Iusetoomanyhashtags - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Some Fanart For @bakakxz Divorce AU Cause I Love Dadceit And Bby Virgil. Also @maxtheartblog And Kitkat1003

Some fanart for @bakakxz Divorce AU cause I love Dadceit and Bby Virgil. Also @maxtheartblog and Kitkat1003 on tumblr with their sander-sides-reverse-au were great inspirations for giving Deceit (or in Kitkat's case Truth) White clothes instead of black/grey. And you check out all 3 mentioned fanders/creators cause their stuff is Amazing in general. #Deceit #Virgil #sanderssides #divorceAU #drawing #dadceit #tekening #fanders #thomassanders #SupremeArtSunday #slimysnakeboi #SuperArtSaturday #fanartfriday #vidcon #vidcon2019 #justkiddingwishIcouldbethere #maybenextyear #traditionalart #baby #Iusetoomanyhashtags https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6MwRyiFlb/?igshid=xzuizyrdpphe

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