Sing Meena - Tumblr Posts

Well, I think it turned out better than I expected. Tell me what you think!
I still have a drawing to finish, I hope to upload it soon!
And yes, I drew in a book XD

Something random that occurred to me while doing my homework XD
I'm working on a drawing, but due to lack of time I haven't been able to convert it to digital. Maybe I have it ready for the weekend;)
For the moment, enjoy this doodle ✨
(I did this without seeing references, in case you see Johnny or Meena different)
Ah ... I thought I wouldn't find this. I really enjoyed reading this again ✨
Listening in
Johnny overhears a conversations about himself. Ash has no chill. Nough said.
Johnny was currently up in the rigging of the theater, carefully positioned on a wooden beam high above the stage with one leg dangling down and his back resting against another beam. Why had he volunteered to do this again? Sure, he could do some basic repairs on his dad’s old trunk in a pinch, but that did not translate into knowing how to fix a stage light. The bulb had been change and every part of it was checked to verify it was in good condition, so why wasn’t the stupid thing working? Johnny groaned in frustration from his perch in the rafters and ran his hand down his face. He was too stubborn to leave the damaged light unfixed, so with a sigh, he reached towards the tool box he brought up with him and continued his attempts to make the light work. If he hadn’t been so focused on his doomed mission to repair the broken machinery in front of him, he probably would have enjoyed being above the theater stage. Despite being in relatively plain sight, no one seemed to look up and notice him. This put him above conversing animals who had no idea he was there. Johnny had already heard Mr. Moon tell Eddie about the renovation ideas he had for the stage, as the sheep rolled his eyes and tried to keep his friend from getting too carried away. “No! Buster, we can’t install trapeze equipment in the theater!” The gorilla also heard Ms. Crawly talk cheerfully about her new boyfriend to an eager-to-listen Rosita as they ambled across the stage. And later, a heated debate between Gunter and Mike about whether or not Lady Gaga’s songs qualified as ‘real music’. Johnny chuckled as he heard an extremely offended Gunter viscously defend his idol from Mike’s criticizing remarks. But by far, the most interesting conversation he heard happened when Ash and Meena made their way on stage to check the speakers. “Really, Meena, I’m fine. I just… I don’t know. I don’t miss him anymore, but I still kinda miss being in a relationship. Ya’ know?” Johnny’s attention was immediately snatched away from the light fixture and focused on Ash’s lament. Carefully, he leaned back so he could see his two friends. He saw them walk out and sit side-by-side on the stage with Ash getting out her guitar from its case and Meena untangling the cords used to for the speakers. Meena was nodding along sympathetically to what Ash was saying. “Yeah! Well, no. I’ve never been in that situation, but I can understand why you’d feel that. It, um, it must be weird being on your own after being with someone for so long.” Meena reassured then stopped for moment before continuing cautiously. “Are you seeing anyone now?” “Nah! Not really interested in anyone. What about you?” Ash’s self pitying tone faded away and turned into one of coy curiosity. “Any guy in your life?” Johnny felt a moment of relief from hearing Ash’s sad demeanor go back to normal, followed by intense curiosity about Meena’s response. The elephant gave a nervous chuckle. “Heh, no.” “Kay… any girl?” “Uh-uh” The porcupine sighed. “Anyone at all?” “Not really.” Meena’s answer sounded almost like an apology. Ash practically groaned. “Oh come on, I’ve never heard you talk about a crush before. There’s gotta be someone you’re at least a little interested in!” The porcupine’s persistence was only met with a sheepish smile and a shrug from Meena. Ash sighed heavily, unsatisfied with her friend’s lack of interesting responses. “What did you expect?” Meena giggled at Ash’s reaction as she untangled the last of the cords. She got up to plug one in as she continued talking. “I spent all my time either here or at home. Besides you, I don’t really spend time with many animals my age.” “There’s Johnny.” Ash stated matter-a-factly, much to the gorilla’s surprise and relief. His grip on the beam tighten as he became the topic of conversation. “Well, yeah. Beside you and Johnny.” Meena quickly brushed off Ash’s comment, hidden behind speaker equipment and her own ears. There was a lasting silence and Johnny shifted back to work on the light, assuming the conversation was over and that Ash was satisfied with Meena’s response. He was wrong. “Sooooo,” He heard the porcupine drawl just as he was situated on the precarious wooden beam that probably wasn’t meant to hold his weight. “What do you think of Johnny then?” The gorilla felt his face heat up as soon as the question was asked. He couldn’t see the girls now, so he could imagine what their facial expressions were. “Don’t give that look! If he’s literally the only guy in your life right now, we’re talking about him.” Ash pushed. “So spill.” Meena murmured incoherently as she tried to think of something to say. Johnny quickly found himself straining to hear her soft voice, completely neglecting his original task. A part of his conscience nagged him for listening in on their private conversation and not telling them he was there. He reasoned that it wasn’t eavesdropping since he had been there first and they just happened to be talking near where he already was. Besides, if they really wanted this conversation to be private, they