I'm Okay With The Sin - Tumblr Posts
Vanilla Ice Cream

I have returned with a Hybrid!AU oneshot as a special treat. I know you guys want another chapter of Owner, but I don’t have a lot of inspiration for that story. But new stuff is in the works! Thanks for passing 1100 followers! You guys rock! Please shoot me a message and tell me what’s up! I love to answer questions! Enjoy the read ~ Jessika
You really should’ve been thinking about your heat cycle much sooner than it being a week away. Sure you’d been getting yourself off more frequently as of late, but that was no problem, a couple sessions with one of your favorite toys and you were set for the rest of the day or at least until you could get home again.
However, now it was getting to the point where you really couldn’t leave the house without a change of panties because of it. There was only so much laundry a girl could do before she loses her mind.
“Just call one of your hybrid friends and bang it out for the weekend, I’ll go home and visit with my family so you can have the apartment all to yourself!”
Your friend, Lisa, said.
She was the God send during this whole experience. She came from a long line of hybrids and she knew all about going through your heat cycle and things of the like. You can’t remember how many times you’d called her in a fit of panic, thinking that your vagina was broken. Thankfully, your girl was still in working condition.
“No, we’d run the risk of mating and I really don’t want to deal with that shit,” you moaned in complaint, already thinking of the failure that was your last heat cycle.
You’d called your friend Namjoon and he accidentally got too involved with you and now things were only finally starting to return to normal. You truly valued a lot of your friendships far too much just to think about fucking getting in the way.
“Well, there is always-”
“No way in fucking hell Lisa,” you growled.
“He’s the only one that’s been through this with you before! I’m sure he’d come to help you out,” she said, leaning back against the couch.
“I’m not calling Chanyeol, I’d rather fuck my vibrators all weekend,” you said, huffing and crossing your arms over your chest.
“You know they’d never finish you off. You know how this works, Y/N,” she said. You groaned in annoyance and leaned your head against the back of your chair.
“I’m going to die of sexual frustration.”
“You won’t be the first young adult to do so.”
God you were horny as shit.
And math was boring as fuck. Your vibrators were looking awfully tempting sitting there in the closet while you stared at a bunch of functions that you honestly couldn’t give one shit about. Just as you were about to stand up and abandon your math homework for the night, there was a knock on your door.
“Yeah, come in,” you said, trying to not sound disappointed.
The door swung open to reveal your best friend of seventeen years, Min Yoongi.
“I decide to come all the way here to steal your ice cream and you can’t even sound excited to see me? What the fuck is this?” he said as he sat down on your bed with two spoons and your french vanilla ice cream sat on his lap.
“It’s me wanting to punch my professor in the face because of his stupid assignments,” you growled. Angry at the disruption in your evening plans, and the fact that Yoongi was stealing your ice cream.
“Something tells me that’s not the only reason,” he said, placing a spoon in front of you, tempting you towards the deliciousness of the frozen treat.
“I’d prefer to not tell you about it,” you said, cringing at the thought of explaining why you were so on edge to Yoongi.
“You on your period or something? Do I have to go buy you tampons again? Last time was a disaster,” he said, laying down on your sheets and stuffing a spoonful of vanilla in his mouth. You scoffed and thought back on that memory.
You’d been in bed all day because of horrible cramping and Lisa was out for the night at a friend’s party. You called Yoongi in a panic because you knew there weren’t any tampons or pads left in the house.
“Yoongi,” you whispered.
“What?” he said back into the phone. “You sound like shit, are you sick?” he asked.
“Kind of,” you said, thinking about the bodily process much more than you feasibly should’ve at the moment.
“Then why are you calling me? Get some rest and text me in the morning for an update,” he said, sounding further away from the phone.
“Hang on! Wait!” you shouted into the phone.
“Jesus fuck, what is it?” he asked, obviously done with your little charade.
“Can you help me please?” you whispered softly.
“Y/N? Are you alright? Did something happen?” he asked, sounding more and more concerned.
“I need you to go to the store and buy me pain killers, tampons and pads... Please,” you begged through the phone.
Silence floated over the receiver for a few moments.
“Yoongi? Min Yoongi? Did he hang up on me?” you asked more to yourself.
“You owe me for this, what kind do you need?”
You remember him stumbling through the door with a bunch of different kinds of feminine hygiene products and a receipt enough to make you faint. But, he insisted that he didn’t mind and offered to stay for the night incase you needed anything else.
