Incest - Tumblr Posts

Original art by y8ay8a, edit by me.
ashely: consensual incest is legal in many places in the world (new jersey, japan, france, spain, etc) and has caused no outbreak of incestuous assault. we as a society need to accept that all the law does in this case is criminalize otherwise normal couples, causing undue stress and persucution
andrew: ..and the murder?
ashley: one step at a time :)
kys stands for kissing your sister
Fuck Me
Fuck me,
I'm so hard,
Fuck me,
Your pussy tastes great,
Fuck me,
Being in your mouth feels amazing,
Fuck me,
Cum from my licks,
Fuck me,
I love your tits,
Fuck me,
You're such a good girl for daddy,
Fuck me,
I'll slide in your pussy,
Fuck me,
Bend over now,
Fuck me,
Thumb in your bum,
Fuck me,
Let's both of us cum,
Fuck me,
You're my world.
This site's tolerance and acquiescence to incest is so fucking insane like "I don't support it but my mutual is cool so I'll allow it" "richard siken's artistic contributions to society absolve him" "ethel cain can ship whatever, she's earned it" like I'm not going to lie to you it's kinda looking like you do support it...
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 1 of 4)

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“Whoa, dude! What the fuck?” Tyler exclaims quietly as he enters the room, afraid to wake his unconscious nude brother. “Is he asleep?” he whispers to Jeremy.
“Kind of.” Jeremy replies with a sly smile as he crosses the room to Dave’s limp naked body. He gently lays his hand on Dave’s bare thigh.
“Dude, you’re going to wake him up!” Jeremy says clearly nervous about how his older brother would react finding him and his dorky friend in his room while he’s sleeping naked.
“Jeremy, calm down.” Tyler says calmly over his shoulder to his anxious friend. Tyler watches in awe as his best friend rubs his older brother’s sensitive inner thigh. Tyler notices his brother’s plump cock slowly starting to fill with blood. He is so enamored with his unconscious brother’s growing erection that he fails to realize his brother is no longer unconscious.
“Yeah Jeremy, calm down.” Dave says echoing Tyler. Tyler’s eyes lock on to David’s amused glare. He starts laughing uncontrollably, seemingly not bothered by Jeremy’s intimate touching. Dave wraps his firm grip around his own exposed penis and starts pumping his erect cock. “What’s wrong bro? This is what your little queer friend said you wanted? Don’t you want to come over and taste this juicy cock?”
“What are you talking about?!” Tyler replies confused and very suddenly furious at his supposed best friend. “What did you say to him Jeremy?!” he screams accusingly. However, Jeremy doesn’t reply, he just continues to smile his unsettling smile and goes down on his knees, slowly swallowing Dave’s entire 8 inches.
Dave responds in Jeremy’s silence, “Seriously bro, calm down.” He says still laughing like a foolish excited child. “Come here and give your big bro a kiss.” Dave says tempting his brother with his pursed lips as his cock is being deep-throated.
Tyler bites his lip nervously. One of his greatest fantasies is coming true, yet his instincts tell him something is wrong. The most confusing feeling of all is actually his growing envy as he watches his best friend fiendishly devour his brother’s cock. He should be the one who gets to taste his brother’s cum. This was his fantasy! Why should Jeremy be having all of the fun? Tyler slowly makes his way over to his brother’s beautiful plump lips. He steps over his best friend’s legs, Jeremy barely seems to notice, completely distracted with the firm member in his throat.
Tyler leans over the edge of the bed and looks into his brother’s eyes with a deep indescribable longing. He gently touches his hand to the side of his older brother’s face. Then in one of the truest moments of intimacy he has ever experienced, he closed his eyes, and touches his lips to his brother’s eager mouth, giving into the most passionate romantic moment he could have only previously dreamed of. Their tongues dance flawlessly upon each others lips, salty yet sweet. After a moment that felt like a perfect eternity, Tyler pulls back from the kiss gently and opens his eyes.
“Wow…” Dave says, opening his eyes and meeting Tyler’s gaze. “That was intense.” Dave adds, still in shock at the magical moment they just shared.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a while.” Tyler says to his brother in earnest, slightly stuttering. “I… I’m gay. And I love you Dave. Like… romantically.” Dave looks as his brother confused for a moment and then bursts into maniacal laughter.
“Dude you still don’t understand what’s going on?” Dave says through a burst of uncontrollable laughter. Hurt and embarrassed Tyler slowly starts to back away from his brother, suddenly afraid this was all some sort of elaborate prank at his expense. “I’m sorry!” Dave snorts through his laughter. “I just can’t believe you still think I’m Dave?” He says still fully laughing, then suddenly he isn’t.
Dave’s face goes completely blank and his head falls back and lands on his pillow. His whole body goes as still as it had been the moment Tyler had entered the room what feels like a lifetime ago. Standing there staring at his naked brother’s lifeless body it almost feels like the whole experience was a surreal sex dream. That is if it wasn’t for his still very present best friend sitting on the floor continuing the laughter left hanging in the air by Jeremy’s unconscious brother.
“Tyler. I can’t believe you thought your douche bag homophobic brother would let you kiss him on the lips.” Jeremy says through his vivacious laughter. “None the less, let your twinky gay best friend give him a blow job!”
“What the fuck is happening?” Tyler says now standing by the doorway confused and frustrated almost to the point of tears.
“Dude, do you really not remember?” Jeremy responds, finally calming down his laughter now that he sees how much it has affected his friend. “I told you I was learning magic. I found a new book of sex spells. We just talked about this yesterday!”
“So you learned some card tricks? What does that have to do with this?” Tyler replies still visibly upset.
“Not card tricks, you idiot. MAGIC! Like medieval magi stuff! Not street magic.” Jeremy says defiantly. “I put a spell on you brother and turned him into a human puppet. He’s in a comatose state, but anyone who touches him can use him as their ventriloquist dummy. When you confided in me with your incest fantasies, I’ll admit I thought it was a little weird at first, but it also seemed like a perfect opportunity to try my new spell! And look how great it works!”
Jeremy then reaches his hand back over to Dave’s vacant body, grabbing the top of his large masculine foot. Dave’s body immediately fills with life and sits up looking at Tyler. Using his other hand, Jeremy reaches up and clasped Dave’s hand, intertwining his fingers with Dave’s thicker more masculine fingers. They stand up together and approached Tyler.
“Whoa, walking with two bodies at once is kind of difficult.” Jeremy says out of Dave’s mouth using his deeper more impressive voice as they both wobble a little, like two toddlers learning how to walk together. Once they are intimately close to Tyler, Jeremy continues to use Dave’s mouth to speak all of his words:
“Sorry little brother. I didn’t realize how special this was going to be for you.” He says as he reaches both of his unoccupied hands out, one of his own, and one of Dave’s to hold both of Tyler’s hands.
“It’s okay…” Tyler responds starting to brighten again, looking into his brother’s eyes.
“What I should have said to you earlier is that… I love you too.” Dave’s mouth speaks the words sincerely, even though they were not his own. “I also didn’t know how to tell you.” Dave blushes and shyly looks down at the floor. “This definitely was not how I expected it to happen.” Dave’s body says with a nervous giggle, looking back up into Tyler’s eyes.
Then Tyler turns his eyes from the puppet to the puppeteer and in a true act of romance kisses Jeremy on the lips, taking him by surprise in the most spectacular way. Even though this was something Jeremy had experienced mere moments ago, it is different experiencing it through his own original flesh. Then he decides to spice things up, moving Dave’s plump lips into the ongoing tongue wrestle, making it a beautiful sexy incestuous three way make out session.
Tyler and Jeremy start to remove all of their clothes, and right as things really started to heat up they hear a loud gasp of surprise. Cutting their fun short, they turn, looking towards the open doorway that they somehow forgot to close. Standing there stern and disappointed with his arms crossed is Dave and Tyler’s burly father.
Acting quickly before anyone else has time to react, Jeremy chants something in a strange foreign language and in a moment Tyler’s dad is as lifeless as Dave had been moments ago.
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Read Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 2 of 4)

Read Part 1
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Tyler’s dad’s face goes blank and he topples over forward towards the trio. Jeremy, knowing in advance how this would go, uses the combined strength of his own body and Dave’s to catch Mr. Steer and gently lay him face down on the floor where he would have landed.
“Dude, what the fuck!” Tyler responds terrified. And rightly so, it has been a stressful 30 seconds. “What did you just do to my dad?!”