shouldn’t be having it on an open stage. Or at the very least, they should have looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. “W-well, obviously I think he he’s nice. He’s our friend.” Johnny could just barely make out Meena’s flustered mumbles. “He’s easier to talk to than most others. And, um, I don’t know, really good at piano…” The was a brief pause before Ash spoke up. “Would you go out with him?” “What?!” Meena’s response was shrill and made Johnny jump. Ash, who evidently thought subtlety was for suckers, calmly repeated. “Would you go out him? Like, if he asked you out, would you say yes or what?” Johnny’s hand was over his mouth as he sat in awe at how forward his small friend was. He could only imagine how red faced and flummoxed Meena was right now. She probably looked adorable. “Wha- I- um- n-no!” Meena struggled to form any kind of coherent answer. “I-I mean, that would be weird! We’re friends.” She offered as an excuse. “Right, weird.” Ash sounded bored and completely unconvinced. “It’s not like he’s kissed you or anything.” Johnny’s heart stopped. She was referring to the mistletoe kiss right before their break for the holidays a couple of weeks ago. The consequences of which had pretty much been limited to Gunter telling everyone at the theater and now referring to the two of them as lovebirds. Johnny had found he didn’t actually mind Gunter calling them that, but if Meena was ever within earshot, she’d find an excuse to leave the room and put distance between them. Johnny had just chalked that up to Meena being easily embarrassed at the time, but now he began to worry there was something more to it. Come to think of it, the shy elephant had never brought the topic up, almost as if it hadn’t happened. During the silence following Ash’s comment, the cockney teen wondered for the first time if maybe Meena was really opposed to the idea of them as a couple. What if she wasn’t embarrassed so much as disgusted whenever someone insinuated that they were more than friends? Maybe she never brought it up, not because she didn’t know how to react, but because she wished it hadn’t happen! Johnny’s stomach slowly dropped lower and lower as his mind helpfully supplied numerous reasons why Meena wouldn’t want anyone to think they were together. He snapped out of it when he finally heard Meena give an uneasy laugh. “That was… that was just a joke.” She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself of that rather than Ash.
The porcupine just huffed. “Uh-huh, sure, that’s it. Ya’ know you’d sound a lot more convincing if I didn’t catch you looking at him so often. Just saying-”
“Speakers are ready!” Meena”s words overlapped with Ash’s and were louder than they needed to be. “W-we should really get to testing them!”
With a sigh, Ash temporarily allowed the subject to be dropped as to test her guitar with the new speaker system. A few moments later, Johnny had one arm wrapped tightly around one of the wooden beams and the other around the tool box as to keep it and himself from falling. The theater vibrated due to the force of Ash’s guitar playing. The gorilla only let his death grip on the beam loosen once he was sure she was done, once again impressed at how powerful her guitar warm ups were. There were a few minutes of peace before Ash continued her pestering of Meena about her opinion on Johnny.
“I don’t know! What about you?” The elephant sounded desperate to divert attention any from herself.
“What about me?” Ash sounded confused as to why Meena would even ask. “Look, for all my complaining, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to date anyone for a while. Besides, pretty boy isn’t really my type.” Johnny, who was once again fiddling with the stage-light in some effort to fix it, couldn’t help but think Ash sounded a lot more convincing than Meena did. “I mean, the guy’s hot and has a decent bed-name and all, but he’s also a colossal dork.”
“…what’s a 'bed-name’?” The elephant asked hesitantly, as if unsure she would want to know.
“I never told you about that? It’s a standard I came up with so I don’t end up dating someone with dumb name like Melvin or Barney.” Meena must of had the same puzzled expression on her face that Johnny currently had, considering Ash felt prompted to continue. “Okay, so basically, you gotta think about what someone’s name sounds like in the moment. Like, could you imagine yourself saying 'Oh, Edwin!’?”
“Ewww.” Meena cringed. “Is that really something you think about?”
“Sure. Take your name for example. 'Ooh, Meena~.’ See, it sounds better.” Johnny’s head was bend down with his thumb and forefinger pressed against his temple. He shook his head slightly and quietly chuckled. Why were they talking about this here? Literally anyone could walk out on stage right now. Like their boss. Or better yet, Rosita. She’d surely have something to say about their behavior.
Meena’s sputtered out a laugh. “Gross! Okay, you can stop now.”
There was a short silence before Ash started carefully. “…and as for Johnny’s name…”
The porcupine snickered evilly before starting. “Oh, John-”
“Lalalalalala! I can’t hear you!” Meena practically shouted over Ash, her voice riddled with laughter.
Their conversation quickly dissolved into Ash saying the name of every animal they both know in an overly dramatic, sexual voice with Meena trying to hush her in between giggle fits. Soon, their words fizzled out into bubbly laughter. Above them, Johnny had one arm wrapped a beam and his other hand clasped over his mouth as he silently wheezed, all former worries currently forgotten as he tried to quietly gasp for air. He almost wished someone else would show up just to see their reaction to the duo’s antics.
