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Head turn arounds from when Ismaire and I were hellbent on making it happen on Webtoons. These haven’t quite aged well with the current stage of the project, but they were still pretty useful for quick references.
Bidan, MyungJin - Choi Vance (aka Bomong) - Ismaire

Introducing our spider lady, Agome: a jorogumo who danced at a shady haven for freaky, fun times. Nowadays, she’s on hiatus from her nightclub lifestyle. She claims she’s not depressed, but she hasn’t left MyungJin’s apartment since the incident 3 years ago.

Best part in having an art husband? They do the art that you have trouble organzing 🫱🏻🫲🏼💫
Here’s some examples of MJ’s lounge and casual clothes, to their color pallette of choice!

Here are some more recent shots I sketched so I could get a feel for each character.
Gotta give some visuals of the leading crew since we’re planning on releasing a teaser soon ;)

Here’s another one by Izzy, this time doing Bomong/Vance’s fashion. Also a sneak peek at Vance’s spirit form (size not to scale).

Bisexuals and their cool jackets (●'◡'●)

one more WIP shot :3c so grateful for Ismaire's tight inks, makes flatting so much easier <3

Bisexuals and their cool jackets (●'◡'●)

Day 1 - Tender
His hands are oh, oh so tender Providing sweet protection While around you shadows render Shapes of wild, toothy nightmares
Your name on his breath a reminder Of his unbridled, fearsome power To throw your heart into the grinder But the want outweighs the fear
Sensual and fond, he raises you Above the doubts you drown in But praising whispers melt into Warnings of the coming fall
Your soul bows in brief surrender Before your body catches on Because this new master is tender Unlike all who held your leash before
-- poetry by Ismaire
Boy, Ashe has a lot of contenders for Darr's... heart. Yeah.

Day 2 - Favorite Treat
Ashe has the tastiest blood, which is great for a ravenous predator like Darr. And Darr is willing to indulge, which is great for willing prey like Ashe. What a partnership~

Day 3 - Forgiveness
Elise is really one of the kindest characters in this story. She just doesn't want to lose her only brother, so she can get a bit testy when Ashe comes by after nearly getting his head bitten off by some nasty creature.
And she's not wrong about how much time he spends watching Darr when he should be concentrating on his work.

Day 4 - Secret
No one was supposed to know what Bradie came from. Who told them?
It sucks when people at your workplace learn private things about you and gossip about them openly because they don't think you have real, human feelings or something.
At least she'll learn that her team will always back her.

Day 5 - Cuddle
The nightmares come every night, but they're a lot less terrible when I'm holding you.

Day 6 - Target Sighted
I figured it's about time I actually draw Darr and the crew doing their spook-hunting thing. Since, you know, it's a major aspect of the story, right behind Darr and Ashe driving each other to crazytown.
... Oh no, it looks like the monster on the hill isn't the only target that's been sighted. OnO

Day 7 - Happy Birthday
The heat of the combat test had worn off, and left the two thoroughly punished teens leaning against each other as they waited for results, or dismissal, or... anything. In the brief lull, Darr finally mumbled what he'd been debating over all day - no one else would say it to the boarding school's cold-hearted queen bee, so he should.
"... Happy Birthday, Cee."
Cecilia startled faintly against Darr's back. He felt her crane her neck toward him, taking some pride in the fact that it probably ached to do so.
"You remembered." It was hard to tell if she was glad or annoyed.
"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" She elbowed him - right in the ribs where she'd clawed into him earlier. "Got in trouble so Dr. W would put you in this test with me."
"Nobody should be alone with Sr. Rayos on their birthday." He shrugged against her.
Her uncomfortable pause said enough. Even she didn't want to be tested against Vidal Rayos, the school's hulking disciplinarian, and her only choice of opponent if another student hadn't gotten himself in hot water just in time.
"God, you're stupid. But... thanks."

