Im Getting To Answering The Asks - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆

What is the vibe your character gives off to the world? How does the world view them? Is this aligned or in disagreement with how your character feels internally?

*confused scream*

Imma assume this is like-- how my OC appears to other people and how they think of said OC VS how my OC actually is if that's ok hhhhhhhhh

  To most people, Hokusai seems to be an affable and well-mannered person. Someone who likes to taunt  and play with others and even act somewhat immature to an extent, but he is quick to prove others that he's quick-witted, capable, and mature when handling most situations, especially when things get serious.  If one spends enough time around him, they notice how he can act pretty cunning and secretive, along with the fact that he knows more than he lets on- though there is suspicion in regards to his shifty behavior, Hokusai still proves everyone that he has no malicious intent whatsoever and is merely doing what he thinks is "best". He's well-liked by the students of NRC and is even on close terms with a lot of them, but because he also likes to nag and tease them, they can't help but be mean back towards him (and he lets them all get away with it since it's all just harmless fun).  

   ... Funnily enough, Hokusai himself HEAVILY disagrees with everyone's opinions regarding himself. After all, the one who hates Hokusai the most is himself. He considers his current self a "mask that became himself to hide his [sins]"; Hokusai basically thinks that he's simply a monster wearing a humane mask. He's not going to ever deny that.  He acknowledges that he's done a lot of horrible things in the past out of misguided anger and hatred born from delusion, along with taking pleasure in doing such things because, from somewhere deep in his heart, he hates the entire world for taking the things most important to him. 

   Hokusai knows that there is no salvation for something as heinous as him. But with this new life that he has been given, this third chance, he'll try to do things better. He doesn't wish to ever return to how he used to be. 

All he wants now is to be a better father and a good teacher to the kids.

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