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For every moment spent on vengeance there is a moment lost to peace.
Trabue Gentry
A while back a good friend of mine invited me to give my view on the subject of “Can love hurt?”. I puzzled over this question for some time because the jilted will most certainly claim that “love hurts”. I knew the answer to this question was “No. Love cannot hurt.” but I wanted to qualify my response before I published it. We all talk about love as if we know what it is. Most people will tell you that love is an emotion, but it’s more than that. Many will say it is a state of being, whatever that is. The list of descriptions is rather lengthy but clearly Undefinitive. I finally concluded that love is, indeed, all of the things that people characterized it as. But what is the distilled definition of love? I finally answered myself in a conversation I was having w Amanda the other night. Love is not quite as romantic as we might have thought. In fact, like everything else, it is scientific. The universe is matter. Because of science we now know why we “feel” connected. We’ve found that the space between particles of matter is not empty but energy itself. That’s what holds the universe together…and what bonds us together. Now, all matter is energy and all energy vibrates at variable rates. Energies that vibrate at the same rates are harmonious. Energies that vibrate at opposing rates are inharmonious. We sense the degrees of harmony and respond “emotionally” to them. The greater the similarity, the more we are attracted. The greater the difference, the more repelled we are. This can easily be demonstrated by taking two magnets and matching the poles in equal and opposite directions. So, we are naturally attracted to those we meet that have similar physical properties to ourselves. Now, keep in mind that when I say physical properties I am also referring to thought. Thought, like everything else, is energy. So when we meet those who think like us we are experiencing the harmonic vibrations of that persons energies. The more physically harmonious we are, the more “love” we feel. What we interpret as love is simply our human interpretation of harmonious energies. This answers the question as to why sometimes apparent opposites attract. If someone is different from you but thinks in harmony with you then your physical energies are harmonious and are therefore attractive. ~ Trabue gentry
The measure of one person's pain does not negate or even mitigate the measure of another's
Trabue Gentry
“If you do good things to benefit others it is good for you. If you do harmful actions against others it is bad for you.”
— Tai Situ Rinpoche
Screw reward and punishment. What an absolutely lame reason to do good. Here's a novel idea. How about doing good things to benefit others simply because it is the right thing to do. I mean, if you don't literally jump at an opportunity to do something good when you know it's the right thing to do...then aren't you doing bad? ~ Trabue Gentry
Girl you inspire when you are mischievous | Mila Mischief
Being Influential | by R+I creative