Im Jaeboem - Tumblr Posts
Playboy Prince

Prince Im Jaebum.
Part 1.
You lay buried in your thick comforter, listening to the sound of rushed footsteps running back and forth in the hallway. Even though all of the hustling and bustling going on outside are in preparation for your meeting with the prince, one your mother deems as an exceptional young man, you can’t seem to move out of your current position. You’re just waiting for your mother to notice your absence and send up Leila, your personal maid.
All you can think to yourself at the moment, is why him? Although every other potential husband for you was either a little too weird, even for your mother, or gave you the creeps, you couldn’t possibly think they were worse than Prince Im Jaebum. You don’t know him personally, obviously. However, people love to talk. You knew of Prince Jabeum’s ways before he became the topic of your future life. All the other princess called him the Playboy Prince. Apparently he’s been sweeping ladies off their feet since he was 13! You’d rather be with Prince Yugyeom, who loved to put his face in your hair and take a big whiff, than someone who can’t even count all the women he’s been with before 18 on two hands.
Suddenly, your mother comes bursting through the door, two maids behind holding piles of clothing. She must be livid, she came in here herself.
“Good morning!” She shouts, particularly loud. “I know you don’t care to do this, but you really have no choice and you’re not about to embarrass me and your father and this kingdom by being in your undergarments when the Prince arrives!” She’s still yelling. Incredible that she can yell for such long periods of time without becoming hoarse.
“Mother, don’t you think you are being a little dramatic? We have plenty of time, I’d say. Besides, if he’s not willing to wait a little while until I’m completely ready, maybe he’s not the prince you think.” You roll out of bed and walk straight to your bathroom to freshen ump.
You hear your mother from the other room, “Well get in there and start on her hair!”
Soon after one of the maids has rushed inside and is now brushing your hair as you sit on the toilet. So ridiculous how obnoxious she gets when there’s a ‘big event” being held in our castle. It’s just an introductory dinner.
As one of the maids pulls tight on your corset and ties it in a neat little bow, all the commotion going on outside your bedroom seems to come to complete halt. He must be here. You’re slightly disappointed that you didn’t even get to make him wait. He’s probably used to women throwing themselves at him and you definitely didn’t want to seem so eager.
You hear a knock on your door, then it’s slowly pushed open. You see none other than your favorite person in this castle, Leila. You give her a huge smile, a complete 180 from the attitude you’ve had all morning.
“Princess, they are awaiting your entrance,” she says in her small voice, also flashing me her pearly whites.
You take one last look in the mirror. You’re wearing a big, floofy, pastel pink princess dress. Corset almost too tight to bear, just enough room to breathe. Your diamond necklace and matching earrings to pull everything together. Your mother went all out for this one, I guess this is the night that I become a fiancé.
You look away from yourself and back to Leila. She bows her head to you as you walk past her and out to the hallway. Once you’ve reached the top of the stairs, you hear the butler announce you and the guards start to walk down. You wait until they’re a few steps ahead and began to walk down as well. You search the foyer as you walk and that’s when you see him. Your eyes lock and you can’t seem to look away. Or at least you don’t want to. His dark eyes are so captivating. They slowly move down your body and back up to lock with yours once more. You wanted to take a deep breath to relax, the corset, however, does not allow you to do so.
You realize you’re nearing the end of the steps and you pull your eyes away, reluctantly. What was that?
Once at the bottom of the steps, Jaebum walks over to you, his cat like eyes sucking you in once again. You refuse to let him know he as an affect on you. You hold eye contact until he’s standing right in front of you.
He grabs your hand, kisses the back of it, and bows. “Hello your highness, thank you for having me in your lovely castle,” He says as he comes back up.
You take your hand back and curtsy, “It is our pleasure.” You say.
He holds his arm out, wanting you to put yours through it. “Shall we?”
You put your arm through his and allow him to walk you to your family’s dining room where you sit next to him. Joining you are both your parents, but only for a short while.
During dinner, it’s mostly just your parents talking amongst themselves, leaving you and Jaebum to get to know each other yourselves.
You try asking him about himself so you could marry someone you at least know a little bit about. Unfortunately for you, he seemed very uninterested. Every answer was one worded and to make it even worse, he didn’t ask a single thing about you.
You think back to the moment when you were on the stairs. What an idiot! You completely fell for it. He probably looks at every woman that way right before taking them to his bedroom.
“Darling,” your mother calls out you, pulling you out your thoughts. “We’re going to show them the other side of the castle, why don’t you show Prince Jaebum the garden.”
Once they’ve walked out of the dining room, Jaebum’s whole mood changed.
“Alright, they’re gone finally!” He starts off, “Do you perhaps have a wine cellar?” He asks inquisitively.
You roll your eyes. Really?
“We do” You eye him for a second watching his face change to an excited look, “I hope you don’t think I’d let you get me drunk so you can fuck me and decide tomorrow I’m not the princess you’re looking for. I know about you, Prince Jaebum.”
His mouth starts to curve up into a grin.
“You think I want to fuck you?” He starts to chuckle.
You can feel your face get warm as you start to get angry.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” Your voice starts to get louder.
You stand abruptly, making Jaebum stop laughing. You walk as fast as you can to the doors leading to the garden. You hear Jaebum right behind you. You walk over to a concrete bench that overlooks the biggest bush in the garden. Shaped like swans.
Jaebum takes a seat next to you and chuckles again, “So what did you mean, Princess?” He asks with a smirk.
He must think incredibly highly of himself.
“Oh, come on. People talk, Jaebum. You can’t expect to sleep with every woman you encounter and them not gossip about it.” You hear how it comes out of your mouth and cringe.
He chuckles again, “Is that what princesses are saying about me?” He looks at you, “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were jealous..good thing you’re stuck with me,” he shrugs with a smile.
“Excuse me?”
“Once I’ve told my parents that I actually like you and I choose you to be my bride, you’re stuck with me.”
You roll your eyes. He’s absolutely right. This is not how you thought this was going to go.
You hear him laughing again. “What’s the matter princess? I’m not your first pick?”
“Definitely not,” You scoff, looking into your lap.
You feel his body heat as leans over to you. He whispers in your ear, “I can't wait to make you fall in love with me,” he starts to gently rub your back, “You’ll be begging me to fuck you by our wedding day.”
You gasp and feel your cheeks get extremely hot.
You hear the doors behind you open and Jaebum pulls away quickly, as both of your parents come out.
Jaebum stands and bows at your mother, “Your Majesty, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to be shown to the room I’ll be staying in. We’ve traveled far today and I’m rather tired.”
“Yes, of course.” She responds with a smile.
As she calls for one of the maids to come escort him, your father walks up to him. “I hope you found our daughter to be to your liking.”
“Oh she is lovely,” he looks back at you and winks. “I think she is definitely Queen material. The kind of Queen our town needs.
You see his parents smile at him as a way of showing approval.
You turn back to the giant swan bush in front of you. You then close your eyes and mentally prepare for the weeks to come and all the time you’ll have to spend with Prince Im Jaebum.
Playboy Prince 3

