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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 14
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Jesse opened her eyes, woken by the silence.
It was barely morning, the sun rays coming through the entrance to the cave, and making a small patch of sunlight, perfect to sit in. That was exactly where she lied.
She turned around glancing at the small, curled up form that was Meredith. She wasn't moving, and if not for the slow, steady rise of her chest, Jesse'd have thought she was dead.
She glanced back through the hole, looking at the endless terrain around them. There's no way we're gonna make it
"Jeez, you could've woken me up" she heard Meredith's voice, and turned her head yet again
The other girl had a weird expression, the one when you try to get rid of the rest of sleep, if you know what I mean.
"What?" she asked "You're staring"
"I'm waiting for you to figure out how in hell are we supposed to get outta there"
Meredith sat up, stretching her legs "Well, for starters" she said "we could ask the person who just came out of a portal"
Jesse glanced in the direction she was pointing. There was a person in a green rain coat, which was fairly strange because of the lack of precipitation.
They had their hood up and seemed to be searching for something.
Jesse quietly crawled out of the opening and slid down the stone surface. A few loose pebbles fell down and the person in the rain coat turned to look at her.
As she now could see their face, she noticed their dark brown, long hair, which strands were coming out from below the hood. The person's skin was tawny and they had ocean-colored eyes.
Seeing her, their eyes widened with recognition, which was pretty weird, considering Jesse had no idea who this person was, albeit they seemed somewhat similar.
They ran in her direction, as she backed away into the cave. They wrapped their arms around her in a sort of hug.
She stiffened, and the person seemed to realize something was wrong. They let go, studying Jesse's face.
"I thought you were dead" they whispered
"I'm not sure I'm not," she laughed. Where have I seen them?
The person gave her a tiny smile, and stared at her in curiosity "Do you know who I am?"
"I know your face" Jesse started "Are you like an actor or something?"
They laughed, but she could see how their face fell. "No, not at all"
"Come with me" they said after a few seconds of silence
"My friend is hurt" Jesse pointed at Meredith who was sitting propped up against the wall "she can't walk"
"Can you stop talking like I'm not here?" the 'friend' in question interjected "I can speak for myself very well, thank you"
"Rude" Jesse whispered
"How are we supposed to trust you?" Meredith pretty much ignored her remark "We don't even know your name"
"You're not supposed to, that's a first." they grinned "The main rule of survival in this cursed place is to never trust anybody"
Jesse scanned the cave, looking for something sharp. Sure, this person seemed familiar, but what if it was the bad kind of familiarity?
"Oh, don't worry," the person said, noticing her behavior "I'm not gonna hurt you"
"Who are you?" Meredith asked, keeping her gaze fixed on the person
"My name is Claire Avery" they introduced themself "Welcome to Operation 'Put out'"
This is a Very Short Chapterâ„¢ but I just had to fill the void between their arrival and things that happen next
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here