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2 years ago

can’t stop listening

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3 years ago



Just wanted to share this confident and pretty tzuyu. She looks like she's having so much fun!! 💖💖 #once please go stream our tzuyu's melody project she worked so hard on!!


Tags :
4 years ago

Got7 reaction to you swearing:


"Hey baby, you wanna go get ice cream?", Mark asks, staring at your curled up figure on the couch, scrolling through your phone mindlessly. You seem to be in a bad mood today because of your period, so your boyfriend was trying to cheer you up in the best way he knows: food. He shouldn't be too surprised when you jump up from the sofa, flinging the fuzzy blanket off your body carelessly, but the words you say afterwards are what shocks him. "Fuck, yes!", you shout, your dark hair cascading down your back messily and your hands clasped together tightly in front of your chest, your adorably happy expression not matching the sentence you used.Mark stares at you speechlessly, his eyes slightly wide with shock and his mouth open. You on the other hand, don't even realize that you cursed, the hormones making you forget your own strict 'no cursing' policy, and skip to the door, only turning your head when you realize your boyfriend isn't following you. "Are you coming?", you question, your eyebrows furrowed cutely in confusion and your hand on the doorknob, grasping the cold metal. Mark stares at you for another second, his brown eyes impossibly soft before he shakes his head, a fond smile spreading on his full lips. "Yeah, I'm coming.", he says, finding the badass side of you cute and interesting, and your innocent and oblivious behavior afterwards even more.



Jaebum looks down at your drowsy face with a soft smile, watching as your eyelids droop slightly only to widen a second later, revealing your dark irises. The two of you were supposed to have a movie night, but you found yourself talking on the couch instead, giggling about random things as the television plays in the background.Now you were laying between your boyfriend's legs, your chin propped on his broad chest as he runs his nimble fingers through your dark hair, his other hand stroking your lower back absentmindedly. "You should go home, you're nodding off", Jaebum mumbles gently, knowing it was impossible to wake you up after you fall asleep, and you groan, your lips jutting out cutely at the thought of leaving your lover's warm arms and going back to your cold, empty apartment. "Why can't I sleep here?", you whine shamelessly, rubbing your nose against the soft fabric of Jaebum's gray sleeping shirt, and he chuckles, poking your cheek gently. "You have class tomorrow in the morning. I can't let you ditch.", he explains softly but firmly, leaving no room for arguments, and you groan, for once regretting having such an amazing boyfriend who remembers your schedule better than his own. "Oh shit, I forgot about that.", you exclaim, slapping your forehead before looking up at Jaebum, whose eyebrows are raised slightly, his expression somewhat impressed. "What?", you ask, knowing the answer even before your boyfriend shakes his head, snapping out of his surprised state. "Nothing. I just never heard you curse before.", he explains, and you blush, looking down, internally blaming your tiredness for your slip. "Hey, it's fine, I curse too. I guess it'll just take some time to get used to.", your boyfriend hurriedly says when he sees your embarrassment, and you smile at that, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. "I'm not as innocent as you think, Im Jaebum."



Jackson laughs as he sprints at you, his bare feet hitting the ground rhythmically as you screech, desperately trying to escape your boyfriend's flour-covered hands. The two of you attempted to bake a cake earlier today, and of course that simple task ended in the kitchen looking like a war zone, flour and eggs covering the parquet floor. Attempting to clean up the house just led to another deadly chase, Jackson hot on your heels as you try to avoid his batter-covered figure. You choke, trying to swallow as much air as possible when you collapse on your king-sized bed, too tired and laughing too hard to continue running. "Princess, didn't anybody tell you this isn't the royal palace? You're too clean for us poorlings.", Jackson says with a gleeful grin, advancing towards you slowly, his white fingers wiggling with hidden expectations. "Oh, piss off.", you blurt out, kicking your feet in the air helplessly as you try to scare off your boyfriend. And Jackson does freeze in his place, but it's most certainly not because of your bare feet. You jump in your spot when your boyfriend screams loudly, just as you're about to question his weird behaviour, his mouth open wide and eyes showing betrayal, and you only understand his reaction when he points at you with a shaky finger. "You just cursed!", he exclaims loudly, and you gape at him, the realization slowly dawning on you. You did curse. It was nothing like you, you were always such a pure soul, polite and careful with your words, to the point Jackson was always joking that you were an actual princess because of your perfect behaviour. Before you can start explaining yourself, Jackson yells again, successfully cutting off your line of thought. "You're a foul-mouthed princess!"



"Baby, I have a surprise.", Jinyoung announces, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and you raise your head from its place on your boyfriend's shoulder, placing your phone on the couch before looking at Jinyoung warily. "What is it?", you ask, feeling nervous despite knowing that it's definitely something good, judging by the way Jinyoung's eyes are twinkling and a smile is tugging at his lips. "I planned us a two-week vacation in Greece. Just the two of us.", your boyfriend says with a slowly growing smile, enjoying your wide eyes and gaping mouth. "Fuck. Are you serious?", you ask, practically lunging at your boyfriend and sitting yourself in his lap, straddling him, before you hug him tightly, the older responding by chuckling softly at your cute behavior, tugging you closer to him by the waist. You don't even realize you cursed, something you always vow not to do, especially not next to your boyfriend, who likes to act like you are a porcelain doll he has to protect. You're too busy rambling into Jinyoung's ear about how happy and thankful you are, already planning your days in the tropical islands of Greece, images of colorful bikinis and coconut water surfacing your mind. "But you're going to have to wash that mouth with soap before we go, babe.", Jinyoung says nonchalantly after you finally stop talking, and you send him a clueless look, not understanding the disapproving look in his eyes before you remember your words from a few minutes ago, and you roll your eyes, hiding your face in Jinyoung's neck so he won't see the blush creeping on your cheeks.



Youngjae sighs when he tries to wake you up for the fifth time, shaking your limp body gently. "Y/N, wake up.", he begs, hoping the urgency in his voice will somehow sink into your consciousness. To your boyfriend's surprise, it actually seems to work, since you shift a bit in your sleep, groaning tiredly as your eyes flutter lightly. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Sighing in relief, your lover shakes you harder, feeling motivated at the sight of your reaction. "Babe, it's late, wake up." You groan again, finally opening your eyes to reveal tiny cracks, and bringing your hand up, probably to rub the sleep from your tired eyes. In the process, you somehow fling your hand too far, accidentally hitting Youngjae in the eye, his face immediately contorting in pain as he reaches his own hand out to cover the bruised limb. "Fuck, sorry", you say instantly, sitting up to cradle your boyfriend's face in your hands, your eyes wide and worried. Youngjae's mouth falls open at the sound of you cursing, his hurt eye long forgotten as he stares at you for a second before starting to laugh, the giggles erupting from his mouth loud and obnoxious. "Oh my god, that's the best thing I've ever heard!", he screeches, laughing so hard he actually starts to cry, small tears slipping down his cheeks as you laugh yourself at the ridiculous situation, still trying to check on Youngjae while you do so. "Well, at least you forgot about the pain.", you say between choked giggles, Youngjae leaning his forehead on your shoulder, trying to calm down desperately. He'll probably be in hysterics the whole day, the image of your oh-so innocent face letting out such a vile word not leaving his mind.



"I'm so sorry, babe", you say shamefully, your eyes filled with guilt as you stare at your boyfriend, who's looking at you with a small smile on his face. You couldn't help but feel bad for spilling hot corn soup all over Bambam's phone, even if you tripped because of his sneakers that were carelessly thrown in the middle of the living room. The older doesn't seem to care half as much as you do though, more worried about making your pretty face go back to smiling. "Y/N, it's fine. I'll just go buy another one", your lover says with a chuckle, pinching your cheeks when you continue to pout. "I'm serious, okay? Now stop pouting." You sigh, leaning your head on Bambam's shoulder apologetically. "I'm really sorry. I feel like a bitch.", you mumble, raising your head to look at your boyfriend when you feel him tense underneath you, the muscles in his shoulder seizing up. "Did you just curse?", Bambam says, his mouth round with surprise and brown eyes peering at you curiously. "Uh… I guess I did.", you answer, pretty confused yourself as you think back to what you said moments ago. You never curse, maintaining the 'good girl' reputation you have since you were born, but you were so upset with yourself you couldn't help but talk aggressively. Bambam stares at you for another second before whistling lowly, a dangerous smirk settling on his sharp features. "I have to admit it's pretty hot", he wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, and you feel your cheeks burn, pushing your boyfriend away lightly with the palms of your hands. "Shut up."