Eventually, the girls tried to recollect themselves, hysterical howling dwindling into soft giggles. Once Johnny’s breathing was mostly under control, he removed his hand from his mouth and tried to reposition himself a bit, still smiling at the absurdity of his two friends. Of course, once both his hands were occupied with supporting him, he hear Meena say. “And you went with someone named 'Lance’?” At the moment, that seemed like the funniest thing in the world to the gorilla and porcupine, both of whom burst out laughing again. Only this time, Johnny couldn’t cover his mouth. Both girls jumped when he barked out a laugh and he heard Meena’s horrified voice. “Johnny!?” Busted.
He couldn’t see them and he was still shaking from mirth, so he decided it would be best to just climb down and face the music. He descended as carefully as his unsteady form would allow, stumbling a bit just before hitting the ground, and looked up to find a very amused Ash and a mortified Meena. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean- I was fixing- and you came out here-” The guilty gorilla could only get a few words out at a time as he tried to catch his breath and get up.
“How long have you been up there?” Ash all but cackled out before attempting to look sternly at him. “For shame! Don’t you know better than to go spying on girls?”
“Don’t talk on a bleeding open stage then!” Johnny managed to pant out doubles over with his hands on his knees. His apology was more to Meena than Ash. “'Sides, you would’ve done it too. 'Eck, you would’ve pulled out ya phone and recorded if ya heard someone talkin’ about ya.” He cocked an eyebrow at the porcupine as he said this.
“Well, yeah.” Ash admitted coolly and she approached him. “But I’ve wouldn’t have gotten caught.” She smirked.
Johnny rolled his eyes and looked pass his shorter friend towards Meena, more worried about her reaction. The elephant was not looking at him, rather her panicked expression was facing downwards as her hands wrung her hoodie. Her eyes were shifting slightly back and forth as she was no doubt going over everything she had said in the gorilla’s presence. “Um… I really am sorry.” He spoke up to get her attention and gestured upward. “I, uh, I was fixin’ a light and, um, yeah… sorry.” He finished lamely, hand falling to scratch the back of his head nervously.
Meena’s gaze flickered up to meet his, but she could only hold it for a moment before quickly looking back at the ground as a blush spreading across her face. “It’s okay.” She squeaked out, shifting uncomfortable and looking like she’d rather be anywhere else in the world. “I’m… gonna go tell Mr. Moon the speakers work.” Meena glanced up to Ash as she dismissed herself and shuffled off, leaving the other two alone on stage.
Johnny winced a little as he watched her retreat backstage. That hadn’t been the reaction he was hoping for. Beside him, he heard Ash huff out an annoyed sigh and saw she had also been looking at where Meena just left. The porcupine shook her head a little before turning to head back to her guitar, muttering under her breath. “Not interested in anyone my tail!”

So about 4 days ago I saw this on Tumblr:
And I thought why not do a version of Johnny and Nooshy?
It took me forever to do this, I've never done a digital comic before! But I'm satisfied with the result.
The idea for this mini comic is not mine, it belongs to @ani-dragmire. Ah! and the new design I gave to Nooshy is inspired by @hannaemeralds
Sorry, English is not my first language.

This drawing is based on the last image in this post:
_open the image for higher quality_
The idea is not mine, it is @starburstman. All credits go to her.
I hope you like it ✨
...sorry, bad english.
If someone else is also doing this drawing, feel free to upload it! It would be great to see another drawing based on that image :D
I agree on everything with you! It's an amazing movie ✨
Sing 2 Review (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!) ⚠️
I just watched Sing 2 and I have got to say, I LOVED IT!! The animation! The scenery! The characters! The songs! Everything was amazing!
Let me talk about some moments and some highlights of the movie. There will be spoilers so if you want to wait until you see the movie, feel free to skip ahead.
Now let us begin!
The opening scene, I'll be honest, came out of nowhere. It was a bit weird but at the same time enjoyable to watch. It's nice to see that the characters still perform at the theater. And it was nice hearing more of meena singing. In the first movie, meena didn't really sing that much so I enjoyed hearing her vocals in this scene. It was also very colorful, as expected from an illumination movie.
The cover of 'let's go crazy' was great!
Nice to see that nana noodlemen comes to see the shows now. Makes sense what with her love of the theater and all.
I found it funny how rosita managed to convince everyone to head to redshore city. Just her facial expressions as she mentioned how she convinced her husband to watch over her kids. Which I imagine can't be easy
Also, did her kids multiply since the last time we saw them? It looked like there was more than usual
The bus scene was nice. Seeing how their songs caught the attention of everyone on the bus and how they were just vibing to it
The scene where they're sneaking into the crystal building (I forgot what it was called) got a smile out of me.
Can't say I didn't feel bad when Johnny's head hit the door. But I also can't say I didn't chuckle at the scene.
I immediately got bad vibes from Jimmy crystal.
The song they sing when convincing him to do the show sounded beautiful.
Gunter is just me when coming up with a fanfic. Constantly changing things up
Seeing how everyone interacted with the piglets was cute!
Klaus is an ass.
Okay, I'll be honest. I didn't really like Darius. He just came off as....oh how do I put it? Unbearable?
Number of Jimmy crystal's threats: #1
I like the small detail where you can see porsha get sad when her father leaves her to his assistants.
