I'm Not Even Going To Get Into That But. White Western Leftists Have Proved Yet Again They Do Not See Ppl In The Global South As Actual Ppl - Tumblr Posts
Important post
I was getting suspicions but now I'm very 100% sure that most of this website's userbase hates Palestinians and not passively. I'm now fully 100% comprehending that the vast majority of this website's userbase passes by any mention of Palestinians and seethes to their core and the only reason little of it came out was because you thought there might be social repercussions for attacking Palestinians in our time of need. All it took was an easily debunkable false accusation to get people to attack people undergoing genocide as well as a genocide survivor, and now he's been stopped from doing the work he has spent months doing. I will not allow this experience to go undocumented or forgotten. Those who partook in the harassment know what they've done and the unspeakable repurcussions of it. I expected this honestly, because that is exactly what happened to BLM and other Black rights activists since 2014; a cycle of unbelievable praise before horrendous abuse and harassment once they stopped being deified. I also saw the way people treated Moataz Azaiza after he evacuated Ghazzah, and expected the same to happen to Ahmed, who also survived unspeakable things for months in an accelerated genocide, and got harassed and attacked by the THOUSANDS on tumblr after this harassment campaign was put out. I will not forgive any one involved, especially not for what they've done to Ahmed.
Here's a collection of links to posts about the issue in the past couple of days, in chronological order I think. And under the cut will be screenshots of the initial post that I saw that brought this to my attention.
[Post 1] [Post 2] [Post 3] [Post 4] [Post 5]
[Post 6] [Post 7] [Post 8] [Post 9] [Post 10]
[Post 11] [Post 12] Edit: forgot one [Post 13].
These links are absolutely non-exhaustive and there's more shit these people have said that I don't have the patience to go collect and link here.

Honorable mention for white victim-playing after leading a hate-campaign against Palestinians surviving genocide: