Isekai Mc - Tumblr Posts

@glitchven @mommyclan kitty friendship....

The isekai
(Ooc) this seems to be getting popular, and my loonsight needs people to know. Please drop your creatures below!
Half Sibling(s) - Loner father in common, dm for more info/talk it out (0/2?)
Work acquaintance (0/-)
Wants to be friends (0/-)
Friend (0/2)
Dislike (specifiy if both ways or one way) (0/-)
Hate ( want this one to go both ways) (0/1)
Feel free to message me to work out specifics of any relationship! I love seeing everyone's guys!

Inktober day 3 - Path
@girlfail-batwing @loonsightneedshelp
Oooo where are they off to??

Inktober day 10 - Fortune

Ive finally decided to make an askblog for isekai!!! Please send asks so we can find out whats happening to isekai

Im bored so i made a new ref sheet for isekai :D