“Don’t worry. He’s fine!” Jeremy says, still fully animating both his own body and Dave’s body.
“I did the same thing that I did to this sexy flesh puppet!” Jeremy says this time through Dave’s mouth, grinning widely displaying Dave’s perfect teeth.
Truth be told Jeremy is pretty content with the current circumstances. His experiment with Dave was fairly selfless, mostly choosing Dave for his best friend’s potential pleasure. Dave isn’t really his type. Now their father, Mr. Steer is more Jeremy’s type. He has always had a secret crush on his best friend’s hyper masculine father. He is like the pinnacle of manliness. How can he not lust after such a perfect representation of masculinity.
To Jeremy’s delight, Tyler also seems excited with the prospects of his father’s new status as a lifeless flesh puppet. He can already see where Tyler’s mind is going before he speaks a single word.
“Can I try him out?” Tyler asks eagerly.
“Yeah of course little bro!” Jeremy says through Dave’s mouth. “Breathe some life back into our old man!”
“Just reach out and touch his skin anywhere you’d like” Jeremy says, using his own mouth this time to speak. “It’s going to be disorienting at first, but take it slow. Try not to do too much at once. Just channel yourself into him, and become him as much as you can. It sort of feels like you’re leaving your body and possessing his. Just leave a bit of yourself in your old body, try not to get lost in the puppet.”
“Okay..” Tyler says psyching himself up.
Reaching out and touching his father’s thick masculine hand. He grips his father’s hand tightly and suddenly feels himself being sucked into what feels like an empty void, but he still feels his knees firmly planted on the floor. He realizes he can feel every inch of both bodies at the same time. Every area of skin, every taste bud, he can suddenly hear and smell things more complexly and most confusing of all he now has two completely independent sets of vision coming from two different sets of eyes.
“Whoa…” Tyler says through both his mouth and his dad’s mouth at the same time.
“I know, it’s crazy right bro!” Jeremy says through Dave’s mouth. Patting Tyler on the shoulder with Dave’s hand.
Tyler is so consumed with his own new sensations that he barely noticed Jeremy’s presence. He turns his father’s body over on its back, and looks deeply into his father’s eyes, experiencing the mind blowing paradox of looking into the mirror of his own eyes with someone else’s body, and yet seeing himself reflected back wearing his father’s face. Giving in to his instincts, he leans down and starts kissing his father’s rough lips. Experiencing the feeling of his father’s salt and pepper beard scratching his face, but also feeling his own tongue enter his new daddy lips. The experience of making out with himself is becoming so erotic and all consuming that he completely loses himself.
Then he slips. But he doesn’t feel the fall. He loses that last bit of himself that was left in his old body and he is suddenly only seeing the world through his father’s eyes. And his sensual kiss instantly becomes very ordinary. But at the same time much worse than ordinary, because he is now kissing his own lifeless body that has collapsed on top of him.
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Read Part 3, Part 4
Everybody Loves Puppets! (Part 3 of 4)

Read Part 1, Part 2
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In a moment of panic, Tyler, now fully inside his father’s 48 year old, 6’3”, 260 pound body pushes his old lifeless body off of his new body. He is now confused and terrified.
“What the fuck just happened!?” Tyler exclaims out of his dad’s sexy mouth using his deep voice that commands authority, even in his clearly frightened state. He looks down at his thicker more masculine hands. Fully flexing and feeling the nuances of controlling such powerful meaty fingers. Feeling that he could crush a walnut with the strength of his puppets bare fingers. But then he realizes, this no longer feels like a puppet. These are his hands, his only hands. And they are no longer the hands he was born with, they are the hands of his father.
Tyler looks over to his lifeless body lying next to him on the floor and reaches out desperately grasping his former younger skin in an attempt to reestablish his connection, but it’s not working. It feels just as foreign as touching a stranger’s sleeping skin. He looks desperately to his friend, still standing on the other side of the room watching in amusement.
It was quite comical to see the burly man of his dreams acting foolish on the floor, practically in tears because his body is currently being piloted by his best friend and new found lover. It is very cute, but he clearly needs to help ease his lover’s mind.
“It’s okay Daddy. Don’t worry about a thing. I know Tyler will always be your favorite son, but I think can help with this one.” Jeremy says through Dave’s mouth.