Because that’s the kind of friend he was. He’d complain the whole fucking time if he didn’t want to do it, but if it meant something to you, he’d do it regardless.
Yoongi had been your friend for as long as you can remember.
You had gone to the same school together and you two had just sort of clicked. He didn’t really mesh well with other people and you understood that he needed his space. There were night when the two of you had stayed up the whole time and simply spoke about your dreams and what you wanted to do when you were older.
Other times you’d both do different things and not talk as much. Although, you’d never drifted too far away. Yoongi always had a way of showing up when you needed him to.
Prom night when your date had bailed on you and you were left crying in your living room until Yoongi showed up with a shitty bouquet and his mom's car for the night.
When you were certain you didn’t get into college and he appeared with your acceptance letter in hand, saying it was halfway down the street in a tree because of the windstorm from the night before.
“Wake up sleeping beauty,” Yoongi said, snapping his fingers in front of your face. You jumped in surprise. Yoongi gave you a smirk. “You were looking at me with a weird look on your face, think of something actually fun to do?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Yoongi,” you said grasping his hands in yours. He gave you a confused look.
“Yeah?” he answered.
“You know I love you right? Being serious,” you said, tightening your grip on his hands.
“Of course. You keep french vanilla in your freezer even though mint chocolate chip is your favorite. You always find a way of making me laugh and you put up with me, not a lot of people would do that kiddo. I love you too, and don’t you forget it,” he said, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles soothingly.
You sighed in relief and pulled him in for a tight hug. Yoongi was stunned at first, but quickly melted into your arms and rubbed your back comfortingly.
“Not that I don’t love our mushy moments, but what’s got you so emotional? Are you on your period? Do you have everything you need because I swear to fuck if I have to buy you one more goddamn back of tampons I might just-”
“I’m going into heat soon,” you said, laying all your cards out on the table. Yoongi froze and pulled away from you quickly.
“Like, need to fuck someone to death heat?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes,” you confirmed.
“Ew, why tell me that?” he whined.
“You’re the one who asked why I was emotional, that’d be why,” you said, shrugging and grabbing the spoon from between his legs and stuffing some ice cream in your mouth.
“Jesus,” he groaned. “I remember your first heat,” he said, laughing to himself. You flushed at the thought.
“Shut up, I don’t want to think of that,” you warned.
“The fact that you couldn’t resist little ole me? God, it was so funny,” he said.
“I would’ve done that to anybody. You try feeling so horny you could die.”
The two of you laughed.
It truly had been a mess. You had invited him over and you suddenly felt a rush of desperation. Suddenly you were stripping and you tripped over your discarded tank top and you wound up crying on your bedroom floor half naked with Yoongi trying desperately to comfort you.
“Man, no thanks. I don’t envy being you,” he said, chuckling.
“I think I’ll just get some suppressants. It’ll suck next time, but hey, at least hopefully by then I’ll have someone to help me,” you said, getting quiet.
“I still want to kill that fucker,” he growled, pulling you towards his chest. You sighed and shook your head.
“He isn’t worth it, I don’t even want to think about him,” you said.
The rest of the night the two of you were silent, just sitting in each others company.
The morning your heat was supposed to start you popped a couple suppressants.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Lisa shouted after you swallowed the pills.
“I can’t have it now, Lisa, if I do I’ll wind up doing something I regret,” you said, reaching for your backpack.
“Y/N, you know those aren’t good for you. Half the time they don’t even work!” she yelled.
“Those are only if you use them frequently. The last time I used these was, like, five or six years ago. Calm your tits Lisa, I’ll be fine. Have fun this weekend with your family, love you bye!” you yelled, just barely escaping on of her famous lectures.
You could already feel your sex drive going down and the relief of a clear head taking over.
Class went by uneventfully. You turned in your homework and was on your way out when you collided with somebody.
“Oh, sorry!” a sweet voice rang out.
“That’s okay I should’ve been paying attention-” you said, standing up.
“Oh... Hey, Y/N,” Chanyeol’s voice rang through your ears.
Suddenly you were thrown back into that night.
The night you came home to find him fucking another girl and boy in your living room.
How he looked at you while he was balls deep in another woman and had the audacity to ask if you wanted to join them.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you growled, turning your back on him quickly and heading down the hall.