Prince Im Jaebum.
Part 3.
“Welcome back, Prince Im Jaebum,” The butler does a 90 degree bow, “Hello, Princess Y/N.” He turns his attention to you, bowing again.
You nod your head with a smile.
“I’ll take your bags.”
He reaches for Prince Jaebum and while reaching for yours, he gives Jaebum a questioning look.
“You can take her bags to my room as well,” Jaebum already knew what he was thinking
As the butler walks off with both of your bags, Jaebum begins walking further into the castle. You right on his tail.
His castle was very much different from yours. Your parents loved the white marble and classy look. Almost everything in your castle was white, white marble, or some other shade close to white allowing for a slight contrast. With the occasional bright colored piece of decor.
But the Ims’ castle. It was very rich with gold details everywhere and darker shades. Completely opposite what you were used to. Not that you were complaining, it was nice to see something different. It made you feel like you didn’t need to be so cautious about leaving any kind of dirt behind.
You hadn’t noticed Prince Jaebum had stopped walking and began to watch you admire his castle.
“Not what you’re used to, Princess?”
His voice catches you off guard and you quickly look over to him.
“No.” You reply, walking towards where he’s standing, next to a large exotic painting of some animal. “It is very beautiful, though. I can see myself living here.” You give him a wink.
He smirks, “Wait until you see my room.”
Prince Jaebum gives a pretty intricate tour of the castle, showing you even the secret passage ways. You’re so in awe the whole time. Their castle gives of a completely different energy than what you’re used to, but you absolutely love it. The dark flooring and walls with gold detail was so captivating to you.
Jaebum, again, watches you closely. Taking advantage of you being completely distracted by his home to look at you. Specifically your lips.
As you’re looking around at everything, you catch his stare.
“What?” You ask confused, “Is there something on my face?” You began feeling all over your face.
He lets out a breathy chuckle, “No, you just look like a kid in a candy store. Have never seen any castle other than your own?”
“I mean I have, but most of the time they all have the same interior.” You look back at some of the paintings in the hallway you’re standing in, “Definitely not covered with such unique art.”
“And what’s with the kid thing again?” You ask.
Prince Jaebum shakes his head, “Just waiting on you to prove otherwise, Princess.”
“Come on. Time for the best part.” He grabs your arm and takes you up the stairs and down a long hallway until you reach a set of tall double doors, black and gold of course.
He pushes them open and steps aside for you to walk in first.
The first thing you notice is the big king sized bed in the middle of the room, with dark red bedding and a sheer, black canopy draping off the top from every side of the frame. You briefly wonder how many women he’s fucked on there.
Jaebum walks past you to the middle of the room and spreads his arms out, “So this is our room, what do you think?” With an extra emphasis on the word “our.”
On the outside you give him an annoyed look and roll your eyes, but on the inside, you’re actually screaming. That’s cute.
“It’s cute, actually. The bed, especially, seems cozy.”
He tilts his head to the side, “So the bed is what caught your attention, huh?”
“Because I like to sleep, Prince Jaebum.”
You hear him sigh, dramatically.
“I know what you’re doing, you know.” He says, as you walk around the room, touching and looking at everything.
You don’t look at him as a smile creeps on your face, “And what is it I’m doing?”
“You know. That thing where you keep saying things that could have a double meaning.” You turn to look at him and see he’s sitting at the end of the bed now. “What are you up to, Princess?”
He looks absolutely delicious right now. He’s seated so beautifully at the end of the bed, legs parted, and leaning back onto his hands. You imagine how he would react if you just got down on your knees in front of him right now. You subconsciously lick your lips, a little too slow.
“Hello! Princess!” He starts waving his hands around, “What are you thinking about?” He’s smirking now.
You ignore him and continuing looking around at everything.
He lets you look around a little bit, allowing you to get a little more comfortable with your new home.
“Why don’t you come over here with me,” he’s lying down now, eyes on you.
You slowly walk towards the side of the bed he’s laying on and he scoots over and pats the bed next to him, signaling for you to lie down.
Okay. Laying next to him won’t cause any harm. Right?
You two lay in silence for a while, you momentarily forget about all the teasing and banter you two normally do. It’s nice actually. You guys are actually cuddling right now. His arm wrapped over you while you rest on his other.
