Iruma Kun - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I promised to do a break down on Azz's and Clara's relationship specifically since the initial post was so long (Iruma's relationships within the love trio) so here it is! This is long compared to my initial post breakdown of the relationships since I am just focusing on these two. And I wanted to do these two right since so many people think Azz doesn't like or appreciate Clara.

As we know, in the beginning the two of them mostly revolved around Iruma. Azz was very much annoyed with Clara's personality, there wasn't much to tie Clara to Asmodeus besides playing, and as they mention in the manga, more than likely they would have never met and/or become friends without Iruma. Iruma was very much needed for the initial start of their relationship. However, that doesn't mean that by this point in the story we don't see they both care deeply for each other outside of just getting along for the sake of having Iruma.

Similarly to Iruma, Clara has enabled Azz to experience more playfulness and childlike fun than he ever experienced previously. Clara is not just some afterthought within the love trio. She is necessary for the two of them to open up more emotionally. Especially Azz. Asmodeus in general is a very closed off person by nature, stemmed from a fairly isolated childhood of no one wanting to interact with him. We see this when the soulmates are first seperated because they have to join other clubs. Azz basically never interacted with the other members unless he had to. It's hard for him to open up and let his excitable, lovely side shine through. Clara is one of the people that inspired that in him because even with just Iruma, Asmodeus wouldn't know how to just let himself be playful. Sure, the first time him and Clara played together was because Iruma asked him to, but that was more than likely the first time he has ever done this.

Additionally, Clara gives Azz an extra challenge. She's not easy to understand and is someone he feel like he must compete with for Iruma's affections (of course that has changed drastically in the latest volumes and chapters). Asmodeus is used to being the best, outshining anyone and anything in his path. He's a young genius. But that means he didn't have something to push him to grow. Clara is someone who is so widely different from him that it causes him to have to strive towards understanding her. When they have to work together for the hell dance, Azz realizes that yeah, she thinks about the world in an entirely interesting way compared to him. And he can learn from this new perspective. Azz has really grown to care about Clara because he knows she can open up sides of him no one else can.

Clara on the other hand learns about more structure then she ever had before. Clara has been on a character development of realizing that yes, unadulterated chaos can be great. But it can also just cause trouble for yourself and for others. She can rely on Azz to shut down some of her more outlandish ideas, not because of meaness but because the situation doesn't call for it (though he'll shut it down in the sassiest way possible of course). She lives beyond the comprehension of most people and that's what makes her so wonderful. But she can go overboard and doesn't tend to second guess things. With characters like this, you need somone/something to stop them before something ends up being a giant mess.

And Clara felt the same as Azz too about the way he thinks. To Clara, he also makes zero sense. That's why she also needs to strive to understand him and be more considerate of his feelings. She understands that emotions and care doesn't come easy to Asmodeus. And she gives him room to express them however he can and gives him the encouragement he needs. She truly is the best at understanding the emotions that Azz and Iruma are experiencing. Her role as the emotional challenger/instigator pushes Azz to understand why he is feeling that way.

Like I said, Clara is very much needed in the group. I'll fight anyone who thinks she isn't. Because without Clara's brazen approach to feelings, these two boys wouldn't push themselves. Like, sure she group in her toy box because she could see something is wrong with iuma, but it was as much for Azz as it was for him. Because she would also know when he's feeling down about something too. I saw someone call her their safe place on twitter and its true. She's someone they can go to when they just need to talk to someone or vent to. And like a trained big sister, she will pet their hair and listen.

I really hope we get to see just these two interact more as the story progresses as well as Clara Iruma solo time. Because I care about the love trio so much, they are basically free therapy for me. Oh and in case you were wondering, yes I am obessed with Azz wanting to take a picture of Clara in her cute swimsuit. He's so in love with his soulmates it's so cute. I know he has the best icloud service and still has to backup his photos often from how many pictures of Iruma and Clara he owns.

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1 year ago

education vs. fascism in iruma-kun

Screenshot from the anime "Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun." Sullivan is looking down towards the audience's perspective from a throne with his hands opened in an easy approaching manner. He is telling Bachiko, who is off screen, "we adults need to make sure we guide them so we can ensure peace in the netherworld." The image framed with thorns and darkness whereas the lighting around Sullivan is more hopeful in mood.

someone mentioned this in another post but iruma-kun does a wonderful job of showing that education is key to fighting fascist and harmful radical ideas. As soon as it became clear that things were going to change in the netherworld what was Sullivan's response? It wasn't "oh we need to send spies" or "we need to find the people" (though im sure people are working hard to find those answers) it was "we need to focus on educating our students." Because only knowledge and diversity in thoughts can combat fascist ideas. The issue only becomes worse with a lack of understanding and an echo chamber. And by doubling down with education, we can make sure our students are prepared for what lies ahead. Thats how we truly fight the power.

The teachers themselves can tell that things are changing. They stay informed and guess what? its obvious things are about to throw down soon. And so they work tirelessly not just because it's their jobs, but because they need to. this is their protest. this is how we can prevent the spread of gross rhetoric. And after Heartbreaker what they do? they double down on their education too. Because there is always something new to learn, always a way to grow/sharpen your strength. They too know that they can't stay stagnant, they must continue pushing to provide their students with the best chance of survival.

When you have villians that believe in these ideas in media, there's a big issue of them leaving out education as a weapon. But it's crucial if we want anything to truly change. Iruma himself wants to no longer be naive about the netherworld which was growing to be an issue the longer he stays. because yeah, you can't stay uninformed anymore iruma. its time to learn about the history of you new home and the leaders. taking being the king out of it, ignorance about these topics is a breeding ground for becoming complacent. iruma wants to be a hero? or at least, do the right thing when he can? that requires knowledge to make sure you aren't inadvertently hurting someone along the way.

Iruma loves the netherworld, the place he proudly calls home. but it's frought with danger and cruel people. And yet, Iruma is still proud of his new home and friends and wants to do anything he can to stay here. This reflects real life, where there is goodness and pride in the place you live and yet a faction of people who taint it with othering ideas. However, it's always worth fighting for the good overall and bettering yourself so you can see another tomorrow through. Iruma knows he can only protect himself and his loved ones is through learning. And I love Nishi for truly understanding this too. You can't fight fascism through pure will, it has to be beaten by education and the williness to better one's knowledge. That is how we will take back the Netherworld.

but yeah, this is just my little spiel as someone who loves educational activism and is going to school to become a teacher :). If i can find the original post I'll make sure to credit the op!

