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Episode 4 of the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was crazy!
Phoenix says that the caretaker had to be Yanni Yogi because he named his parrot Polly, which was the name of the 'amnesiac' man's dead fiancée.
Then fucking Manfred von Karma came up with one of the most absurd objections!
"My granddaughter has a dog she calls 'Phoenix'. Well, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Does this make you my granddaughter's fiancée?"
Like, dude, wtf?? Those aren't even the same comparisons.
Phoenix Wright is very much alive, and his granddaughter isn't suffering with memory problems. Also, his granddaughter has never even met Phoenix and she's probably a child. So how are those two points a proper comparison by the logic I used to deduce that the caretaker is named Yanni because he named his parrot Polly. Phoenix even sweatdrops at this objection because of how ridiculous it was.
And there's also the ridiculousness of cross-examining a parrot and a bunch of other things that happened.