I'm Gonna Put This In His Bio As Well So Its Noted But Yeah!!! If Anyone Wants To Ship With Him; Go For It!! If Anyone Doesn't; Very Fair!! - Tumblr Posts

Note regarding my Akechi muse & shipping: Particularly regarding Shuake/Akeshu (the ship of Akechi & the Protagonist), Akechi’s feelings regarding the Protagonist are very complicated regardless of the platonic or romantic nature of their dynamic, so while I do personally ship it and think the pairing is very interesting, it is not the default dynamic I have for them! I think Akechi has a lot of conflicting emotions and thoughts regarding the Protag, some of them very well being romantic (or at least generally homosexual) in nature. The overall, general conflicting emotions is simply part of my characterization of Akechi, but is entirely optional if it is expanded upon into a proper ship or even specified! if you want to ship it with me, by all means! but no one is obligated to!!! (it will also be tagged as Akeshu // for those who want to block it!)
I am also entirely okay with pairing Akechi with muses aside from the Protagonist! Akechi is a VERY difficult muse to handle and work with regarding honesty, his inner thoughts and feelings, and being both genuine and vulnerable enough to express them to another person, but it is ABSOLUTELY on the table! As long as it's not creepy, then I’m probably willing to at least consider it!