“Dude! Quit with the role play! I’m really freaking out right now!” Tyler shouts way louder than he thought possible, as he has never seen his father nearly as excited as he is in this moment.
“Watch this Daddy.” Jeremy speaks once again through his Dave puppet. Then he slowly loosens his grip on Dave’s hand, until they are completely detached. But to Tyler’s surprise Jeremy’s body drops lifeless to the ground, while Dave’s body stands strong, staring longingly at his father’s body. Jeremy’s body hits the floor with a loud thump. “Oh fuck, I should have thought that through more. That’s definitely going to hurt later.”
“Dude what are you doing? Now you’re going to be stuck in my brother just like I’m stuck in my Dad.” Tyler exclaims, still not tolerating any of Jeremy’s shenanigans. However, he does start to ponder the seemingly more real possibility of romancing Jeremy fully in Dave’s body, which starts to excite his middle aged cock.
Looking down at his Dad’s growing bulge, he starts to realize that the cock and balls that brought him into this world are now hanging between his hairy toned legs. He now has complete control over the all powerful dick that gave him life. This is an experience few would even think to dream of, and even fewer would ever get to actually experience. He reaches his big muscular hand into his dad’s shorts and massages his dad’s cock with his enormous hand. He is finally starting to appreciate how exciting this new experience promises to be and feels the glory of his dad’s giant hands gripping his dad’s giant cock. It is the perfect moment where all of the planets seem to align and he feels whole again.
While Tyler is discovering his Dad’s body, Jeremy is discovering Tyler’s body, or his former body that is. Jeremy waltzes Dave’s strong legs over to Tyler lifeless body, next to the real Tyler now fully masturbating with his dad’s cock. Jeremy grabs Tyler’s lifeless hand and starts up his old ventriloquist act again. Tyler has a real knack for magic, so he doesn’t have much trouble reestablishing a connection with a puppet. It just requires a clear mind. He’ll teach Tyler more about that eventually.

Jeremy may have left his own body behind, but he is now in full control of two studs. His best friend Tyler, and his best friend’s brother Dave. Using his two fuck puppets he decides to get Tyler’s attention. His two brother puppets are now fully naked kissing each other and moaning loudly while rubbing each others cocks.
Tyler directs his attention to the incestuous brotherly duo, shamelessly exposing their selves to their Daddy. Tyler continues stroking his dad’s cock with is older meaty hands while he watches the show that Jeremy is putting on for him. He is relieved to see that his old body is still very much alive, and has been reanimated by Jeremy’s magic.
Tyler stands up, finding his balance in his much larger more muscular frame. Once he takes a few steps, it feels like he’s been walking around in his dad’s body for decades. It feels amazing to be so in-tuned with a body that he knows does not belong to him. It even excites him to know that he is taking something that isn’t his. He tries not to consider that he will eventually have to give this body back.
Tyler now feeling fully in his dad’s character approaches his two sons, recommencing the three way make out session Jeremy and Tyler were having before they were interrupted. However, this time it is even more incestuous. He starts to use his dad’s imposing character to make the role play more exciting.
“Tyler,” Tyler says to his former body which is now just a puppet controlled by his best friend, “I love you so very much.” He kisses Jeremy’s Tyler puppet on the lips. “You will always be my favorite son. But I will always love you too Dave.” He says in his deep rustic baritone then he kisses Jeremy’s Dave puppet on the lips as well.
“We love you too Daddy. We are your willing slaves.” The Tyler Puppet says.
“And we will do anything you desire.” The Dave puppet adds, with Jeremy in complete control of his dolls.
“Get on all fours Ty.” Tyler commands using his empowering Dad voice. “Your brother and I are going to spit roast you like the good dick pig you are.” Then suddenly breaking character, Tyler comments with a chuckle: “I’ve always wanted to fuck my own ass.”
“Anything for you Daddy.” Jeremy says through his Tyler puppet as he gets on all fours on the corner of Dave’s bed.
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Read Part 4
Getting Stuck (Part 1 of 2)

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“Hey bro, I need help!” Kyle shouts from the other room. Jay sighs exacerbated by his friend’s antics.
“What now?” Jay responds clearly tired from his long day of work. His friend Kyle stopped by to hang out for a bit, but as expected, his presence only brings unexpected problems.