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1 year ago

physical affection and how it relates to iruma: part 1, parental touch

A screenshot of a three panel comic from "Mairimashita! Iruma Kun." Balam is holding Iruma upside down with his talons as he lays down. The next panel is a close up of his smiling face. The third panel is Iruma looking down at him. Balam's dialogue is, "mutual understanding comes first. For you to live with us, it's important for us to know each other well, right?" Iruma responds with "yes!"

iruma reads as someone who is touch starved and doesn't like/understand touch until he now has affectionate people in his life. His parents have probably never touched him besides the required amount when he was a baby and maybe a headpat or quick hug (which would more than likely just be a manipulation tactic to get him to do their crazy schemes). They left him alone for days on end, there's no way they even could have been affectionate with him. And it's not like he ever went to school, his "friends" at school couldn't even remember him because of how many days he missed.

Overall, Iruma reads as touch starved but doesn't know he's missing it since he never had it to begin with. Here comes the love trio, the misfit class, Balam and more. Suddenly he has a lot of people in his life who are comfortable with touching him, even want to as a sign of how close they are. And we can see iruma very much becomes happy with it in turn.

That's why Balam and iruma's relationship is important, a parental type person he trusts is actively choosing to be affectionate with him, not to manipulate him but just because he cares about iruma. He even told him the reason is just to bond and get to know iruma, not some sort of underhanded method. This is just Balam's way of connecting. And they are close to each other enough to be comfortable in each other's spaces. Whether Iruma reads balam as a parent or not, balam is very much like a momma bird, keeping him close and safe in his arms. And Iruma becomes more open to it as time goes on with them knowing more about the other.

This is also a great dynamic because balam gives him the affection that he doesn't recieve from kalego, someone he clearly holds in high regard. Almost every time iruma reflects on the people that matter the most to him, kalego is there. which i find fascinating because what is kalego to iruma? on a subconscious level, i think he views kalego as a parental figure to him as well, one of the first to give him clear and concise rules to follow. his parents were just a fucking mess, they barely parented. never really taught him life lessons besides "just say yes" and "run." Kalego clearly cares a lot while also helping iruma navigate the netherworld making it easy for him to project a father role onto kalego

Screenshot from Mairimashita! Iruma Kun of Iruma and Kalego looking directly in front of them towards the audience. Iruma has a puzzled expression on his face with Kalego is looking on with a more judgemental look. Both of them are in winter attire. The sound affect out to the side read as, "click."

But kalego isn't an affectionate man from what we have seen. And even if he was, he is his instructor first and foremost so he may not feel comfortable being so with iruma (and also imagine the fucking annoying comments about favoritism from the other misfits LOL). Any touching has been fairly limited to him picking up Iruma like during the teacher dorm visits and Kalego's final hours as a familiar. Which honestly make these few scenes even more precious. Because he is actively choosing to be like this with Iruma. Affection does not come easy to Kalego like it does Balam. More than likely because of his upbringing and family beliefs (always needing to remain vigilant, dignified) and him as a person. So while he doesn't touch Iruma often, his one on one moments with him are extremely personal and parental in nature. And when he does interact with Iruma physically, the rarity adds to the specialness.

And then there's Opera. Opera has been especially more affectionate in the latest volumes with hand holding and hugs and all sort of touching. Which is very wholesome to see because Opera wasn't a character that had much of a strong relationship with Iruma at the beginning besides guarding him. I always got the impression that Opera didn't know how to feel about him, not to say they wouldn't protect him with everything they have. But the feelings and affection started up after the battler/batra Party when Iruma grabbed both Sullivan and Opera (though the care for him had been growing steadily before that). I have seen two main headcannons for their relationship, some see it more as a big sibling relationship while others see it as a parental one as well. For the sake of this post, I will be using it as a parent and child one.

Screenshot from the manga series "Mairimashita! Iruma Kun" of Opera and Iruma walking home while holding hands. Their backs are pointed towards the audience, with Iruma curved towards Opera as he is walking. The lighting of the scene is soft and gentle. Opera asks, "what would you like for dinner?" Iruma responds, "Let's see omurice sounds great!" Opera: "Didn't you have that for dinner?" Iruma: "That's why...!!!"

Opera has been right there with Sullivan watching Iruma grow more and more confident as time goes on. And through Iruma growing up, we see how proud of him Opera is. From a scared child to a more bold child, Opera has helped cultivate this in him. I also love that whenever Sullivan isn't around, Opera takes over for taking care of him, allowing the two to have solo family time. Obviously their relationship is more of a weird dynamic seeing as how Opera is a security devil, but that doesn't stop the story from developing their relationship. The physical affection for the two is started from both sides, Iruma hugging Opera or Opera holding out their hand to hold as they walk home. In this case, their relationship is the most parent like as the story progresses.

And finally, we have Sullivan who is the most affectionate of the four. Come on, you can't beat grandpa when it comes to love and devotion to Iruma. He is the first one to introduce Iruma to physical affection in the first place. Now granted, in a slightly overbearing way at first because Iruma is not used to this and Sullivan is too happy to have a grandson. But now, we can see the genuineness behind each of his interactions with Iruma. He very much acts like a doting grandfather, and he really does love him too. Touching clearly comes more naturally to him so it's his way of showing Iruma love which opened the doors for more people in Iruma's life to show this too. When Iruma first started touching Sullivan back at the battler/batra party, it highlighted that Iruma is now more comfortable with Sullivan to do so back. He has been taught by Sullivan this way of caring and cares about him in the same way too. There's a lot of mutual love.

A screenshot of a three panel comic from "Mairimashita! Iruma Kun." Sullivan in carrying Iruma home on his back. The next panel is a close up of Iruma's opened mouth, processing the dialogue which is "you've become a fine demon." The third panel is Iruma's smiling, sleepy face due to the affect Sullivan's words had on him.

