This Is Horrible - Tumblr Posts
i just realized how much i dislike this "hey" of theirs. this comforting "hey". especially in phrases such as "hey, it's okay not to do everything at once, hey, you did your best, hey, you deserve rest, it's okay if you don't do anything productive", i just HATE it, because IT'S NOT OKAY, and NO, i didn't do my best and no, i don't bloody deserve rest if i did absolutely nothing. because such comforts make me go mad and if you ever say those things to me, i'll think of you as of a person who doesn't care about me - well, in case you think you do - and just chose those everywhere-accepted words to comfort me, unable to see that i am being, in fact, a lazy, dumb, stupid and unproductive cow.
this "hey" is just... everywhere. hey. hEy. truly disgusting, it reminds me of cold tea with too much sugar, or that uncomfortable position in bed with lots of blankets on, or that cloudy horrible day when you've got dirty hair and no means to wash it. or vanilla things. i hate vanilla things. and vanilla hugs. hugs are not for me, unless they're strong and meant to be... real hugs.
those vanilla things, god how i hate them. this... "comfort wannabe" drives me mad. i want to slap someone's face when i hear those or have to accept that i won't hear anything but those.
yeah, and this hey has only one use for me: when you shout, "HEY NATH", or "HEY THOSE WERE MY CHICKEN NUGGETS", then i love you... and i'll be in lots of trouble by then so i won't even be bothered by whether you used that word or not.

This is an ad about animal cruelty that has very loud screaming of dying animals. Also flashing, graphic pictures of said animals, like a dead chicken or a pig biting a wired fence.
It’s about thirty seconds, the screaming starts 10 seconds in and the ad isn’t skippable.
It can trigger panic attacks and cause your anxiety to skyrocket, and it’s just generally a very disturbing thing no one should see.
I’ve only seen a warning yet, haven’t stumbled across this before despite using YT a lot but for the love of God please be careful. Here is a link to that video but ONLY WATCH IT IF YOU KNOW YOU’RE NOT SENSITIVE TO THIS TYPE OF CONTENT. I’m merely giving out the link so you can report it and I wouldn’t advise any of you actually watch it.
EDIT: The ad isn’t by PETA. It’s by World Animal Protection USA. Just thought I’d clarify. They’re both horrible though.
Another edit just to reassure you guys: The animals you can hear in it aren’t suffering! It’s heavily edited pig squeals, pigs are noisy animals and are most likely to get loud when they’re excited or there’s food around. The audio was drastically altered to make it more traumatizing. Still wouldn’t recommend anyone listens to this.
Meeting Captain America
Chris Evans x Reader
Rating: T
Warning: Edited at three in the morning (lol)
Requested by an amazing anon!
Author’s Note: I love Disneyland! After seeing this request, I was so excited yet...really scared. There are so many wonderful Disneyland stories that I wanted to do something original. Then...this happened. I tried to be funny but I think it backfired. :( Hopefully it’s not as bad as I think it is...