You sigh, staring at the lock screen of your phone with want. It was a picture of you and Yugyeom, one you took on a cold winter night, the two of you practically unrecognizable in thick fur coat and hats, but you can clearly see your red noses and twinkling eyes, your faces pressed close together as you smile at the camera, or maybe it's just your teeth chattering. You miss your boyfriend dearly, even more now that he's supposed to return from tour in a week. It should make it easier, knowing he'll be with you soon, but instead you keep anticipating the day it happens, which makes time move slower, you're sure. A knock on the door startles you, and you furrow your eyebrows before shutting your phone and getting up from the sofa slowly. You weren't expecting anyone, but maybe it's Y/F/N or just a neighbor wanting to borrow some sugar. You open the door, and time seems to stop when you see your boyfriend's happy grin, his eyes crinkled and brown hair messy, suitcase in hand and clothes wrinkled from the flight. "Yugyeom!", you manage to choke out before leaping at your lover, hands wrapping around his neck tightly and lean legs around his waist. "Aww, did you miss me, baby?", Yugyeom says jokingly, hugging you back just as tight, one of his hands coming up to cup the back of your head while the other supports your thighs. "You asshole, why didn't you tell me you'll be arriving today?", you say tearfully, drops of salty water dripping down your cheeks steadily, the happiness you feel overwhelming you. Yugyeom's smile widens even more at the sound of you cursing, knowing that it's a rare occurrence that only happens when you're very very happy. Yugyeom buries his head in your neck, closing his eyes with a sigh of content. "I missed you, too, sweetheart."


Tags :
4 years ago

Stray Kids when you fall asleep on them:

Bang Chan:

It'll take some time for this oblivious cutie to notice that you dozed off while quietly playing 'Candy Crush' on your phone beside him. You initially came to give your boyfriend some moral support, knowing how hard it is to work on song writing so late at night. But apparently, it was hard for you too, and your boyfriend can't help but laugh with surprise when he hears a soft snore from under him, looking down to meet your peacefully sleeping face, your eyelashes fluttering over your high cheekbones and your pink lips parted slightly as you let out small puffs of warm air. Chris will have a mental breakdown, seeing you with your head on his shoulder, looking so soft and baby-like. He'll resist the urge to scream and jump around, not wanting to wake you up, but he can't keep the smile off his face as he continues to work, looking down every few seconds to stare at you again fondly and make sure you're comfortable, whispering to himself 'how adorable' every now and then. He'll try to finish whatever work he has left as quickly as possible, wanting to take you back home where you can finally sleep like you deserve, but he can't deny that your presence beside him calms him down, making the late-night job seem much more appealing.

"Aww, she fell asleep, how adorable I-"

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:

Lee Know:

It was really late at night when you came to visit your boyfriend at the practice room, so you were already stifling yawns behind your hand by the time Minho finished going through the first choreography. The second your boyfriend takes a break, falling against the squeaky clean mirrors covering the walls tiredly, you're scooching closer to him, leaning your head against his bare, sweaty shoulder carelessly as you let your eyes shut slowly, while Minho scrolls through his phone, looking for a second song to practice. When you shift against him slightly, he turns down to look towards you, ready to throw a snarky comment, only to smile fondly when he is met with the sight of your closed eyes, and steadily moving chest. Minho will shake his head with amusement, mumbling to himself about how he knew this will happen and scolding your sleeping figure, but he doesn't deny that he likes the feeling of you against him, even if his whole body is sore and hot from dancing. He'll snap a few selfies of you for blackmail later on, because he can't be too sweet lmao, and then just spend a few more minutes admiring your calm, almost childish features. Sighing to himself as he stares at the watch against the wall of the practice room, Minho understands he needs to get back to work if he wants to finish before midnight, and he picks you up bridal style, shushing you gently when you stir in his arms, before placing you on the leather sofa at the edge of the room, making sure you can't fall off before going back to practice, thoughts of you filling his mind and giving him new energy.

"Aish, I knew this would happen. This sleepyhead, seriously."

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


Changbin will low-key be shocked when he asks you a question and you don't answer, only to look down and realize you were sleeping soundly, head on his chest and arms curled tightly around his torso. The two of you were watching a movie that you've been wanting to see for a while, but you got drowsy sooner than expected due to the darkness and your boyfriend's body heat warming you up. Changbin will feel his cheeks heat up when he sees how peacefully you're resting against him, as if you feel utterly protected and cared for in his strong hold, and he'll smile to himself shyly, leaning down to give you a light kiss on your nose, being careful not to wake you up. After that he'll forget the movie completely, instead choosing to lean his head on top of yours carefully, letting his own eyes close as he wraps the thin blanket tighter around the two of you. He'll want to move to the bed, knowing that this position can't possibly be good for your backs, but his heart won't let him wake you up just yet, instead promising to himself that he'll just take a five minute nap. Of course, the two of you wake up the next morning with aching limbs and stiff muscles, but seeing your blushing cheeks and content smile, Changbin can't really get himself to regret anything.

"I shouldn't sleep here... I'll just close my eyes for a second."

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


You're reading a book, your head placed securely in Hyunjin's lap, when you start to feel your eyelids grow heavy, sleepiness overcoming you slowly. You can't really be blamed though, the calming sound of your boyfriend practicing his lines from Stray Kid's newest song under his breath, along with the steady hum of the heater, giving the room the perfect atmosphere for a long nap. It only takes a few seconds for Hyunjin to realize that you fell asleep, thanks to your adorable tendencies to mumble incoherent sentences when sleeping. The blond haired boy freezes in his place, the hand that was slowly carding through your thick locks momentarily stopping its steady movement. Hyunjin breathes slowly through his mouth as he stares at your peaceful face, the sound of his heart beat ringing in his ear as he takes some time to admire you, loving the fact that he can see you like this, in your most natural state. After he overcomes his flustered shock, he reluctantly decides to wake you up, thinking that your health and comfort is (unfortunately) more important than his own enjoyment. He'll gently shake you awake, smiling down at you softly when you open your big eyes to look at him, and help you walk to your bedroom and get into the bed, not hesitating to jump into the space beside you the second you open your arms, motioning him over.

"Jagi, wake up~ Let's take you to bed, sleepyhead."

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


Han is playing video games with you sitting in his lap, back to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around your stomach, holding the remote control, when you shift in his hold, turning so you're chest to chest, and place you head on his shoulder, letting your eyes shut as you absentmindedly listen to Han's quiet yells of victory and defeat. It's only after Han finishes his game, turning to you to boast about his win, that he's met with your closed eyes and slightly open mouth, little snores escaping it every now and then. Han can't help but squeal at the adorable sight, slapping a hand over his mouth to shut himself up when you shift slightly in his arms at the shrill sound, and he smiles widely, leaving a kiss on your forehead. He'll literally be so happy, he won't be able to fall asleep or even look away from your face, instead snuggling even closer to you and interlocking your fingers, deciding to wait until you wake up. He won't be able to stop himself from leaving kisses all over your baby face either, wincing every now and then when you stir a bit from the touch of his lips, and he'll snap a few pictures of you, adding them to his secret album, filled to the brim with pictures he took of you unknowingly, and smile at you fondly, unable to stop the stupidly wide grin pulling at his lips.

"I wish you were awake so I could tell you how cute you are~"

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


You were in the back of the car, taking you back to Stray Kid's dorm after their concert that you attended. All of the members were in the car, either dozing off or on their phones, and the small space was filled with a vast feeling of content exhaustion and wordless happiness after another successful day. Felix and you were at the back of the car, sitting beside each other, your head leaning on your boyfriend's strong shoulder as you stared out the window, watching trees and buildings whir by. Felix was on his phone, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram and watching videos from the concert with a small smile, his face still covered with a thin layer of sweat from preforming. It's when Felix turns down to look at you, wanting to ask you if you were coming to sleep at the dorm, that he sees you're already fast asleep, feeling rather tired after cheering for your boyfriend and friends for the past three hours. Your boyfriend will chuckle lowly, unable to stop the giddiness filling his veins at the sight of your calm features and small pout as you slept, and he'll quickly alert the members, smiling his sunshine smile as he points to you, the other members giggling softly at the sight of your slumbering figure. After that, Felix will make sure to take a load of pictures, wanting to show you how cute you looked tomorrow, and then he'll lean his head on your own, letting his own eyes close as he relaxes in the warmth of your body, falling asleep as well.

"Guys, look how cute Y/N looks!"

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


Seungmin was shopping for clothes online when you crawled over to him on the bed, already dressed in your pyjamas, your hair pulled into a messy bun and your eyes dull with sleepiness. Your boyfriend doesn't react much when you wriggle your way into his lap, simply patting your head wordlessly before continuing to scroll though the website, letting you do your thing, shifting a bit in Seungmin's lap before leaning back on his chest, watching with droopy eyes as your boyfriend clicks through different garments, occasionally putting them in his basket as he hums a Day6 song under his breath. Seungmin is about to scold you when your head tips back too much, blocking his eyesight, but he stops abruptly when he understands you're asleep, your eyes shut and face buried in the crook of his neck. Seungmin wouldn't know what to do, choosing to freeze and not move a muscle in fear of waking you up accidentally. He'll stay completely still, his only reaction the steadily growing blush on his cheeks, and will hesitantly brush away the strands of dark hair covering your eyes before retracting his hand quickly. Despite his rather cold reaction, Seungmin's thoughts will be whirling as he starts down at you fondly, and he can't help but think that he's the luckiest guy on the planet.

'How is she so pretty when sleeping?'