Clay Calloway is prepared for intruders. Though I think he may have scarred miss Crawly.
I felt so bad for Rosita in the next scene.
Seeing Johnny basically get a panic attack because of Klaus made me hate him even more!
I love Johnny and nooshy interactions with each other! When Johnny asks if they could talk over coffee or something, nooshy states that he's kinda forward and he immediately started stuttering. Methinks the two have good chemistry -w-
Number of Jimmy Crystal's threats: #2
Meena and Alfonso are so cute together!
Clay warned them about the fence. Now they ded-
Okay, every moment that showed Clay Calloway made me sad. And the song ash sang didn't help, it just made me cry.
I felt bad when porsha got yelled at by Jimmy. She really is talented, her dad's just an ass
Never thought I'd see attempted murder in a movie about singing-.....actually, scratch that I've seen the lion king.
While suki isn't my favorite, I did like how she helped buster out.
The first thing buster does is warn his friends about Jimmy and I love that. He truly does care about them
There's never a dull moment with buster moon. One minute you could be practicing for a show, the next you're jumping out a window!
The scenery was beautiful!! I wish there was a show like that in real life. Though I probably couldn't afford to see one like that ;w;
Loved Johnny's part! When he's singing near the end and you hear his voice get more and more intense as it goes on gave me goosebumps!
Porsha's song and character development was great! I also liked how she stood up to her dad as well.
Yeah no, my feelings towards Darius haven't changed.
Meena x Alfonso
And now time to show the kiddies another attempted murder scene! :D
Ash and Clay's performance made me tear up a bit. I loved it!
Rot in hell jimmy
Porsha has joined the adopted daughter of buster moon list alongside ash
Welp, that's all I have to say about to movie. I tried not to spoil too much but there's just so much to talk about! I hope we'll get either a third movie or maybe a series!
Prefer a series though since we've seen what happens when they continue a movie franchise (despicable me)
Anyway, that's all for now! Have a nice day! ^^
Buster Moon snapped awake, crying out into fhe darkness as he shot up from his pillow. He frantically grabbed his pajama shirt and clutched his chest. His heart was beating wildly against his chest. He took a few deep breaths, attempting to compose himself before lying back down.
A week since his group's adventure to Red Shore City. A week since Jimmy Chrystal was placed in jail. A week since... since his nearly fatal experience.
With a shuddering breath, Buster closed his eyes, but as soon as he did, all he saw was Mr. Chrystal's face as he watched him fall. He snapped his eyes back open and sat up. He'd had near death experience before, for goodness sake. A theater nearly fell on top of him 2 years prior. But this... somehow this was different.
Unable to sleep, Buster jumped up and began dressing. Glancing at his phone he saw it was nearing 4 o'clock in the morning.
"I might as well get an early start." The Showman said, forcing a chuckle to no one but himself.
Having lost his bowtie during the whole experience, Buster, instead buttoned his shirt, threw on his blazer and made his way down the spiral staircase leading straight to his office.
There on the desk, he switched on his computer and was met with several Emails. He quickly put on some coffee and went through them.
Since the success of their hit show "Out of this World", theaters from all over state and even beyond were asking Buster and his crew to perform. After talking to his crew, they had decided to do two shows each week in different cities before expanding and traveling.
It'd be difficult with Rosita's role as a mother of 25 but Buster was adamant that she remain the lead role. After all, he had written it specifically for her.
Buster smiled as he remembered her face when he gave the news. Of course, he had written specific roles for all his adopted family members, although Porsha was a bit odd to add in.
Ah, Porsha. A spunky kid, Buster had to give her that and definitely had a voice. Buster felt somewhat responsible for her being on her own with her father in jail. But from recent phone calls, she was doing very well and even planned to visit during the show's tour.
An Email popped up and Buster smiled when he noticed it was from his best friend, Eddie. After the theater was rebuilt, Eddie became the stage hand for about a year before he realized he wanted to go back to school. He and Buster had met in college, but the sheep never had intentions to graduate. Having a job as Buster's stage-hand gave him a sense of purpose. So, he went back to school to find a greater one.
Another Email popped up, this time from Mike, saying he and Nancy were staying an extra few days in the Bahamas for their anniversary, but sent their congratulations on the show.
After answering the Emails, Buster grabbed his coffee and headed downstairs to do some last minute inspections on the crew's sets and costumes. Nana had taken the liberty of renting them a travel trailer, big enough for the equipment they'd need for each show.
It was closer to 7 when Buster finished his rounds and returned to his office. He was expecting a visit from Nana Noodleman herself to discuss further tours around 8.
Buster was tidying his office when a soft knock came to his ear and Buster looked up and saw the one and only Clay Calloway standing in his door way.
"Morning, Moon, got a minute?" He asked.
Buster smiled. "Of course, Mr. Calloway, what can I do for you?"
"Clay, please." The lion moved to have have a seat on Buster's office couch. "Need to ask a favor, Moon."
"Okay, all ears."
"For my opening scene, with Ash and I, I was wondering if you could make to where..." Clay cleared his throat. "Where tiger lillies would fall on us."
Buster hopped onto his own chair. "I think we make that happen. Can I ask the significance in it?"
