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SBI+ Tubbo As A Dnd Party.

SBI+ Tubbo as a dnd party.

Tubbo- firbolg druid cuz BEES (also I know that firbolgs don’t have horns but I wanted to give him horns just cuz)

Tommy- half-elf rogue (he just gives off half-elf energy for some reason, and I made him a rogue because I thought it would be funny that someone as loud as him would be a thief)

Wilbur- half-elf bard (he’s also in this au Tommy’s brother because they have that dynamic)

Techno- wereboar warlock (BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD)

Philza- aasimar paladin (honestly no other class seemed to fit him so I made him a paladin)

-I know that Tommy IRL is almost as tall as Wilbur I just like drawing him shorter  because of age differences

-Techno and Phil are old friends and met Tommy and Wilbur in a town when Tommy tried to pickpocket them and Will attempted to get him out of trouble and they ended up going Techno and Phil

-at one point Wilbur’s lute got broke but Phil got him a new one

-they stumbled into Tubbo and after helping with something he decided to join them on their adventures (I’m not going to get too into it because I kinda wanna  make a comic on this)

-Phil knows about Techno being a warlock but Techno doesn’t know that Phil knows so he’s continuously making up excuses on the magic he uses

-Phil constantly tries to keep the group out of trouble but fails

-Tommy and Wilbur constantly make fun of each other and say that they hate each other but the moment one of them is in danger they will do anything to keep each other safe

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