“Y/N, wait,” he shouted, running after you.
“Kiss my ass, Chanyeol,” you said, turning a corner quickly. He rushed after you and grabbed your wrist.
“You know I’d love to baby,” he said, pulling you towards him.
“I thought I told you to not touch me,” you said, wrenching your arm back.
“Can we just talk without you running in the other direction? I want to talk to you,” he said, sounding sincere. You sighed, and against your better judgment, stayed put.
“Fine, what?” you asked.
“I fucked up, I get that. I should’ve been more upfront about my desires and maybe we could’ve worked something out, but we should’ve done it together and not just me on my own trying to figure myself out. I’m sorry,” he said.
You shuddered involuntarily at the word, a hot rush flooding your system. You shook your head and cleared your throat.
“Yes, you should have. Anything else?” you growled, looking at him like he was a roach with your boot’s name on him.
“Listen, I was thinking maybe we could try again. I really care about you, and we had a good time together. Life has been shitty since you left and I want to make more memories with you... Please baby, think about it. Think about us,” he said, reaching out to hold your face in his hands.
You remember his touch. How warm and inviting it used to be. How many nights had you fallen asleep in his arms with feather light kisses being placed upon your head.
How many times had he helped you with your heat?
It was so hot...
You removed his hands from your face and tried to focus on the situation.
“Chanyeol, listen to yourself. What we had was good, yes, but you fucked that all up when you started going behind my back and lying to me. Right to my fucking face, might I add. How am I supposed to trust you after that? After all that? I’ll never be able to feel secure with you. I’ll always feel like you’re not telling me the truth. I don’t want to be in that kind of relationship, Chanyeol. Not with anybody,” you stated, saying your peace.
He sighed and looked down at his boots.
“I won’t say I’m not disappointed, but I understand. I am truly sorry Y/N, I hope one day you can forgive me,” he said.
You rolled your eyes and went to move past him when a sudden rush of heat went through you, causing you to buckle and grip your stomach in pain.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” he asked, reaching towards you. Aggressively, you shoved him back and stood up shakily.
“Get, away from me,” you panted, gripping your stomach. You slowly slid down the wall and pressed your head against the cool brick.
“What’s wrong? Is it your stomach?” he asked, crouching beside you.
“I-I told you, to get away from me,” you said weakly.
“Wait, Y/N, when was your last heat?” he asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“None of your fucking business,” you growled, struggling to stand up.
“I can help you, I’ll take you home. Is Lisa there?” he asked. You sighed and stood up before starting to stalk down the hall, every once in a while gripping the wall for balance.
“Like hell I’d let you touch me like that ever again. You can go fuck yourself Chanyeol,” you said, walking out of the school.
You fell through the front door of your apartment and threw your bag on the floor.
All you needed was a few more suppressants. That’s all it was.
Slowly, you approached the counter where a little note sat.
I threw out those danger pills.
Fuck it out of your system,
Love you bye!
You gasped as another rush of heat flooded your system and you collapsed to the floor. It hurt so badly. You needed something.
Before you knew it your fingers were dialling the most familiar number.
“Yeah?” Yoongi’s voice echoed through the phone.
“Yoongi,” you moaned in agony.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Are you alright?” he asked.
“Help me, please,” you begged, tugging on your clothes desperately.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Are you hurt?”
“It hurts, Yoongi, please help me,” you pleaded.
“I’m on my way, hang on,” he said through the phone. The line went dead and you placed your forehead on the cool floor.
All you could think about was how badly you needed to be sorted out. You wanted it.
It hurt.
You tossed and turned on the floor, trying to find a comfortable position. The most comfortable position you could be in right now would be with a cock shoved deep in your weeping pussy.
Your stomach was on fire. The raw need in your core was miserable.
There was a ringing throughout the apartment.
“Y/N? Y/N! Babe!” Yoongi’s voice shouted as he ran towards you. “Babe? Are you alright, hey, look at me?” he pleaded, bringing you into his arms.
“Yoongi, please, help me,” you pleaded grabbing his forearms.
“You’re flushed, what’s going on? You’re burning up,” he said, placing his hands on your face.
“H-Heat,” you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck. Yoongi’s face paled as he looked down at you.
“Oh fucking shit,” he said, picking you up and carrying you to your room.
It was so hot, you just wanted to take off your clothes. Preferably with someone else taking your clothes off. Yoongi set you down slowly and placed his hand on your forehead.