Jaebum feels different with you. He’s never allowed any girl in his room, let alone his bed. He never cuddled any of the other princesses he fucked, he felt like that involved too much emotion and would complicate things. This, though, with you was very relaxing.
The sound of you speaking breaks the comfortable silence.
“Prince Jaebum ca-”
“You can just call me Jaebum, Princess.”
“Jaebum,” saying just his name feels nice. Like he trusts you.
“Can I ask you a question and get a very honest answer?”
Jaebum just knows it’s about the rumors. Of course he’ll be honest with you, you’re about to marry him, so what’s the point in lying about it anymore?
“Princess, any question you have I will answer honestly. I have no reason to lie to you, we’re about to be married.” He responds
That makes you smile. You also think maybe it’s just because there’s nothing you could really do about whatever the answer is except just knowing about it from him himself.
“I want to know how many women you’ve fucked.”
You lean up on your arm, facing him.
“You want the absolute truth?”
“That’s what I said.”
“I’ve only been with four, one of them isn’t even a princess.”
You sit up fully now. Is he lying to you right now?
“You’re lying. You just told me you were going to be honest.”
“I also told you I have no reason to lie.”
He sits up too, so you’re now sitting across from each other.
“I slept with Princess Sooyoung , you know, the princess of all princesses. She wasn’t a good fuck so I never asked to see her again, which she did not take well. Apparently she thought us fucking meant I wanted her to be my queen, so with the help of her friends, they all spread the rumor about me.”
You can see the sadness in his eyes. He always seemed like he was proud to have such a reputation, but watching him tell the story you can see it actually did bother him, there was just nothing he could do about it and he knew it.
You reach up to rub his arm, in a comforting way.
“Hey. I believe you, Jaebum.”
He looks up at you with longing eyes. He looks at your lips briefly and then back to your eyes.
You want to kiss him. So bad.
Lucky for you, he leans in first.
His soft lips against yours feels like heaven. You feel like you’re in a dream, getting lost in the motion of your lips moving in sync with his.
You feel his hand touch your thigh and you tense. He notices.
He quickly pulls his hand away and pulls away from the kiss. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I just-
“Jaebum,” You cut him off. “I wasn’t uncomfortable. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
You move closer to him and grab his hand to put back on your thigh, a little bit higher than where he put it. You lean in to kiss him, this time going lower.
You slowly give him an open mouthed kiss on his neck, sucking on the skin as you pull away and go back up to his lips.
Jaebum could feel himself growing in his pants at the way you just kissed his neck. He moves his hand up your body from your thigh to your waist and pulls you onto his lap, never breaking the kiss. He makes sure to push his hard on into you so you know exactly how you’re making him feel right now.
The feeling of his dick lightly rubbing against your clit is making you unbelievably wet. You just want him inside you already filling you completely, you can just tell it’s incredibly thick.
Just as you start grinding down even harder against him, the phone rings. You look over and see it’s his mom calling.
“Jae- Jaebum,” you breathe out, “It’s your mom, you need to answer it.”
He groans and throws his head back in frustration reaching for his phone.
You stay seated on top of him as he speaks to her. He looks really good under you, his lips plump, face red from the heated moment, and hair a little disheveled from running your hands through it.
After about 10 minutes you realize the conversation isn’t ending soon and you’re starting to feel awkward just sitting here and staring at him. You decide to go shower away the day of travel and the arousal that soaked your panties. It was beginning to get uncomfortable.
You move to get up and Jaebum grabs your leg and gives you a questioning look. You mouth ‘shower’ as you continue to get up.
He looks sad almost.
You strip out of your clothes and step into the hot water. You hum in content. This feels really nice.
Your mind starts to wander back to what was about to happen and you get that feeling in your stomach again. You close your eyes, lean your head back letting the water hit you, and slide your fingers down your chest all the way to where you needed it most. You can just picture what his dick looks like and you remember how it felt against you.
You let out a sigh as you rub your clit to the thought of Jaebum.
You don’t even hear his footsteps as walks in the very spacious shower behind you.
“Are you starting without me, Princess?”

