

you guys feed them, give them attention, scold them if they’re bullying number five another pistol, and so on.

but those are its own list. WHICH you can find here!

he steals food off your plate LMAOOO he likes to feed you his food if you ask to have some tho.

sharing his theories 24/7.

“okay, tesoro, that may be true BUT ☝🏼what if…”

you actually listen to him and have full blown conversations about them which he loves and appreciates a lot.

his pet names include: caro/cara, tesoro, babe, gorgeous/handsome, princess/prince/royalty.

my boy is a simple guy. i think some dates include having an at home candlelit dinner you two made. idk it gives me mista vibes.

SLEEP>>> if mista can sleep in, he’s sleeping the hell in. and cuddling you until he has to get up. you’re stuck with him.

i can see him putting his hand under your shirt while cuddling sometimes in a non sexual manner.

has hella pickup lines/flirty puns for you. some are actually pretty smooth, but a lot of them are corny as fuck too 💀 but they’re always ones you’ve never heard before.

every time abbachio overhears one he wants to drown himself in wine.

“babe, if you were chicken, you’d be impeccable”

*snorts* “mista what the hell was that *laugh*”

abba: *silently gags*

if there’s four slices of cake left you’ll grab it to calm his peace of mind <3 despite him saying it’ll bring you bad luck

he is SUCH a cuddle bug it’s so cute. he likes burrowing his face in your neck, inhaling your scent while you’re in his arms. super clingy in a good way.

he’s always next to you during missions to make sure you’re safe.

TICKLE WARS PLS. he’d initiate them most of the time but at times when you initiate them, and you run away, you end up losing bc he always catches you.

knows literally anything about films and movies. like he’ll know anything about the movies you two watch together.

mans is good at advice. like he may be very laid back and carefree, but he’s really serious in certain situations like battles or things that are bothering you. he’s good at comfort and is SUPER SUPPORTIVE.

all in all, mista is such a flirty, sweet boy and is absolutely whipped for you. (simp /j)

jjba masterlist

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3 years ago

hi!! how are you? I was wondering if you could do some dating headcanons with fugo? thanks!¡!¡!¡

OMG MY FIRST ANON!! HI!! tysm for requesting <3

i haven’t dug into his characterization, but i think i have a firm understanding. i love him sm.

gn! reader. enjoy :))

TW: trauma, hinted sexual assault, mention of anger (pls tell me if i missed any)

dating fugo panacotta headcanons

Hi!! How Are You? I Was Wondering If You Could Do Some Dating Headcanons With Fugo? Thanks!!!

i’m actually so excited to write for fugo BDJAJDIWKKD

with how he grew up, i don’t think fugo would pay much mind to his feelings until someone pointed it out; like bruno or nara.

nara: “oooh fugooo are you making goo goo eyes at y/nnnn???”

fugo: “??? no? focus on your math problem you’ve been on it for a while.”

bruno: “fugo, correct me if i'm wrong, but i think you have feelings for y/n.”

(obvs he denies it but the thought lingers in his head for a long time before he admits it.)

fugo is v caring for others (ie. finding and taking narancia to bucciarati) so he cares for you too.

at first he wouldn’t show care with physical affection, but through acts of service and words of affirmation.

he has a way with words. he'll know exactly how to make you feel appreciated and flustered.

nicknames include: cara/caro and bella/bello. he'd also use your actual name.

he won’t do much physical touch at first, esp because of the college professor thing, so you help him warm up to physical affection (if you like physical touch)

in front of the gang, he wouldn’t do much initiating, but if you put your head on his shoulder he’ll put his head on top of yours.

not a big pda show-er but he glances at you time to time and sits next to you during meals.

i bet he’s a hand kisser. not in front of others, but in private he’s so sweet <3

I LITERALLY HEADCANON THIS SO HARD: you call him pudding occasionally bc of his name pls.

he’d be like :| at first but after a couple times he’d pay no mind to it.

back to the caring thing, he makes sure you’re okay mentally and physically.

if something is wrong physically, he’s so smart he has sm remedies to help you get better.

if something is wrong mentally, he’ll comfort you the best he can by stating the facts of the situation (with sympathy ofc) but he’ll do anything you need him too.

he likes to tell you random facts throughout the day about things you’re doing

lowk used it to impress you when he had a crush on you

esp if you guys are just walking around naples. he likes to tell you a little history about the city.

he melts when you ask him about topics you want him to teach you about

he just sees the stars in your eyes and loves how passionate, invested, and eager you are.

his parents gave him trauma with their pressure and expectations, so i think he needs you to reassure him that he's enough and is doing enough.

again bc of how he grew up, he wasn’t used to feeling and showing love. you def taught him how to love 🥺

since he's new to the concept of love, he appreciates how understanding and patient you are with him.

he also makes sure you know he loves you very subtly.

fugo obvs loves and cares for you, but he doesn’t show or express it as openly as someone like mista or nara would.

i feel like he's the type to do little things that have a big effect and really show he loves you.

you def help him with his anger issues and his journey with learning how to control it better.

