I'm In Loooooove - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

“When I say I love you forever, that’s what I mean.”

yoongi x reader (oc)

genre: fluff; smut (just barely at the end)

word count: 2.8K

a/n: Hi lovelies! It’s Yoongi day!!!! This is the night Yoongi starts working on People for his mixtape and he and Kid/reader have a long conversation about life, people, and the meaning of everything. Idek if the conversations make full sense but that’s kind of what I like about them, these two are just bullshitting and getting to know each other even more and I think it’s sweet. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, and thanks for reading! :))

And happy birthday to our favorite honey boy 🍯💛

When I Say I Love You Forever, Thats What I Mean.

Seated on Yoongi’s studio couch, your eyes scanned over the words of the paperback novel in your hands as the sounds of the beats from the man’s computer started and stopped at random, filling the room with evidence of his genius and artistry. As you turned the page, the man sat back against his chair with a small huff, your gaze lifting from the book to your boyfriend.

You waited a moment, seeing if he was going to initiate conversation or if he was simply taking a quick moment to himself. However, when his head turned to peer behind him, sneaking a glance at you, you couldn’t help the upward curve of your lips.

“Hey,” he chuckled lightly, your smile growing.

“What’s up, Honey Boy?”

He appeared bashful, as if he was embarrassed and almost guilty for interrupting your reading. Lowering the book to the cushion next to you, holding your place with your finger, you cocked your head.

“Would you mind giving this a listen real quick?” He asked shyly, your eyes widening in slight surprise. Yoongi asking for your opinion on his music wasn’t new or even rare, but the tentativeness in his demeanor certainly was. The man could be bashful when sharing his work, but rarely hesitant.

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1 year ago

Holy Moly...

@thewraithsofmorhogg oh my god, I discovered your fic Noisy Neighbors on Saturday and I cannot describe to you how much joy it has brought me! The sight of the insanely long masterlist makes me so happyyyy

I was binging all Saturday night and all of yesterday but I'm still only on like Chapter 39 (out of 83 *and ongoing*, people!!) because the writing is so good I'm reading slowly XD

I also love the playlist - I was traveling back from NYC for 5 hours(I wasn't driving don't worry) and I was listening to it all day :)))


(for context its this amazing rowaelin AU fanfic)

Okay that's all - @thewraithsofmorhogg if you see this omg I'm a fan XD


bye :3

EDIT: @thewraithsofmorhogg you are my most liked/reblogged Tumblr account lmao just got the notification XD

Holy Moly...

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6 months ago
Ty Lee from avatar the last air bender in traditional Thai inspired dancer clothing. Two drawings showing her full body. the first one on the left has her standing body facing the viewer but looking to the right. hands hare held artistically in front of her around hips height. she is dressed in a pink shawl top with small withe flowers. and wears purple pants with a pattern. around her neck is an ornamented golden and red collar. a big necklace hanging form her neck. 

on the right her body is pointing towards the right but she is looking towards the left.  her stance is playful. she wears a red top  with a ornamented collar with ribbons dangeling from its centre. the top has pointed short shoulder sleeves. she is wearing purple pants and decorated belt abouve it. her shoes have little pomp poms.
Ty Lee from avatar the last air bender in traditional Thai inspired dancer clothing. Two drawings showing her full body. the first one on the left has her striking a dancers pose. her right arm is raised above her head. Balancing on one leg while the other is raised, foot leaning on her stable leg. she is wearing a light pink top and pink pants (sampot) with delicate geometric pattern. she wears a golden collar where golden ribbons come out. 

on the right she is standing facing the viewer one hand raised and with her palm visible and the other hold open as if offering to the side. she swears a red top with gold floral decorations .

(ID in ALT text) here have some more!

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4 years ago


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