You weren’t embarrassed to admit that you had an obsession with Disney.
From the movies to the memorabilia, you couldn’t resist collecting them all, making your house look like a Disney museum. Once you moved in with Chris, they came with you, fitting in with his own set of collectibles that littered the house, all mixing into a room that you both had declared ‘The Disney Lair.’ Yet despite how many items were crammed within the four walls, it always grew, slowing leaking into the other rooms until it became a game within the Evans household to find the hidden Mickeys in each room.
If that wasn’t enough, it didn’t help that Disneyland was only a short drive away. As an annual passholder, you were proud to proclaim that you often visited the park especially when your boyfriend was away. You looked to the parks for comfort, letting the magic of the place heal the pain that came with a long-distance relationship. Yet despite the frequent visits you made to the Happiest Place on Earth, the news of going once more with the Evans clan was easily accepted.
To say you were excited to be at Disneyland once more would be an understatement.
Going alone was fun but getting the chance to go with the man you loved and his family was different. With them, they understood the craziness that came with a love for Disney and they openly embraced it along with you. A trip was planned months in advance, disneybound costumes were made, and the Disney puns began to increase as soon as the idea was first suggested.
Now, a few months later, here you were with them all, looking up at the iconic Sleeping Beauty castle.
With one hand tightly gripping Chris’, you quickly adjusted your Belle ears, looking down at the matching Belle disneybound outfit before turning directions for Tomorrowland. Miles leading the way, he pulled Lisa along towards the character that soon had Chris dying in laughter.
Captain America.
The face character stood proud in his Avengers costume as he struck a new pose with his latest guest, the shield placed in her hand as the little girl tried to copy the actions she had seen so often in the movies. As the shield proved to be too big for her, ‘Captain America’ easily swooped her into his arms before smiling once more towards the camera.
As you all headed to the back of the line, you let Chris have his moment as he leaned against the wall, holding his left boob. His eyes continually shifting between the excited Miles and the man who was portraying the character he often played, he kneeled down towards the boy, holding his shoulders as he spoke between his laughs.
“Bud, why do you want to meet him when the real one is right here?”
With a pause, he finally calmed down, shooting his nephew a wink before striking the same pose ‘Captain America’ had just done. His grin widened as he heard Miles giggle, the small boy simply shrugging at the question before going back to slowly watch the line diminish.
As Chris stood back up, you quickly latched onto his arm, leaning back as you spoke loud enough for the entire family to hear you tease the man.
“I don’t know babe. Maybe this is a good thing. He could teach you a thing or two.” You copied Miles’ shrug before stepping away only to be quickly pulled back into the strong embrace of your boyfriend. A gasp escaped his lips as he lay his chin on your shoulder, giving you a glimpse of his exaggerated pout from the corner of your eyes. Soft whines left his lips as his hands tightened their grip on your hips, his voice pretending to crack as he finally replied.
“How could you?”
With that, you couldn’t control yourself. You laughed, giving into the motion as your head tipped back to rest against his shoulder. Your Mickey ears falling to the ground, you then turned in his embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck as you focused on his playful blue eyes. As you paused to catch your breath, you focused on his hands rubbing your back, taking a moment to calm down before leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
“You ass. Stop making me seem like an idiot in front of your family.”
“Too late for that.”
You gasped, moving to slap his arm but he quickly caught on to your actions, stopping your hand only to bring it to his lips and kiss the back. With a smile, he shrugged before pointing to himself.
“I never said that it was a bad thing. They think you match my personality perfectly. Two idiots falling in love…what could go wrong?” Instantly, your expression softened as you looked at the genuine expression on his face. With a small nod, you quickly kissed him before teasing him one last time.
“Great way to woo the girls Evans. Call them an idiot.”
“It got you, didn’t it?”
You dramatically sighed, nodding while trying to pull away only for Chris’ grip to tighten.
“Sadly, it did.”
“You love me.”
“I do.”
“Alright love birds, stop ignoring us and get over here! We’re almost to the front.”
With Scott’s yell, Chris chuckled; his lips quickly kissing your cheek before you both moved to step forward. The line had gone by quickly, leading all of you to be one family away from meeting the star spangled superhero.
Miles stood at the front of pack, quickly running over to Captain America as soon as the cast members gestured them forward. As he stood before the costumed hero, you couldn’t help but applaud how well the actor portrayed your boyfriend. With gusto, he tried to get your boyfriend’s nephew to enjoy his short time with him.
If only it didn’t backfire.
With each word that left the man’s lips, Miles’ frown deepened, his head quickly looking between the confused man and his uncle. With a gesture to make the actor kneel before him, he whispered in ‘Captain America’s’ ear. Despite his attempts to stay quiet, everyone around them heard, sending them all into a fit of laughter.
“Mommy says it’s not nice to be mean but…you’re not really Captain America. My uncle is.”
Finally, the man broke character; glancing at the family before he froze once he saw the actual representation of his character. A light pink dusted his cheeks as he stumbled back while trying to find something to say to this odd situation. His eyes looking to the cast members, they appeared to be as flustered as him as they openly stared at the actor that stood beside them.
With one more laugh, you pushed Chris forward, letting him handle the situation as he quickly picked up Miles.
“This, I need a picture of. Captain America meets Captain America? Classic. Come on guys, help me out here.” Instantly, every member of the family pulled out their phones as they took pictures of now posing trio. They all suppressed their laughs, hoping to not make any more of a scene.
After snapping a few yourself, you quickly escaped, avoiding the formalities while going to find an ice cream stand to reward your charming boyfriend. With your wallet ready, you began to stand in yet another line. With Chris’ Twitter pulled up, you started the tweet you knew he would want to no doubt post as you slowly crept closer to the cart.
Soon, you ordered enough ice cream to feed the army. Your wallet pulled out to pay, you sighed as a hand quickly beat you to it though. As you gathered the treats, you quickly tossed the phone to Chris, letting him finish the message as you walked away from him once more. Only this time, he caught you.
His hands placing the food on the ledge beside you, he dragged you into the corner of the building before pulling you in for the kiss that was long overdue. His hands holding your cheeks, he pulled you in close, a soft moan escaping his lips before he finally pulled away. His breath labored, he flicked you on the head, giving you another pout as he moved to hold your hand tightly.
“Stop running away from me.”
“I didn’t want to ruin the moment you were having with the staff. I swear…I thought they were going to pass out.” He smirked, kissing your forehead softly.
“I’m all yours now.”
You smiled, pulling back to kiss his lips quickly before gesturing to the already melting ice cream bars.
“As much as I love to hear that, we only have…” You paused, looking at your watch as your eyes widened. “…thirty minutes until Mickey and the Magical Map begins.”
He smiled, motioning towards their linked hands before giving a grand sweep of the area.
“Lead the way.”
This is what Biden is sending "Israel" money and bombs to do. This is what America and the UK and "Israel" are doing. This is what the "free, civilised world" is paying for. This is what your taxes are paying for. This is where every penny earned by companies supporting and owned by "israel" are paying for. LOOK AT HER. THIS IS REAL. DO NOT LOOK AWAY. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. OR ARE YOU NOT HUMAN?
from Yousef Alhelou, 14/Mar/2024:

A six year old wanted to be run over by a truck so he could be with his family, but he ended up dying from hypothermia... if that isn't one of the most heartbreaking statements to read I really don't know what else to say, because this is just a child. A six year old boy. The world has failed you. The world truly has failed the children of Gaza in so many ways.
Important post
I was getting suspicions but now I'm very 100% sure that most of this website's userbase hates Palestinians and not passively. I'm now fully 100% comprehending that the vast majority of this website's userbase passes by any mention of Palestinians and seethes to their core and the only reason little of it came out was because you thought there might be social repercussions for attacking Palestinians in our time of need. All it took was an easily debunkable false accusation to get people to attack people undergoing genocide as well as a genocide survivor, and now he's been stopped from doing the work he has spent months doing. I will not allow this experience to go undocumented or forgotten. Those who partook in the harassment know what they've done and the unspeakable repurcussions of it. I expected this honestly, because that is exactly what happened to BLM and other Black rights activists since 2014; a cycle of unbelievable praise before horrendous abuse and harassment once they stopped being deified. I also saw the way people treated Moataz Azaiza after he evacuated Ghazzah, and expected the same to happen to Ahmed, who also survived unspeakable things for months in an accelerated genocide, and got harassed and attacked by the THOUSANDS on tumblr after this harassment campaign was put out. I will not forgive any one involved, especially not for what they've done to Ahmed.
Here's a collection of links to posts about the issue in the past couple of days, in chronological order I think. And under the cut will be screenshots of the initial post that I saw that brought this to my attention.
[Post 1] [Post 2] [Post 3] [Post 4] [Post 5]
[Post 6] [Post 7] [Post 8] [Post 9] [Post 10]
[Post 11] [Post 12] Edit: forgot one [Post 13].
These links are absolutely non-exhaustive and there's more shit these people have said that I don't have the patience to go collect and link here.

Honorable mention for white victim-playing after leading a hate-campaign against Palestinians surviving genocide:

About a week ago I posted this.
I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:

and my personal favorite

After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.
About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like

I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like

This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”
But I guess the lesson goes like this:
For everyone here on my Tumblr I need y’all to stop what you’re doing and really lock in to the genocide happening in Gaza right now. I will post as many links as I can but the best you can do right now is be loud as fuck! About this.
TLDR Isreal has cut off all water, electricity and telecommunications within Gaza in a complete blackout and Gaza has lost their voice. Israel has already threatened to bomb Al Shifa hospital, which is currently a shelter for around 50k-60k Palestinians. These are images of Gaza Strip from an HOUR AGO. They are literally slaughtering and wiping out generations of Palestinians as we speak.

Please I need to see y’all talking about this and being loud for Palestine. Your anime yaoi twink hyperfixation will still be here tomorrow but literally thousands of innocent people may not.
Yall better dive back in time and fix this
i swear to god

Update 4/6/24 : My Child Magid got Hospitalized He suffered from severe Gastroenteritis, and it kept getting worse , vomiting and diarrhea .. His tiny body couldn't take it . The doctor said he lost almost 9 Pounds ! And blamed us for not bringing him sooner . We had to put him on IV because of dehydration.. my poor child is asthmatic as well so it took a toll on him . Please Pray for him Please DONATE here. Please Please Please Share . We Desperately NEED to get out !! I feel terrible!! I neglected my child and was busy providing and helping my sick parents and brother .. I hope no one has to go through this ! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING THERE FOR US ! Forever Grateful . DONATE HERE. Verified Fundraiser by @el-shab-hussein

PLEASE SHARE.. The donations almost stopped .. and we need every € .. It helps us a lot !! Please help us regain visibility 🙏 Magid is almost a year and half .. I just realized that .. in my head time almost stopped during this terrible war. poor Magid is a sweet good natured kid .. sadly ever since he opened his eyes , all he has witnessed is the turmoil of war, displacement, diseases and shelters.
Call out post concerning Saytrrose
tw for bullying, harrassment and abuse
I've come to make an announcement: Rose is a bitch-ass motherfucker. she pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. she took her sheep fuckin' fluffy dick out and she pissed on my FUCKING wife, and she said her dick was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Rose, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no fluff, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. She fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
Damn, this is surreal.
Where are the news stories? This is fucking insane.
I’m sorry if I sound ignorant since I know nothing on world politics, but why hasn’t any other country tried to step in? This is genocide we’re talking about.
you think you can’t do anything since you’re just one person? you can get the word out, you can let people know the atrocities that are being committed. you can get the message to people who can do something.
I seriously cannot believe this is real… I’m just spreading the word. Damnit, world.

Abled Person: Hey man, can you hold this wad of $2,000 and this one penny for me while I open my wallet?
The United States Government:

(Watch how many people don’t get this.)
apparently your book will not be written if you keep daydreaming about writing that said book