Clay stared at him before turning away. A second later, he responded. "They were my wife's favorite flower." He said.
Buster nodded in response.
A moment of silence passed before Clay looked up and saw the photo frames of Buster's little family lined up in a row. "You must not have a lot of family to call your own, huh?"
Buster followed his gaze before nodding. "After my father passed away, I was alone. Till I met these guys. They're my family now."
"When you lose him?"
"3 and a half years ago." Buster's ears dropped a bit. Gosh, had it really been that long? He passed away a year before Buster put on the singing competition and met the group.
Clay saw the look in Buster's eyes. A look all too familiar. "You miss him?"
Buster frowned. "Everyday."
Clay nodded. "My wife passed away years ago and yet... yet it still stings like it was yesterday."
Another moment of silence passed before Clay cleared his throat. "Well, so Tiger lillies. We can do it?"
Buster quickly wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his coat and adopted back his optimistic smile. "Of course, Clay! In fact! Next show we do will be in honor of your wife."
Clay smiled. "Sounds good, Moon."
Ash parked her motorcycle and walked into the theater. After the whole ordeal in Red Shore City, Ash started taking up part time in Buster's theater. Doing a few shows on the side, even starting a duet with Clay and helping him with his comeback to the world.
Her bike keys rattled in her pocket and she couldn't help but grin. The success of the show earned her enough money to pay for a car, but after shopping with Clay, she settled on a beautiful red Harley Motorcycle, which she thought suit her style better anyway.
Clay. She still couldn't believe she was on a first name basis and now even close friends with her hero. Having never had ths best relationship with her grandparents, Clay felt like the grandpa she never had. Of course, the father role belonged to Buster and mother belonged to Rosita.
Ash stopped before she entered the theater.
She had nearly lost him just a week prior. Her quills shivered a bit. She didn't like Chrystal to begin with, but the attempts he made on Buster's life really made her quills itch. There was so much going on, she hadn't found out about Rosita saving Buster till later that evening. After she was told, she remembered grabbing Buster into a tight hug, terrified to let him go. The entire crew fell into a frightened group hug with the koala.
Buster hadn't shown any sign that the whole experience had bothered him and that worried her. Buster wasn't one to show his own feelings, he's always adamant about keeping his group happy and safe.
"You stupid koala," Ash said, under her breath. "When are your big ears gonna listen to the fact that we're here for YOU too."
Ash jumped and instinctively fired one of her quills.
A tiny yelp made her turn to face Johnny who was trying to take a quill out of his arm.
Ash smiled awkwardly. "It's less painful if you just yank it." She said as she demonstrated.
Johnny yelped again. "That didn't FEEL less painful." He mumbled. "So, are you okay? You looked a little zoned out there."
Ash frowned. "It's Buster." She said bluntly. "That stupid koala is going to get himself killed one of these days. He nearly did last week. All because of a stupid lie. If we'd never gone to Red-"
"Whoa, whoa! What's going on 'ere?"
The two turned and saw Marcus walking up with a bucket of snacks and un-popped pop corn for future shows. "Ash, love, you okay? Johnny here ain't being a nuisance, is he?"
Ash managed a smile. "No, sir."
"Ash is just a little worried about Mr. Moon." Johnny explained.
"Oh? Last week still on your mind?"
Ash nodded as she frowned.
"Why don't you talk to him?" Johnny asked. "Tell him what's bothering you."
"Because it's Buster. Sure he listens to our problems and stuff, but soon as I tell him about THIS, he'll shrug it off and tell me not to worry about him. He doesn't like being worried over. Which is why I think he's been avoiding this subject."
Marcus clicked his tongue. "Well, I can speak from experience that if he doesn't talk to someone, it'll eat him alive." The older gorilla huffed. "Sadly, I learned the hard way when your mother passed, son. Your uncles helped me though."
"So it's our turn to help Buster." Johnny said.
"Help with what?" Rosita asked, joining the group, Gunter close behind. They'd had been carpooling together ever since Gunter got an apartment next door to Rosita. The enitre group loved the piglets and often babysat for them to allow Rosita and Norman more time together. Gunter moving in next door gave them more help if there was an emergency.
"Getting Buster to open up about the show last week." Ash explained.
"Oh." Rosita frowned. She remembered when saw him. She had been so afraid to jump, but seeing her friend, falling to his demise...
It was then, in that split second, she realized losing Busted scared her far more then her fear of heights.
"He really hasn't mentioned it much, has he?" Rosita sighed. They had been so busy, she hadn't noticed the change in their friend till yesterday. The dark circles under his eyes told of many sleepless nights, the lack of appetite and sudden jerk movements were also worrying.
Gunter put a paw to her shoulder, noticing her down casted look. "Let's go talk to him now, jà?"
But their plan was temporarily forgotten when Nana Noodleman pulled up shortly after they entered the theater.
"Good morning, everyone." She greeted.
"Morning, Miss Noodleman!" The cast greeted back.
"Oh, please, call me Nana. Has anyone seen Mr. Moon this morning?"
