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![[Slickwell Voice] Your Majesties, I Can Explain!](
[Slickwell voice] Your Majesties, I can explain!
Herren the Desire demon.

So one of the best minor twists in the original Dragon Age Origins, is the reveal that Herren is a desire demon, a reveal you will only ever learn if you play through the alternate timeline campaign Darkspawn chronicles where the main PC Warden dies and the darkspawn wins.
I love how this one, simple revelation completely turns over everything that the first game tells you about demons and spirits on it's head, something which would be expanded on in later games, but also how it fits in perfectly with everything else shown in the game.

While abominations creates absolute hideous monsters when formed, Desire demon abominations march to a completely different drum, as we see with Connor, where the demon leaves him perfectly physically healthy.

Desire Demons also are the only ones in game who flat out does not need an outside body at all to function, as shown with Kitty not having possessed a cat, but instead taken the form of one.
They also have far more well thought out and logical plan making than any other demons, capable of making plans that could actually work in the long run.
Which brings us back to Harren, the lover and business partner of the genius blacksmith who forges your best blade in awakening, and dragon armor in origins.
Here we see a Demon that has integrated completely into human society, has found an actual relationship with a human that satisfies his needs, and as shown with the way he acts exasperated by his lovers eccentric nature, he has clearly grown beyond the basic nature of a desire demon, into a human who at the end of the day, still retained his demonic powers(as we see in the darkspawn chronicles.
In other words, he is a demon version of Cole, introduced long, long before Cole was a thing.

I love how you can go back to the start of Dragon Age, and realize that they really had figured out the rules of this universe from day one.
purposefully picked tumblr-like social media along with some really bit ones although nothing is really like this tbh
Have you ever seen a poster and thought.
Wait what.
I just did so i googled

Huh. That seems.... not that far? What about...

Okay. Okay that's... still.... but maybe I'm seeing distances wrong let's try what the poster said

Huh. That's. I'm. Wait what is...

Okay so the international space station is roughly 10 times closer to me than the west coast is that's fine this is fine I'm fine what
i love a million homes because on some days it's a deep intimate story about a mother & daughter trying to make sense of their relationship and on other days it's just “furries? in my superhell? it’s more likely than you think”
Face of Boe
Hold up, if Jack Harkness is the face of boe then.... was it mentioned truly that he was pregnant in that episode in the first season (2005 version) of Doctor Who with satellite five and Adam getting that forehead procedure thing done? It was the first time the Doctor and Rose went to satellite five. Is this a real thing or am I mixing Fanon and canon again? Because if it was then I would just like to say I just realized this...

dc fans how we feeling
PLEASE tell me the tumblr good omens fandom knows about santocielo. You know, the Italian good omens mpreg movie.
don't leave me || b.c

genre: angst, apocalypse!au
pairing: chan×gn!reader
warnings: explicit depictions of gore, major character death, strong mentions of blood, descriptions of zombified(?) people & environment.
wc: 2.2k
a/n: ( @kflixnet ) i was definitely on the brink of tears writing this, i took a lot of inspiration from "all of us are dead", heed the warnings! (not recommended for readers under 13.)
→ requested by anon.