They have come a long way as a family unit. Sure, grandpa has always been Iruma's number one supporter, but at the beginning of the story it felt way too over the top? As the audience we were right there besides Iruma in feeling overwhelmed by Sullivan. This far into the story though, the emotional trust they have in each other is beautiful. They are no longer just two individuals thrown together by fate, they are two people who care about the other and their weird little family. And its even more wonderous when we think about Sullivan's past, having lost someone deeply close to him and has no way of knowing if he'll ever return (aka Delkira). From what we know, it seemed that Sullivan truly loved him like a son/grandson/family member and loosing him is still something he's grappling over. And yet, he was still able to create this, push through his pain to make a family with Iruma. He's not a replacement for what he lost, but somone he allows himself to care about in a similar way in the past. By pushing through the trauma, he has been able to give Iruma what he never had in his past life.

I see both Balam, Kalego, and Opera as parents who provide him with different styles of parenting (with grandpa also providing that but also being a "ill give you anything you want" guardian hehe). Through this, he can learn varied viewpoints and, more importantly to this post, the affection he never had as a child. Does it make up for never having grown up with it? No, it never could. But it's not about making up for what it lost, rather its about making new connections and love with what you have now. And displaying that love in small and bigger ways with touch.

Screenshot of Mairimashita! Iruma Kun of Sullivan, Iruma, and Opera in bed sleeping together, in that order from left to right. Sullivan and Opera have their hands on Iruma's in a protecting, familiar manner. Iruma's two black demoncats are sleeping at the foot of the door. The text says "Goodnight Iruma-kun" though it is not clear who is speaking the dialogue.

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1 year ago

Update for y’all! Classes are going to start up soon so I can’t say I’ll be posting as often as I have recently. But! I have some saved posts ready just in case I can’t make a new one while I’m busy with classes. Most of them are about Iruma of course, but I have a few non Iruma related ones too I’m working on for y’all to enjoy too. I just wanted to let you know I’m case I’m more silent in the near future (but I’ll keep up to date with the manga, I’ll need to emotional support as I get stressed with classes hehe). Most of my saved drafts are shorter, more question based ones that I’m curious on your opinion about. I also have one or two just image ones for you to appreciate too 🫶🏽

I’ll probably post a theory/idea post later today once I go over it again to make sure it’s looking good. Please look forward to that! And I will be working on the second part for the physical affection post soon too :)

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1 year ago

Derkila, Alikred, and the ring theory

Ok, so I had a whole post planned about a different theory about sullivan but as I reviewed the information I realized that i was being silly and it didn't make since. BUT i did come up with a new idea from it so ill share that here

So we know that more than likely, Derkila is probably Alikred right? I'm not going to go over that, the names and chapter 307 says it all. What I'm curious about is why Ali gets more powerful with every rank up. Because no one else, from what we've seen, becomes more powerful when they rank up. Ranking up is moreso a status symbol of your hard work and dedication. It's not something you just easily earn, it's something you work towards. You don't raise in rank and gain more power or knowledge, you gained that because you worked towards it.

So why does Ali-san say he gained more abilities and magic potential once Iruma became rank 5? My theory is because of how powerful Delkila was before he somehow became the ring, it caused his magical strength to be scattered throughout each rank. He would have been rank 10, maybe even beyond the comprehension of the current ranking. That could just be an exaggeration, but we do know that apparently his abilities have never been matched since.

Could this spell/curse placed on him caused a cap on his abilities and only someone capable or worthy attain his full power? As a way of testing the owner's resolve? Like, sure ok you could achieve power beyond the average demon, even stronger than the strongest demon, but you must strive towards that. And we have seen iruma growing towards that, Ali-san even commented on how he's getting better and better at weilding magic.

Maybe the owl saw the potential in Iruma to attain (and be trusted!!) with this power. Because I don't think this strength would just be given out willy nilly. It would need to be someone who could handle that responsibility. There's a reality where iruma wasn't given the ring. I mean sure, there's the prophecy but no one said it had to be iruma. What if iruma had been less caring, less understanding? Less worthy of the magical potential of the ring?

The reason why i started thinking this is because i started to question why exactly iruma gains wings whenever he taps into advanced magic. We have seen it at least two times, maybe three. The first time was when he used pandaroola during the battler party, the second time was when he achieved his bow, and maybe during the harvest festival using Clara's stored energy. Each time was when he tapped into magic far more powerful that his current level would allow for.

For instance, we know pandaroola esentially counts as a level 10 spell. That's why it could break Kiriro's barrier. With the bow, he tapped into advanced magic to create a bow that resonates strongly with his spririt esentially, created from deep desires (which was only possible with Ali-san's help). And during the Harvest festival, he basically got super charged with magic, beyond the amount the ring typically holds at that point in time, which caused wings to burst out (Iruma's? or was it just the plants? hard to tell) and a vision of Derkila. basically, the ring has a basic cap on the magic abilities, that's why not just any spell or usage triggers the wings. but super charged spells or ones that supersedes the limits? could be a good reason to make this happen

My theory is that when he taps into strong magic, he is tapping into the full strength of delkira's powers thus allowing (or maybe even requiring) a human to be more demonic. Maybe this power can only be weilded by a demon? or maybe the demonic power is so strong it forces iruma to become partially a demon (or maybe just gain demon features) when the spell is used. Which makes me think that iruma isn't somehow a reincarnation or half demon or something like some theories mention. Of course, they could come out with the steel chair and make that so but for now this is my theory

As for the Sullivan stuff, i genuinely don't think he has any idea about Derkila. I do wonder what he thinks happened to him however. He believes he will come back, that much is clear. But he doesn't have the air of someone who believes he died and will come back. I think he fully believes he is just in hiding or cast a spell so people could find him (which, maybe is true? we still don't know the story of the ring). I think if he had any idea of Iruma's possible connection to Derkila through the ring, his reaction would be a LOT different. According to Sullivan, the ring is just your average glutinous feeder ring, esentially a battery. (This part has been edited for clarity because I worded this section weirdly): He more than likely knows/has a good guess that certain actions will lead to others. So he knows the "Ring of Solomon" (which is more than likely Iruma's ring) plays a role in the future. But I don't believe he knows the full picture, the Derlika connection. Or at least, not that he may be inside the ring. He plays the role of "wow what a lucky chance that my cool grandson can use magic and learn to protect himself," while more than likely there's more to it, just not the full story.

idk if any of this makes sense but it's an idea i've been cooking up because it simply makes no sense why he gains more power from what we know of leveling up. and im super curious why iruma obtains wings with super powerful spells

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1 year ago

I know I’ve already reposted this before BUT I really want this but in the mainline story. Just imagine, Iruma and Azz getting ready to fight or go on some sort of mission (probably some school exam) and they both put their hair up back to back??? Hello? That would be SO good. Bonus points if we could see Clara getting ready too in that sequence.

