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7 months ago

A roomful of phantoms.

A Roomful Of Phantoms.

Safe to say I will not be exiting said elevator the correct way.

You are trapped in an elevator with the person on your lockscreen. Who is it?

Reblog with who you get stuck with~

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3 years ago

enjoy the story if you do not like it you do not have to comment or even acknowledge that this story ever existed now that we're through all of that here is chapter one


《⊙●♡chapter one♡●⊙》

°not good enough?°

The sound of footsteps thumping against the ground

The leaves and sticks crunching and cracking underneath the feet of a panicked girl

The darkness Seems like it was closing in

How much farther

The forest seemed to go on forever

The flashlight in the girl's hand was running out of battery

Almost too close to turning off

But through her panicked state the girl didn't see the giant hole In front of her

Inching closer and closer, unknowingly to a wonderful but odd surprise


The girl fell down the hole, not just any though this one was full of magic and green glowing fireflies

The girl looked down and a tiny door opened, she looked in the door

The beat of drums started playing, as they did the barriers of the door began to get bigger so the girl could fit through it




Rabbits came from the bushes wearing quirky outfits and playing guitars with clocks in them, they started walking backwards as other creatures came from the bushes

"Let's go crazy!" They all sang

The girl being intrigued followed them to the middle of this magical forest

Where the Cheshire cat appeared and as everyone else started singing

"If you don’t like the world you’re living in

Take a look around at least you got friends!" She sang

The girl looked around and in the trees she saw the mad hatter as he started singing along with everyone else

"You see, I called my old lady, For a friendly word

She picked up the phone, dropped it on the floor

'Ah-ah' is all I heard" He sang as he played the piano with one of the creatures

"Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down? Oh, no, let’s go!

Let’s go crazy Let’s get nuts Let’s look for the purple banana till they put us in the truck Let’s go!" They all sang together

The girl stared vocalizing with them

"We’re all excited don’t know why maybe it’s ’cause we’re all gonna die"

The music paused revealing there colorful 'skeletons', the music started up again

"When we do what’s it all for? What’s it all for? You better live now before the grim reaper comes knocking on your door, tell me

Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?"

"Oh, no, let’s go, Let’s go crazy, Let’s go crazy, Let’s get nuts,

Let’s get nuts, Let’s look for the purple banana Till they put us in the truck, let’s go!"

The caterpillar Absolem busted there the door and sang along with the others

"Come on baby, let's get nuts!"

*time skip brought to you by 🌙🐨buster moon🌙🐨*

"LET'S GO!" The girl 'named' Alice sang

Trumpets started to play as the queen of hearts walked there the door

"What's going on?" Alice asked

"No time to explain run away!" The mad hatter said grabbing Alice's hand running deeper into the forest

The crew ran backstage and a corgi bumped into buster

"Oh, hey, Sammy. You really got those moves locked down now, hmm?" Buster asked

"I sure do mister moon" the corgi responded doing a little dance

"Yeah, look at you" He said laughing

"Great job, everybody. Great job." Buster praised the theater crew

They thanked him one of them asked "So, is she here?" Her name is rosita or 'the Cheshire cat'

"There. See the dog, middle third row?" Buster replied

"Oh, she’s younger than I imagined." Rosita said

"Yeah, well, supposedly, she’s the best scout in show business." Buster said

"I can’t tell if-if she’s enjoying it." Meena said

"Come on, let’s get a better view." Buster said

He ran over to a platform with the rest of the theater crew, one flip of a lever and up they went, they walked down the catwalk and buster asked "And how we doing over here, Miss Crawly?"

"Oh, very good, Mr. Moon. So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Uh, though the last one could’ve just been gas." She explained

"Well, that’s proof, right? She must like the show. All right, now, keep up the good work. Come on, everybody, back to positions." He usher

Buster sighed "Dream big dreams. That’s what I always said, right?"

Ms Crawley simply replied with a "Mm-hmm."

"Well, looks like we’re about to take this show to the entertainment capital of the world." He said happily

"Mr. Moon, she’s leaving." Ms Crawley said


"She’s leaving the show." Ms Crawley said in a panicky tone

Mr moon gasped "Miss Crawly, stay right here."

"What are you gonna do?" She asked

"I’m gonna follow that dog." He said right before using a make-shift zip line and zipped all the way down to Nana noodlemen, falling into a chair

Nana said upset "Good heavens!"

"Hey, Nana." Buster greeted her

"What are you doing?" She said fanning her face

"The scout is leaving." Buster replied

"Ah, so she is. Hurry." She ushered him

Buster ran until he saw the theater scout again "Uh, Suki? Suki Lane? I’m Buster Moon. Uh, hi. So glad you could make it. Um, would you like some popcorn?" He asked

"Oh, no, thanks. I’m not staying for the second half, so…" suki said

"Oh. But, uh, we thought you were enjoying it. I mean, not that we were watching you or anything." He said

"It really is a cute little show. Just not what we’re looking for." Suki explains

"But-but wait. Y-You got to see the second act. I’m-I’m telling you, (chuckles) it’s a smash." He said trying to convince suki to stay

"Okay, Mr. Moon, can I be honest?" She asked

"Of course."

"Are you sure? ‘Cause folks say that when they don’t really mean it." She said

"No, please, please, be as honest as you like." He said not really meaning it

"You’re not good enough."






Wow 1142 words

Well I hope ya'll enjoyed this I'll come up with more or I'll have another chapter posted by Monday or Tuesday

This is also on wattpad my username is @eggs_and_pancakes my pfp is a seal

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10 months ago
If I Were In Murder Drones Ima Be Real I Would Die Within The First 5 Minutes

If I were in murder drones Ima be real I would die within the first 5 minutes 💀🙏

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