You wanted to speak, to say anything, it didn't matter what you said, you just had to say it. Anything. No matter how hard you pleaded, not a single word made its way past your blood-stained lips.
Everything around you was loud, loud enough to burst your eardrums, but at this moment you swore it was the most blood-chilling silence you had ever heard.
Nothing made sense, and the little bit of normality you had with you, was gone now. Or, in any case, it was leaving.
Normality, in this instance, was laying in your lap as you stroked his blond bloodied hair. Normality was looking up at you, his typically soft brown eyes were bloodshot and fearful. Normality was Bang Chan.
Chan, it hurt to think of him. Especially like this, looking at him now compared to how you were used to seeing him.
Just until a few days ago, he had no clue you existed. You were a junior and he was a sophomore. Worlds apart, despite being in the same building.
When you first met him, you ran into him headfirst in the hallway, both running in opposite directions. Thinking back now, you noticed how different you had become in such a short amount of time.
Back then, you had been able to blend in, you weren't in any extracurriculars, you weren't top of your class, if anything, people knew you because of your loud friends. Your friends, you recalled them with pain, you watched them turn, one by one. First was Felix, then Seungmin and Minho, and finally Jeongin. You'd also remembered Jisung, Changbin, and of course, Hyunjin, even if you didn't know them before this whole thing started, losing them still took a toll on you.
Each of them were picked off like bugs, your originally large group dwindled until all that remained were you and Chan. You still remember the look on each of their faces, you thought you wouldn't experience a worse death than your brother's, Jeongin's, just yesterday. You watched as your former classmates, now mutilated and screaming, bit into him. To everyone else, it happened in a flash, but to you, everything was in slow motion. His scream still rang fresh in your head, your group had been cornered and you had just lost Jisung and Changbin not even 20 minutes previous when you tried to make your way up to your school roof in an attempt to find a safe place within sight of any rescuers. The small smile on your brother's face didn't match his sad eyes or the tear that was now rolling down his cheek. He used his last humane moments to hold back your former classmates as Hyunjin and Chan pulled you away from him.
Back then you had been yelling and crying to not leave him, the only thing that quieted you was when you heard Jeongin choke out a "sorry," before his head lolled to the side and you lost him to the same madness that seemed to overtake everyone around you.
Now, however, you were quiet as a mouse, staring at the man in front of you as blood pooled on your uniform. The blood wasn't yours, but you wished it was, you wished for anything but this outcome.
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts to look at him, to look at Chan, your last shred of dying hope. Just moments ago you had all the hope in the world, running up the last flight of stairs to the roof.
The two of you had spent the night in a storage closet, hiding from the horrors that had become of your school. You'd just lost Hyunjin, though not the way you would've ever hoped to;
Having run past a horde of mauled and blood-splattered students, the three of you managed to get into the small storage room, faint smiles and exhausted pants of relief were heard. You were so close to escaping, to having your lives back, or at least being able to keep the pieces that were left. Looking around, you and Chan looked at each other, you saw his tired smile, you had both gone through so much in the past 48 hours that making it into the small cramped room felt like an accomplishment. Your eyes darted to Hyunjin, who instead of looking relieved, looked beyond mortified. He held his hand to his cheek, he slowly looked up at you. Tears that pricked at his eyes threatened to fall, at first, you assumed he was grieving over your lost friends, that was until he removed his hand from his face and you saw what he was so scared about. He gingerly felt the top of the wound, the flesh was bumpy and a bright red, it wasn't a deep gash, but it was very clearly a bite. Drops of blood glittered along his cheekbones, and the surrounding skin was bruised.
He didn't look like the Hyunjin you remembered, the Hyunjin you had grown to know in the past days was determined to live, even when he lost his closest friends. You weren't exactly friends with him before this, but Felix was, in truth, Felix was friends with everyone. You remembered how fondly the freckled boy had spoken of Hyunjin, he'd mentioned his beauty as well, which you were skeptical about until you met him. Now, Felix was gone and Hyunjin's normally fair skin was marred, his beautiful demeanor expressed nothing but fear.
You called for Chan, who was still catching his breath. Everything happened in a heartbeat after that, you remembered seeing Hyunjin's panic as he stared at you, his tears finally freeing themselves. He took a step back, knocking over a broom that was propped up against the wall. Painfully remembering his words then, "I'll be fine won't I?" His voice was barely above a whisper and you could tell he already knew.
Chan grabbed a bottle of window cleaner from off a shelf behind him, holding it out like a weapon to Hyunjin, who was just centimeters away from the bottle due to the cramped atmosphere of the closet. Hyunjin gave Chan a shaky look, his hand just barely covering his face, fingertips timidly touching his cheekbone as he slowly processed what was happening.
Watching Hyunjin wipe his tears and ask you guys again if he would be fine was one of the most painful things you had endured since Jeongin's death. What had gone wrong? You were just safe, your hope had been evident in your exhausted pants and small smiles, but now that had come shattering down once more. Hyunjin stammered as Chan kept a firm grip on the small liquid-filled bottle.
Well aware that Chan was struggling with what he was doing, he couldn't make the same mistake that your group had made before.
