It Do Be Like That Sometimes - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Who Bethesda let players marry: A salty sarcastic Altmer in Solitude, a drunk in Markarth

Who Skyrim players want to marry: A 1000 years old Dragonborn, a 300 years old vampire, a chaotic aggressive and sarcastic Dunmer spellsword, a giant red dragon, a cat.

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3 years ago

you ever read a fanfic and just sit back and think…someone wrote something THIS good… and then just….published it on the internet….for free…..

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3 years ago

bro this daydreaming shit is really getting outta hand

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4 years ago

just eastern european things:

having a drawer full of plastic bags and storing plastic bags in another plastic bag

uncomfortable family reunions for every single holiday where everyone brings ridiculous amounts of food and several 2 litre bottles of soda

having to finish your food every time because you or your parents paid for it and if you paid for it you have to eat it


homemade wine from plastic bottles that your family or your uncle’s neighbours’ wife’s cousin made in the countryside

cheap alcohol and cigarettes

foreign men always coming to your country and declaring ah yes i heard that eastern european women are beautiful

that one relative your mom hates and who she always makes polite but slightly salty conversation with at reunions but then after a few glasses of homemade wine you know they’ll get into an argument

your parents’ and grandparents’ revolution/war/army stories that you’ve heard a thousand times before

those red plastic candle holders that melt with the candle but everyone is still buying to burn underneath a picture of jesus??

crochet placemats everywhere

‘persian’ carpets that have been in the family forever. everyone always trips on them but there are always the persian carpets

your grandmother has at least one plastic statue of virgin mary in her house somewhere and at least one wood painting of jesus

tiny pocket-size, laminated pictures of saints that your grandmother always buys at church and give to everyone every time they visit


the eternal fascination of every adult with the news on tv. one news hour ends? switch to another channel for the exact same news

the group of old women gathered outside on a bench, there is always a bench and there is always old ladies and they always tell you that you’ve grown so much since they last saw you even though it was just last week

the cars are parked on the sidewalks, the cars are parked on the street, to the point where you’re not exactly sure where you’re supposed to be walking

there is always a queue and it’s always eternal

growing tomatoes

a bowl of plastic fruit??

your grandparents giving you money for your birthday ‘to buy yourself some cakes/sweets’ and you having to pretend you don’t want it ‘no come on you don’t have to’ before inevitably accepting it ‘you really didn’t have to thank you’ 

spending that money on cheap alcohol

as soon as it hits 24 degrees everyone is out grilling food, in the back yard, in the park, in the cemetery, on top of a soviet-time apartment building…


these plastic things on every table always in godawful floral or fruit patterns


and finally

weird shit like this


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6 months ago

shoutout to girls who do not understand the difference between ‘the bit’ and ‘waging psychological warfare’

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4 years ago


^insight into my mind rn

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1 year ago

writers when they’re proofreading their works for the 34th time *find zero mistakes, there’s no typo, no grammatical error. everything looks good. hit the post button*

writers when they’re reading said works after they’ve been published like proud parents *find 52 mistakes at first glance, 38 typos and 14 grammatical errors with a bunch of inconsistencies and plot holes*

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8 months ago

neurodivergent child: *asks a lot of questions because something doesn’t make sense to them*

parent: why are you arguing with me.

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3 years ago

its so shiddy when u have to convince yourself to do your hobbies. like, its fun, you like it, why cant you just do it. do it. do it. but what if.... mindless media consumption instead....

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3 years ago

I love and appreciate fanfic authors, but I read their notes and I have to wonder what fucked up shit they did in a past life to make god hate them so much. Like why do the worst things happen to fanfic authors and they just brush over it. I’ll be reading a fluffy fic and the notes will be “hey sorry the fic is late both my parents died, I’m in hospital right now, and my house burnt down. anyway hope u enjoy this chapter!!“ bro???? Are you okay?????

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