“You’re burning up babe,” he said, more to himself. You grabbed his jacket collar and pulled him towards you, wanting the sensation of skin on skin.
“Yoongi, take your clothes off,” you whined, not enjoying the feeling of his denim jacket on your fingers.
“Hang on, Y/N,” he said, getting your finger untangled from his clothing. You watched as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and rapidly dialed a number.
“Yoongi? Why are you calling me?” Lisa’s voice rang through the phone.
“Lisa it’s hot!” you complained, pulling your jacket off.
“Lisa, what the fuck do I do with her?” Yoongi said, angrily.
“Um, fuck her probably,” she said with an unamused tone.
“Yeah, next option,” Yoongi growled.
“Sorry, sorry. Just saying, that’s the easiest option.”
“Lisa,” he said, growing impatient.
“Alright, I give. I threw out her suppressants because they were old and I didn’t want her taking those. But you could always go to the store and buy her some new ones, I don’t know how much they’re going to work. How far in is she?”
Yoongi looked at you, sweating on the bed and features flushed.
“She’s not looking good, I’ll tell you that much,” he said, rubbing his face.
“It might be too late then,” she announced.
“Too late for what?” Yoongi asked, looking down at you with concern.
“If the heat cycle has already started then she needs to be taken care of,” Lisa explained, sounding more worried than a few moments ago.
“What do you want me to do then? Who should I call?!” he yelled into the phone.
“Call Chanyeol, he’s the only one who knows what to do with her,” she said, deathly serious.
“No... I’d rather... die,” you said, gripping your stomach.
“She’s refusing,” Yoongi stated.
“She’s refusing? What do you mean? Girls on their heat don’t refuse anybody! It’s a biological function, she needs to have sex with someone!”
The word sex triggered something in you and suddenly the pain had doubled.
“Yoongi, it hurts,” you moaned, reaching out for him desperately.
“It’s alright, Y/N, just hang on. We’ll figure this out,” he said, smoothing your hair.
“I-I don’t want to have sex with Chanyeol... Please don’t make me,” you begged, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
“No baby, I won’t,” he comforted.
“Yoongi, you need to do something and fast,” Lisa warned.
“Well what the fuck do I do? Can’t I just give her a toy and let that be that?”
“No, girls need the release of a man to ease the pain. It’s the only way the natural process can be ebbed.”
“Fucking hell, of course it is,” Yoongi complained.
“Yoongi, either you call Chanyeol and let him sort her out, or you do it yourself,” Lisa said before hanging up.
“Lisa? Lisa! Fucking bitch!” he yelled, throwing his phone on the floor.
It was silent in the room, other than your heavy breathing.
Yoongi couldn’t think about it... He knew that if he took that step your friendship would never be the same. He couldn’t lose you, never. It’d break him.
But, he couldn’t let Chanyeol do this either.
“Y-Yoongi, please,” you begged, reaching for him. He sighed and placed his hand on your head.
“Y/N, do you want me to call Chanyeol, or do you want me to take care of you?” he offered, petting your hair soothingly.
“You, Yoongi. You’ll help me, you always do,” you whimpered.
“And you’re aware of how I’m going to help you, right?”
“Yoongi, cut the shit and take off your clothes,” you said weakly.
He scrambled to comply, pulling his jacket off and his shirt, revealing his chest to you. You pulled off your shirt as well, throwing it onto the floor and reaching out for your best friend. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head tenderly.
“I’m going to make this all go away, alright? I’ll help you in anyway I can, forever,” he said. You smiled and ran your hands down his back, already feeling relief from the skin on skin contact.
“Yoongi,” you whimpered into his ear. He sighed and kissed your jawline tenderly, sucking on the sensitive skin there. You moaned softly at the contact and gripped his shoulders tightly.
“Lie back for me, yeah?” he asked. You eagerly complied, laying down on your back and watching as Yoongi crawled towards you. He unzipped your shorts and pulled them down your legs quickly, not wanting to keep you waiting.
Finally your pants were off and Yoongi looked at your center. You were fucking drenched. Yoongi wasn’t sure if he should feel embarrassed or turned on at the sight in front of him. You grabbed the edge of your panties and pulled them off of yourself, flinging the offending material somewhere else. Yoongi watched and flushed red. He’d seen you in various states of undress in the past, but never something to this scale.