“Bro, I think I’m stuck.” Kyle says laughing, seemingly amused his problem. Jay turns around and is startled by what he sees. His nephew Chris, who moments ago was sleeping in the guest room, is standing behind him. Except he seems to still be asleep. He is also holding a glass of water. Jay notices that Kyle is standing behind his nephew laughing hysterically, seemingly embarrassed by some unseen mistake.
“What are you talking about? Chris are you okay? I thought you were sleeping a moment ago.” Jay inquires confused by his friend’s earlier rambling.
“Ummm yeah. He was sleeping…” Kyle responds apprehensively. “He still is actually…” Both Kyle and Chris turn in unison to reveal that they are attached at the waist, they both seem to be sharing Chris’ toned youthful set of legs. The sight is so unnatural that Jay is speechless. He is staring at his best friend, who is still laughing like a child, walking around on his buff nephew’s muscular legs. The rest of his nephew’s body is hanging like a lifeless puppet form the waist up.
“What the fuck is happening…?” Jay says not believing his own eyes. Kyle starts reaching his hands around Chris’ torso and rubbing the perfect six pack of the sleeping college student.
“Dude your nephew is shredded.” Kyle responds mischievously, as he reaches around and rubs the bulge in the pants he’s now sharing with Chris. “He’s got a nice package from the feel of it as well.”
“Stop! What are you doing!?” Jay shouts abruptly, suddenly upset as he watches his friend take advantage of his nephew’s body.
“Calm down dude! Don’t act like you’ve never wanted to check out this stud’s junk. Let's take a look.” Kyle says as he unbuttons Chris’ pants and drops them to the floor in an instant. Standing there in front of his best friend, Kyle exposes his new commandeered cock and balls. He can’t really see anything from this angle, but he can feel that the cock is fully erect as if it’s his own. He reaches around and starts stroking his new cock while squeezing his new balls with his other hand. “Wow dude. This feels so good. His young college cock is so sensitive.” Kyle explains as water starts to splash out of the glass in Chris’ hand and hits the floor.
“What the fuck did you do to him dude?! How is this even possible?” Jay shouts, still very upset Kyle, and feeling protective of his nephew who is being molested by his perverted best friend.
“Calm down dude. He’s totally fine. He’s still sound asleep.” Kyle responds through moans as he fondles his sensitive borrowed member. “I heard about this trick online that lets you take control of someone else's body. I didn’t believe it would work, but when I saw your sexy college jock nephew sound asleep I couldn’t resist giving it a try. The trouble is, I got stuck half way through and I can’t seem to get all the way in.”
“Well what’s up with the glass of water? You’re spilling shit all over my carpet!” Jay says in a confused fury.
“Oh, I was thirsty, so I got a glass of water. I just jammed it in his hand so I could use my own hands to feel up his perfect body.” Kyle responds laughing amused with himself. As if on queue, Chris raises the glass of water to his lips and sloppily pours it into his mouth, mostly pouring more water onto the floor and down his perfect torso.
“What the fuck was that? Chris are you awake?” Jay says startled by his nephews articulate movements.
“Whoa dude! I think I just made him drink because I was thinking about how I was thirty.” Kyle responds, fascinated by his new discovery. Suddenly Chris completely drops the glass of water on the carpet and places his hand over Kyle’s hand, assisting with the stroking of his own cock. Kyle releases his own hand and sits back while Chris’s unconscious body uses his own hands to pleasure Kyle’s new and improved cock. “Holy shit dude! This is amazing! I can’t feel his hands at all. It’s like I’m getting the perfect hand job from a stranger. His strong jock hands know exactly what to do!”
“Dude what the fuck! Why do you always have to make such a mess?!” Jay says to his friend annoyed, as he grabs some towels to soak the water out of his carpet. While he’s down on his knees cleaning up Kyle’s mess, he looks up and notices his nephews unconscious face looming over him. Chris’ lopsided mouth start to open as close as if trying to figure out how to speak for the first time.
“Hey uncle Jay, wanna help your favorite nephew out…?” Chris drunkenly slurs the words out of his sexy sleeping mouth like a disoriented dreamer in a deep sleep. Jay is now face to face with his nephew’s plump cock.
“Bro! I can make him talk! This is so cool.” Kyle speaks giddily from his real mouth. “Come on dude, get a piece of this juicy cock. It’s not like he’s going to remember any of this!”