As if hearing his name (with his sharp ears, he probably did) Buster came sliding down the stairwell, landing right next to Nana.
"Morning, everyone! Hope you dreamed big dreams, because today is going to be amazing! Not only are we going to be preforming in Zootopia next week, but from my understanding the new Mayor will be joining, as well as his family. So, I want everyone at their best! Which will be difficult, because you already are the best."
The group smiled and blushed a bit at that.
Buster clapped his paws together "Nana! Welcome, if you'll be so kind to wait in my office, I have Miss Crawley preparing tea as we speak."
Nana smiled before making her way up the stairs.
Meena arrived shortly after. "Sorry, I'm late. Alfonso called jusy before I walked in."
"No worries, Meena, is he going to be joining us at the show? I have to know now so I can book an extra seat in the box." Buster said.
Meena frowned. "No, not this time. He can't make it. Red Shore City is holding a fair and tyey asked him to sale his ice cream." She said, sadly.
"Don't worry, Meena, I'm sure he hates to miss it." Rosita said.
Meena smiled.
"Ah! Marcus! Fantastic! If you'll be so kind as to drop that off near the snack stand!" Buster smiled.
Marcus nodded as he headed off.
Nooshy and Darius were last to arrive. Nooshy had become part of Johnny's act and, since nothing tied her down to Red Shore, she had moved to Calatonia, crashing with Johnny and his dad, before getting a job with Buster's theater. Darius, on the other hand, stayed in a hotel, practicing with the group, before driving back and forth to Red Shore to shoot commercials.
Clay joined them, having ducked out to receive his guitar. He fist bumped Ash as they joined up to practice in one of the sound booths.
Buster gave out instructions to everyone before heading back upstairs for his meeting.
Rostia watched as he disappeared. Still ever the optimistic koala, but still worried for him. After practice, she thought, he and I are going to have a little talk.
Oh yeah, Porsha headcanons ✨
Porsha Headcanons (contains a few Spoilers for Sing 2 so be warned)
-Is an only child
-Hardly remembers her mother since she died when Porsha was three, but even from what she does remember her mother was 'mean' (because she didn't spoil Porsha like Jimmy did)
-At first is in denial that her father's love for her was mostly superficial, insisting that he always got her whatever she wanted, but then later realizes even then Jimmy's love seemed conditional and it sends her into a minor emotional spiral.
-Becomes a bit more withdrawn offstage after the events of Sing 2 and as a result, Buster and the gang help bring her out of her shell.
-Is at first a little jealous of Johnny after seeing him with Marcus, a small part of her remaining spoiled nature wondering why he gets to have a good relationship with his dad when she didn't have one with hers. This starts a temporary rift with Nooshy, who says she's giving the 'princess' a 'dose of reality' when she says that Jimmy's inability to be a good parent was his own fault, not Marcus's and sure as hell not Johnny's.
-Is the most childish of the younger members of the theater family, combined with her being the second oldest (20, but just a couple months older than Johnny and Meena) so Ash being the eldest declares her their 'bratty little sister' at first just to get under Porsha's fur, but Porsha slowly but surely comes to see it as somewhat endearing.
-Once said the theater gang is the weirdest 'family [shes] ever seen' but quickly followed up with "And I LOVE it!"
I adore the friendship between these two ✨ToT✨
I just realized that Miss Crawly hugged Suki 🥺✨

+ they were both so ready to play with the piglets (babysitters)
Alright so recently I saw a TikTok Explaining why they hated Meena Like sharing their dislikes for her
No I'm not saying you can't do that because everyone has their own opinions
So I watched the TikTok further and I realized that they dislike her because she sung for her grandpa on his birthday??
Some of you people are mad at her because she wanted to make her grandpa feel special on his birthday?
OK... So yall will Pick on a teen Who has a heart as big as a whale and the voice of an angel
But yall aint gonna get on the real problem of this movie If you are wondering it's Lance
He hurt ash really bad She really had feelings for him and He just pushed her around, Within the 1st 2 minutes of seeing the couple you can already tell that it's a terrible relationship she follows him around like a lost puppy obeying his every word
Not letting her be herself And then when Buster told ash that she could sing in the talent show he yelled at her
And then later in the movie she starts going to practices and then she comes back home with a list of songs that Buster wanted her to sing for him and they laugh together And then when she says that she wants to make her own song His mood immediately changed
Saying that she should listen to what Buster says Not because he doesn't think she can't do it but because he doesn't want her to do it Because she will become more independent and then she will realize that she doesn't need him anymore
Anyway even later on in the movie when ash comes home from one of her practices she Walks into the living area to find him and another girl Singing a song About to connect with a kiss And then when she threw his stuff outside his answer to why he was cheating on her was because she was gone all the time
The reason I made this is because it gets on my nerves to see people hate on Something/someone who hasn't done anything wrong when there is another person who who was clearly done wrong and you don't acknowledge them at all
Thank you For reading I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon
enjoy the story if you do not like it you do not have to comment or even acknowledge that this story ever existed now that we're through all of that here is chapter one
《⊙●♡chapter one♡●⊙》
°not good enough?°
The sound of footsteps thumping against the ground
The leaves and sticks crunching and cracking underneath the feet of a panicked girl
The darkness Seems like it was closing in
How much farther
The forest seemed to go on forever
The flashlight in the girl's hand was running out of battery
Almost too close to turning off
But through her panicked state the girl didn't see the giant hole In front of her
Inching closer and closer, unknowingly to a wonderful but odd surprise
The girl fell down the hole, not just any though this one was full of magic and green glowing fireflies
The girl looked down and a tiny door opened, she looked in the door
The beat of drums started playing, as they did the barriers of the door began to get bigger so the girl could fit through it
Rabbits came from the bushes wearing quirky outfits and playing guitars with clocks in them, they started walking backwards as other creatures came from the bushes
"Let's go crazy!" They all sang
The girl being intrigued followed them to the middle of this magical forest
Where the Cheshire cat appeared and as everyone else started singing
"If you don’t like the world you’re living in
Take a look around at least you got friends!" She sang
The girl looked around and in the trees she saw the mad hatter as he started singing along with everyone else
"You see, I called my old lady, For a friendly word
She picked up the phone, dropped it on the floor
'Ah-ah' is all I heard" He sang as he played the piano with one of the creatures
"Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down? Oh, no, let’s go!