Im Chewing At The Bars Of My Enclosure Atm

I’m chewing at the bars of my enclosure atm

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1 year ago

CLOWN CLARA CLOWN CLARA THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! SHE LOOKS SO CUTEEEEEEE. It’s the way I’ve been wanting to make a clown outfit for a while now and then she comes along 👀. Maybe a cosplay is in the future.

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1 year ago

I’ve been thinking about the music arch again (just kidding it’s always playing in my head in a loop) and I still can’t get over how INSANE it was for iruma to go up to Eliza and act as if he was confessing his love to her. Like, that’s some theatre kid shit. And I know that because that’s exactly the type of shit I would pull in high school. Pretending to be in love with my homie, dressing up in a fancy outfit to propose and do a performance for them? Only to be super happy and amused when they catch onto the fact that this is a bit. That’s exactly the form of humor you have to have as a theatre nerd.

When I saw him roll up in the outfit and get on one knee I was hooting and hollering. It’s so cringy and embarrassing and I see myself in it way too much. It’s the type of fun you can only have when you are closely bonded, close enough to joke in that silly way knowing you won’t receive mean words about it. Sure, your friends WILL tease you about it but never in a cruel way. You have to be able to trust the people you play off in this way. Is Iruma in love with her? No. But he heavily admires her. And while goofing around, he still wants to make her happy. There’s a playful loving energy. These little “I’m in love with you” jokes happen because you do care about each other. And sure, in love maybe not. But willing to make a fool of yourself to make them smile? Yes indeed :)

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1 year ago

LOL if you didn’t notice by my annoying amount of reposts I’m back to posting hehe. I have big boy posts to share with y’all BUT since I didn’t post last week due to the strike here is my reaction to Beem:

BEEM IS NONBINARY!! ANOTHER NONBINARY ICON HAS BEEN BORNT BY NISHI!!! They are SO COOL!! Like hello??? They are precious, they mean everything to me 😭. The way they are so into art and horror makes me so happy to see them I’m the story. AND more Zeze!! When I saw him I was like “oh fuck no, it’s going to get weird,” hahaha. But it makes sense, his brother (if i remember correctly) is an author so it only makes sense for him to come into this arch. I do love him a lot, he’s very much like Ronove where I was like, god he’s so annoying, I do not like him. And? His dumbass grew on me. I’m excited to see his brand of a chaos in action again. (Also pleaseee I must see Zeze and Ronove talk with each other at some point in this story. They either are best friends or hate each other hahaha)

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1 year ago

A fellow enjoyer of mairuma who likes reading others headcanons/interpretations here! just thought I'd share my own headcanons

1.) I think the misfits lack parental validation from one or more parental figures so they seek that validation from someone else, like Kalego. He, as their homeroom teacher, knows full well what they're capable of and actively gives them harder challenges to further bring out their potential. So I think the misfits would seek near impossible tasks not just for the fun of it, but to receive validation from someone they look up to.

2.) I believe that Kalego shows his love in pride. And when I say love, I mean all love; familial, romantic, platonic, and the kind that you know is there but don't have a name for. I guess a good example would be Balam, his closest friend and well-respected researcher. Balam would have achieved great things in his field of research and Kalego would be very proud of him for it, though I doubt he would explicitly show it. The same would go for his students. A mix-match group of kids who have, more than once, taken the impossible and made it reality while proving him wrong every chance they get.

(also a small group of demon plus one human children have better cooperation skills than most adult demons. yes demons are self-centered but i do think its really funny.)

well, these are my headcanons sorry if its really wordy. what are your thoughts on them and what are your mairuma headcanons?

thx for reading and have a good day/night :D

I have been fully focused into my classes and college recently since I’m in my third year (we’re so close to the finishing line yall) but YES I love this!! One, I appreciate you sending me this since I haven’t done a post for a while! I promise im still here and I’m keeping up with the recent chapters 🫡. But yeah, I just love Kalego as a character. Like, he really is my favorite because I love a rude and snide character who you can tell cares a lot. Even if he won’t tell you that.

Kalego cares deeply for his students. Like sure, they annoy him and are goofballs. But at the end of the day, he is also protective of them. He knows they can accomplish great things and that’s why he’s hard on them, it’s not due to a lack of love. His pride is his way of showing affection. He will do his damnest to make sure you succeed and through his little actions, the characters can tell that he’s proud of them too. It’s the little moments with Kalego that make them know he does deeply care for them.

And yes, I also have a head cannon that for many of the misfits, they are lacking in some sort of parental or familiar love. Obviously we can’t say this for certain for all the characters, but it just feels like that’s why, no matter how much they complain about him, he also means a lot to them too.

As for my other head cannons… One head cannon I have (with the little info we have so far) is that Elizabetta grew up similarly to that little girl from Ouran Host Club, ya know the sister of the black magic club president? That is to say, I think she’s loaded but was primarily raised by her maids who gave her a lot of the romance books to keep her entertained. I think her parents were never really around. Or if they were, they don’t have her a ton of attention. I guess this is more of a head cannon slash theory? But when we see the house visits, we don’t even see her parents. A lot of them you saw the parents, a back shot or their torso. Something. We even saw Kalego call some of the parents. But her parents just wasn’t in the frame and she just kept showing him the things in her room which gives me the feeling she had a lot of material goods they bought her, but maybe not their affection. We also don’t see any adult when we learn about her ambition. Which is why I think she’s so attached to love, she is reaching for a connection she may not feel she has with her parents. And maybe in a way, she’s wants to build a family that will actually appreciate her the way she wants. Which to me makes the relationship to the misfits even more special because she finally has the love and pride of her found family. Idk, just a silly head cannon I have based on current knowledge!