The first day the attacks started, Seungmin had gotten bitten, it was a small bite, and it had barely pricked the skin so you decided if you kept a watch on him, everything would be fine. You thought he could withstand it, but you were wrong. Minho was watching Seungmin, he'd volunteered to keep an eye on him. Seungmin lasted two hours, it was the longest you'd seen someone stay coherent so you'd all assumed he'd gotten lucky. You were asleep when it happened, Minho and Chan were the only two awake, but you remembered the scream that woke you, the sound of tearing flesh. And the sobs that followed Minho's body hitting the cold classroom floor before convulsing in a pool of his blood. From what you recalled, Chan was the one to push Seungmin out the door, throwing Minho out soon after. Everyone looked at him, a mix of regret and pain in his eyes. You couldn't imagine how he felt, and now here he was in that same situation with you and Hyunjin.
Chan didn't take his eyes off Hyunjin, who stood rooted in place, lips quivering and tears streaming down his face.
You stepped forward just for Chan to turn toward you in a warning, you both knew Hyunjin didn't have long, but you didn't want to spend your last moments terrified of him. You had grown close to Hyunjin through all of your struggles, you ignored Chan's warning and encased Hyunjin in a hug. "I'm so sorry Jinnie."
Chan lowered the bottle he was holding and timidly joined the two of you, a sob sounding in his throat. The hug had the opposite effect you had hoped for, you felt anxious, the realization that no matter what you did, these were going to be your last moments with Hyunjin.
Recalling the way his head grew heavy and his body went limp in your arms, you and Chan already knew what you had to do.
With sad eyes, you watched as Chan picked up Hyunjin from behind, restricting his arms, you noticed the veins around Hyunjin's wound were now bulging, and his skin had turned a ghastly shade of white. You held the door open for Hyunjin and Chan, luckily the corridor was quiet now. Chan took Hyunjin to the door directly across from the storage room, carefully propping open the door to put him down gently when Hyunjin's eyes shot open, bloodshot and red he snarled in Chan's grasp, flailing around. He was making too much noise, if Chan waited any longer he would end up like Hyunjin. So instead, he flung Hyunjin across the hall and ran toward the closet where you stood, waiting expectantly by the frame.
The second Chan had sprinted inside, you slammed the door shut. More of your infected classmates had made their way outside your door, luckily there were no windows for them to see you, or worse, for you to see them.
You and Chan spent the night in that dark cramped closet, you weren't sure what about him or your situation made you open up to him, but you found yourself saying things you thought you would take to your grave, maybe it was the fact that you couldn't tell for sure if either of you would see tomorrow, but both you and Chan poured your souls out to each other.
You remembered the intense hope you had felt that morning, you had lost Hyunjin, but you were closer than you had ever been with Chan.
Not to mention you had a chance, you were so close to the school roof, it was right past the next hallway and up the last flight of stairs to the rooftop door.
What happened to that chance?
Oh, that's right, your supposed plan had failed, your hope dying beside you.
You fought tooth and nail to get to the roof, and now there you sat, your companion laying in your lap, with lidded, red-rimmed eyes staring back at you.
Tears were falling down your cheeks as you brushed your hands through his hair once more. If the two of you had been like this under any other circumstance, it would've been a tender moment, but right now, your whole world was crashing down.
You had made it to the roof with Chan, but at what cost?
"Don't leave me here," you whimpered, you hated feeling vulnerable, but right now as your last morsel of faith slowly turned into what you feared most, you couldn't help it, "don't leave me alone". You were finally able to choke through a whisper.
Chan didn't take his eyes off you, he reached his bloodied hand up to your face, his movements were slightly rigid and you could tell it took most of his remaining energy. Despite that, he still leaned his hand against your face, softly moving the hair that was covering your eyes, his fingers twitching as he did, you felt a slight flick against your forehead but you didn't mind. Right now, you were just trying to savor your last moments with him.
Chan's veins grew darker, especially around the torn flesh on his bicep, his school uniform was blood-stained and he looked as if he were in immense pain. He rasped, "leave," it was one of the last things he said to you. You understood what he meant, and you understood why he said it. This was probably your last chance to save yourself, just open the door back down to the school and haul him inside, it was simple in nature.
He gurgled out something else, you weren't able to hear him before his rasping turned to long breaths. You closed your eyes, you chose to remember Chan for the person you had talked to in that storage room, for the person who had protected and fought for you, the person who had tried his hardest to remain strong throughout the chaos.
You grabbed his hand in yours, eyes closed shut as you listened to his bones crack and felt him shift around in your hold, his knuckles twisted in your grasp. Hearing his gasps and cut off words, you tried to remember his voice, his slight accent, how he spoke with a smile when he remembered something, the way his voice sounded when he whispered. Your mind flashed to Jeongin, and Felix, to your friends, maybe you would see them again. Maybe you could laugh with them again, even if it wasn't in this lifetime.
Your hope hadn't died yet, it was too late to turn and leave, you knew that, but as you recalled all of your friends together that very first night, sitting next to Chan in that storage closet, a new hope sparked in your chest, that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be alone.
Eyes still shut, you spoke out to Chan one last time;
"This way, you won't leave me."

pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
she's ceaselessing on my watcher till i wretch
Remember when Splinter fought and defeated the Rat King in season 2?

I thought of this the other day, but on a technicality Splinter defeating him in a way can be looked at as him dethroning the king of the rats. So… 
Wouldn’t that technically make Splinter the new Rat King???