With that final argument Jay can no longer resist. Ever since his nephew started playing college football, he has noticed his eyes lingering much longer than any uncle’s eyes ever should. But Kyle was right, this is harmless fun. Jay takes the entirety of Chris’ 9 inch cock down his throat. He hears a moan escape both Chris’ and Kyle’s lips simultaneously. He feels a set of hands pressing against the back of his head. Then he feels a second set of hands pressing against his head. All four of the arms in Kyle’s control guide Jays head up and down the raging erection of his nephew.
Kyle embraces the power he is experiencing. He feels like a superhero with four arms and a perfect college jock body under his control. He continues pumping his young testosterone filled cock in and out of his best friend’s mouth, face fucking him mercilessly. As he builds to a climax he moans loudly out of both mouths.
“I’m gonna cum in your sexy mouth uncle Jay!” Chris exclaims, still with his eyes closed. And at that moment Chris’ 19 year old cock shoots its load hard down Jay’s throat. Jay swallows his nephews hot cum greedily, reveling in the euphoria of his experience.
“Fuck bro! That was amazing!” Kyle says to his best friend who is still on his knees in front of him. “I knew you gave good head, but that was unreal with this sensitive college cock. Thanks bro! Now get off your knees and stuff your dick in this tight straight boy ass! I’ve gotta give this thing a try before I give it back” Kyle slaps his new perky muscular ass.
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Read Part 2
Getting Stuck (Part 2 of 2)

Read Part 1
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Jay gets up and begins unbuttoning his pants. He undresses completely, joining his best friend and his nephew in total nudity. He slowly walks up behind his best friend’s new tight college boy ass. Kyle’s mutated body is a bizarre sight from the back, his friend’s back transitions almost seamlessly out of his nephew’s muscular, much younger legs. It would almost be unnoticeable from this angle if it weren’t for the change of skin tone from the tanned youthful yellow undertone of his legs to the paler older skin of his best friend’s back.
The sight excites Jay more than he anticipated. He presses his naked body up against his best friend, feeling the warmth of his Kyle’s back against his soft stomach. He reaches around his best friend, embracing both of his friend’s torsos, rubbing his nephew’s tight abs, and playing with his delicate nipples. Kyle makes Chris’ hands reach up and cover his best friend’s hands, slowly intertwining Chris’ and Jay’s fingers. They both take a moment to enjoy their warm embrace. Then Jay decides it’s time to get down to business. He breaks the embrace and slaps Chris’ tight ass hard, enjoying the bounce the cheeks of his bubble butt give.
“Ow dude. I can still feel that. You’re gonna leave a mark.” Kyle says, surprised by his friend’s aggression. Jay ignores his friend’s protests and spits on his own cock. He starts probing his friend’s stolen 19 year old ass with his fingers to loosen it up. It’s much tighter than he is used to, but he persists. “Dude careful! This thing is brand new. I’m not used to having my anal virginity.” Kyle protests his friend’s aggression once again.
Jay continues ignoring his friend and thrusts his cock into his nephew’s ass, hard and fast. He can hear Kyle moaning in slight agony, but he’s stopped complaining about the pain. Jay fucks his nephews tight young ass hard, living out a fantasy he never even realized he had.
“Make him talk to me.” Jay commands to his friend who is lost in the pain and pleasure of getting his borrowed virgin asshole pounded.
“Fuck yeah dude! That’s what I’m talking about!” Kyle responds excited that his friend is finally embracing the weirdness that he has brought upon them.
“Oh fuck my virgin ass Uncle Jay!” Chris moans out of his sleepy mouth, much more articulate than he was earlier. Kyle seems to be gaining more control over his puppet. Jay hugs his friend’s upper half tight, wrapping his arms all the way around the two torsos again, squeezing tight as he fucks his best friend and nephew’s perfect ass. “Oh fuck yeah Uncle Jay. Pound my ass like I pound tight college pussy!” Kyle says sensually once again using Chris’ mouth and voice.
As Jay holds his friend tight, he starts to feel connected to his friend. He feels himself slowly becoming one with his best friend. He doesn’t think much of it at first, until he opens his eyes and sees that his stomach is slowly melting into Kyle’s lower back. Kyle doesn’t seem to notice and just continues moaning in ecstasy. It must be some strange side effect of his friend’s little trick. Jay takes advantage of the moment and continues pushing into his friend’s back.