Let’s go crazy Let’s get nuts Let’s look for the purple banana till they put us in the truck Let’s go!" They all sang together
The girl stared vocalizing with them
"We’re all excited don’t know why maybe it’s ’cause we’re all gonna die"
The music paused revealing there colorful 'skeletons', the music started up again
"When we do what’s it all for? What’s it all for? You better live now before the grim reaper comes knocking on your door, tell me
Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?"
"Oh, no, let’s go, Let’s go crazy, Let’s go crazy, Let’s get nuts,
Let’s get nuts, Let’s look for the purple banana Till they put us in the truck, let’s go!"
The caterpillar Absolem busted there the door and sang along with the others
"Come on baby, let's get nuts!"
*time skip brought to you by 🌙🐨buster moon🌙🐨*
"LET'S GO!" The girl 'named' Alice sang
Trumpets started to play as the queen of hearts walked there the door
"What's going on?" Alice asked
"No time to explain run away!" The mad hatter said grabbing Alice's hand running deeper into the forest
The crew ran backstage and a corgi bumped into buster
"Oh, hey, Sammy. You really got those moves locked down now, hmm?" Buster asked
"I sure do mister moon" the corgi responded doing a little dance
"Yeah, look at you" He said laughing
"Great job, everybody. Great job." Buster praised the theater crew
They thanked him one of them asked "So, is she here?" Her name is rosita or 'the Cheshire cat'
"There. See the dog, middle third row?" Buster replied
"Oh, she’s younger than I imagined." Rosita said
"Yeah, well, supposedly, she’s the best scout in show business." Buster said
"I can’t tell if-if she’s enjoying it." Meena said
"Come on, let’s get a better view." Buster said
He ran over to a platform with the rest of the theater crew, one flip of a lever and up they went, they walked down the catwalk and buster asked "And how we doing over here, Miss Crawly?"
"Oh, very good, Mr. Moon. So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Uh, though the last one could’ve just been gas." She explained
"Well, that’s proof, right? She must like the show. All right, now, keep up the good work. Come on, everybody, back to positions." He usher
Buster sighed "Dream big dreams. That’s what I always said, right?"
Ms Crawley simply replied with a "Mm-hmm."
"Well, looks like we’re about to take this show to the entertainment capital of the world." He said happily
"Mr. Moon, she’s leaving." Ms Crawley said
"She’s leaving the show." Ms Crawley said in a panicky tone
Mr moon gasped "Miss Crawly, stay right here."
"What are you gonna do?" She asked
"I’m gonna follow that dog." He said right before using a make-shift zip line and zipped all the way down to Nana noodlemen, falling into a chair
Nana said upset "Good heavens!"
"Hey, Nana." Buster greeted her
"What are you doing?" She said fanning her face
"The scout is leaving." Buster replied
"Ah, so she is. Hurry." She ushered him
Buster ran until he saw the theater scout again "Uh, Suki? Suki Lane? I’m Buster Moon. Uh, hi. So glad you could make it. Um, would you like some popcorn?" He asked
"Oh, no, thanks. I’m not staying for the second half, so…" suki said
"Oh. But, uh, we thought you were enjoying it. I mean, not that we were watching you or anything." He said
"It really is a cute little show. Just not what we’re looking for." Suki explains
"But-but wait. Y-You got to see the second act. I’m-I’m telling you, (chuckles) it’s a smash." He said trying to convince suki to stay
"Okay, Mr. Moon, can I be honest?" She asked
"Of course."
"Are you sure? ‘Cause folks say that when they don’t really mean it." She said
"No, please, please, be as honest as you like." He said not really meaning it
"You’re not good enough."
Wow 1142 words
Well I hope ya'll enjoyed this I'll come up with more or I'll have another chapter posted by Monday or Tuesday
This is also on wattpad my username is @eggs_and_pancakes my pfp is a seal

Well now that the (Ridiculous) hate Meena had for some reason is over. I feel safe to show some appreciation for her now. And her new BF Alfonso.