everyone wants what im jaebeom has

꩜᤻ @ 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴 𝙾𝚁 𝚁𝙴𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶 ★☆% ૮ / / / ა 𝟿𝟽'🍂𓈒 ﹋ ꒰•‧̫•꒱ ⌯🍂 - 𝙸𝙵 𝚄 𝚂𝙰𝚅𝙴. . . 🗒༴⠀᭢ 𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙴 🗯️ 조 키 하 ᵎᵎ ꒲ ⠀꫶︐⟡ ∿ ☆% 𖨂 「 ᕱ ᕱ 」 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝚁𝙴𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃 !!! ꒰ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ꒱

Tag a kpop man who you think is so attractive it pisses you off a little bit
Got7 reaction to you swearing:
"Hey baby, you wanna go get ice cream?", Mark asks, staring at your curled up figure on the couch, scrolling through your phone mindlessly. You seem to be in a bad mood today because of your period, so your boyfriend was trying to cheer you up in the best way he knows: food. He shouldn't be too surprised when you jump up from the sofa, flinging the fuzzy blanket off your body carelessly, but the words you say afterwards are what shocks him. "Fuck, yes!", you shout, your dark hair cascading down your back messily and your hands clasped together tightly in front of your chest, your adorably happy expression not matching the sentence you used.Mark stares at you speechlessly, his eyes slightly wide with shock and his mouth open. You on the other hand, don't even realize that you cursed, the hormones making you forget your own strict 'no cursing' policy, and skip to the door, only turning your head when you realize your boyfriend isn't following you. "Are you coming?", you question, your eyebrows furrowed cutely in confusion and your hand on the doorknob, grasping the cold metal. Mark stares at you for another second, his brown eyes impossibly soft before he shakes his head, a fond smile spreading on his full lips. "Yeah, I'm coming.", he says, finding the badass side of you cute and interesting, and your innocent and oblivious behavior afterwards even more.

Jaebum looks down at your drowsy face with a soft smile, watching as your eyelids droop slightly only to widen a second later, revealing your dark irises. The two of you were supposed to have a movie night, but you found yourself talking on the couch instead, giggling about random things as the television plays in the background.Now you were laying between your boyfriend's legs, your chin propped on his broad chest as he runs his nimble fingers through your dark hair, his other hand stroking your lower back absentmindedly. "You should go home, you're nodding off", Jaebum mumbles gently, knowing it was impossible to wake you up after you fall asleep, and you groan, your lips jutting out cutely at the thought of leaving your lover's warm arms and going back to your cold, empty apartment. "Why can't I sleep here?", you whine shamelessly, rubbing your nose against the soft fabric of Jaebum's gray sleeping shirt, and he chuckles, poking your cheek gently. "You have class tomorrow in the morning. I can't let you ditch.", he explains softly but firmly, leaving no room for arguments, and you groan, for once regretting having such an amazing boyfriend who remembers your schedule better than his own. "Oh shit, I forgot about that.", you exclaim, slapping your forehead before looking up at Jaebum, whose eyebrows are raised slightly, his expression somewhat impressed. "What?", you ask, knowing the answer even before your boyfriend shakes his head, snapping out of his surprised state. "Nothing. I just never heard you curse before.", he explains, and you blush, looking down, internally blaming your tiredness for your slip. "Hey, it's fine, I curse too. I guess it'll just take some time to get used to.", your boyfriend hurriedly says when he sees your embarrassment, and you smile at that, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. "I'm not as innocent as you think, Im Jaebum."

