In Which You Could See The Sketches And Layout Of The Whole Circus In Those Split Second Shots - Tumblr Posts

3 months ago

Finally watched the latest episode and had a really funny thought, I think they are clearly preparing the twist that he was the creator of the game or someone who had the most influence in It's creation

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

When Pomni starts having another panic attack and says she's in hell, hw tries to correct her but in his voice you can tell he had an explanation for this place in the tip of his tongue but that didn't metter.

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing
Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing
Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing
Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

If we go with the assumption and he is the creator of this game that would explain why he is a chess king piece in the first place-

A lot of it makes sense, mostly it recontextualizes things in past episodes. But that's not what I want to talk about, but rather that the story of this game is clearly to be a parallel to Kinger's story but one piece of It i haven't seen anyone mention yet :

Who does the Angel parallel ?

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

Baron's obsession over the monster costed his wife's life and led to him being dragged to hell due to what he thought was just another beast to hunt.

But in the end he discovers that he was hunting an angel, going against the very laws of nature.

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing
Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

If Kinger truly is the creator, i think the Angel is Caine, the AI who maneged to become alive which goes against life Itself due to the ambition of Kinger.

The design of the two even has an oddly specific similarity with the fact that the head and body of the two are separate.

It's not the first time that the series has touched on themes of Christianity, as Caine is literally called Caine and the company that made this game seems to be called CAIN and ABEL

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

Which somehow If i'm going down the right path with his obsession with the most life like game was a thing, I think we should look more closely at what the roles were of the brothers.

Finally Watched The Latest Episode And Had A Really Funny Thought, I Think They Are Clearly Preparing

Cain, the older brother, is described as a city-builder in the bibble which matches the character in the series who literally only knows how to create games and basically nothing else, that's why he exists.

Abel, the Younger brother, is a Shepherd and was the person who gave his newborn herd as an offering to god which made Cain jeleaous and led to the first murder in Human history.

If in the series his role was taken to the most literal, what would Abel be ? I think he was in charge of taking care of the players and most importantly, the in and out of the game.

He controlled who entered and left the game, Caine was jealous because he was charged with taking the audience away from him and be able to truly understand a player. I think this was the first sign of autonomy and awareness of his AI, Somehow or he deleted or overwrote Abel.

It is very clear that he is the villain of the series and does things without understanding because he has no way of understanding, he is not human but at the same time he is not incapable of feeling emotions.

I don't have all the answers obviously we're in the third episode afterall but I honestly think it will be revealed that Abel is the reason why the exit doesn't exist anymore.

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