I'm An Aussie - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Zach: He has hawk wings that stretch out 1 handspan beyond his fingertips. They blue-grey with similar markings to a budgerigar. He loves to incorporate his wings into his parkour routines, but is able to maneuver them without the use of his wings. Though he loves using his wings, he doesn't depend upon them for anything, and is as fit as he is in canon - the danger in his father's workplace scares him and motivated him to be independent.

Bella: She has raven wings that are one and a half armlengths. The coloring is similar to a tawny frogmouth, though it is more pigmented, leaning closer to blue-black than a light brown. She is very adept at using her wings, and she uses her flexibility to hold them horizontal and often balances tools on them while working.

Freddie: He has slightly underdeveloped hummingbird wings. Since he is 9, and behind his peers, his wings are a sore point for him and he generally hides them. He has similar coloring to an adolescent magpie.

Wings in real life:

The wings vary in size from elbow-span to full arm span and bigger and sprout from the shoulder blades

They also vary in colour and pattern

There’re stereotypes for wing type

Just generic stuff like bigger wings = bigger genitals

But also stuff like “people with crow wings are untrustworthy”

Wing type and size can run in the family

“Yea, I got my dad’s colouring but my mum’s pattern”

People find different wing types attractive

“Damn! Look at the wings on that guy!”

So there are bad pick up lines

“I’d ask you if it hurt when you fell from heaven, but with those wings, I doubt you could!”

New wing-related body language

People put their wings around their loved ones protectively or romantically

Wings expand to their full width when their owners are threatened

Flared wings = intimidation

People hide behind their wings

Wings change as people age

So there are youngin’s who are insecure that their wings look different than their peers

And this leads to the sexualisation of over/underdeveloped wings

Because wings won’t make humanity suck less

Wing growing pains

Sex-ed includes a part about wing growth and care

People missing one or more wings

Mostly in accidents or birth defects but removing someone’s wings can be a sign of dishonour

So there are prosthetics

There are some that match wings nearly perfectly and others that are bright and colourful to show pride in the missing parts

And other wing related disabilities

Some people can’t close up their wings to their back so they need aids to keep them from stretching too far out while indoors

Stimming by wing flapping

Rapid wing flapping is such an autistic stereotype that people do it to mock others and its listed as one of the “telltale” signs of autism

It’s not actually anymore common than any other stim, people just care more about it cause it causes the most property damage

Wings spasm and restless wing syndrome

The kid who sits in front of you in math has a wing spasm and hits you in the face

Imagine your OTP

Cultures where people cover their wings for the sake of modesty

Wing accessories 

Like, can you not see a kid putting a good couple dozen tiny plastic clips and ribbons in their wings

Or flowing wing scarves 

Wing fashion models

Dying of wings different colours

People change the colour of theirs to another natural colour like a darker or lighter shade of brown

But also people dying their wings 14 shades of purple

And there are different patterns that can be dyed into them

Hairstylists but for wings

Wing cosmetic surgery to change their shape

Getting gray feathers in wings with age

Male pattern loss of feathers

Buff dudes and gals with absolutely ripped wings

Gendered wings

Certain wing shape being considered masculine and some feminine

TERFs doing the whole “How to tell if X is trans by wing shape/size/colour”

Of course, this is all bs

Especially since different races have different wing types 

Its all just racist, sexist, transphobic bs

It is very rude to touch someone’s wings without their permission

Depending on the context and place touched, its even assault 

Getting to touch the underside of your partner’s wings with your hands is the equivalent of ‘secound-base’ or something

And close friends hug each other and cuddle into the inside of each other’s wings

“Jessie gives the best hugs. Their wings are just so soft”

“Please keep your arms, legs, and wings inside the ride at all times”

Man-spreading but with wings

Just people with wings in general

Can you tell I think about this too often

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