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8 months ago

I am finally FINALLY caught up to the recent chapters for both the mafia AU and the mainline story 🙏🏽. I have been so absent from this account, I haven’t been up to date for Iruma-Kun about three months or so? So I’ve been avoiding tumblr like the plague to avoid spoilers. But I’m back and fully in my hyperfixation mode!!! I have a few posts planned for my thoughts on the AU (gender roles, princess/knight, and utena references) and the main story (Nova 🫶🏽, the creation and passion for art, power to a marginalized race). But for now, I’m so glad to be up to date and can look at fanart again! Expect an annoying amount of reposts.

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8 months ago

One thing I really can’t wait for in the story is for Iruma to put his own spin on archery. Because like Bachiko has repeated, for the most part he has mostly been copying her. Now granted, he’s been mimicking her beautifully and fabulously and it made me happy to see him do a similar move in the Evidol games BUT he’s still replicating all her moves. Which makes sense, he’s still learning, sharping his skills, and he heavily admires his teacher. When you are learning from someone you are of course going to try an match them. There’s no shame in that. But as we have seen throughout the story so far, the students learn to use their abilities to match their personality and become stronger. The main two ways the misfit class have learned new ways to use their abilities is through education (harvest festival, Opera’s lessons, overachiever Asmodeus) and situational circumstances (Purson pushing his invisibility, Iruma's four arrow shot, Iruma's cat mana eating creature).

I think we will see both ways portrayed in Iruma learning new skills but I am personally hoping for a slight leaning towards education while still having him think on the fly new ways to push his archery and magic. And that got me thinking what moves Iruma may learn going forward that feels both doable and fitting for his character. Since the second semester is apparently focused on getting better at magic and a special move, it feels fitting to guess what we may see from Iruma in the future. All of these are archery related ideas for Iruma but I do think he could also have a magical special outside of archery too (after all he did transform Ali-san into a giant mana eating creature and I doubt many can do something similar), I just haven’t thought of a good one for him yet since the possibilities would be too broad. For now though, these are the ideas I have for him.

Scatter shot/friend protection shots: I think a likely special move could be a scatter shot ability where he shoots a bunch of arrows into the air and they all hit their targets. This already matches the cannon arrow shot he did at the Evidol Games with four arrows at once since the targets were at different locations, granted close to each other. This would be different from what we have seen from the Bachiko family ability thus far where they can shoot at one target and never miss, even with a 10,000 arrows (at least that’s the case for the former chief). Granted, they have honed their skills as archers so this probably within their wheelhouse but it’s not their speciality. With this ability, there could be many targets at different locations and yet he could take them all out at once. Which could be doubled as a friend saving move where his friends in the crowd but the arrows only hit their targets. Like a combination of Gaap’s ally wind save and Bachiko’s 100 arrow shot. Fitting of Iruma who loves the bow and arrow because it enables him to protect his friends in a way only he can.

I was also thinking this can be used on a single enemy too if he wanted to hit multiple parts of their body all at once. Kind of like the arrow pin move at The Heartbreaker except the arrows are being fired at the same time. No more wasting time for the next arrow fire when you can do it all together. This would require so much focus and precision because if he was off by even a millimeter, he could accidentally puncher a vital organ instead of halting the opponents movements (unless he was aiming for multiple weak points all at once). And of course, the friend saving part of it would require even MORE concentration and spacial awareness because well... he obviously wouldn't want to kill a friend on accident.

Arrow blast/transformation: I was also thinking that since he has become really efficient at transformation magic maybe it would be possible to combine the arrow magic and transformation magic to turn his arrows into some sort of bomb upon impact. Or it transforms in some way after fire. This one has plenty of potential and is also a fairly common archery hero move so there's def precedent in this move. I have a lot of ideas, it could be a bomb or mana blast. Maybe somehow transform into a creature? I was thinking this based on Robin's bow ability that, while it's just an arrow, is shaped like a bird. But what if it was more creature connected? I don't know if this ability would fully fit Iruma but I think it's a neat concept!

Mana Absorption Fire: A combination of Ali-san's and Iruma's magic, the ability to steal mana from their victim. This would be helpful since it could continously power Iruma to fire more arrows as long as he has feathers. I don't know exactly how this would work from a magic science stand point, but I presume maybe a portion of Ali would be imbued into the shot making it possible. Think Clara's toy box but more in the face about how dangerous it is. This would rule as a power because it not only hurts the target, it would also weaken them magically. And in the netherworld, this esentially halts them in their tracks if they are physically and magically hurt. Now granted, I imagine for more powerful enemies it would take a bunch of arrow shots to mark a significant dent in their magic. And how much magic could be gained from the shot would greatly depend on Iruma and Ali. But still a great concept I think since it would fit with the gluttonous theme when it comes to Iruma.

I have had this in my drafts for a long ass time and decided to fully release it to the world tehe. Before I make any new posts I wanted to get rid of some old ones I’ve had saved. Hope you liked this magic ideas post, if I come up with more I’ll be sure to post a second one. Also, if you have any more ideas or powers he could learn (attack or passive) feel free to comment them!

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8 months ago

Life has been (to put it simply) shit so you know what that means! Time to get back into an artistic hobby that I haven’t done in months! Trying my hand at drawing Iruma kun characters but it’s been a while since I last sketched or did a doodle that I have once again forgotten my art style. I’m always trying to figure out what I want my art to look like but I can never figure it out ya know? But y’all out here being so talented so it makes me want to at least try doing some fan art too. I don’t know if I’ll post anything but if there’s something I end up liking I’ll post it here :).