Jackson laughs as he sprints at you, his bare feet hitting the ground rhythmically as you screech, desperately trying to escape your boyfriend's flour-covered hands. The two of you attempted to bake a cake earlier today, and of course that simple task ended in the kitchen looking like a war zone, flour and eggs covering the parquet floor. Attempting to clean up the house just led to another deadly chase, Jackson hot on your heels as you try to avoid his batter-covered figure. You choke, trying to swallow as much air as possible when you collapse on your king-sized bed, too tired and laughing too hard to continue running. "Princess, didn't anybody tell you this isn't the royal palace? You're too clean for us poorlings.", Jackson says with a gleeful grin, advancing towards you slowly, his white fingers wiggling with hidden expectations. "Oh, piss off.", you blurt out, kicking your feet in the air helplessly as you try to scare off your boyfriend. And Jackson does freeze in his place, but it's most certainly not because of your bare feet. You jump in your spot when your boyfriend screams loudly, just as you're about to question his weird behaviour, his mouth open wide and eyes showing betrayal, and you only understand his reaction when he points at you with a shaky finger. "You just cursed!", he exclaims loudly, and you gape at him, the realization slowly dawning on you. You did curse. It was nothing like you, you were always such a pure soul, polite and careful with your words, to the point Jackson was always joking that you were an actual princess because of your perfect behaviour. Before you can start explaining yourself, Jackson yells again, successfully cutting off your line of thought. "You're a foul-mouthed princess!"

"Baby, I have a surprise.", Jinyoung announces, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and you raise your head from its place on your boyfriend's shoulder, placing your phone on the couch before looking at Jinyoung warily. "What is it?", you ask, feeling nervous despite knowing that it's definitely something good, judging by the way Jinyoung's eyes are twinkling and a smile is tugging at his lips. "I planned us a two-week vacation in Greece. Just the two of us.", your boyfriend says with a slowly growing smile, enjoying your wide eyes and gaping mouth. "Fuck. Are you serious?", you ask, practically lunging at your boyfriend and sitting yourself in his lap, straddling him, before you hug him tightly, the older responding by chuckling softly at your cute behavior, tugging you closer to him by the waist. You don't even realize you cursed, something you always vow not to do, especially not next to your boyfriend, who likes to act like you are a porcelain doll he has to protect. You're too busy rambling into Jinyoung's ear about how happy and thankful you are, already planning your days in the tropical islands of Greece, images of colorful bikinis and coconut water surfacing your mind. "But you're going to have to wash that mouth with soap before we go, babe.", Jinyoung says nonchalantly after you finally stop talking, and you send him a clueless look, not understanding the disapproving look in his eyes before you remember your words from a few minutes ago, and you roll your eyes, hiding your face in Jinyoung's neck so he won't see the blush creeping on your cheeks.

Youngjae sighs when he tries to wake you up for the fifth time, shaking your limp body gently. "Y/N, wake up.", he begs, hoping the urgency in his voice will somehow sink into your consciousness. To your boyfriend's surprise, it actually seems to work, since you shift a bit in your sleep, groaning tiredly as your eyes flutter lightly. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Sighing in relief, your lover shakes you harder, feeling motivated at the sight of your reaction. "Babe, it's late, wake up." You groan again, finally opening your eyes to reveal tiny cracks, and bringing your hand up, probably to rub the sleep from your tired eyes. In the process, you somehow fling your hand too far, accidentally hitting Youngjae in the eye, his face immediately contorting in pain as he reaches his own hand out to cover the bruised limb. "Fuck, sorry", you say instantly, sitting up to cradle your boyfriend's face in your hands, your eyes wide and worried. Youngjae's mouth falls open at the sound of you cursing, his hurt eye long forgotten as he stares at you for a second before starting to laugh, the giggles erupting from his mouth loud and obnoxious. "Oh my god, that's the best thing I've ever heard!", he screeches, laughing so hard he actually starts to cry, small tears slipping down his cheeks as you laugh yourself at the ridiculous situation, still trying to check on Youngjae while you do so. "Well, at least you forgot about the pain.", you say between choked giggles, Youngjae leaning his forehead on your shoulder, trying to calm down desperately. He'll probably be in hysterics the whole day, the image of your oh-so innocent face letting out such a vile word not leaving his mind.

