Not My President - Tumblr Posts

hey guys. I've been really stressed out by all the chaos, and recent news has made me feel pretty sick. Im sure each of you can relate...
Here’s a small fraction of what’s going on, but this is the big hits against the scientific community so far:
The EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency)
“(Trump is) also ordering it to remove a critical page on climate change from its website and put a freeze on awarding grants and contracts critical to our nation's environmental health. (In case you're in any doubt as to what a Trump presidency means for climate change and the environment, just consider that one of his first official acts after being sworn in was to announce he'd be eliminating The Climate Action Plan - legislation critical to combating anthropogenic global warming.)”
NPS (National Park Service)
“the NPS refuses to be silenced. While their main official Twitter account has fallen into line, tweeting an apology for their inauguration retweets and sticking to innocuous fluff since, the Badlands National Park official account defiantly started tweeting about climate change...”
all information taken from the Scientific American...go here if you want more information. We’re really going to have to start fighting tooth and nail against this horrible, horrible man.
credit goes to Paul Nicklen for the leopard seal close up as inspiration, I’m sure many of you have seen the post going around of the leopard seal feeding a photographer (Paul) penguins.

Not My President
You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.
- Excerpt from Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
Wow i love this ✨💕✨💕✨
what the media won’t show you; men supporting women at the Chicago Tr*mp protest. I almost cried, it was unexpected and lovely ✨
Just watched the new Steven Universe...
And holy shit, Uncle Andy’s a Trump supporter!
happy independence day let’s impeach the president

Amazing artist ‘Saint Hoax’ took misogynistic ads from the 1950s and added Donald Trump’s sexist quotes.

Fuck textbooks, this is America's new History book.

But after spending all weekend channeling my anger over the executive order free for all (would someone please tell the president that executive orders are not like TicTacs ), I needed to share it. Sorry it is crude. I would never have harbored such thoughts under the Obama administration. Please pass this on.