Sanderssides - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


I'm literally sobbing because I forgot how far Roman and Virgil have come. Roman was constantly hating on him, and Virgil was hating whenever he got the chance. They couldn't last a minute in the same room without insulting eachother. But now? They're nicer. They understand eachother and aren't constantly insulting like they used to. Prinxiety, platonic or not, will always have a special place in my heart☹️💜

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3 years ago

Sanders Sides Theory

Spoilers for the newest episode: Working Through Intrusive Thoughts: Sanders Asides

So in this episode we’ve gotten conformation that orange is an actual character. (While it was a very popular theory, it was still very debatable with the clues being very small and subtle) This episode also pretty much confirms that the orange side does represent Wrath (And will be referred to as such by myself from here on out) He is clearly implied to be Logan’s opposite (Which raises the interesting question of whether or not other sides can channel each other but I’m not going to address that here)

But here’s the thing: Wrath and Logic aren’t direct opposites. Now obviously they are opposites in some ways, Wrath can make someone throw Logic out the window and Logic can calm Wrath. You know who I thing would make better opposites though?

Wrath and Virgil.

Virgil is meant to represent anxiety and mentions many times that he is “Flight or Fight” But most of the reactions that we see from him are a flight. I can’t recall any time (Besides pushing Thomas, but does that really count?) that I’ve seen him display the fight. Which is a bit odd for someone who is supposed to be both. This is where Wrath comes in. He could very easily be the fight part. In fact it makes a lot of sense. Now whether they are a split/twins like Roman and Remus or if they are simply opposites is up for debate. But personally Wrath being Virgil’s opposite and Logan simply channeled him makes a lot more sense.

(Now you might be thinking, but Althea who is Logan’s opposite if it’s not Wrath. Simple, Remy. Can you really say you’re thinking clearly when tired? Also Remy’s character is very flamboyant and in your face whereas Logan is the exact opposite. It makes a bizarre amount of sense.)

Edit: I was scrolling through the Sanders Sides tag and holy shit? I don’t think I could deal with Logan turning into Wrath... I’m hoping it’s just going to stay a theory but it’s definitely possible. Casually hoping it was just Wrath taking over because Logan was vulnerable or that sides can channel different sides sometimes either on accident or on purpose cause I think I would literally cry if Logan became Wrath because you know it’s not what Logan wants, you can see it on his face after the orange eyes happened.

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3 years ago


2 things- 1 Anyone wanna rp??? Am bored--- 2- I;m writing a Logicality story on wattpad and i need someone to help me start the first chapter. the link to the current AU Info will Posted. By the way, yes i got the name from a song... uwu also no the art isn’t mine--- uwu

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3 years ago
(An AU I created) {GreyPalace/MiddleGround AU) [Basically imagine the High school and OG Sanders Sides universe... mixe...

Chapter one doneeeeeee--- T^T please let me know what you think in the comments of the chapterrrrr- XD (Please be niiiiceeeee--)

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5 years ago

Is it just me or would the Sanders Sides be even funnier if Logan’s Catchphrase was “BULLSHIT” instead of “FALSEHOOD”? I mean just imagine it... 

Virgil (in DWIT): You’re Most Extreme Reaction Is An Eyebrow Raise.



Deceit (SvsS): I’m Trying to Teach You a Lesson. But it is Literally IMPOSSIBLE!

*Logan’s Booming Voice in the Background*: BULLSHIT


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4 years ago
Can We Please Talk About This

Can we please talk about this 😂

I loved Deceit (ahem sorry, Janus) and can’t wait to see more of him 

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4 years ago

My Mom: What's taking you so long??

Me: *re-enacting Sanders Sides in the bathroom*

Me: um...DRUGS

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7 years ago
I Know It's Not My Greatest, But I Tried @thomassanders #sanderssides #sandersfanart #sanderssidesfanart

I Know it's not my greatest, but I tried @thomassanders #sanderssides #sandersfanart #sanderssidesfanart

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4 years ago
Some Roman Cause Ive Been Real Anxious Lately And Needed A Distraction, So Heres A Sassy Boy

Some Roman cause I’ve been real anxious lately and needed a distraction, so here’s a sassy boy

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4 years ago

Okay so like hear me out:

Remus- *roaming around looking for something to cause havoc*

Remus-*sees Logan frustration crying cuz he was ignored again by the light side*

Remus- I tHiNk I'm BoUtA sTeAl

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3 years ago

I would just like to bring this back after watching the latest sanders asides episode

Okay so like hear me out:

Remus- *roaming around looking for something to cause havoc*

Remus-*sees Logan frustration crying cuz he was ignored again by the light side*

Remus- I tHiNk I'm BoUtA sTeAl

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2 years ago

Well something gets hard when you do adultry....

Patton: Adultry is hard.

Patton: How do I quit?

Roman: Time travel.

Remus: Die.

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5 years ago
Some Fanart For @bakakxz Divorce AU Cause I Love Dadceit And Bby Virgil. Also @maxtheartblog And Kitkat1003

Some fanart for @bakakxz Divorce AU cause I love Dadceit and Bby Virgil. Also @maxtheartblog and Kitkat1003 on tumblr with their sander-sides-reverse-au were great inspirations for giving Deceit (or in Kitkat's case Truth) White clothes instead of black/grey. And you check out all 3 mentioned fanders/creators cause their stuff is Amazing in general. #Deceit #Virgil #sanderssides #divorceAU #drawing #dadceit #tekening #fanders #thomassanders #SupremeArtSunday #slimysnakeboi #SuperArtSaturday #fanartfriday #vidcon #vidcon2019 #justkiddingwishIcouldbethere #maybenextyear #traditionalart #baby #Iusetoomanyhashtags

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