He couldn’t help himself from leaning forward towards your center and placing a soft kiss right above your aching clit.
“Yoongi, don’t tease me, please,” you pleaded.
“Um, are you particularly sensitive down here? I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered, his hot breath ghosting over your aching center.
“Yoongi if your don’t eat me out right now I’m going to choke you out with my thighs, hurry up!” you whined. He nodded and quickly dove in. You gasped in pleasure and tangled your fingers in his hair. Yoongi licked your center tentatively, wanting nothing more than to help his friend.
Even if it meant doing less than ‘friendly’ activities with you.
“Is this right? Do you like it like-hmmf!” Yoongi exclaimed as you wrapped your thighs around his shoulders and pulled him back to your center.
“Whatever you do to me I’ll like, please, just get on with it,” you moaned. Yoongi nodded and went back to your center. Licking a long stripe up your slit with his warm tongue had you gripping the sheets in pleasure.
He groaned slightly at the taste of you on his tongue, he had no idea you’d taste this good. It was almost worrying how much he was actually starting to enjoy this. You were his best friend, and you needed his help right now. That’s all this was. Just a friend helping his friend. But, he couldn’t deny how sweet you tasted and how every moan you made sent a jolt straight to his groin.
The pressure in his jeans was becoming too much to ignore at this point. Yoongi pressed a sweet kiss to your clit before raising to his knees and undoing the button and zipper on his jeans.
You flew up to pull your bra off while Yoongi struggled to get his skinny jeans off. You couldn’t help but giggle at the two of you, struggling to get out of your clothes like Virgin teens. Yoongi glared down at his pant leg as he wound up having to sit on the floor to get it off.
“God, now I know why women wear skirts, they’re ten times easier to get off than these stupid pants,” he complained, throwing the jeans to the other side of the room. He stood up and you saw the tent in his boxers.
“Come here,” you begged, reaching out for him. Yoongi crawled back onto the bed and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.
“Y/N, I’m nervous,” he whispered into your hair.
“I am too, but, I feel like I might die if I don’t have you right now,” you breathed against his neck. He shuddered at the sensation of your warm breath across his skin.
“I’m going to make it go away, alright? I’ll help you, always,” he said, without looking at you. You smiled slightly. He’d never say anything like that to your face. He was far too embarrassed of himself already. You bit your lip, trying to fight back the childish smile that was threatening to cross your face. But, the reality of the situation hit back full force.
The searing pain in your stomach wrenched through you like a freight train.
“Ah!” you screamed, holding yourself in hopes of making the pain lessen.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Yoongi asked, touching your head.
“I-I need you, now. Hurry up, Yoongi, please,” you pleaded. He nodded and removed his boxers, letting his erection spring free. Your eyes widened at the sight of it. He wasn’t the biggest you’d ever seen, nor was he the smallest. However, the way the veins wrapped around his length and how red the tip was, you couldn’t believe how clear headed he was still.
“Condom,” he mumbled to himself before going towards his jeans again.
“No,” you stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He gave you a quizzical look.
“As much as I care about you I’m not risking you getting pregnant,” he stated firmly.
“I won’t, we aren’t mating. B-but I need your, uh... I need you to finish inside me for the heat t-to end,” you said, blushing madly.
“Oh, Lisa did say something about that didn’t she...” Yoongi trailed off, looking at his jeans once more before looking back towards you. “Alright,” he said, opening your legs and shuffling between them. He teased you by rubbing his cock up and down your slit to get it wet.
“Please,” you whispered, grabbing his hand and interlocking your fingers. Yoongi simply nodded before guiding himself with his other hand and pushing forwards, his length slowly being wrapped in your tight heat.
“Oh fuck,” he breathed, letting his head drop slowly. You moaned loudly at the sensation of being filled so entirely. The pain in your weeping core being replaced by innumerable amounts of pleasure. He could feel your walls tightening around him, wanting more and more.
He gives the two of you a moment to adjust to the overwhelming sensation of being connected like this. Yoongi never thought that he would ever be in this position with you, but God was it hard to just think of you as his friend right now. You looked so good with his cock inside of you... Your sweet pussy stretching to accommodate his girth. The sight was almost enough to send him over, but he looked towards the ceiling, trying not to focus on the erotic scene displayed before him.
“Yoongi,” you whined, tightening your grip on his hand.