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:


It's late at night and you're at the dorm, sitting on the couch with the members of Stray Kids, in your usual spot beside Jeongin, your thighs slightly brushing as the whole group talks animatedly, not minding the time. You're enjoying this time with your friends of course, but you're also really tired after a busy day at school, so you can't help but lean a bit more on your oblivious boyfriend, scooting closer into his side as sleep overcomes you slowly. Jeongin would turn to look at you immediately when he feels your head fall on his shoulder, thinking you got hurt or something, only to be met with your sleeping face. He'll turn red in the face, looking away from you and trying to play it cool in front of the hyungs, but he's freaking out internally, wondering if he should wake you up or not, or if he should hold your hand and leave a kiss on your cheek because you're just looking so squishy wrapped up in his embrace uwu. Before he can decide though, his hyungs quickly notice the situation, and go on to tease their lovable maknae as expected, causing the pretty blush on his cheeks to burn even brighter as he laughs, unable to stop smiling despite knowing the older members will never let this go.

"She must've been really tired..."

Stray Kids When You Fall Asleep On Them:

Tags :
3 years ago

Got7 when they're missing you on tour:


I feel like Mark isn't the type to show just how much he misses you, and if anyone asks him about it, he'll let out a nonchalant 'yeah, of course.' But don't let that fool you, because Mark is literally counting down to the moment you'll meet again. He's super professional about it, even though he's dying to see you, and he won't let it distract him, rehearsing and preforming and rehearsing again without hesitation. But the second he's done with his duties, he's running back to his room in whatever hotel they are now, his phone already on dial, and he can spend all night talking to you, or even just listening to you breath, and he probably will, if you won't tell him to go to sleep because he has a freaking concert tomorrow. Mark also probably has the date you'll meet again highlighted in his calendar, with two different countdowns as well lol.

"Babe, only 38 more days until I see you again!"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Unlike the former, I feel like JB will be quite obvious about how much he misses you. He won't whine about it, no, but he won't be able to help the way his whole aura changes, from his dull expression in the mornings, to the way he seems to drag his legs to the venue, as if he doesn't want to be there at all. Next to you, he seems to radiate happiness, determination, and positivity, but now, he's quiet, finishing the rehearsals as quickly as possible, his eyes flying to his phone every few seconds before practically sprinting back to the hotel, making sure you're not sleeping before calling you. And if anyone happens to catch him at that moment, well, they'll see the old JB, smiling uncontrollably the whole conversation with you, his eyes sparkling like fairy lights as he drinks up every dumb story you tell him.

"No, keep talking, I just want to hear your voice."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


I feel like Jackson is the type of guy to go visit you every free day he has, even if it means flying for 13 hours for a 5 hour meeting with you, even if it means cramming all the recording and writing he has to do in the few spare hours on the plane, even if it means being absolutely exhausted before coming back to another concert only a day after. Jackson literally couldn't care less, he has the opportunity to do it, so of course he'll go meet you, it's worth everything. But if for some reason he can't fly to see you, he'll be super whiny about it, complaining to the members the whole day about how much he wants to see you. He'll also make sure to buy you souvenirs from every place they visit, because he just thinks about you all the time and everything cute reminds him of you, so that explains how he comes back from tour with two suitcases filled with little nick-nacks he thought you'll like.

"Look how small and adorable it is! It reminded me of you, so I had to buy it."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


I feel like Jinyoung is the type to deny how much he misses you, glaring at the other members when they laugh at how he checks his phone every few minutes, hoping to see texts from you. Your boyfriend will probably not want to admit just how much he wants you back in his arms, thinking that saying it out loud will only hurt more. So he'll distract himself instead, practicing till late at night and recording the same chorus seven times so he won't have to think about the person he wants here so dearly. The only time it'll slip out is when he's preforming, staring at the thousands of faces in front of him, and wondering how is it possible that among all these people, you're not here. He'll probably spend a good amount of time after the show staring at pictures of you in his phone, before deciding to call you, ignoring the fact that he's exhausted and sweaty.

"Hey princess, I just thought I'd check if you're awake..."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Youngjae is the kind of boyfriend to take your absence rather hard, without even realizing how much it affects him. He's just so used to holding you in his arms, to laughing with you, to seeing your face first thing in the morning. He'll deal with his sadness by talking to you whenever he can, he'll have your whole weekly routine planned out, so the second he knows the two of you are free, he's already pressing the phone to his ear, jumping in place with unconcealed excitement. He'll also try to make you feel as if you're right there beside him, sending you recordings of whatever song he was working on right now, or videos of the members fooling around during rehearsal. But despite all this, he still has bad days, where he simply wants to hide in his bed and do nothing but cry and stare at selfies of the two of you.

"Jinyoung hyung and Yugyeom, say hello to Y/N~~ We miss you so much, jagi~~"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Bambam is the kind to bombard your phone with meaningless texts all day, no matter the hour, just because he misses you, but also the type to not answer his phone when you call because he's so busy rehearsing choreography or getting some well-deserved beauty sleep. I think Bambam himself will be surprised by how much he misses you, and he'll probably complain to Yugyeom about seeing your face everywhere and how it's distracting him from having fun during the tour. I can see him face-timing you at the most random times and just talking non-stop, trying his best to fit all the time he's been away in the video call, and when he's done, he'll probably spend another hour just watching you walk around the apartment and get your studies done or whatever, not ending the call until he falls asleep or he needs to go.

"And you won't believe what Jackson did yesterday during the concert-"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Yugyeom will try his best to take his mind off of you, filling his whole day up to the brim so he won't have to deal with depressing thoughts about your lips, your pretty eyes, your soft giggles- But the second he collapses on the hotel bed, ready to go to sleep after working non-stop, he opens his phone to see his lockscreen- a selfie of the two of you- and his heart burns in his chest. He'll call on the spot, and you'll spend hours talking, going over every possible topic and repeating the same sentences just so you won't have to hang up, but when he starts to get sleepy, your boyfriend won't be able to help the way he whines into the small device, gripping it tightly as if it'll transport you here, into his arms, where you belong.

"Y/N, I need you here, I miss you so much, baby~"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:

Tags :
3 years ago

Stray Kids when you accidentally curse:

Bang Chan:

I feel like Chan won't be able to stop himself from snorting when he puts a band-aid on the small cut on your ankle, which your clumsy ass got from brushing against a sharp rock, and you suddenly let out a curse at the stinging pain, your quiet 'shit' ringing in your boyfriend's concentrated silence as he patches you up. Chan will freeze for a second, his fingers hovering over your bruised skin before he breaks into a huge grin, managing to stifle the chuckles threatening to rise before clearing his throat and scolding you half-heartedly. But you know he's not really serious when his small smile keeps peeking out every few seconds, along with him repeating the curse you used in a whisper every now and then, followed by a fond giggle and a shake of his head.

"Hey, I know it hurts, babe, but you shouldn't curse."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Minho is that asshat boyfriend that will probably be the reason you curse in the first place lmao. When you let out a shriek followed by a 'holy shit!' as Minho pops out from behind the wall of the hallway, his eyes shining and an evil grin lighting up his face, your boyfriend's smile will change into pure shock as his mouth drops open, before he starts cackling uncontrollably, to the point he's literally crouching down and holding his stomach so it won't spill all over the apartment floor. Lee know will literally never let it go, constantly reminding you of the situation and mimicking your high-pitched shout and terrified face until you storm away, only to grab your wrist gently and tug you back to him, kissing your pout away with his own huge grin, and yes, you can't resist his annoying ass.

"Holy shit!! Minnie, you scared me~~" *cue the chipmunk voice*

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


I don't think Changbin will make a big deal out of you cursing, to be honest. It's just a word after all. He'll probably hear you curse for the first time when the two of you are jamming to some hip-hop songs on the radio, and you suddenly bust out some rap verse with a shit-ton of curses lmao. And then your boyfriend will just be like, damn. He'll probably be more impressed than anything else, just cheering you on the whole time, and he'll find you super cute and squishy even when you say foul words lol. In fact, I think that you cursing will just spure him to curse more as well, because he was always uncomfortable and careful next to you, not wanting to teach you bad words. So let's say it's a win-win situation for both of you haha.

"Wow~~ Y/N, you should debut as a rapper!"

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


I think that Hyunjin won't mind you cursing, as long as there's a good reason for it. When you tell him about the new guy that tried to touch you during work, using an assortment of interesting words to describe him, your boyfriend doesn't even comment on the matter, too busy consoling you and trying to calm down the bubbling anger in his chest at the thought of someone touching you without permission. After you tell Hyunjin how you cussed the man off, warning him you'll report him to the police the next time he gets close to you, your boyfriend is undeniably proud, hugging you close to him and mumbling about how cool you are and how well you handled it. He'll even teach you more curse words to expand your vocabulary in case you ever get into a similar situation lol.

