10 months ago

This is an ask but i accidentally deleted it IM SORRY FOR WHOEVER SENT THAT ASK/REQUEST/PROMPT im also sorry if took like a month or 2 to complete this i was just busy with classes and fucking lazy af 😭

The ask was about like Bucky picking up Peter and the other day Peter won a bet so Bucky has to treat him with ice cream and so they went and the cashier(? my remembering skills are shit sorry) called them a cute couple and that completely changed how bucky sees his little brother

Ship: WinterSpider AKA Bucky x Peter

CW: Incest, Underage? idk Peter is in High School

Bucky was waiting in the school parking lot for his little brother because yesterday he won a bet where whoever loses has to treat the winner to ice cream. As he was waiting, he was smoking a cigar.

As he saw students coming out of the school, he discarded the cigar and looked out for his little brother's fluffy brown hair for a while. 

He couldn't find him, so he started to feel worried until he finally saw the hair of his little brother poking out from the crowd and immediately relaxed.

As more and more people moved away near his Little Brother, he could finally see him, but Peter didn't see him. 

He saw Peter bid goodbye to his friends. Bucky saw Peter trying to find him, so he raised his hand and started waving at him. 

When Peter saw it, like a puppy, he perked up with happiness, and his little brother ran to him with a smile, a smile that could melt his heart every time.

"Adorable," Bucky thought.

"Jamie!" Peter yelled his arms wide, wanting a hug from his older brother. And how can Bucky say no to his little brother? As their bodies collided, Bucky wrapped his arms around him.

"Hey Pete," Bucky said as he kissed his little brother on his hair but kept going, and Peter tried to push him away while trying to make his big brother stop. "Hey, stop that! Also, I won that bet yesterday, so you promised to treat me with ice cream."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I promise to my brat of a brother that he will get any ice cream he wants from the ice cream shop." Peter made a triumphant face and quickly got on his motorcycle, but not before putting on his helmet.

As they went on the motorcycle so they could drive to their favorite ice cream shop, Bucky said, "Hang tight, Pete. Don't want you to go flying and me getting a lecture from Ma and Pa, got it?" Peter let out an 'Mhmm' as he wrapped his arms around his big brother.

They drove for a while, and Peter had his eyes closed as he let the air hit his face and relaxed. Bucky could see that in the mirror of the motorcycle and smirked as he purposefully went faster, making Peter let out a shriek and hit his big brother on the back.

"You moron! I almost fell," Peter shouted from the back. But Bucky replied with, "But you didn't. But IF you did, of course, I will catch you so your cute face wouldn't get hurt," and that made Peter blush as he let out a quiet 'shut up.'

And when they arrived at their favorite ice cream shop, they walked in, and Peter immediately looked at the flavors he wanted, while Bucky looked at his phone to see if he got any messages from anyone. When there were none, he decided to put his phone in his pocket.

He looked up, and Peter was done picking the flavors of ice cream he wanted, so he went next, and unlike his little bro, it didn't take Bucky a whole 10 minutes to pick them.

When the pair moved to the cashier so they could pay, Peter immediately grabbed his and ran outside to find them a table. Bucky sighed, knowing how much of an ice cream addict his little brother was.

Bucky grabbed his wallet from the pocket of his jacket, but before he could open it, the cashier stopped him, saying, "It's on the house since you guys look like such an adorable couple."


Bucky's brain couldn't think of a reply but decided to say 'thanks' and grabbed his ice cream from the counter and walked to the door to find where his little brother was sitting.

But his brain is still stuck on the fact that the cashier thought he and his little brother were a couple. Of all people, it had to be his little brother, but Bucky couldn't blame the cashier because he and Peter are always mistaken as not being related, and those people are always shocked when they find out that they are indeed brothers.

When Bucky exited the ice cream shop, he tried to find— "Jamie, I'm over here!" Bucky looked at the source of the sound and...

It's Peter, and he found a table where they can sit, but while Peter is sitting, there's a beam of light hitting his hair and eyes, making his eyes look like the amber from a dinosaur museum that they visited when they were just kids, and his hair almost glowing like brownish gold. In some way, it's fluffier than it normally is.

Then he remembered what the cashier said to him at the counter.

"It's on the house since you guys look like such an adorable couple."




Fuck Ma and Pa are gonna kill me

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