Qsmp Admin Situation - Tumblr Posts
the negitivity people have on this situation isn't unexpected, but i wish people would have faith in the man. if it ends up falling through i will eat my words- but Quackity is TRYING some of the statements QSMP updates admins have released prove that. something is changing, Q Studios is downsizing and its for a good reason.
i know everyone really appreciates me being level headed and reasonable about the admin situation. i am, however, Having A Time Of It for entirely unrelated reasons. so, i invite you, the people of tumblr, to take up my cross. be level headed! don't panic! come up with an explanation of events that acknowledges that things are fucked and real people have been hurt and that hurt will need to be redressed, but doesn't expect a catastrophic implosion or believe one has already occurred because one man hasn't been able to completely rebuild a company from the ground up in like two weeks. i know y'all can do it. i believe in y'all.
i will block anyone who doomposts in my notes this is a strictly doomposting free zone
that doesn't mean i think quackity is doing perfectly or there are no problems that still need fixing
So like I don’t wanna doompost or come off as like too serious because I know it’s just a silly Minecraft server but like holy shit even just seeing clips of the award show legit creates such a pit in my stomach. Because there’s a whole piece of the community that’s just missing now. Three cornerstones of the server are gone, and it seems like for absolutely nothing. Pommes admin didnt want to leave she had no other choice because NO ONE could be damned to speak to her. Dappers admin wanted to support her so they left too. Aypierre was apparently the ONLY cc that reached out to Pomme to try and help and while he said he will stick around to play with his friends that “it will never be the same”. Antoine said yesterday he’s gonna talk to quackity before saying anything but I’m pretty sure he’s just announcing his leaving since we already know the fr ccs wont come back without Pomme. Etoiles won best pvp but he hasn’t said a word on qsmp since that first day. And yeah I could keep watching, there’s still a lot of other people I like on the server but there’s such a loud silence now that never had to happen. It feels like the beating heart of the qsmp was gutted.
Okay I have a little more word vomit to expel about the qsmp which is I’ve seen a lot of people say that they’re going to completely stop writing fanfiction and drawing fanart for the qsmp which is completely 100% understandable and fair but I can’t help but feel like that in doing that it’s letting Pomme fade. It’s taking all the work and effort and love the French put into their characters and tossing it into the trash. They were already overlooked while active and now we’re just letting them go completely. I can’t help but feel like it would be more powerful to draw pomme and her family now more than ever. Write every story we can so that if you put it all together we can to spell out how loved she is. Again no one should ever be pressure to draw anything they don’t want to but personally I just have a lot of care I want to give to the character and the FR community that I feel like I have to now

The server being so unfriendly to the French that they LITTERALLY just created lore on the spot instead of just using what was already written is crazy
(On a side note depending on who wrote this lore I have several questions honestly because if this was written by according to Antoines lore the federation directly attacking pomme like this would’ve probably let up to an immediate fallout in the federation power structure. Though I would have to check the dates on when Antoine said he sent his lore over and when the A1 stream happened. Also this would’ve also probably led to aypierres/baghera lore too since they were also kidnapped/raised by the feds and Pierre was even killed by the federation at some point.)
Can we get over the "they leaked lore stuff" thing like it’s not as if ex admins had been going around revealing lore secrets, they exposed how some of the organisation problems and admin mistreatments had translated into lore inconsistencies like :
-Admins not knowing about the eggs disappearing and for how long it would last
-Narrative arcs being dropped/interrupted by other things because the higher ups wanted it
-Pomme being set up for another disappearance as her admin was being sidelined
-Pomme being switched with Egg A1 as it was getting too late for the french ccs to take part in that story
-Prison happening randomly as it was a last minute decision by Quackity
Yeah, above all, these are examples of mismanagement and abuse. Which the ex employees are absolutely allowed to share, especially when no effort has been made to contact them and hear them privately.
And yes, these instances of mismanagement do vary in severity, and some might not look that big of a deal, but they all deserve to be acknowledged regardless.
Like for example: yes, ultimately, it's not that big of a deal IN THE LORE that egg A1 exists to replace Pomme in that one scene. But it means that:
1) quackity didn't plan ahead for this event/lore stream to happen earlier in order for the french ccs to be connected (or he wasn't aware they'd even be involved)
2) he wasn't willing to reschedule that scene another day with a better timing (or no one told him that there was a schedule problem to begin with)
3) the story Lumi likely planned around this death was trashed because either quackity or a higher up decided that it wasn't worth the trouble
It's all mismanagement and lack of respect for the volunteers.