"You're so amazing, jagi, so strong and brave. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Jisung is surprised by the fact that you even know how to pronounce these words lmao, as if he isn't the one prancing around your apartment and cursing ninety nine percent of the time. When your boyfriend comes home to hear you spewing foul words one after another as you try to rescue your phone from where it fell between the sofa cushions, he can't help but find the sight hilarious, to be honest, and Han couldn't help but let out a laugh before coming to help you retrieve the electronic device. Jisung doesn't mind at all that you curse, even if he's constantly shocked that someone so angel-like can say such filthy things lol. But he'll definitely tease you a lot as well, just because he loves seeing you blush cutely uwu, and yes, your duality drives him crazy lmao.

"I need to buy more soap to shove into that dirty mouth of yours smh."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Felix is possibly the chilliest out of all the members when it comes to cursing. Like, he's not cheering you on hysterically nor scolding you, but I feel like he's the type to like girls that look angels on the outside but are actually savage and badass when people get in their way. When your boyfriend sees you cussing out JYP and anyone else who has the slightest connection to the company after seeing the line distribution for Stray Kids' latest song, he'll smile slightly and stay quiet, letting you calm down on your own. Although he likes it when you get protective and defensive over him, he really finds you cute more than anything else, but he won't say that, instead choosing to pull you into a tight hug, mumbling encouraging words in your ear.

"Don't worry, bae, you know that I'm living my dream. I can't ask for more than what I already have."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Seungmin is straight up cackling when you start cursing, especially when you're so excited that you just can't control all the 'fuck' and 'shit' coming out of your mouth. It usually happens in situations where your boyfriend is involved, like when Stray Kids' got their first win, or when they won some other grand prize. Seungmin doesn't seem like the type to curse a lot, but he doesn't mind you doing it, and actually finds it hilarious when he sees you jumping around like a rabbit, eyes sparkling and a huge smile on your lips. Obviously, he can't say anything to that addicting grin on your face. So he'll just smile and shake his head instead, showing his own happiness by pulling you in for a tight hug.

"Oh my god, Y/N." *cue flustered laughter*

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Okay, so the maknae is not having it lol. When you go backstage to see your boyfriend before his performance, you can't help but tell him how he's 'so fucking handsome', and then you quite literally have to save him from death by choking as I.N. starts coughing loudly, his face turning too red for your liking as he covers his mouth, eyes wide. Your boyfriend will need a few seconds to recover before he'll start investigating you to understand who teaches you these words, since he never curses next to you (it'll probably be Han and Changbin lmao), before he'll scold you gently, telling you that these words aren't nice, but also making sure you know how much he loves you by leaving a soft kiss on your hair and smiling at you fondly.

"You're too beautiful to say ugly words like that, love."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:

Tags :
3 years ago

Stray Kids reaction to you back hugging them:

Bang Chan:

Chan loves all types of affection, especially when they come from you, but there was something about backhugs that made them even more precious. It'll probably happen a few weeks before a comeback, when your boyfriend looks constantly stressed and sleep-deprived, his blonde hair a mess and his brown eyes sporting dark circles underneath. The second you'll wrap you arms around his shoulders, leaning your chin on top of his head, he'll sigh happily, his body sinking into the revolving chair, and his hands will come up to grab your wrist, stroking your soft skin absentmindedly, as if to ground himself, and the two of you will spend the next few minutes in peaceful silence.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Minho is the type to tease you a lot, especially when it comes to how cuddly and affectionate you are, but it's just his way of showing love, and he absolutely adores how you cling to him and coddle him. Your boyfriend is probably busy downing water in large, desperate gulps after practicing the band's newest song for an hour straight when you come up to him, gingerly wrapping your hands around his slim waist. Minho will jump, his water bottle almost slipping from his hands before he manages to retrieve it, and he'll turn around to look at you, a frown on his face as he scolds you for scaring him, but he'll still wrap his own arms around you, playfully rubbing his sweaty forehead against your neck, until you whine and push him away.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


We all know Changbin is the hard outside, soft inside type of guy, always trying to hide just how whipped he is for you, and failing at it completely. Since backhugs are one of your most deadliest moves, you usually use it on your boyfriend when he is mad at you, for instance when you constantly tease him for being small and cute despite his constant attempts to seem manly and tall. Binnie will face away from you on the bed, scrolling through his phone with a frown when he'll feel you press against his back, your pout clearly felt against his neck as you kiss the soft skin as an apology, and he can't help but a crack a smile at your cuteness, eventually turning around to press a sweet, loving kiss to your lips.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Hyunjin is more shy and reserved when it comes to physical affection with you, the tips of his ears constantly coloring as well as his cheeks whenever you're attention is focused on him, but he still loves it no matter how red it makes him. The two of you are probably just walking down the street, swinging your interlocked hands like two children, when you suddenly release Hyunjin, making him frown in confusion before you trap him in a tight backhug, his arms held underneath yours. Your boyfriend won't be able to help the chuckles leaving his throat when the two of you waddle down the sidewalk, hardly immobile, and he'll complain lightly about how hard it is to move, but it's hardly convincing with the sweet giggles leaving his lips.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Han is such a sweetheart honestly, always looking for ways to touch you and for you to touch him, whether it's hugging, hand-holding, hair-playing, and also back-hugging a lot, with Jisung usually being the one to initiate it, so when you do it, he always gets excited. Your boyfriend will just be on his phone in the kitchen, leaning against the counter lazily, when you come up behind him on your way to get a cup of water, wrapping your arms around him tightly and pressing your cheek to the expanse of his broad back. Han will immediately smile like a child, his heart beating in his chest as he wraps his own arms around yours, and he won't let you move anywhere for a while, whining whenever you try to move away.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Felix is kind of person who naturally thrives off of physical affection from his loved ones, and he considers it a very important aspect in any relationship, especially yours. The two of you are making brownies in the kitchen, the whole area around you looking absolutely disgusting, egg shells and flour coating the floor, and your boyfriend is starting to clean up, tiredly dragging his legs over to the broom by your apartment door when you collapse on him, wrapping your arms around his waist to steady yourself. Felix will let you lean on him, dropping his own head backwards to lay on your lean shoulder, and the two of you will stay like that for a few minutes, trying to restore your energy and also contemplating life at the sight of the chaos you made.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Seungmin is constantly singing around the house, whether he's practicing or just humming songs he's been hearing recently, and whenever you hear your boyfriend sing you can't help but stop whatever you're doing and admire his angelic voice. Right now for instance, you're standing outside your bedroom door, watching as Seungmin sings to himself softly, brushing his long, auburn hair in front of the mirror. You don't hesitate to walk straight to your lover, wrapping your arms around him and making him stop in the middle of a sentence, a shy smile creeping on his face when you demand him to continue, still holding him tightly as you press a loving kiss to his back, and Seungmin will agree, his cheeks rosy red as he finishes the song.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:


Jeongin is in charge of the food in your relationship, always giving a bowl of steaming noodles or a carefully-made sandwich with a fond kiss to your cheek, and that's exactly what he was doing now, making the two of you ramen for dinner, when you come up to him, drawn to the kitchen by the amazing smell slowly filling the house. You'll wrap your arms around your boyfriend, feeling the way I.N tenses under your arms, slightly shocked by the display of affection. He'll try to play it cool, but he'll be so out of focus he'll eventually push you away gently, stuttering about how hot it is in the room and how he can't focus on the food, but the blush covering his fair skin and the lack of eye contact will tell the truth.

Stray Kids Reaction To You Back Hugging Them:

Tags :
3 years ago

Got7 when you flinch in a fight:


I feel like Mark would be so caught up in his frustration he wouldn't even notice how he was pacing around, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. But the second he'll walk towards you, ready to shout at you once again, his eyes will notice the small, subtle step you took backwards, more out of instinct than anything else, and the anger will leave his body immediately, replaced by deep regret. He won't approach you, not knowing if you trust him at the moment, but his body will be itching to touch you, to pull you to his chest and never let go. He'll breath in deeply, letting his hands relax against his body as he gently explains to you that'll never think about hurting you, apologizing for everything that happened to lead to this moment, even if it was your fault.

"I'm so sorry, baby, but you know I would never hurt you intentionally, right?"

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


Jaebum would notice immediately the way your body jumped slightly when he lifted his hand up to brush his hair back, a habit he has whenever he's frustrated or angry. He'll be confused for a few seconds, not understanding your reaction, but then he'll freeze, horror filling his eyes slowly. He'll apologize quickly before exiting your apartment, leaving you standing in the middle of your living room, no matter how hell bent he was on fighting before. Jaebum will roam the streets for a while, guilt overwhelming him as he looks back at all the events that lead to that dreadful moment. He might take a few hours, maybe even days, wanting to let you calm down, before coming back to you, flowers in his hands and getting on his knees as he begs you to forgive him.

"Please forgive me, Y/N."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


Honestly, I feel like Jackson is usually very rational and calm even during arguments, so for him to frighten you during a fight is a very rare occurrence. Your boyfriend will feel his heart shatter in his chest when he'll raise his voice, wanting you to hear him over your own shouts, only to see you step back in fear, your eyes widening and filling with tears. He won't hesitate to walk over to you quickly, carefully pulling you into a tight embrace, his cheek placed on the top of your head and his hand tracing slow, soothing circles on your lower back. The two of you won't say a word for a few minutes, your boyfriend too shocked from the situation to even find the proper words, but after the two of you'll calm down, he'll be quick to assure you he'd never hurt you.

