Its Alright That It Started Voluntary But Its Time For It To Develop Further And Adjust To The Size Of The Project And Work - Tumblr Posts
I'm glad Quackity address the admin/behind the scene issues that were revealed last night so quickly. I wasn't expecting such a quick response, but I'm glad he did.
It's unfortunate that the higher ups in the admin team turned out to be corrupt but it's truly fixable and will help the health of the server so much. I'm honestly excited for the positives that will come out of this. I think the server will be so much better once Quackitys done the rearranging and investigating.
It's also comforting knowing and seeing everyone come out to bat for the admins. The admins are the backbone and heart of the server. They are incredible and deserve nothing less than respect and dignity. It's nice seeing the ccs stand up for them too. Pierre stated that he was already in the process of getting a call arranged with Quackity over some of these issues. I also just know that ccs like Phil, Bad, Etoiles and most of the server would totally stand up for the admins. Phil talked about them getting paid for months and Bad is nothing but supportive of them and wants to work with them constructively.
Idk it's just nice to see an issue come up, see a quick and solid response, and know that it's completely fixable and correctable. Whatever changes Quackity makes will be incredible for the server.