Jay keeps fucking his nephew’s ass hard and after a few moments his whole torso is inside his best friend’s. He then lifts his arms, slowly pressing them inside of his friend’s arms until he has complete control of his best friend’s torso minus the head. Kyle starts to notice that something feels wrong. He opens his eyes and sees that his hands are no longer under his control and they are massaging Chris’ meaty pecs.
“What the fuck just happened?” Kyle asks confused. Instead of responding Jay uses his best friend’s hands to reach up and cover Kyle’s mouth, muffling his resistance. He then presses his face into the back of his best friend’ head, slowly taking control of his face. For a moment Jay is consumed by darkness, then he opens his eyes with a new perspective. He looks down and sees his best friend’s torso, and he also sees the muscular back of his nephew growing out of his waist.
“Fuck yes!” Jay exclaims using his best friend’s mouth. As he regains his sense, he realizes his own legs are now growing out of his best friend’s back and his old cock is still firmly planted in his nephew’s asshole. It takes a little getting used to, but he starts maneuvering his old hips to continue fucking his nephews tight ass. “Oh fuck!” Jay moans through his borrowed mouth, overwhelmed with all of the sensations he’s experiencing. It feels to Jay as if Chris’ body is just a dead conjoined twin still attached to his body. Until suddenly Chris shoots straight up, now fully awake, but it still doesn’t seem to be Chris in control.
“Bro! That was fucking insane!” Chris says, clearly being controlled by Kyle, now fully in charge of Chris’ body, but still attached to his old body which is now being controlled by Jay.
“Fuck yeah Chris, I love fucking your tight ass!” Jay shouts with his best friend’s voice, reminding Kyle that he hasn’t finished yet. Jay continues pounding Chris’ tight ass with his old cock faster and faster coming closer and closer to a climax.
“Oh fuck me harder Uncle Jay!” Kyle said now fully in control of Chris’ mouth. He looks over his shoulder to see his best friend wearing his face like a Halloween mask. He is so aroused by the sight of his own face about to orgasm, that he can’t resist pulling his friend in for a sensual kiss. He tastes his own lips and dips his new tongue deep into his former mouth.
“Oh FUCK!” Jay screams with Kyle’s voice in between kisses with his nephew’s perfect lips. He cums a heavy load into his nephew’s ass, so hard that his knees buckle and he almost loses his balance. However, he is saved by the stability of the second set of legs attached to his body.
“Wow dude, that was amazing.” Kyle says to his friend still in awe at everything that just happened. “Let's sit down on the couch over there.” Kyle gestures with his young muscular arms. They both work really hard to walk with their two sets of legs, and sit down on the couch together. They are still a strange mash up of three bodies, that at a glance would only look like a young man sitting on an older man’s lap. But closer inspection would reveal Chris’s body, with Kyle’s torso growing out of his waist, with Jay’s legs growing out of Kyle’s lower back. Creating an other worldly house of cards made of human bodies.
“So, how do we get back out when we’re done?” Jay asks his friend still panting from the rush he feels.
“Oh it’s supposed to be easy. All we do is recite the spell I have written on a piece of paper in my pants pocket, over there on the floor.” Kyle responds excitedly with his youthful voice.
“Perfect.” Jay says matter-of-factly. Then without explanation he uses his best friend’s arms, wrapping them tightly around his nephew’s torso pulling tight. He starts to feel a familiar sensation.
“What are you doing bro?” Kyle asks slightly alarmed by his friend’s sudden roughness. Jay continues sliding his friend’s body into his nephews body, taking more and more control over his nephew’s torso until he’s almost completely in control.
“You didn’t think I’d let you have all the fun, now did you?” Jay responded mischievously. He has now fit Kyle’s torso all the way inside of Chris’ torso, leaving just his head out, so his friend could continue watching himself lose control of his own stolen body. Then Jay begins melding his legs into his nephew’s, starting with the thighs and working his way down to the muscular young college feet.