"My beautiful angel, I would never do anything to hurt you."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


I can see Jinyoung as being the kind to just express his anger by throwing his hands in the air, and for some reason your body reacts on its own, using your hands to shield yourself, your eyes closing tightly. I feel like Jinyoung would be utterly heartbroken when he sees your frightened form, his arms falling limply to his sides and his eyes filling with tears, but he'll still do his best to calm you down, his voice gentle yet firm as he steps closer to you slowly, not wanting to scare you. He'll explain that he would never touch you in a hurting way, that he was only frustrated at your stupid fight and he would never do anything to ruin your relationship. He'll wait patiently until you'll step towards him, before pulling you gently by your hand, cradling your head to his broad chest with the other one, the ache in his chest not disappearing.

"Princess, there's no fight in the world that's worth losing you."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


Youngjae is that boyfriend who hates fighting with you to the point he sometimes feels like he suddenly can't keep standing in the dim-litted room and hear you shout. Your boyfriend will whip around, wanting to stomp out of the door, when he'll catch you flinching out of the corner of his eyes, your arms coming up to hug yourself. He'll be quick to turn back, the tears coming to his eyes quicker than he realizes, crying out of sadness that you actually feared him and out of disappointment that he even let the fight get this far. He'll take you by the hand and sit you on the couch, before rushing to the kitchen to get you a cup of water, and then he'll sit beside you, not bothering to wipe the tears streaming down his face as he apologizes a hundred times, not satisfied until you tell him he's forgiven.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry, forgive me please."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


Bambam would be so confused because the two of you were always joking around, teasing each other and even play-fighting. During the fight, he slammed his hand against the table without thinking too much, and he was rendered speechless when he saw you physically jump away from him, your eyes filled with cautious fear. Your boyfriend would need a moment to compose himself, his mind whirring with thoughts because he never in a million years imagined you'd ever think that way about him, but he'll eventually inch towards you, his hands raised in the air to show you he doesn't plan on doing anything. When he'll see you're not moving away from him, he'll grab your hands gently and talk to you with a maturity you didn't even know existed in him, his expression sincere and loving, before leaning down to press his lip to your palm softly. He'll definitely make sure not to repeat the same mistake again, being much more careful the next time you argue.

"I'm sorry, baby, I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:


I can see Yugyeom as being the kind to raise his voice during arguments, but this particular fight would be even louder than usual, and he would be terrified when he would see you flinching at one especially loud shout. He would stop shouting immediately, and exist the house, but not before whispering a soft 'I'm sorry' to you. He'll let you cool down for the night, but in the morning you'd wake up to pancakes and a huge bucket of your favorite flowers, paired with your boyfriend's huge, adorable puppy eyes and desperate apologies. He'd still be careful around you though, almost awkward, not really knowing if you truly forgive him, until you'll get sick of his behavior and pull him in for a kiss, telling him to calm down and that you accept his apologies and know he'd never hurt you.

"I would kill anyone who would dare hurt you, Y/N."

Got7 When You Flinch In A Fight:

Tags :
2 years ago

GOT7 when they are jealous:


Mark is the type to be silently jealous, looking at your guy friends joking with you, his hair bristling whenever one of them occasionally leans forwards to pet your hair or hug your shoulder. Even if he knows that they are nothing more than brothers to you, he just can't get himself to trust the men around you like he trusts you, knowing better than anyone else how easy it is to fall for you. So he'll settle for wrapping his arm around your waist, the gesture possessive and obvious enough for you to understand what's going on. When the two of you will go back home after your outing, he won't talk or sing along to the radio like usual, instead staring at the road with his eyes dark and filled with thoughts, and you won't pry too much, knowing that Mark's behavior isn't directed to you. And when you'll get back home you'll assure him that he's the only one you want.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


Jaebum is really possessive of you and he isn't really good at hiding it, not that he tries to. It doesn't really matter whether it's someone he knows and trusts or a stranger, your boyfriend doesn't like anyone getting too comfy with you, especially when it comes with a price to him. When Jaebum will enter the dorm, craving to be in your arms, he'll frown immediately at the sight of you cuddling on the couch with Youngjae, the two of you giggling at the comedy playing on the television screen. Your boyfriend will stomp his way over to the couch, sitting practically on top of you, before glaring at his fellow member until the younger finally gets the hint, huffing and rolling his eyes in amused exasperation, before excusing himself. Jaebum won't wait for another second before pulling you into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around you before whispering in your ear: 'You're mine.'

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


Jackson isn't the type to be jealous, he trusts you completely and whole-heartedly believes that you love him and only him. But, your boyfriend is also a huge teddy bear who gets super sulky when he doesn't get enough attention from you. So of course when you meet your friends from highschool after years of not seeing him, Jackson will feel a little bit left out, watching you cackle with your childhood friends, reminiscing old memories from your crazy teenager faze that he didn't even know anything about. Your boyfriend will turn super clingy, throwing his arms around you and nuzzling his face in your neck, biting your shoulder or kissing your jaw to make you notice him. When you'll scold him softly, he won't hesitate to whine that you're not talking to him, making the rest of your girlfriends coo at his cuteness.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


Jinyoung is probably the most intimidating in his relaxed, elegant way, always having a hand on your lower back in public in a way that screams 'mine'. But it someone's dumb enough to flirt with you, your boyfriend will turn jealous, his eyes darkening even more than their natural shade and a stony, ice-cold expression settling on his face. He will see from far away shifting uncomfortably on your feet while some sleazy dude is clearly checking you out, an ugly smirk on his lips. Without hesitating, Jinyoung will exit his car where he was supposed to wait for you, approaching the two of you in long, confident strides, before winding his arm around your waist, telling the other guy to 'leave, she's not interested.' The previously smirking guy will stutter before bolting off, and you'll scold Jinyoung slightly for 'scaring the hell out of him', rolling your eyes with a smile when he shrugs carelessly.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


Youngjae is such an angel to be honest. He'll be clingy and pouty when jealous, like Jackson, but it'll be a bit more subtle. Whenever you were with your guy friends for instance, he'll always hold your hand tightly under the table or scoot closer to you with his chair, anything to feel you more and remind himself that you're his. Before you'll go out, he'll express his displeasure, sighing whenever you talk about the meeting and suggesting multiple times that you stay home and watch a movie. But Youngjae will also be really easy to reconcile. He'll turn bright red from happiness whenever you mention him during the conversation or even say the word boyfriend, his chest puffing out with pride at the thought of everyone knowing you are his, and a wide, confident smile with adorn his face.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


Bambam is the type to be super obvious when jealous. The second he meets your best friend from the University, he can't help but frown at how close the two of you are, even if he knew that already from all the times you talked about her. The constant hugs, and affectionate pecks the two of you give each other makes your boyfriend pout, itching to pull you into his arms. At the start he'll try to gain your attention with his usual, random behavior, but when he'll see you're still clinging stubbornly to your friend, holding her hand tightly, he'll throw all his subtlety out the window, tugging you backwards with a firm grip on your waist and nuzzling his face in your neck, ignoring your cries of protest as you literally have to drag around the full-grown man along with you. 'I'm your boyfriend, give me some attention.', he'll say, making you and your friend cackle.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:


I can see Yugyeom as the type to feel really helpless and uncomfortable in situations where men flirt with you or are close to you more than average. When the two of you will go on a date to a restaurant, your boyfriend and you will be shocked when one of the waiters flirts with you very obviously, winking at you and throwing sleazy comments. At the start, Yug won't really know how to react, simply staring at your interactions with a frown and his hands balled in fists on the table, but when the young man will brush his hand purposely against yours while setting the food, your boyfriend will snap. 'She has a boyfriend in case you didn't notice, so I suggest you stop flirting with her.', Yugyeom will say nonchalantly, making the other man stutter out an excuse. Yugyeom won't even reply to him, lifting you from the table with one of his hands wrapped around his wrist as you leave the red-faced waiter behind.

GOT7 When They Are Jealous:

Tags :
5 years ago


Hey Woojin,

I don't know if you'll ever see this.

But I just want you to know that stay is here for you through your whole journey.

Even though we don't know why you're leaving, I do know that we will be here for you in every step of the way. You will never be alone. Thank you for always making us smile, making us feel safe and making us feel like we belong somewhere.

You always said being a singer was your biggest dream and having to give that up for now must be one of the hardest things to do. As a singer, I know that giving up something like this doesn't happen without reason.

We will wait until you're ready to give us answers, but know that you don't have to. Even though we have so many questions, personal reasons are still personal.

We won't pressure you to come back but just know we always have your back and we will always stand by your side..

Stray kids will always be with nine in our eyes even though you're leaving, you will always be in stay's heart.