Also yes she’s a big fan of salior moon. Illumination told me so. Hope you enjoy!

Hope y’all enjoying your winter breaks, holiday treats and presents. And spending time with family.
This year was very important to me in my growth as a person, and having fun with Sing fanart and the community. Hope things get a lot more interesting and fun next year! Enjoy this sketch! The gang also says Happy holidays!

Hey! I thought I’d be funny to draw scenes out of context, and for you guys to comment what you think is going on in these images.
Cause I surely don’t lol. (Look at that I’m not just drawing ash Johnny and nooshy)
I’m looking forward to reading the comments and hashtags 😊
Dude OMG This is an incredible revelation! This could be very handy for fan story telling! I love this
Promotional Art Assigned Colors
So, in Sing 2, we see each character illuminated in a certain color. This means that the characters are assigned colors in terms of what they’ll be associated with!

However, when compared to the colors associated with the characters in the first movie (thanks Wiki), we see that some are actually the same.

This means that the characters are assigned colors in terms of what they’ll be associated with! And since I am slightly obsessed with symbolism, I will be breaking down what each color means! Enjoy!
Character’s and the Colors
Buster: Navy Blue
Positive Associations: Loyalty, Trustworthy, and Authority.
Negative Associations: Sadness, Depression, and Pervasiveness.
Rosita: Pink to Light Blue
Positive Associations (Pink): Nurturing and Unconditional Love.
Negative Associations (Pink): Opposites and Passivity.
Positive Associations (Light Blue): Reliability and Calm.
Negative Associations (Light Blue): Sensitivity and Melancholy.
Ash: Red
Positive Associations: Courage, Passion, and Drive.
Negative Associations: Rebellious, Resentment, and Quick-Tempered.
Johnny: Teal
Positive Associations: Creativity, Open-Mindedness, and Clarity.
Negative Associations: Private, Apprehensive, and Stand-Offish.
Meena: Light Blue to Light Purple
Positive Associations (Light Blue): Reliability and Calm.
Negative Associations (Light Blue): Sensitivity and Melancholy.
Positive Associations (Light Purple): Light-Hearted and Romantic.
Negative Associations (Light Purple): Emotional and Over-Vigilant.
Mike (only in Sing 1): Maroon
Positive Associations: Depth, Passion, and Strong-Willed.
Negative Associations: Arrogant, Moody, and Unpredictable.
Gunter: Gold
Positive Associations: Optimism and Confidence.
Negative Associations: Materialistic and Flashy.
Mrs. Crawly: Lime Green to Magenta
Positive Associations (Lime Green): Nature, Confidence, and Energy.
Negative Associations (Lime Green): Ambition, Inconsideration, and Envy.
Positive Associations (Magenta): Cheery and Loving.
Negative Associations (Magenta): Impatient and Domineering.
Nana Noodleman: Dark Purple to Emerald
Positive Associations (Dark Purple): Intellect, Dignity, and Creativity.
Negative Associations (Dark Purple): Pomposity, Conceit, and Mourning.
Positive Associations (Emerald): Abundance, Prosperity and Growth.
Negative Associations (Emerald): Materialism, Envy, and Possessive.
Clay Calloway: Green
Positive Associations: Prosperity, Balance, and Hope.
Negative Associations: Judgmental, Envy, and Stagnant.
Can we talk about how well these fit? Like it’s amazing how well.
Buster is the troupe leader and his color symbolizes authority. But, it also symbolizes pervasiveness, like how Buster’s problems affect all areas of his life.
Rosita’s shift from pink to light blue between movies is her ditching her more passive attitude that was in the first film. The blue does show how reliable she is in terms of within the troupe, she’s the one everyone depends on.
Ash being red makes the most sense to me due not only to her rebellious nature but her drive and passion. And this is only shown more in Sing 2 by her making her own music career.
Johnny is very much the creative of his family, like the colour teal would suggest, and I’m sure that Marcus would describe his son as stand-offish. Johnny also appears to be pretty private and introverted so it does fit him well.
Meena’s colour palate shows off her roles in the two movies. In the first she was the calm to Buster’s impulsivity in the stage crew and in the second she was focused more on herself and her romantic storyline with Alfonso.
Mike’s just fits. He’s very much arrogant through-out the first movie but is also shown to be very passionate about singing and music.
Gunter is described as flashy by pretty much everything, including a shiny gold tracksuit. However, he is very confident in his abilities and is very much the optimistic one of the troupe.
Mrs. Crawly fits much better as magenta to be completely honest. She is the grandmother of the group and adores them all but can become more forceful and domineering as the stage crew in Sing 2 learned.
Nana Noodleman is a reflection of the theatre itself when it comes to her associated colours. At first she was almost mourning the past and the wonder that it once was, but by the second movie she was wearing green of prosperity for the troupe.
Clay Calloway’s associated colour being green did surprise me at first before I checked the meaning. Clay acts as a symbol of hope and prosperity for the troupe and he was shown to have become stagnant in his life.

Just some good ol fashion british slander