“Dude that’s totally fine, just let me out first!” Kyle pleads with his friend through Chris’ cute young face, making use of his new innocent looking puppy dog eyes. By this point Jay has taken full control of Chris’ body. He is now completely inside of his best friend’s Kyle’s body, and Kyle’s body is stuffed completely inside of his nephew Chris’ body except for the head. He has turned his best friend and nephew into a Russian nesting doll of human flesh. He stands up easily balancing on his new fit legs, and walks his new body over to the floor length mirror. He can now see the panic in Chris’ eyes. “Please bro! Don’t do this!” Kyle begs his friend.
“Bro, if I let you out, how am I ever going to get some peace and quiet?” Jay says with his best friend’s snarky mouth giving Kyle a taste of his own medicine. He then reaches up with Chris’ sexy tanned hands and starts pressing his head into Chris’ head, leaving just Chris alone staring back at Jay in the mirror. Jay decides to take a picture of his new form to save for later, doing a silly yet confident pose that he could only pull off in his new meat puppet.

“Aww gee Uncle Jay, thanks for saving me from your creepy perverted friend.” Jay says to himself mockingly, admiring his nephew’s perfectly sculpted body in the mirror. Then he give himself a thumbs up and a perfect white smiles. Jay almost immediately bursts into laughter amused by his goofy characterization of his nephew. “Finally I can just sit at home alone, drink a beer and watch TV.” Jay says to himself as he walks over to the fridge to get a cold beer.
“I guess I’m not technically legal drinking age anymore, but that’s fine. I’m sure Uncle Jay won’t mind if I help myself.” Jay jokes to himself, looking down at his new 19 year old meat suit. He pats his perfect abs with his borrowed hand. “Hopefully a few beers won’t mess up this perfect six pack.” Then Jay burst into defiant laughter. “Whatever! It’s not my body anyway!” He laughed to himself feeling a sense of freedom not having to worry about the consequences of his actions. He finally opens a beer and plops down in front of the TV for the night, embracing the peaceful knowledge that finally, no one will disturb him for the rest of the night.
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"Look, Amir! I'm like you late a night!" My dad childishly joked, shaking his protein shake in the exact manner you would for jerking off.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. God, my dad has turned into such a meathead. He also won't stop eye fucking himself! Ever since joining this stupid gym and getting, I admit impressively, swole, it's like all his brains were sucked out! Was that the cost of a membership here: your IQ?!
I guess it isn't all bad, I mean, he has lightened up a lot since dumbing down. He used to be such a stick in the mud, always painfully serious with a lecture in hand. However, now, I can hardly keep up with him. From the constant jokes and smothering hugs, he's turned into such a teddy bear! And don't get me started on the smell! Every time he hugs me I'm practically suffocated with his musk, a thick aroma of masculine stink and sweat. I hate that I like it sometimes ... actually, most of the time. Damn, dad. Why do you have to be so fucking sexy?! It's cause of you that I beat my meat silly every night! ...Dumb, meathead.
Pinning eachother down with their warm wet assholes in eachothers faces

Every time my twin sons competed in their wrestling matches, all the boys in the school show up to watch. They just can’t get enough of their big fat butts slamming against each other and bouncing in the air. My boys say they are really popular in the showers after practice…
Big bro can be such a bully sometimes, sticking his dirty damp socked feet in my face. He says i should feel blessed to be lucky enough to have an Alpha like him in the house

Here’s an oldie, but Bitch I know you wanna own some of these. Dm Now. You could be sniffing on these by next week.
im under a rim chair while daddy slowly lets out his farts as i lap at his asshole, forcing me to smell every one telling me he just cant help it. he needs me to be good for him and breathe him in. then he starts to tell me he’s been constipated for days and my licking is finally making him feel like he can shit, he has to let it out it’ll feel so good and relaxing to finally get it out. so he begs me to forgive him while he starts pushing. a thick log starts to appear and im chained to the chair with nowhere to go. slowly he pushes his thick shit out, straining and grunting and moaning as it finally makes its way out. apologizing the whole time while telling me how amazing it feels. how much he needed this. farts escape around the shit as it falls on my face and then the floor next to me, i cough and gag desperately trying to get fresh air, borderline passing out from the shock and the smell. daddy keeps pushing his shit out until he’s all done and there is shit on my face and his logs surrounding my head. he sits there and tells me im lucky he doesnt have me clean him up this time, and that it felt so good this was the first time of many. he calls me his toilet, gets up and spits on me before letting me go so he can give me a bath.