Thank you for everything, my sweet vocal angel♡



Tags :
4 years ago

♈︎ | 19:45

pairing: lee minho x reader

genre: timestamp, drabble, spicy

 | 19:45

“m-minho- t-the boys are going to hear us- ahh fuck~”

you moaned under your boyfriend’s touch as his lips capture the soft spot on your neck. currently, you and your charming boyfriend were crammed in the bathroom. your back was pressed against the white door and your wrists pinned on both sides by minho’s strong and firm palms.

the brown-haired boy chuckled before looking up at you, his cat-like eyes shining with lust.

“calm down now, y/n. only you can be seen like this by me. you better contain yourself over there because there’s no damn way i’m stopping,” the young male said before diving his head down back to your neck.

minho being the daredevil of a bitch he was, thought it was a good idea to try to make you jellify under his touch by overwhelming you with his lips, his ass was determined to leave marks all over you on every mark of unclothed skin. sure, your boyfriend got jealous easily, especially when it involved the other members, but you never knew he’d take it this far.

silent moans crept out of your mouth and you could feel your knees buckling. his body was pressed against your own firmly, as his teeth was grazing your skin softly. you whimpered under his touch, which just seemed to satisfy him more as you felt his smile spread on your skin.

“you like this, don’t you? don’t worry, y/n. i’ll be gentle with you this time,” your boyfriend said reassuringly before his head dives down deeper.

you nodded lightly as he continued to nip away at your skin, your moans getting louder increasingly and his pace going faster and faster by the minute. just when the mood started to get on, a knock came onto the door.

“hello? is everything okay in there?” felix questioned to you two, unknowing of what’s happening on the other side. both of you stayed frozen in your spots, minho then let out a sigh.

“just when it started to get good...” he said sulkily before opening the door.

a/n: uhhhh yeah second post of the day, I’ve been fixating on minho recently and i just had to make this timestamp post. i hope y’all liked it

this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎

Tags :
4 years ago

stray kids | you as the female maknae

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

synopsis: you’re the female maknae of the infamous k-pop group stray kids! let’s see how you get along with these eight chaotic boys

genre: fluff, platonic, imagines

pairing: stray kids x maknae!reader

a/n: wowza another female maknae au post- yes i have an obsession with these types of writings and i have no regrets. expect a lot of these extra member au’s for boy groups and girl groups

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

you’re his smol baby child and nothing will change his mind

chan just wants you to be happy and he’s really good at showing that, whether he makes sure you’re always healthy or just doing daily check ups on you

if you don’t end up taking care of yourself he’ll get really upset and probably give you a long lecture

one time you actually cried because of his scolding because you felt really bad and he started crying too

if he feels like there’s something up with you and you don’t open up, he usually plans with the other members to do little things to cheer you up

and those plans work all the time

he knows how much you struggle with the idol life because of his own past struggles so he empathizes with you very well

if you’re an english speaking foreigner, he’d be very chaotic with you and felix

but then it eventually just turns into chan being done with you and felix’s bullshit

nags you sometimes but he just wants you to be careful- so for the most part he just lets you be

when your time of the month comes he’s usually the best at handling the situation (jisung i’m looking at you)

he also let’s you mess around with his tracks, but he makes sure you don’t do anything stupid. as you once almost deleted a whole new track

hugs you from behind a lot to remind you that you’re loved and a precious cinnamon roll

he’s a soft leader for you and it’s just downright wholesome

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

ngl you had a crush on minho during trainee days, i mean- just look at him for crying out loud

that silly crush soon disappeared and now you see him as a best friend

though hyunjin knew about this past crush and obviously tattled to minho. now you’re his main target for flirting

speaking of flirting, he always tries to make you as flustered as he can cause he just loves your reactions

he also initiates a lot of skinship with you cause you’re like a small teddy bear to him, also he just likes cuddling with you in general

if you’re part of the danceracha, you and him would start a lot of weird shit with hyunjin and felix

hell even if you aren’t part of that sub-unit you still find a way to cause chaos with minho

also you ask about his cats all the time cause you love them a lot, and that just boosts his cocky attitude even more

he gets very possessive of you when it comes to your guy’s friendship

cause he’s the type to say “no one outside of stray kids is allowed to talk or even look at you”

ofc he’s joking though lmao

you two are like an old married couple. a lot of bickering goes on between the two of you and that just becomes the butt of stray kids inside jokes

and both of you are very petty with each other too. like- you know when your little sibling hits you so you hit them back? yeah that’s the two of you

overall both of you have a really strong friendship, and other people get jealous of it pretty easily, even stray kids themselves

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

you took felix’s spot as changbin’s favorite member overtime

he’s your number one hype boi, he always gets pumped up whenever you do something like singing or rapping cause he’s amazed by your talent

probably let’s you toy with side soundtracks so he can see your production skills

overtime you have gotten better because of him, and you’re very grateful for that

he does a lot of aegyo with you cause he just loves you so much, and he also hugs you a lot too

you tease him about this height but he reminds you that you’re shorter and this leads to bickering

also since he’s not the shortest he probably rests his elbow on your head to tick you off or to get a reaction out of you

most of the time he gets a fist to the stomach but it’s still worth it

he also makes sure you aren’t overworking yourself, even if he’s one of the more busy members

if you’re feeling down the drain he buys you some of your favorite food and snacks to cheer you up, and it works for the most part

because of the attention he gives you, felix sometimes starts petty fights with you and the other members get easily amused by this. especially changbin himself

you also just find a lot of comfort within him cause he’s really gentle with you

and because he smells good all the time too lol

changbin is an equivalent to an emotional support dog. loving and very energetic

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

the two of you are l o u d asf

hence why you and hyunjin aren’t allowed to share a room together anymore. you had a laptop in your shared room and you guys would watch horror movies that would scare the living shit out of y’all

hyunjin likes to take you on shopping dates so both of you can either eat something together or go on a shopping spree

and mini fashion shows start too lmao, he probably gives you like a million clothes to put on

if you’re one of the main dancers, he’s the reason why you are able to dance as well as you can today. cause you felt close to giving up but then he came in and encouraged you to keep going

during his trainee days, his fights with jisung would scare you. one day it got so bad you started crying cause you didn’t want them to hurt each other

they then realized what they did and hyunjin was the first to apologize, even buying you your favorite drink to make up for it

he tries to steal your attention from minho and that almost results in his deathbed

no one’s stopping this boy from doing anything to get your love and attention tho

whenever you guys aren’t together you text a lot, and you guys send each other cute memes in the process

you guys are just like north and south you can’t stand to be away from each other

he also loves to cuddle with you. whenever you get a nightmare you usually turn to him to sleep with so you can feel the comfort of his loving arms

the other members know about this and they get jealous of that sometimes

hyunjin sees you as the little sister he never knew he needed, and he just wants you to have the best possible life he can offer you

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

let’s be real here, jisung probably didn’t know how to talk to you during trainee days cause he thought you were really pretty

he’s never basked in the beauty of someone so elegant before

the only time you guys really started talking to each other was in the skz survival show, and in that span of time you two grew extremely close (and if you ended up getting eliminated he’d get really sad)

he’s scared to let you into his production studio cause he’s scared that your clumsy ass would do something, but you never really do anything

if you speak english you two probably have weird conversations in english. quoting vines and inside jokes

on break days he takes you out to get boba and just chat, and usually in the morning when it’s less busy and more peaceful

he lets you take his hoodies cause he thinks you look adorable in them, and also when you give them back to him they smell like daisies

if you get hurt in any way, shape or form he gets very upset cause he really doesn’t like seeing you in pain

one time he caught you crying to yourself because of hate comments directed towards you and his heart shattered

he actually ended up tearing up himself and offered to buy you something to make you feel better

if you’re one of the main vocalists you and him probably have high note competitions, since the two of you probably had iconic high note parts

you also pinch his cheeks a lot cause you like how he just looks like a cute squirrel

which results in him pinching you back

jisung would cherish you like treasure since you’re so valuable to him, and you’re one of the reasons he’s able to keep going in his harsh idol life

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

a few simple words to sum up your friendship; a cacophony of chaos and screaming

you and felix just have the weirdest but at the same time also one of the strongest friendships in stray kids

if you’re a foreigner the friendship is even stronger, cause you two can relate more easily, and ESPECIALLY if you’re an english speaking one

also if you’re australian like him, the chaos is just even worse. a bunch of australian slangs here and there as well as saying inside jokes

he definitely texts you at 3am to talk about something he thought of or just to send you stupid memes

also probably infected you with his dabbing and fortnite phase

you also probably tease him about his sexy moments on stage, like when he lifted up his shirt. which also made you want to see his abs again

to get back at you he lifted your shirt on stage in front of STAYs to show your own abs and everyone went crazy, and he ended up getting his ass kicked

you two are also like emotional support for each other

since you guys are some of the youngest and had some of the hardest times you know when somethings up, so you two just go and hug/cuddle with each other to let the other one know it’s okay

and you’ve also come up with a way to communicate with each other without the other members knowing to talk about personal things, like a secret language

and if you didn’t have supportive parents in the idol life, felix would automatically connect with you cause he went through something similar

this guy just also wants you to feel safe and loved cause he knows what it’s like to feel so alone

overall you and felix are like two peas in a pod, very alike in many ways but will turn to each other for emotional support or just to feel better