I’m mainly struggling with Iruma cause his hair is crazy and while I have a cartoon style it’s more realistic hair style cartoonish? If that makes sense? So I’m trying to figure out how to adapt his weird ass hair cut into looking good when I draw him. The rest is just me trying to get back into the swing of things. Oh and if you’re curious what art I do (since I have barely mentioned it before) I am a traditional artist, typically sketching and line art. Sometimes colors too. Trying to explore my art stuff but I also frequently get art block oop. I also would like to get into digital art but it’s harder for me to break into and so I quit it often cause of neurodivergence and impatience 😌

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7 months ago

Okay okay, SO let’s talk about the latest chapter of Iruma kun because the lore is JUICY. Spoilers for chapter 358. This also leaves me with even more questions while answering some I had before. So I actually had a post planned where I was going to ask why Delkira received a special and sublime classroom to begin with. I wondered if maybe he was a previous demon king’s son and maybe that was why he was already revered. But NOPE it seems not likely. It’s still possible, I just got the vibe was that he was miraculous in his achievements and power. So it kind of answers that question but we still have no info on his family, the king’s classroom, or how he was able to achieve so much. On the other hand we got some VERY VERY interesting lore on Mephisto-pheles. It also explains why he gave this task to Iruma since he obviously sees the potential for him to surpass Delkira in the future. He wants Iruma to know what it takes to be in power, somewhat as an advisor role like he has been for previous kings. By assisting a king you can understand how to rule. And by building up a country, you can know what it takes to lead a country. I already guessed that since he was already interested in Iruma. But this just adds an extra layer to why he is as fascinated by him as he is. GOD NISHI IS SO GOOD AT WRITING LORE. I ASPIRE to write something with as much depth and intricacies as this manga. She is my inspiration truly 🙏🏽

Like, look at Mephisto’s face here compared to after he met Iruma. Different face but same vibe.

A two paneled screenshot from Mairmashita! Iruma-kun from chapter 358. The top panel has Delkira looking out into the distance, standing above the child form of Mephisto. He has long hair flowing with the wind, two long horns pointed upwards, an open jacket, a sheer top, and pants with free belts. His eyes cannot be seen, only his nose and smile. The bottom panel has Mephisto looking in awe up at Delkira. He has short hair, a light blush, and x’s in his eyes. The text reads “It’s the indescribable euphoria of basking in the presence of an overwhelming ‘king.’”
A manga panel from Mairmashita! Iruma-kun from chapter 324. The panel is of adult Mephisto looking to the left, a phone in his hands. He has short lightly wavy hair, two black horns pointed upwards, pointed ears, and a hoodie on. His expression is of excitement and or joy with an open smile. The text reads “I really like them.” [Which is in reference to kid’s with main character energy, in this case Iruma.]

Now, going back to Delkira one, we get to see more of his personality and he’s so much like Iruma!!!!! No wonder everyone and their fucking mom keeps being like, “damn why tf do I see Delkira in him.” Neither strive for power for power’s sake, instead they strive for power because they see it as a step forward in their goal and desires. They both want to find their own path rather than it just being given to them. It really shocked me at first that Delkira turned Mephisto down but it actually makes so much sense why everyone is enamored by him. That is the most undemon like thing he could have done, he had the perfect opportunity to gain all the power in the world in a quick and easy way. Any other demon would have killed for that chance. They are so fucking alike and it makes me want to rage. I love it so much, I love that we are getting to see more of him as time goes on. Him and Iruma even have the same smile! Like come on.

A three paneled screenshot from Mairmashita! Iruma-kun from chapter 358. The top panel has Delkira looking happy with an open smile. The middle panel has child Mephisto kneeling with his hand to his chest looking confused. In the final panel, Delkira appears to be lecturing Mephisto while he is kneeling as he points a finger at him. The text says: Delkira - “Naw, I’m good!” Mephisto - “…Pardon?” Delkira - “The Kingmaker is like… y’know, someone who gives lots of advice to the king and acts as a guide or whatever right?” Mephisto - Y-yes…”
A four paneled screenshot of Mairmashita! Iruma-kun from chapter 358 with the page having three panels lined up vertically on the left and one larger vertical panel on the right. The right panel has Delkira standing tall, his head slightly tilted left, the left hand on his chest and the right on his waist (from the audience’s perspective). The top left panel has him looking down at child Mephisto with his hand on his head looking conteplative. The middle left panel has a close up of his smiling face, partially covered by speech bubbles. The bottom left panel is a close up of Mephisto’s face, his eyes covered and looking sad or confused. The text reads: Delkira - “I’ll decide for myself what path I take! So I don’t need a guide! As far as aides go, I’ve got Sa-chan already… there’s Poro-chan too! So yeah! You can serve me if you drop all the king-maker stuff!”

He even has similar jesters to Iruma!!!! This flashback is making me rethink my theories about him and his connection to Iruma. Ughhhh, I’m so fucking happy about this. Also, this nothing to do with anything but look at Delkira’s cunty lil outfit. This sheer shirt? Rolled up uniform jacket he has popped open. These tight pants with a weird belt design? I would be Delkira’s number one supporter is all I’m saying. He’s babygirl just like Iruma. Maybe that’s the requirement to be the next powerful demon king, you have to serve mother fucking CUNT if you want to rule. Anyway, I think there was more I wanted to say but I got distracted with my rant lol. I just love this lore so much, I love how Nishi handles lore drops (especially with characters) and seeing more of Delkira because I am so fascinated with him and must know more.

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7 months ago
A meme of Iruma from Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun. The text reads "girlhood is a spectrum" with an arror below it. Underneath the arrow has four images of Iruma. From the left to right, there is evil cycle Irumi, evil cycle Iruma, Iruma, and Irumi. Iruma and Irumi are colored and the evil cycle Iruma's are mana panels that are black and white.

[ID: A meme of Iruma from Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun. The text reads "girlhood is a spectrum" with an arror below it. Underneath the arrow has four images of Iruma. From the left to right, there is evil cycle Irumi, evil cycle Iruma, Iruma, and Irumi. Iruma and Irumi are colored and the evil cycle Iruma's are mana panels that are black and white.]

Girlhood is a spectrum and Iruma is dancing all over it ✨

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7 months ago

Every single Delkira in Iruma-Kun

Every Single Delkira In Iruma-Kun

[ID: A collage dedicated to every single Delkira sighting in the manga series Mairmashita! Iruma-Kun. The images are either full manga pages or cropped panels, with some having multiple Delkira's. Some of the images overlap.]

this took me literally way too much effort to do, idk why i decided to do this to myself. i had the thought and was like, oh that wouldnt be too hard, he doesnt have THAT many appearances in the manga. haha, JOKES ON ME. i had to go through almost all the manga to check for him and it put this all together. overall i think I spent over an hour on this collage. SO here's another Delkira post 🫶🏽

Anyway, the total count is 70 Delkira sightings. A lot of pages has more than one Delkira with the max total being 4. Most of these images are back shots of him (go figure) but I don't have an exact count of this. I also didn't add two Delkira's because one was literally just hair and the other was like, a sliver of his body but you couldn't even tell it was him because Poro was leaning on him.