"I'm so sorry, babe", you say shamefully, your eyes filled with guilt as you stare at your boyfriend, who's looking at you with a small smile on his face. You couldn't help but feel bad for spilling hot corn soup all over Bambam's phone, even if you tripped because of his sneakers that were carelessly thrown in the middle of the living room. The older doesn't seem to care half as much as you do though, more worried about making your pretty face go back to smiling. "Y/N, it's fine. I'll just go buy another one", your lover says with a chuckle, pinching your cheeks when you continue to pout. "I'm serious, okay? Now stop pouting." You sigh, leaning your head on Bambam's shoulder apologetically. "I'm really sorry. I feel like a bitch.", you mumble, raising your head to look at your boyfriend when you feel him tense underneath you, the muscles in his shoulder seizing up. "Did you just curse?", Bambam says, his mouth round with surprise and brown eyes peering at you curiously. "Uh… I guess I did.", you answer, pretty confused yourself as you think back to what you said moments ago. You never curse, maintaining the 'good girl' reputation you have since you were born, but you were so upset with yourself you couldn't help but talk aggressively. Bambam stares at you for another second before whistling lowly, a dangerous smirk settling on his sharp features. "I have to admit it's pretty hot", he wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, and you feel your cheeks burn, pushing your boyfriend away lightly with the palms of your hands. "Shut up."

You sigh, staring at the lock screen of your phone with want. It was a picture of you and Yugyeom, one you took on a cold winter night, the two of you practically unrecognizable in thick fur coat and hats, but you can clearly see your red noses and twinkling eyes, your faces pressed close together as you smile at the camera, or maybe it's just your teeth chattering. You miss your boyfriend dearly, even more now that he's supposed to return from tour in a week. It should make it easier, knowing he'll be with you soon, but instead you keep anticipating the day it happens, which makes time move slower, you're sure. A knock on the door startles you, and you furrow your eyebrows before shutting your phone and getting up from the sofa slowly. You weren't expecting anyone, but maybe it's Y/F/N or just a neighbor wanting to borrow some sugar. You open the door, and time seems to stop when you see your boyfriend's happy grin, his eyes crinkled and brown hair messy, suitcase in hand and clothes wrinkled from the flight. "Yugyeom!", you manage to choke out before leaping at your lover, hands wrapping around his neck tightly and lean legs around his waist. "Aww, did you miss me, baby?", Yugyeom says jokingly, hugging you back just as tight, one of his hands coming up to cup the back of your head while the other supports your thighs. "You asshole, why didn't you tell me you'll be arriving today?", you say tearfully, drops of salty water dripping down your cheeks steadily, the happiness you feel overwhelming you. Yugyeom's smile widens even more at the sound of you cursing, knowing that it's a rare occurrence that only happens when you're very very happy. Yugyeom buries his head in your neck, closing his eyes with a sigh of content. "I missed you, too, sweetheart."

Jus2 Icons
This duo... <3

Jus2: Yugyeom and JaeBeom Icons

Jus2: Yugyeom & JaeBeom icons
Hot x2...

Random 2jae Icons
Flight Log: Arrival is just— *chef kiss 🤌
Breath Of Love: Last Piece

[Do Not Repost] GOT7 icons
Boyfriend vibes
「 got7 au | werewolf pack 」

anonymous asked: Can you do BTS, GOT7, or TXT as a werewolf pack? I couldn't choose one band so you can do which ever one you're more comfortable with! Thank you and stay safe and healthy! 💜💚

[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]

𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
name: im jae beom
hometown: goyang city, gyeonggi-do, south korea
birthday: january 6, 1994
age: 26
position: alpha
fur colour: black
eye colour: red

name: mark yi en tuan/don yi eun
hometown: los angeles, califonia, usa
birthday: september 4, 1993
age: 27
position: beta
fur colour: silver
eye colour: blue

name: wang jiaer
hometown: hong kong, china
birthday: march 28, 1994
age: 26
position: delta
fur colour: dark brown
eye colour: blue

name: park jin young
hometown: jinhae-gu, changwon city, gyeongsangnam-do, south korea
birthday: september 22, 1994
age: 26
position: delta
fur colour: dark brown
eye colour: blue

name: choi young jae
hometown: mokpo city, jeollanam-do, south korea
birthday: september 17, 1996
age: 24
position: delta
fur colour: dark brown
eye colour: blue

name: kunpimook bhwakhul (bambam)
hometown: bangkok, thailand
birthday: may 2, 1997
age: 23
position: salutary
fur colour: silver
eye colour: blue

name: kim yu gyeom
hometown: namyangju-si, gyeonggi-do, south korea
birthday: november 17, 1997
age: 23
position: omega
fur colour: silver
eye colour: blue

