Ivor Takes His Children To Endercon - Tumblr Posts

Official dubbing this idea Lapis Swap.
I actually completed better sketches and drawings today, then decided to do a digital version. I couldn’t be bothered to shade the digital version, but I’ll go back to it eventually.
Anyway, undercut of the AU is underneath.
So Jesse and Ivor swap places; Jesse becoming part of the Order, and Ivor just being a regular guy.
Jesse was found by the Order at a young age (around the age of 7), and was cared for by the Order. He officially joined the Order a short time later, as the adults quickly learned that the child was a prodigy in Potionology/Brewing. The child acted as a Healer and often had the right potion for the right job.
A year after joining, the Ender Dragon was defeated. Jesse wasn’t allowed to follow into The End, so he didn’t know the command block was used.
The Order split up, but decided they’d still share custody of Jesse. So, every month Jesse was passed on from one Order member to the next. This cycle only happened twice. By Soren’s second time caring for the boy, he became overwhelmed by the idea that the public might find out about the command block. He then made the decision to give the command block to Jesse, which was his first mistake. Jesse managed to figure out that the cammond block was used against the Ender Dragon and started asking Soren questions. So, in response, Soren did what a logical mildly-unstable man would do… he took Jesse to the Farlands and left him there, then lied and said the child disappeared with the command block. This is what caused the Order to actually fall apart. Magnus and Ellegaard started blaming each other for the child’s behaviour, Gabriel felt the need to blame himsef but did his best to push the problem to the side, and Soren hid himself away to keep that extra secret hidden.
The spiteful 8-year-old arc begins, spiraling into the edgy teenager that wants to fight back against the word arc.
Meanwhile, Ivor is a lovable old man that mainly looks after Axel and Olivia. This man may seem like a grumpy old guy that spends his days brewing or reading, but he has a soft spot for teenagers that are just as quirky as him.
Ivor has a lot of kids; Olivia and Axel, Petra when she comes around, and the Ocelots. Petra came eventually around to the idea, since she’s occasionally popping in to see Olivia and Axel. The Ocelots were claimed as his children at a previous Building Competition. Aiden and Gill especially like Ivor, though Aiden doesn’t like to show it that much.
Anyway, Ivor is basically the main character, and his goal is to adopt a new child that desperately needs love.
Everything plays out normally, but with Ivor as the supervising adult.
I like to think that everything’s reasonably chill between the Ocelots and Axel & Olivia, due to Ivor, but they still have their tensions. I’m instead going to incorporate both teams into the story for the sake of it.
Ivor heads out into the woods just before Endercon, wanting to collect a few spider eyes for potions, and encounters Petra. She tells him about the deal and such, and into Endercon they go.
They get to Endercon and find the two teams chatting about the winner’s build. Ivor and Petra head into the alley, but Aiden follows in due to curiosity. Jesse shows up, Ivor and Aiden a bit taken aback that its a child wanting this Wither Skull. They get scammed, Jesse disappears, and Endercon search ensues.
They find the basement and the Wither concoction, and Jesse enters which causes them to scatter. Ivor then pulls an “I’m sorry I got lost on my way to the bathroom”, allowing the other children to escape.
Lmao, Gabriel confrontation time. Instead of hiding in the crowd, Jesse instead used backstage shenanigans to get into the roof. He speaks from above, taunting Gabriel, before jumping down to reveal himself. Of course, Gabriel doesn’t understand who this is straight away, but realises a bit too late. Witherstorm is released.
Petra is of course chosen to be rescued, because Ivor will choose his child over some guy any day.
Jesse’s name isn’t mentioned whatsoever until the gang find the Old Temple and original story.
Ellegaard and Magnus are extra bitter towards each other.
Ivor and Petra fight a Jesse and loses to him miserably, even with back up.
Soren is mildly terrified of a bunch of teenagers and their dad rocking up to his base in The End. He isn’t really too fond of company this time, as he feels constant guilt and hate for himself for the choices that he made.
The children decide that Ivor is too old to set of the Formidabomb, so Aiden is volunteered as tribute.
Neither Magnus or Ellegaard are sacrificed, because my thinking is “more people so less likely to get smacked.” Both live, as Aiden was given makeshift armour by Ivor, who apparey had stolen resources.
Jesse shows up to the gang’s shelter. Axel and Aiden immediately start pointing fingers at the child, much to Ivor’s dismay. Also, when the Order come out, they don’t know who they’re looking at until Maya mentions that Jesse was the one that soawned the Witherstorm.
Ellegaard and Magnus immediately start hassling the boy with questions, but when asked “Why did you gave the command block?”, Jesse immediately tossed that question to Soren. A bit of an arguement happens, but it is revealed that Soren abandoned Jesse.
Ellegaard stays with Petra in the shelter to try and help. Axel, Magnus, Aiden and Gill go to distract the Witherstorm. The rest go to the Farlands with Jesse to get the failsafe.
Reuben exists, he’s just the guard pig at Jesse’s lab.
The truth about the Order is revealed.
Ivor has a heart-to-heart moment with Jesse. He offers that, when this is all over, Jesse could come back with them and have a new start. Jesse does like the idea, but is unsure.
The children don’t let Ivor fight this fight against the Witherstorm, so its the teenagers (including Jesse) against the Witherstorm. Jesse and Gill end up inside the thing, because more Gill content.
Witherstorm dies, nobody important dies.
New Order of the Stone is formed by the teenagers, and Jesse takes Ivor’s offer to come join him and his other children in a brand new start.
And that is the first half of Season 1.
I haven’t thought any further ahead about the AU, but I am open to ideas.
Anyway, have a Ra Ra Rasputin Ivor.