Doctorwho - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Progress Report: Over 9 Feet!!! #knittersofinstagram #knitknitknit #imagiknitsf #doctorwho #scarf #doctorwhonerdforlife

Progress report: over 9 feet!!! #knittersofinstagram #knitknitknit #imagiknitsf #doctorwho #scarf #doctorwhonerdforlife #staycreative #sanfrancisco #stayweird #handwork #alamosquare #nightlyknitting (at Alamo Square)

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6 years ago
Done!!! #knittersofinstagram #knitknitknit #imagiknitsf #doctorwho #doctorwhonerdforlife #thefourthismydoctor

Done!!! #knittersofinstagram #knitknitknit #imagiknitsf #doctorwho #doctorwhonerdforlife #thefourthismydoctor #nofuckstogive #imhappierthanilook #nerdswag #nerdsrule #youdontknowyoubetterasksomebody #color (at San Francisco, California)

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11 years ago
I Just Don't Care. True Life.

I just don't care. True life.

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9 years ago
Delete Or Exterminate. #funkopop #doctorwho #cybermen #daleks #funkodoctorwho

Delete or Exterminate. #funkopop #doctorwho #cybermen #daleks #funkodoctorwho

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9 years ago
Feeling More Whovian! #doctorwho #doctorwhofunko #doctorwhofunkopop #funko #daleks #cybermen #adipose

Feeling more Whovian! #doctorwho #doctorwhofunko #doctorwhofunkopop #funko #daleks #cybermen #adipose #weepingangels

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8 years ago
My Office Window. Love My New Setup! #funkopop #doctorwho #funko

My office window. Love my new setup! #funkopop #doctorwho #funko

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6 years ago
Captain Jack Is So Handsome In Person! @johnscotbarrowman #captainjackharkness #doctorwho #torchwood

Captain Jack is so handsome in person! @johnscotbarrowman #captainjackharkness #doctorwho #torchwood (at FLORIDA SUPERCON)

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6 years ago

Love him! #johnbarrowman #torchwood #doctorwho (at FLORIDA SUPERCON)

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6 years ago
My Snoopy X KAWS Plushy Goes Well With My TARDIS Pillow. #peanuts #snoopy #kaws #kawsuniqlo #uniqlo #doctorwho

My Snoopy x KAWS plushy goes well with my TARDIS pillow. #peanuts #snoopy #kaws #kawsuniqlo #uniqlo #doctorwho #tardis

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4 years ago

Requests for fics are open

Fandoms I can write for:

Harry Potter

Doctor who


Percy jackson




Things that are off limits:


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4 years ago

This happened in Doctor Who, does this mean The Doctor is real?

well shit


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8 years ago

#doctorwho #amypond #rorywilliams #sofiacarson #love

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8 years ago
When Jenna Coleman Has Her Own Mural In The IFAL At Mexico City #jennacoleman #claraoswald #victoria

When Jenna Coleman has her own mural in the IFAL at Mexico City #jennacoleman #claraoswald #victoria #doctorwho #theimpossiblegirl

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8 years ago
Amo Disear Cositas #doctorwho #sailormoon #sailorneptune #dva #overwatch #teemo #gnar #leagueoflegends

Amo diseñar cositas #doctorwho #sailormoon #sailorneptune #dva #overwatch #teemo #gnar #leagueoflegends #lux

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8 years ago
Tardis Steampunk #doctorwho #tardis

Tardis Steampunk #doctorwho #tardis

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If martha loses I will light you all on fire

Round Two: New Who Companions

Round Two: New Who Companions
Round Two: New Who Companions

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5 years ago

Mine: Supernatural, Doctor Who and Sherlock

Do You See One Of Your Fandom ?

Do you see one of your fandom ?

My fandom : Supernatural , Merlin , Doctor Who and Sherlock

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3 years ago

I wanted to refrain from being overly-negative, and then spent some time trying to figure out what I wanted to say, but I need this out for my own sanity so  here goes.

Jodie Whittaker deserved better. She deserved better scripts, better characterisation, better stories. She deserved to be remembered not just for being the first female doctor, but for being the Doctor. She deserved better than such wishy-washy characterisation and for her incarnation to have been marked by conflicting and downright questionable morality. She deserved big iconic moments like Eccleston’s “Everybody lives”, Tennant’s “I’m the man who’s going to save your lives and all 6 billion planet on the people below”, Smith’s “Hello. I’m the Doctor.” and Capaldi’s “personally, I think that’s a hell of a bird”. She deserved actual relationships with her companions beyond the surface level “we’re friends now”. Relationships like the warm, bantering companionship of Ten and Donna, the blossoming, wound-healing friendship like Nine and Rose, the mentor/mentee relationship of Twelve and Bill, or the found family dynamic of Eleven and the Ponds. She deserved the darkness, depth, complexity and nuance that was afforded her predecessors, to go too far and have to be pulled back. She deserved to struggle, to not be right all the time, to fight and to almost give up, and after all that deserved to pull herself up and be brilliant, be mad, be the Doctor.

I will always love and appreciate Jodie for all she did. She gave everything to this role, and I just wish this role had given everything to her.

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