India Fisher - Tumblr Posts
just finished listening to Neverland and the scene of Charley begging the Doctor to kill her nearly brought me to tears. When I heard the Doctor say “no, in here” I straight up got chills down my spine. I’m going to listen to Zagreus now, pray for me.
Big Finish Doctor Who Audio at 25
So, Big Finish announce tickets for a LIVE AUDIENCE STAGE RECORDING of a new drama starring Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor and India Fisher's Charley accompanied by Alex Macqueen's Master... and I'm too ill to go.
F. M. L.
What a way to celebrate the 25 year milestone, though. Thinking back to those early Eight stories... wow. Just wow.

A couple of screengrabs from the Instagram video.
For posterity and everyone who doesn’t have an Instagram because I haven’t seen this on here yet :]

A history of how the exterior of the Gallifreyan citadel has been visualized from 1996 to 2016.
I suspect there are earlier visualizations which influenced the Leekley Bible, which then in-turn influenced New Who, but I'm not sure how to find those pre-1996 visualizations. Y'all have any info on that?