“You good?” he asked, looking down at you. The thought of you being in pain helping to stave off his pleasure clouded mind. You nodded furiously, the very prospect of him stopping enough to make you panic.
“I’m so good. God you feel so good inside me, please don’t stop,” you pleaded. Yoongi groaned at your phrasing and bucked his hips forwards in response. You groaned at the sensations sparking inside of you. Finally, you could feel your heat ebbing at act of being filled so completely.
“Jesus, fuck... You’re so tight,” Yoongi moaned. He couldn’t believe he was there. Fucking his best friend of his whole life. He was worried that it’d be to awkward for him to enjoy. Boy was he wrong. The feeling of you tightening around him and gripping his cock, your body practically begging him to keep going. The soft whimpers that you were letting out as he continued to move his hips into you.
“Yoongi, please, harder,” you begged, gripping his shoulder.
“You want it harder? You sure?” he questioned in a teasing manner.
“I swear to God if you don’t start doing more work I’m going to use you for my own pleasure,” you growled, digging your nails into his porcelain flesh. He grunted at the burn of his skin being torn open, but it only egged him towards his decision.
“Alright babe, you asked for it. Don’t complain to me if you can’t walk for the next few days,” he chuckled before picking up his pace.
“Girls don’t like cocky men in the bedroom,” you stated before letting out a sharp yelp towards a particularly hard thrust.
“You seem to be enjoying it,” Yoongi teased, leaning forwards and placing wet kisses on your collarbone. You wanted to be sassy and tell him to shove it, but all you could do was mewl at the warm tingle that his lips left on your skin.
Yoongi’s pace was brutal and unforgiving as he plowed into you like it was his only prerogative. The lewd sound of skin slapping on skin was so loud it challenged your screams you were letting loose in response to Yoongi’s dick continuing to ravage your aching womanhood.
“Fuck baby, I’m close,” Yoongi groaned into your hair while he grabbed your breast harshly and twisted your nipple in a pleasurable manner.
“Oh, shit! Give it to me,” you pleaded, grabbing his shoulders as he rocked into you with brusing strength.
When you saw Yoongi shirtless you’d never thought he’d be this strong. But you could already tell that you were in for some serious bruising once the heat had subsided, and the adrenaline from your actions had finally worn off. Although you were still on cloud nine at the moment, feeling everything from Yoongi’s fingers rubbing your throat in a tempting manner and the way that he played with your breasts. It was too much. Too much stimulation, and you were so close... But he needed to finish first...
“Yoongi, cum inside me, please,” you begged, gripping his hand that was on your breast.
“I-I’m working on it,” he groaned, kissing you desperately before his thrusts began to get less precise. His cock was throbbing harshly inside of you.
“Please, Yoongi,” you whined, gripped his shoulder. He gasped and kissed your jawline gently.
“Oh, fuck, I’m cumming,” he grit out.
Yoongi’s whole body tensed and you felt a piercing heat flood your womanhood. Finally, the aching sensation in your lower body released and you cried out once more as an aftershock trembled through you. You clenched involuntarily around his length, pulling more of him inside of yourself. A choked off gasp escaped him as he rested his head your shoulder, panting into your neck. You brought your hand up and ran your fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.
Silence fell over the two of you as the high of your orgasms began to melt away, and reality came crashing down on you.
You had just had sex with your best friend since childhood.
However you couldn’t find yourself regretting it. You trusted Yoongi more than a majority of the people in your life. He had treated you with care and helped you when you needed him.
Yoongi brought you back to the reality by kissing your shoulder and up to your lips, placing delicate pecks to your lips. You smiled lightly and wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a proper kiss. He rested his hands on your hips and rubbed soothing circles into your skin with his thumbs.
Finally, Yoongi pulled out and walked into your bathroom to grab a washcloth. When he returned he cleaned you up and threw the dirtied cloth into your laundry. You reached out your arms for him and he crawled back into bed with you.
“Y/N,” he started after a couple minutes.
“Yeah?” you answered, keeping your eyes closed.
“Are we still friends?”
“Can we be more than friends?”
“Will you buy me more vanilla ice cream?”
“Then sure.”
You smiled when Yoongi placed a kiss on your lips. However, the kiss caused the stirring in your lower stomach to come back with a vengeance.
“Yoongi, it hurts again,” you whined, gripping your stomach.