Impeachtrump - Tumblr Posts
Anyone hoping to have a discussion of what has recently happened in America along with its government...
Hit me up. This blog will just consist of articles that I write about the recent events and politics happing in the United States. I am, by no means, a politician myself, I am just a Pomsky getting political about the shit that goes on.

Amazing artist ‘Saint Hoax’ took misogynistic ads from the 1950s and added Donald Trump’s sexist quotes.

#trump #trumpsupporters #trumpsucks #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpsucks #donaldtrumpshit #donaldtrumpisnotmypresident #trumpattemptedacoup #trumpincitedviolence #impeachtrump #impeach #impeachment #impeachtrumpnow #impeachthemotherfucker #removetrump #removetrumpnow #removetrumpfromoffice #riot #riots #rioters

Who wants to dump trump during the holidays? Now you can do it in style! Or share your hatred of Trump with a loved one!
25% off for Cybermonday to boot!
Just use the code code Cyber25 at checkout…/crys…/works/26660663-trump-dumps

Impeachment inquiry sketches. #impeachtrump #impeachment #politics #livesketch #livedrawing #leftisbest