I'm Sure I'm Forgetting Other Minor In Between Nuisances - Tumblr Posts

So medication from the ER was sent to my pharmacy, unknowingly right before they closed... for the weekend.

So I managed to find ONE pharmacy open today. Called the ER back. They changed where they sent the scripts. All good. Until.

Husband became too sick to drive up to grab them. I called my grandmother (who I REALLY did not want to bother) to ask if she had free time/energy today for such a task.

She did, bless her, and told me she would throw herself together once we hung up and she'd go get it. While I was on that call, I had missed a call from my mother. So I called her back.

She was out and about, and happened to be right up the street from said pharmacy. So SHE said she could grab it. So we got off the phone and I called my grandma back, to let her know hey this worked out!! All was well.

Mom drove through, got my meds, and was going to head my way. Then her car started making sudden, loud, concerning noises. She called her husband (who's a mechanic) and he instructed her to go straight home.

She called me to let me know. I told her about the brief plan for grandma to do it so I'd ask if she was STILL willing/able. Called her. We just. Laughed. Cuz what else could we do about this ridiculousness.

Grandma picked up my meds from mom, and is now on her way to us.

*exasperated sigh*

We cannot catch a break apparently!!!

(Btw thermostat still hasn't been replaced partly due to all this sickness and partly because I guess we can't actually do it afterall?? Has to be the tech?? Idk. Idc at this point. Just want the house, and our bodies, to be working again T_T )

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