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6 months ago

Hello! I really like your character analysis from m!ik. I wanted to ask you what do you think of Amerie? And her influence on Iruma? And their relationship?

Great question! Okay, I’ll go in order of your questions since you have a few for me :)

Okay, so I have issues with how Ameri is written on the character, some of the few issues I have with Nishi’s writing thus far. But before I talk about the negatives I want to focus on the positives of Ameri and her character because I do think she has a lot of potential that I hope we get to see! Ameri is a classic capable but soft character type that we see in both her romance fantasies but also her deep care for her fellow students. She isn’t just a student president because of the prestige or power it could give her, it’s because her ideal is for every demon to be proud of themselves and their authentic selves. And this is a quality in her that I find deeply profound and beautiful. She’s proud of herself and she wants others to be proud of themselves as well. And what I like about Iruma and Ameri is that she encourages him to strive for more, more than he ever could have dreamed of in the beginning. And he makes her enjoy herself more rather than overworking herself. He makes her be still more, stop to appreciate the little things. She also has the power to inspire others, a nature born leader, and one that is willing to do anything for her fellow students. Not to mention she has given her fellow student council members a place to belong and by doing so, they have deep respect and loyalty to her. And for demons who are inherently selfish and idealistic, this says a lot. They aren’t with her because of her strength, they care for her and I think that speaks volumes in itself.

What I have a problem with is how much her growth is tied to iruma. I think in this Nishi failed at making her an independent character. For instance, we don’t get to see her work towards rank 7, which would help her in her main ambition. We know she wants to take over for her dad, but we don’t know why that’s so important to her yet. And we don’t get to see the steps she takes towards that goal. Her growth is her progress in her relationship with Iruma and I think that’s a let down. Like I said, I love how she inspires and pushes iruma to be a better version of herself. I enjoy that a lot about their relationship. But I don’t find myself interested at all in the romance aspect of the two, mostly because of how they met each other. The trope is that in so many animes and mangas (and the romance genre in general) have two characters run into each other and instantly fall for the other. They went for the trope, we had some laughs about it, but then it kind of just… stuck around? It’s making fun of the clique while also adhering to it and to me it just didn’t land. I think for the joke to work and to make the relationship flow better, the immediate attraction should have quelled and from there a more slow burn of feelings for Ameri. I think if she didn’t become so Iruma crazy so soon into the story, it could have made a more compelling relationship compared to the current one we have. Right now, besides motivating each other I don’t see much in the way of their relationship? I think it’s also hard because we see so little of her in the actual plot and story so the relationship feels like it’s going at a snail’s pace while also going too fast when we do get to see them interact again to make up for the lack of Ameri. It’s weird, they’ve gone on three or four dates (or at least, we can categorize them as dates even if both characters haven’t called it that) but at the same time it’s like nothing has happened for them. I guess besides Ameri realizing her feelings, Iruma blushing when hugging Ameri, and the talk with Henri. I wish the relationship was more friendship focused or the feelings took longer to develop. Because she’s a busy woman and she’s a year above Iruma, we don’t see her actively take part of the plot often and it just makes it hard to get to know more personal stuff about Ameri.

This isn’t to say I’m a Ameri x Iruma hater, I just don’t find their relationship a fun part of the story. I do also admit to having a bias for the love trio when it comes to Iruma ships. But I do hope that the relationship develops more in an in-depth way because I could see her and their relationship becoming more interesting if Nishi takes the time to write her (in my opinion) better.

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5 months ago

What do you think about all this mess in chapter 365? The existence of hierarchy in the society of demons was not something new, but for me it was somewhere in the background, that is, we know that demons have a ranks system but there were social elevators in it. I am asking you because I am a fan of your analysis of the mairuma universe and I am sincerely interested in hearing your opinion.

Good question!! I actually LOVE the direction the story took for the Scala test because it felt like it was going a little too well ya know? I was excited when they turned to farming because as soon as we learned about the carrots I was like, oh they should start a farm that’s the next idea. But I was like, hmm it feels too easy now doesn’t it. And then BAM fascist. But anyway, this is a great question to talk about since I previously made a post about how one of the overarching theme in the story is fascism and fighting against it through education.

The reason why I love this direction for the story is that up until now, all of the subtle hints towards more seediness and corruption has been in the background. It makes sense narratively speaking that we wouldn’t get hit with it too strongly because we like the main character are slowly learning about the world. Iruma is growing up in a relatively safe environment with him mostly being at his house, school, or a safe area like the shopping district (with some obvious exceptions to this). Iruma, having grown up in the human world, has no reason to assume or believe that there is serious systematic problems going on. Instead, he is slowly becoming exposed to this as he gets older and out into more situations where he can no longer not see it.

The signs have all been there from the start with the ranking system being the first exposure. Especially with the introduction of Kirio. The simple fact that you can get better meals if you are a higher rank in a school lunch speaks volumes to how low ranked demons are treated. Especially since we later see this stays true outside of school with Ameri and Iruma going to a segregated high rank only restaurant. And we see instances of bullying/intolerance when it comes to how students treat each other. The notable moments I remember is how the Azz fan girls treated Iruma at first when they thought he was a low rank compared to when they learned he had a higher one than they originally thought. Or the student’s comments to Kirio since he was a low rank. Or how the girls at the party treated the low rank demon girl.

We also have had the vile police system introduced to us during the Walter Park incident and when we first learned about Narnia. Prisons and the whole system is already fucked up and corrupt in the human world but it’s definitely worse in the demon world. The fact that the prisoners have to constantly give their mana up to the park not to mention the fact that it’s located underneath the park to begin with always felt gross to me. And when we first learn about Narnia, the cards start to come together. Narnia is said to treat any injustice, anything at all, on the same level. And he is shown to be cruel and ruthless in the face of what he considers crime. So if you committed tax fraud, you would probably be considered on the same level of a murderer and treated just the same. How are those even on the same level? But Narnia doesn’t care, he sees it as an opportunity to “maintain order” within the netherworld and uses that as justification for his actions. In the end, he doesn’t care about the demons he’s supposed to protect, rather he cares more about maintaining the strict hierarchy.