(needing to sit next to him while he tutors narancia so he doesn’t stab him with a fork again)

you literally calm him down sm. like just a look at you or you saying his name will help him cool down pls.

he’s def more patient and in control of his anger with you.

you guys would get into arguments but most aren’t that serious and are just disagreements.


purple haze still not so secretly lets himself out and he likes when you pet his head. literally drools sm at that.

purple haze likes nuzzling into you too.

all in all, fugo isn’t a perfect boyfriend, but he tries his best to make you feel loved :)

Hi!! How Are You? I Was Wondering If You Could Do Some Dating Headcanons With Fugo? Thanks!!!

i hope you enjoyed anon! :D feel free to request more if you have any :)

i hope this was accurate enough. it's almost midnight so i lowkey gave up on editing. if there's some mistakes, apologies ahaha.

Hi!! How Are You? I Was Wondering If You Could Do Some Dating Headcanons With Fugo? Thanks!!!

jjba masterlist

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3 years ago

@erikakhemarika submitted: Hiii!!! I loved your dating Fugo headcanons so much. It warmed my day after a tiring shift! I was wondering if I could request a scenario with Fugo who has a calm and loving s/o. Someone who always helps his temper and reassure him he’s doing his best. Thank you and I also love your writing🥺🥰❤️


i hope it’s okay i wrote this in headcanon format. i don’t really know how to write well in other formats 😣😣

gn! reader; i hope you enjoy :)

TW: anger issues, hinted sexual assault and abuse, trauma. (please tell me if there’s more!)

fugo panacotta with a calm and loving s/o scenario/headcanons

@erikakhemarika Submitted: Hiii!!! I Loved Your Dating Fugo Headcanons So Much. It Warmed My Day After

in my mind, fugo is actually more drawn and attracted to people that are calm and loving.

before dating, i feel he’d be hesitant to pursue wanting to be in a relationship with you.

NOT BECAUSE HE DOESN’T WANT TO, but bc he doesn’t wanna scare you, overwhelm you, or cause you any harm or concern bc of his anger issues.

BUT BEING THE CALM LOVING PERSON YOU ARE, YOU KEEP CHECKING UP ON HIM (which makes his heart skip multiple beats) SO HE (thankfully) CAN’T HELP IT.

tbh tho, you guys are a great match. his anger may be 📈📈 but lucky for him, you’re very calm and can settle him down.

when you do date, you’re literally his world.

he really tries to control his anger around you and it works! but some things just drive him over the edge (narancia and math) and he can lose control.

you ofc don’t mind. you knew fugo had a bad temper and you wanted to help him so you calm him the best way you can.

a huggo for fugo ☺️

“hey hey hey love shhh. calm down, remember? breathe.”


you: okay hmm. how about, when you feel your temper start to rise, you think of something that makes you happy? what makes you feel happy?

fugo: you make me happy.


so anytime something pisses him off a little tm, all he has to do is think of you and he can grab control a little easier.

but if that doesn’t work and you’re around him, you just gotta talk to him and it’ll have the same affect.

however, sometimes fugo gets really frustrated with his journey of trying to improve his anger issues.

during these times you just assure him he’s doing amazing and the fact that he’s even trying is enough.

as mentioned in the general hc post, he’s pretty affected bc of his past. ie. he feels like he has to quickly reach expectations bc of his parents.

“love listen to me, you are enough, and you’re dong amazing! anyone in the team would agree!”

back to the giving him tips point, he loves you sm for it and really listens.

i mean, you’re using your own time to help him out so he really appreciates it.

some of your tips include: the happy thoughts, stress toy, breathing exercise, count down before speaking, etc etc.

some work, some don’t. always reassure him that it’s okay and some won’t always work.

bc of his past with the weird professor, he doesn’t give physical affection for a while


he thinks you’re so cute when you cuddle next to him and wanna hold his hand.

you’re also very attentive towards him.

you also always ask him if he’s okay, if he needs anything, and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself.

omg imagine humming/singing to him when he’s pissed off to calm him down.

EVEN IF YOU TAKE CARE OF HIM, he is very observant of you and makes sure you’re taking care of yourself too.

he always makes sure you know he loves you.

“cara/caro, i hope you know i love you so much more than you know.”

you are his love and he makes sure you aren’t neglecting yourself or stressing yourself.

he has literally never felt love like this before, truly treasures your love, and you in general.

@erikakhemarika Submitted: Hiii!!! I Loved Your Dating Fugo Headcanons So Much. It Warmed My Day After

anddddd that’s the end! i hope you enjoyed this i really tried my best to fulfill your request.

if you have any more requests, feel free to drop it in the inbox :) (fugo related or not)

@erikakhemarika Submitted: Hiii!!! I Loved Your Dating Fugo Headcanons So Much. It Warmed My Day After

jjba masterlist fugo panacotta dating hcs

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