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

dandy boy seungmin is such a little shit around you

he always teases you and always finds a way to tick you off to see your reactions, such as playing with your hair or stealing your clothes

so you being the petty little bitch you are, you do some things that will trigger his pet peeves, like make a room dirty or not doing chores

and that’s how you developed your evil maknae side, all because of this devil puppy

but even then the bickering isn’t always that bad, that’s just how you two show your love for each other since you guys literally don’t know how to be nice to each other

unless it’s about food or games, then there’s civil acts going on

seungmin actually likes to hug you because you’re like a smol baby chick, but it never really goes further than that


and it’s usually seungmin who wins them, but when you do win them it’s always a very witty victory

seungmin also knows when something’s up with you. if you suddenly stop acting like a savage around him he knows something is up

so he then investigates, comforts you and caves in to take you out to the mall to make you feel better

he doesn’t think he’s helping that much when those times come to you but he actually helps a lot, cause he gives of this comforting aura that makes you feel safe

also he smells like roses too lmao

seungmin is your pretty and bitchy best friend, but at the end of the day he will always be there for you

Stray Kids | You As The Female Maknae

the two of you are the; done with everyone’s shit duo, at least when the two of you aren’t causing chaos

you and jeongin are very close in age, so naturally all of the members baby you and while the attention is endearing, it can get out of hand sometimes

so the two of you team up to pull the ultimate pranks on all of the members to get back at them and record all of their reactions

of course this results in scoldings and getting chased by an angry hyunjin holding a broom but it’s still worth it

both of you also compete for who can get more attention if you aren’t getting tired of it

and this can also lead to petty bickering that the other members watch in amusement (and they probably fucking grabbed popcorn too)

jeongin has a good sense of judgement, so he knows when the mood is feeling down

and he usually drags you to the side to plan a way to cheer up the members or bring up a lighthearted mood, since he knows the two of you would make a good plan

he doesn’t really like skinship but he finds it cute when you hug him or hold his arm

and the other members get pressed about this cause you’re allowed to hold his arm but they can’t even touch him with their fingernails

both of you have definitely tried to cook together

and fail miserably, which resulted in MORE scoldings and a temporary banishment from the kitchen, but the way you guys cooked was very funny

you made him a smoothie to make up for the fact that you got him banned from the kitchen cause it was mainly your fault

jeongin would be a more chill and laid-back friend, but he’s still very caring for you and will protect you at all costs

a/n: waeeeee another one done! i had a lot of fun writing this and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i had fun writing it.

also lee felix get your sexy ass off of my twitter feed i don’t feel like simping

this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎

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4 years ago

i hope y’all like han cause he’s getting some fluffy content


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4 years ago

han jisung | cuddle breaks


synopsis: you’re stressing out because of finals and school work and your roommate decides to take care of your anxiety

genre: high school!au, fluff, slight romance, one-shot

pairing: han jisung x fem!reader

tw: none it’s all fluff, except for a bit of swearing

a/n: han jisung is baby, so i decided to write this for him, enjoy~



“ugh... this stupid essay is gonna be the death of me...” you grumbled to yourself as your pen slowly drags itself across the paper. another written exam you had to complete, school was stressing the hell out of you.

you already turned in your slightly rushed history exam, and you already studied for your science exam that’s coming up in two days. luckily you pick up on subjects easily, but you still have some language projects to fill out and a math exam you have to study for. this current written exam has been giving you so much anxiety because it’s supposed to be at least five pages long, and you’re only on the second page.

sighing in frustration, you closed your notebook and leaned back in your swiveling chair while pressing your palms against your face. that was when you heard the front door open

quickly putting on your house slippers, you skidded to the source of the sound, and you are met to see your- very attractive roommate, han jisung. he was one of the best students in your classes, as you both shared a few classes. he was also a very charming and charismatic young man, making him very well liked amongst the teachers and students. to be roommates with him was like a blessing,

ever since you two started living together in this small cozy room, you two started to become good friends, and even help each other with work, but you didn’t want to dump your current problems onto him, so you instead smiled and greeted him.

“hey jisung, how was track practice?” you asked, and he just waved you off playfully while giving one of his charming smiles.

“same as usual, hyunjin and felix making things chaotic as always. seungmin trying to murder them with a stick. I’m surprised mr. wang hasn’t sent them to the principal yet due to everything they cause,” jisung chuckled while grabbing one of his hoodies on the coat rack and putting it on, he then went to the kitchen to cook something. confused, you followed him there.

you were then met with him pulling ingredients out of the pantry, it looked like ingredients to make kimchi fried rice, aka one of your favorite foods, and jisung knew this. he never cooked your favorite foods before, he saw you standing idly at the entrance of the kitchen and he chuckled again before speaking up.

“what is it, y/n? you were staring,” he giggled in a flirtatious manner, which snapped you out of your daze. you huffed and crossed your arms.

“just surprised that you’re making kimchi fried rice. you never make that,” you explained while averting your eyes away from him, your cheeks slightly pink from his previous remark.

“you’re just as observant as ever. i just felt like making this for you, due to the year coming to an end,” he answered and you cocked your head at him in shock, he’s never cooked anything for you before.

noticing your confusion, he chuckled and spoke “don’t give me that look, dear. i know you’ve been overworking yourself recently due to finals, and i think you’ve studied enough,”

your cheeks grew a deeper red due to the nickname he gave you, he’s never called you any pet names before, let alone even give you a nickname. you sigh and look at him.

“why are you so concerned? not like it’s your exams...” you remarked at him, trailing your sentence off. you were too busy looking away at him that you didn’t notice him approaching you and pulling you behind him, your back hitting his chest.

“unlike you i know when to stop studying. i can hear you late at night going to the kitchen getting coffee, and you never leave your room anymore. don’t think i haven’t been noticing, y/n. please just this once let me take care of your needs,” he said sweetly while curling your hair in his finger.

you just stand there in pure shock. jisung has never been this gentle with you. he’s usually teasing you and acts like a playful innocent child around you, but this side of him was just something completely new, and you can feel your face light up due to how close he was to you.

sighing knowing you’ve lost, you speak up. “okay... but just this once i’ll let you do this,” you say softly, and he smiles to himself knowing he won.

“now that’s what i want to hear, go to the living room while i’m cooking, it’ll be done before you know it,” he said while gesturing you to leave.

once you fully exited the kitchen, you sighed to yourself, but it was a very slow one. you hadn’t realized up until now how shaky your body has been from jisung’s touch. he’s never held you like that before, but you weren’t aggravated by it. if anything you’re more than happy that he did that.

“han jisung what are you doing to me...” you mumbled to yourself while heading to the living room and laying on the couch, not even giving yourself time to register that you’re falling asleep.

“hey sleepyhead... wake up...”

you groaned as you heard a soft and sweet voice speak to you, you got up groggily and rubbed your eyes to be met with jisung’s soft eyes. slightly moving back due to how close he was, you spoke to him with a question.

“what happened..?”

“you took a quick nap on the couch, the food is ready though. you’re so tired that you knocked yourself out right here on the couch,” he commented and you just hung your head low in shame, you felt weak for having to put this burden on him.

noticing your saddened expression, he sat on the couch and pulled you into a lopsided hug, and you stiffened up at this action, but you didn’t push him away.

“look i know you’re probably thinking that you’re being a burden or some stupid shit like that, but don’t. don’t think anything like that, if anything i’m glad i’m doing this cause i can actually check up on your health. if anything i should be the upset one here cause i haven’t been taking care of you..” jisung spoke softly, you never knew he was so emotionally intelligent. you sighed and leaned into his touch.

“no jisung none of this was your fault, i should have been taking care of myself like you said, but... i’m glad you’re doing this,” you said reassuringly while he smiled.

“that’s good, let’s go and eat now before the food gets cold,” he said while gently hoisting you up from the couch to lead you to the dining room where the food awaited.

after having a delicious dinner cooked from the man han jisung himself, you were currently sitting on the couch with jisung, and a blanket draped around both of your guy’s legs as jisung scrolls through the tv with a remote in in hand as he was looking for a movie to watch.

being near jisung already sent your heart to an attack, as you felt your cheeks light up in embarrassment and your stomach had butterflies fluttering around it. him being this close to you is already making your stomach churn like butter, and your cheeks felt incredibly hot.

not knowing what else to do, you subconsciously leaned your head onto his shoulder and shifted your body closer to his, hoping that you’d get more comfortable in his loving grasp.

unfortunately for you that made you feel even more fluttery and you had the sudden thought run through your mind that jisung wouldn’t be comfortable with this. your point was probably proven as you saw his hand stop clicking the buttons on the remote. you screwed your eyes shut preparing for the worse.

but to your pleasant surprise, his hand wrapped around your body and he pulled you even closer to him, your head swimming in confusion and embarrassment due to this sudden action, but you sighed in content and left your body loosen up, he was so warm...

he eventually found a movie to watch and pressed play. he then rested his head on top of yours as the movie, as the atmosphere finally tensed down and you two got comfortable in your current position.

halfway into the movie, he felt you loosen up more than before, he looked over to you to see you were falling asleep. chuckling to himself, he turned off the movie and let you settle yourself onto him, but he wasn’t prepared for what came out of your mouth.