Day 8 - Morning Routine
If an evil villainess wants to get anything done, she's GOT to have a morning routine~

(Ismaire here:) ~6 hr speed-paint, + 1.5 hrs to tweak for the second version.
I love Resident Evil. I won't go through my whole personal fan history or journey, but it's my favorite franchise. I've loved the Resi Remakes too. And like it seems a lot of people did, I absolutely loved the new Separate Ways.
And this is just a personal opinion, I'm not saying that anyone needs to agree - but I adore Lily Gao as Ada Wong.
Every actress who portrayed Ada before has their place in Resi history and I'm grateful for the work they did in the franchise, but I think Lily Gao did such a perfect, snappy, subtly multi-layered version of the mysterious mercenary I was familiar with.
I always loved Ada, so I say this with love and appreciation:
She's taken Ada from femme fatale spy stereotype to a fleshed-out individual, from an archetype to a complex woman who has her own ideals, feelings and struggles, and has to juggle them with the decisions that got her where she is now. Obviously the writing was great too, which played a huge part in setting up Lily Gao's acting to absolutely sing (at least to me).
She's a different Ada, for sure. Was I caught off-guard by her voice at first? You bet. She doesn't have the airy, playful, motherly (sometimes kind of condescending?) tone about her anymore - she's got things to do. She's as sharp and cunning as she is quietly compassionate. She's willing to cut off Albert Wesker mid-sentence, but she's just as willing to call Leon and tell him where to find Ashley. She feels like a merc who's had it rough and made her way by sheer hard work, not a model who gets out of bad spots by blowing kisses and tossing a perfectly timed grenade.
Now, I love over the top badassery, and I love how that was rehashed and still fit back into Ada's character. But she felt like a human first, and like those "glorious moments of awesome" came out of painstakingly honed skill, not absurdly sturdy plot armor.
What I stated here applies to a lot of things about the Resi remakes, of course - not just Ada. So much has been tweaked, amped, remixed, and so on. Ada is just maybe one of the most prominent parts of the remakes that made me really pause and go "oh my God, I can't believe how much I love this!"
I don't have a problem with the originals - I loved them (camp and all), grew up with them, etc. As a whole package, the series is just my jam and it would be hard to lose me as a fan. I even got used to first-person play so I could enjoy 7 and Village - they were awesome. (Bless you who already love first-person games. I... don't, haha.)
But back to Ada - I just thought this was the most well-rounded performance her character has ever gotten. Anyone else can read her any way they want to. She's fictional, let's all remember. But Lily Gao is not, and she now has my heart and my vote as a fan!

Here's our companion piece to the trio's costume pic :) There were some hiccups getting the full picture uploaded... At least we can show off almost half 😅
The full uncropped version is available for free on our patreon page along with other goodies by following the linktree on our blog. Hope everyone is enjoying the fall season!

Old-ish sketch of Sweet Nightmares' leader of the Hunters' Guild, Felix Hundsmann.
He was also known semi-infamously as "mage-killer" in the past, though that tidbit about him has been rather lost to history. So has his real first name, rather than the one he took on as a gladiator, and the fact that before stepping into the arena as a slave he had been a king once. (I mean, I'd be grumpy enough to take out a the mages who pointed the Romans to my doorstep too, after that.)
He used to pal around with MyungJin's parents, and if not estranged by certain events, he would likely have been something of an uncle/father-figure to her. He's currently leading the polls in Ambitious Bad Guy Vibes among the cast. But he's got a contender...
*Art by Ismaire

Vance dances his way through Ether, the dream world, looking for nightmares to eat and dreamscapes to play in.
Also, finally showing him off in both forms here~!
*Art by Ismaire

New Arrival
Here's some art from another project - Star Eater.
It's in super early development, but we wanted to show off the quick sketch and flats of Claif, one of the two MCs of this bloody, fanservice-y scifi story. Like with Sweet Nightmares, we draw from a variety of mythologies, but it leans more heavily into some Biblical lore (talking about angels and demons, but framed more as mysterious alien races which some people trust and some don't).
Claif, assumed an orphan, has been raised by some empathetic aliens far away from any human colonies all his life. Then in his young-adulthood, he started experiencing some behavior problems that were chalked up to his alien adoptive community not knowing how to properly raise a human. He finally decides to leave and meet other humans for the first time and "learn how to be what he is"...
... Only to finally arrive at the human capitol colony and discover... he isn't one of them?! 🔪👀
*Art by Ismaire