「 got7 au | mafia mob 」

[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]

𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
name: im jae beom
hometown: goyang city, gyeonggi-do, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1994.01.06
age: 25
role: boss, spy, lure, seducer
code name: jb
code number: 010694
boss: the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
lure: tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
seducer: a person who entices someone into sexual activity.
criminal record’;
gang activities
gang violence
grand theft
accessory to murder
accessory to grand theft
left the crime scene

name: dong yi eun
hometown: los angles, california, usa
birthday (y/m/d): 1993.09.04
age: 25
role: spy, dealer, seducer, sniper
code name: mark
code number: 090493
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
dealer: a person or business that buys and sells goods.
seducer: a person who entices someone into sexual activity.
sniper: a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
criminal record;
gang activity
gang violence
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
attempted assault
left crime scene
accessory to murder
accessory to theft

name: wang jia er
hometown: hong kong, china
birthday (y/m/d): 1994.03.28
age: 25
role: spy, distraction, the ears, assassin
code name: jackson
code number: 032894
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
the ears: listens closely to what others are saying.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
criminal record;
gang activity
gang violence
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
grand theft
assault & battery
accessory to murder
accessory to grand theft

name: park jin young
hometown: jinhae-gu, changwon city, gyeongsangnam-do, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1994.09.22
age: 24
role: spy, hacker, driver, the eyes
code name: junior
code number: 092294
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
hacker: a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
driver: a person who ensures the escape of his accomplices, for example; bank-robbers, from the scene of a crime.
the eyes: look at or watch closely or with interest.
criminal record;
hacking government systems
hacking use: building blueprints, banks, apartments, government buildings
overriding government systems
tampering with surveillance videos
assault & battery
gang violence
gang activities
left crime scene

name: choi young jae
hometown: mokpo city, jeollanam-do, south korea
birthday (y/m/d): 1996.09.17
age: 22
role: spy, assassin, arsonist, capture
code name: youngjae
code number: 091796
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
capture: take into one’s possession or control by force.
criminal record;
gang activity
gang violence
1st 2nd & 3rd-degree murder
attempted murder (government officials)
grand theft auto
left crime scene
accessory to hacking (government)
accessory to grand theft

name: kunpimook bhuwakul
hometown: bangkok, thailand
birthday (y/m/d): 1996.05.02
age: 21
role: spy, lure, assassin, arsonist, torture
code name: bambam
code number: 050297
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
lure: tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
torture: the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
criminal record;
gang activity
gang violence
grand theft
attempted murder
accessory to murder
attempted torture
accessory to torture
hacking (government)
accessory to hacking (government)
attempted arson
accessory to arson

name: kim yu gyeom
hometown: saudi arabia (born in seoul, south korea)
birthday (y/m/d): 1997.11.17
age: 21
role: spy, dealer, assassin, hooligan
code name: yugyeom
code number: 111797
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
dealer: a person or business that buys and sells goods.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
hooligan: a violent young trouble maker, typically one of a gang.
criminal record;
gang activity
gang violence
1st-degree murder
attempted murder
attempted assault
left crime scene
accessory to murder
accessory to theft

「 got7 mafia au reaction | you not awnsering your phone 」

[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]

𝒋𝒂𝒚 𝒃;
You had gone out without telling Jaebeom and you knew the consequences of not telling him where you were going, but you left a note telling him that you were shopping with some friends. While you were out one of them took your phone, so that you wouldn’t get distracted, but that was a mistake on her part, because later when you came home you saw him in his meeting room, making a plan to save you, that’s when you barged in, and they all looked at you.
“Where the hell have you been?” he says angrily while pulling you in for a hug.
“I was just out with some friends, I left you note.”
“I never saw your note, but why weren’t you answering your phone?” he asks as you smile.
“Yeeun took it, so I wouldn’t get distracted,” you told him reaching for his hands.
“Okay, but I was worried sick that someone had kidnaped you,” he says giving you a kiss.

You and Mark had fallen asleep on the couch from watching movies all night, when you younger sister called you all panicked, you tried to calm her down, but you just eventually went over there to see if she was okay. She was sitting in the living room, when you opened the door to your parents house, you went to go sit next to her calming her down from her panic attack. She was so scared that you mother wouldn’t look at her the same when she found out that she was pregnant, but you told her that everything would be okay, and that the both of you would tell her together. You drove back home, walking through the front door to see Mark all panicked, when he saw you he immediately hugged you, you didn’t know what caused this. but you weren’t complaining.
“Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, my sister called, she needed my help,” you told him not telling him why she needed you.
“When you didn’t answer your phone I got a little worried.”
“A little worried?!” you questioned him.
“Okay, a lot worried,” he confessed while bringing you in for another hug.
“Alright, if there’s a next time I’ll be sure to leave you a note or something,” you told him as her leaned in for a kiss.
“Thank you.”

