It Seems Everyone Has So Much Passion For This Project Except The People In Charge - Tumblr Posts
Can we get over the "they leaked lore stuff" thing like it’s not as if ex admins had been going around revealing lore secrets, they exposed how some of the organisation problems and admin mistreatments had translated into lore inconsistencies like :
-Admins not knowing about the eggs disappearing and for how long it would last
-Narrative arcs being dropped/interrupted by other things because the higher ups wanted it
-Pomme being set up for another disappearance as her admin was being sidelined
-Pomme being switched with Egg A1 as it was getting too late for the french ccs to take part in that story
-Prison happening randomly as it was a last minute decision by Quackity
Yeah, above all, these are examples of mismanagement and abuse. Which the ex employees are absolutely allowed to share, especially when no effort has been made to contact them and hear them privately.
And yes, these instances of mismanagement do vary in severity, and some might not look that big of a deal, but they all deserve to be acknowledged regardless.
Like for example: yes, ultimately, it's not that big of a deal IN THE LORE that egg A1 exists to replace Pomme in that one scene. But it means that:
1) quackity didn't plan ahead for this event/lore stream to happen earlier in order for the french ccs to be connected (or he wasn't aware they'd even be involved)
2) he wasn't willing to reschedule that scene another day with a better timing (or no one told him that there was a schedule problem to begin with)
3) the story Lumi likely planned around this death was trashed because either quackity or a higher up decided that it wasn't worth the trouble
It's all mismanagement and lack of respect for the volunteers.