I'm Wondering From Where Clavis Stole Those Cookies From - Tumblr Posts

Falling Ahead - Part 1
A mini-series inspired by the brilliant mind of @rhodolitesrose starring our ill-starred prince and his starstruck older brother and their starburst misadventures in pranking & baking throughout the years (with some guest stars along the for the ride). Sit back and enjoy the written account of these two upstarts superstars!
Ages: Yves (1), Clavis (4)
next part (coming soon)

“Look! I came all the way from the kitchen.”
“I have more cookies inside. Can you help me do that hallway?”
At Jin’s raised voice, Clavis jumped, scratched his head, then turned to his brother with a polite smile. “Please can you help me do that hallway?”
“Clavis, you’re making a mess,” Jin berated.
“Nuh uh! I made it neat in a line! Look, look!” Clavis held the half-cookie in place between his teeth and pointed with both hands at the straight line of crumbs following him up the hall and leading into a sitting room.
“Yeah, that’s still a mess,” said Jin, yanking the cookie out of Clavis’s mouth. “And you shouldn’t waste food.”
“But I’m not wasting! The unicorn will eat it all up!”
“The unicorn?”
Clavis balled his tiny fists and nodded his head. “Baby unicorns love cookie crumbs! I read it in Chevalier’s book!”
Jin sighed. “Clavis, you can’t read.”
“Can too!”
“Can too!”
“Okay! Mama helped me a little… but only with the big words!” Clavis lunged for Jin’s arm, but Jin raised the cookie high out of his reach.
“Cut it out. I didn’t see any unicorns in the castle,” Jin said as Clavis whined and hopped in front of him.
“Yes there is! Yes there is!” cried Clavis. “I need to catch it and show it to—”
There was a thud and a squeak from inside the room. Jin and Clavis ran in to find a pile of blankets and pillows collapsed at the foot of one of the sofas, a series of spent ropes and pulleys close by. All was still for a moment, then the fluffy mountain was moving.
“It worked! I told you! I told you! It’s a unicorn!” Clavis giggled, rushing to remove the blankets. Jin joined him, and together they quickly freed the squirming mass within. And though the two brothers had never seen a unicorn before, they were both certain what they found underneath wasn’t one.
“No, Yves! That trap wasn’t for you!” Clavis shrieked. But his shrieks soon dissolved to laughter as he and Jin watched their baby brother happily nibble on a bowl of chocolate chip cookies.