Jackson has always been overprotective of you, he needs to know where you are at all times, which make surprises extremely hard, because he can always tell when you’re lying by the sound of your voice. You had a few of his friends distract him while you had set up a surprise with some of your friends, while you guys were decorating he called and texted a bunch of times, he finally came home to see what you had done.
“Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” Jackson asks you as he smiles wide.
“Yes. Happy anniversary,” you say running to give him a hug.
“I’ve been calling and texting you all day, why didn’t you answer, I was so worried about you when you never answered.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you told him while still hugging him.
“It’s okay, I’m happy about the surprise,” Jackson tells you before giving you a kiss.

You were asleep when you got a call from a friend who was at a club and needed your helping getting home, so you went to go pick her up. You thought that you’d be home before Jinyoung woke up, but you forgot that he usually gets up to get a glass of water sometimes and that’s what he did tonight. He’s called and texted you but no answer that’s when he sees you phone sitting on the night stand plugged in. He takes it off the charger and waits for you to get home, because he notices that your car is gone, once you walked through the door you see him starring at you in disbelief.
“You forgot your phone. Where did you even go at this time of night?” he asks before pulling you for a hug.
“I went to go pick him Haeun from the club she was at, she got too drunk, so she called me,” you tell him in a low tone.
“Okay, but please remember your phone next time you leave like this. The only reason I didn’t call the boys is because I saw that your car was gone.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had my phone on me, it all just happened so quick,” you tell him thankful that he did call for backup.
“You just scared me,” he tells you before pulling you in for a kiss.
“I love you too,” you say as you guys both head back to bed.

You were just about done cooking dinner for you and Youngjae, when one of your friends texted you asking for you to pick her up because she was out with her boyfriend who had drank a little too much and you’re the only one that he’s actually scared of getting mad. So you had finished dinner tuning the stove off, but leaving it on the stove, and leaving Youngjae a note that you’d be back after he took his shower for the night. You walked in the restaurant looking for your friend and you saw them, as you walked over to them your friend got up walking over to you. You told him that he was going to let her drive home and that you’d come back in the morning to check up on him and that’s exactly what happened, he handed the keys over to her and you guys all left with him paying for the check. Once you got home you saw all of the missed calls and texts from Youngjae and you knew that he wasn’t gonna be happy with you for leaving and then no answering your phone when he called.
“Hey babe,” you say as you walked in the front door to see him very upset.
“Where were you?” he asks while walking over to you.
“I went help a friends out, she needed my help, her boyfriend got too drunk and wouldn’t let her drive them home, and I’m the only one he’s scared of,” you tell him as you reach in for a hug.
“Okay, I’m just glad that you’re okay,” he says hugging you back as you guys go into the kitchen to eat your dinner.

You and some of your friends were at your guys’ house visiting while Bambam was out at a meeting, you told him to call you when you were done so that you could make up an excuse for you guys to leave the house. While you guys were in the kitchen one of your friends took your phone while you weren’t looking, but you never noticed that it was gone until you heard Bambam’s car pull up. You asked everyone if they wanted to go out to get some ice cream, they all agreed and that’s when the girl who took your phone gave it back, but Bambam pulled you before you could leave.
“Why didn’t you answer?”
“Eunji took my phone without me knowing, I’m sorry,” you tell him while looking at her.
“This was your idea, next time keep your phone on you,” he tells you as he lets go of your arm letting you get in the car.
“I love you,” you mouth to him while smiling before giving him a kiss and you guys leave.

Yugyeom was in a meeting in the office, while you were at home asleep on the couch, you hadn’t gotten much sleep last night so you have been asleep for hours, and never heard your phone go off. When you finally woke up you saw all of the missed calls from Yugyeom, when you realized how much trouble you’d been in with him, you heard the front door open, and you immediately walked over to see him standing in the doorway.
“Have you been here all day?”
“Yeah, I fell asleep after you left and just woke up a few seconds ago, I’m so sorry,” you tell him as he reaches in giving you a hug.
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t get much sleep last night, so I understand, but you usually hear your phone ring,” he says while looking down at you.
“I know, I must’ve been in a deep sleep and just didn’t hear it.”
“Okay, now I’ve been in a meeting all day and you still look tired, so let’s take a little nap, okay,” he says as you guys go in the living room putting a movie on and falling asleep in each others arms.