“i love you, jisung...” you mumbled sleepily, and that left the poor boy incredibly flushed as you fell asleep in his arms.

it took him a moment to process what you just said, and he smiled to himself, feeling the pink on his cheeks dust. he then got himself and you comfortable as he pulled you into his embrace, sighing in satisfaction due to how you smelled like fresh flowers from a field.

“i love you too, y/n..” he said to you softly before letting himself fall asleep, with you gently cuddled into his loving arms.



hey y’all i’m back with with some han jisung fluff. he’s so adorable i just had to write for him

anyways if you have any requests send them in cause ya girl will write for any group on my pinned post

this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎

Tags :
4 years ago

ay y’all so i got a request and i’m currently filling it out! it might take me a while cause i only write on my phone but i will try to get this out to the best of my ability!

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4 years ago

Would it be okay to ask for more stray kids x fem!maknae reader? whether it's a oneshot, imagine or hc doesn't matter hun.

maybe where reader is pretty tall like 5'8 and kinda buff, she's not insecure about her body but the boys always tease her. she's kinda seen as intimidating/cold but really she's just an introverted dork that loves food a lot. and maybe the fans get to finally see her dorky playful side? if u dont wanna do this it's totally fine!! 🥰😚

The best of luck and a lot of love,


stray kids | just a bit of teasing

Would It Be Okay To Ask For More Stray Kids X Fem!maknae Reader? Whether It's A Oneshot, Imagine Or Hc

synopsis: you’re really tall and the boys tease you, so you show them something they weren’t expecting

pairing: stray kids x fem maknae!reader

genre: platonic, fluff, one-shot

a/n: thanks for the request sweet anon! i hope this isn’t too bad, cause i kinda went my own way with it, but it was very fun to write!

Would It Be Okay To Ask For More Stray Kids X Fem!maknae Reader? Whether It's A Oneshot, Imagine Or Hc


“eh— what is it??”

you glance up from your phone to see jisung looking over your shoulder with a bright smile, while some others would probably find this cute, you know that’s his secret devilish look when he’s planning something mischievous.

“what is it, hyung?” you said in a slightly playful manner, his smile only got wider as he proceeded to speak. “can you get the plates for me in the cabinet since you’re taller than meee~?”

and here he goes again, you were surprisingly on the taller side in your group, being taller than four of your members. you didn’t mind, in fact the attention was endearing, but sometimes they could go too far with their teasing.

“no hyung you can get it yourself,” you retort back with a cheeky grin, and that causes the little squirrel to pout. “but you’re so helpful when it comes to this stuff! just this one time pleaaaase~?”

not wanting to find out how long he’d continue this childish act of his, you get up and go to the cabinet to get him a plate. but out of the corner of your eye you could see two pairs of eyes looking at you mischievously, you sigh playfully and get jisung a plate.

“here, also i can see you two, you guys aren’t slick,” you said sassily, causing the two voices to chuckle and emerge from the corner, revealing the two guilty parties to be felix and seungmin.

“sorry~ we just wanted to catch a moment where you let your cold-looking facade fall, you’re cute when you’re soft y’know,” felix said cheekily causing your lips to curve a bit.

he wasn’t wrong though, you always seemed to look pissed off and such which really wasn’t the case, this caused friction between the STAY fandom at times, though it was always concluded as a misunderstanding.

“annnnnnd I’ll be taking that!” you exclaimed while snatching the phone from seungmin’s hands before bolting off, leaving the three boys in the dust as they all chased after you. “yah get back here you brat! respect your hyungs!” seungmin screamed as he ran after you.

to the misfortune of the boys, you deleted the video just as they got the phone back from you and they all groaned in defeat. “y/n-ahhh~ how come you don’t wanna show your soft and cute siiiide~? it’s cuuuute~” jisung whined and you punched him in the shoulder.

“no hyung it’s embarrassing!” you yelped while covering your face to hide your blush, and that caused all three boys to light up and start teasing you.

“awwww is our maknae embarrassed~?”

“shut up!”

currently you, chan and minho were going grocery shopping to make dinner later, you asked minho if he could let you go check out the sweet snacks and he agreed to let you go (to your pleasant delight but you didn’t show it cause you know you’d get teased).

right now you were acting like a little kid in front of the wide variety of snacks, you were a sucker for food, especially sweet snacks like pocky or hello panda.

you were about to grab another pack of pocky but you turned around to be met with the evil grins of minho and chan, as they sneakily filmed you while you were hoarding all the snacks to yourself.

surprised by their sudden appearance, you squealed and dropped everything you were holding (luckily there was no one around) and tried to grab the phone from minho. you might have been the same height as him, but he was so much faster than you.

“hyuuuung delete it! get that embarrassing crap out of here! i’d rather die than let that be published!” you whined as chan was doubled over in laughter while minho merely chuckled and hugged you as you tried to grab the phone. “awwww our y/n is so cute when she’s embarrassed~” minho said playfully and you continued sulking.

luckily, you took this opportunity to snatch the phone and delete the video, making minho yell at you and smack you in the head, and chan pinched your cheeks too (it was playful tho dw).

“what’s with everyone trying to take videos of me lately...”

and to end your lovely afternoon. what’s a better activity to do than practice the choreo for god’s menu with these eight chaotic boys.

what you didn’t dnt take into account is that the boys would continuously tease you for being so good at dancing cause of your “well fit body” and “tall and lean figure” as they quote.

yes while the praise was cute, they didn’t know what they were stirring up inside of you, your little evil maknae side was about to shine soon and they don’t see it coming.

after rehearsing your new choreo at least for the third time, it was time for a break, and you went to get your water bottle. but of course they boys had to speak up with their loud voices, making you stop what you were doing.

“ahhhh our little y/n is so good at dancing~ it’s because of her fit body right~?”

“yep! but then again she isn’t that little~ she’s one of the tallest here!”

and little comments made their way towards you while the other members were laughing. you smirked, put down your water bottle and approached the boys, making them stop their abrupt laughter for a moment as they looked up at you in confusion.

“i’m strong and tall huh? well in that case i should have no problem doing this!” you exclaimed. and before the boys knew it, you had jisung over your shoulder and you kept twirling in circles with him on your shoulders as he let out a mixture of laughter and pure screaming, making the boys surprised, but amused as they laughed as well. “ahhhh y/n-ahhh!! put me down i’m older than you!” jisung exclaimed while wiping his eyes due to the tears from laughing so hard

“but i’m taller and stronger though!” you piped up as you put him down, you then started chasing the other shorter members, holding out your arms as they screamed and cowered away in fear of facing your wrath.

too distracted by tickling them and putting in your best efforts to bring as much euphoria as you can, you were too distracted to notice changbin and minho recording you with an evil smile, as they uploaded the video to twitter and instagram.

“just wait until STAYs see this one,” changbin said mischievously as minho laughed along with him.

Would It Be Okay To Ask For More Stray Kids X Fem!maknae Reader? Whether It's A Oneshot, Imagine Or Hc

i had a lot of fun writing this one! thanks for requesting bab! if you guys liked this one please send in more requests!

this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎

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4 years ago
Masterlist For The Best Boys

masterlist for the best boys

Masterlist For The Best Boys

☘︎︎ bts

•kim seokjin

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•min yoongi

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•jung hoseok

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•kim namjoon

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•park jimin

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•kim taehyung

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

•jeon jungkook

~you as the 8th member | 🎉✨🍂

Masterlist For The Best Boys

☘︎︎ stray kids

•bang chan

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•lee minho

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~19:45 | 🌼🔮☁️

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•seo changbin

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•hwang hyunjin

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•han jisung

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~cuddle breaks | ✨🌹💖🎀

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•lee felix

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•kim seungmin

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

•yang jeongin

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

~just a bit of teasing | 🎀🍂✨

Masterlist For The Best Boys

☘︎︎ ateez

•kim hoongjoong

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•park seonghwa

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•jeong yunho

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•kang yeosang

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•choi san

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•song mingi

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•jung wooyoung

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

•choi jongho

~you as the 9th member | 🎉✨🍂

Masterlist For The Best Boys

☘︎︎ txt

•choi yeonjun

~animal crossing | ✨🌸🎀

•choi soobin

(currently empty)

•choi beomgyu

(currently empty)

•kang taehyun

~animal crossing | ✨🌸🎀

•huening kai

~animal crossing | ✨🌸🎀

Masterlist For The Best Boys

☘︎︎ superm

•byun baekhyun

(currently empty)

•lee taemin 

(currently empty)

•kim jongin

(currently empty)

•lee taeyong

~gemini twins | ✨🍂🌸🎀


(currently empty)

•wong yukhei

(currently empty)

•mark lee

~gemini twins | ✨🍂🌸🎀


that’s all for the boy groups, i also have a girl group masterlist! as well as a separate one for nct!

enjoy your stay!

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