A panel from Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun). The art depicts a crowd of nondescript demons toppling over the bottom of multitiered platforms. On these platforms there are fewer demons than the crowd and they have better clothing compared to the crowd’s. Naria says, “‘Be happy with what you have,’ as the saying goes. In the netherworld's stratified society, if the low-rank races become dissatisfied with their status and start crying out for independence and freedom, the balance of the netherworld will falter.”

Add to that the fascist organization we have in the story that wants to control the netherworld to reshape it into their image. The introduction of Baal and learning about the organization kind of kicked started where the story will lead into. This has always been a story of fighting off bigotry and oppression, but it’s very subtly disguised behind what seems like a typical villain takeover plot. Because it’s subtle, we as the audience only start noticing when the themes become prevalent with the evidence stacking up higher and higher. And with the introduction of Azami, we can no longer not see what the story is trying to convey to the audience.

It’s crafted in a way to keep you unaware until we see Narnia being a full on fascist with his fascist cop buddy Azami. And the reason why it’s so effective is because the themes have always been there, just in the background. If we had all of a sudden had Azami or Narnia doing his little “maintaining order” speech without the small build up, it wouldn’t have fully hit as hard. But now that we have the Many-Ears race, a race literally known for being suppressed and subservient to higher ranks, we now see the cards fall into place. Some people wondered if the Many-Ears have done this to themselves, suppressing themselves when there was no need. But now it’s become clear that no matter how the Many-Ears came to live in this way, it’s clear that it’s not an issue of them doing this to themselves. Not fully at least. They are being used by those in power to keep them submissive to those they benefit the most. And the Many-Ears, believing they have no way of changing the system of powers, internalized and conformed to this idea as well. Being trapped in this mindset benefits the majority rule and keeps the “balance” in order. However, now they can see a better way for themselves. Now, they truly believe they have value and worth outside of being a worker for a strong ranked demon. Thus toppling over the hierarchy established.

Fascism feeds on a strict hierarchy where everyone knows their place. One cannot have fascism without it being built off the backs of those oppressed. And Narnia, being a fascist prick, has one dangerous weapon: power. He is a high rank, works within the demon border patrol, and now has become a 13 crown, one of the most powerful positions in all of the netherworld. He is almost untouchable at this current moment unless you are a fellow 13 crown (and we still don’t know how possible infighting works). The Many-Ears have no way of stopping someone like this and are basically forced to either fall into line or become seriously hurt. And even if they do fall into line, there’s no saying Azami won’t hurt them anyway. That’s the thing with cops, they can decide what goes with very little consequences (can you tell my feelings on cops?). Narnia knows, he uses this as a tool for oppression. If he has leverage, he will use it without a second thought to further his mission of control.

But here’s where education falls into the equation. The Many-Ears are no longer among the uneducated. Before, the oppressive power used their lack of knowledge to support the hierarchy. How will it work out for them if they no longer as unaware as they previously were? Once knowledge is spread, it’s hard to put a lid on it. You can’t go into their brains and erase what they know to be true. And now they are no longer fighting alone. This isn’t an us verse them battle. Fascism wants you to believe you are alone. It wants you to believe you are powerless. It wants you to believe that you are the only one that wants change. Why? Because there’s power in people, in community. No matter what happens in the next few chapters, they have people that care and want to see change too. And luckily for the Many-Ears, they have powerful allies too. One person alone can make change but a community of people can make an even greater change. And that is the reason why I love this story so much 🫶🏽

Sorry for how long this post was, I just saw this question and I’ve been dying to talk about this since the chapter dropped because I LOVE the themes of this story so much. And I love the anti cop mentality of both the main line story and the mafia story 🤭

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5 months ago

Yeah, I don’t think they know who he is. I think after Delkira he cast away the title entirely believing no one would ever be able to outclass him anyway (and also being depressed that his life’s purpose was stripped from him). And since his identity was a secret anyway, no one would have reason to believe this random high ranking demon was him. Not to mention he changes ages too. As to how he became a crown, that’s tough to say. Did he sense that the Netherworld was changing and he wanted to get in on it? Did he hear a rumor about the trickster plan? Maybe he just wanted to change things up (after all it could get boring being immortal)? And if any of these options are true, did he just magic himself in order or…? Maybe he has been up to shit since then and just caught their attention as a potential candidate?

Either way, now Azami knows his full name AND title and uhhhh, that’s definitely not good for Iruma. They thought it was bad if another crown supported him? Now this is THE Kingmaker showing support. We can only presume he’s going to tell Narnia about who he truly is and I’m not excited for that! (I mean, I am cause this is good drama and plot but I’m scared for my baby boy.)

now that i think about it, everyone calls Mephistopheles "Mephisto", unlike demon king Dokfel who called him his longer name, as well as how he introduced himself as such only when revealing himself as kingmaker to Iruma and Delkira so like...maybe nobody else knows who the hell he even really is, especially since he hasn't shown up since before Delkira became king. If he wasn't well known even then, since Delkira didn't seem to recognize him, then maybe even the Three Greats don't know his true identity. Although they clearly sent an invite to him for a reason (although maybe some other magic is at play there?) and he supposedly appears in the memoirs of past demon kings, there's been little sign of anyone kissing up to him because of his kingmaker identity (i'm still of the opinion Iruma won't care about it though and will accept him as is)

All that's to say, maybe Narnia (and Baal, probably) don't know who he is, and thus only think of Iruma as (spoilers for 367) dangerously gathering high ranking demons around him. Which means that if Amy Azami reports that's not just the case, things could get soooo much worse. Kinda doubt they know somehow since they'd probably do everything to stop Mephisto from overseeing the exam in the first place if so, which probably means shit is really gonna hit the fan soon. I mean, would they have cared so much if it was a different crown overseeing it?

Anyway, it takes a helluva lot of mental gymnastics to think, ah yes, this boy is gathering high ranking, powerful demons around him which is why i should definitely attack him. this will have no consequences whatsoever.

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8 months ago

they would be besties😞🙏

They Would Be Besties
They Would Be Besties

trust chattt😭 iruma is so gender and atsushi is so gay, they both have horrible parents nd have better parental figure now, they’re both very traumatized and have such similar traits and personalities TRUSSTT😭😭😭🙏

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