Order Of The Stone - Tumblr Posts

• | PAMA + The Amulet of The Orden of the Stone | •

[ Testing MagicaVoxel ]
What if, like, Jesse and Ivor swapped places?
Not in an Order Swap or MCSM Swap thing.
But like, just Jesse and Ivor swap places.
So its just basically the Order picked up a child in their travels and raised him, then abandoned him, and then Jesse’s just an edgy teenager/young adult that wants to fight back against the world.
And then meanwhile, Ivor’s just some random old guy the gang picked up during the Witherstorm Arc, and he’s just kinda been there and won’t leave. Quite literally the voice of reason amongst these youngsters.
And then the only way everything’s resolved is that Ivor acts all dad-like on Jesse.
Would be kinda funny.
It is 1:25am and I have done some sketches of this idea.
@multiversal-madness I actually really liked the idea of “Ivor takes his kids to Endercon” so its now the new cannon for this random idea.

Ivor taking his kids to Endercon was the only thing I had effort for. Lmao.
Also Ivor drinks his potions like a juice box.
What if, like, Jesse and Ivor swapped places?
Not in an Order Swap or MCSM Swap thing.
But like, just Jesse and Ivor swap places.
So its just basically the Order picked up a child in their travels and raised him, then abandoned him, and then Jesse’s just an edgy teenager/young adult that wants to fight back against the world.
And then meanwhile, Ivor’s just some random old guy the gang picked up during the Witherstorm Arc, and he’s just kinda been there and won’t leave. Quite literally the voice of reason amongst these youngsters.
And then the only way everything’s resolved is that Ivor acts all dad-like on Jesse.
Would be kinda funny.

Official dubbing this idea Lapis Swap.
I actually completed better sketches and drawings today, then decided to do a digital version. I couldn’t be bothered to shade the digital version, but I’ll go back to it eventually.
Anyway, undercut of the AU is underneath.
So Jesse and Ivor swap places; Jesse becoming part of the Order, and Ivor just being a regular guy.
Jesse was found by the Order at a young age (around the age of 7), and was cared for by the Order. He officially joined the Order a short time later, as the adults quickly learned that the child was a prodigy in Potionology/Brewing. The child acted as a Healer and often had the right potion for the right job.
A year after joining, the Ender Dragon was defeated. Jesse wasn’t allowed to follow into The End, so he didn’t know the command block was used.
The Order split up, but decided they’d still share custody of Jesse. So, every month Jesse was passed on from one Order member to the next. This cycle only happened twice. By Soren’s second time caring for the boy, he became overwhelmed by the idea that the public might find out about the command block. He then made the decision to give the command block to Jesse, which was his first mistake. Jesse managed to figure out that the cammond block was used against the Ender Dragon and started asking Soren questions. So, in response, Soren did what a logical mildly-unstable man would do… he took Jesse to the Farlands and left him there, then lied and said the child disappeared with the command block. This is what caused the Order to actually fall apart. Magnus and Ellegaard started blaming each other for the child’s behaviour, Gabriel felt the need to blame himsef but did his best to push the problem to the side, and Soren hid himself away to keep that extra secret hidden.
The spiteful 8-year-old arc begins, spiraling into the edgy teenager that wants to fight back against the word arc.
Meanwhile, Ivor is a lovable old man that mainly looks after Axel and Olivia. This man may seem like a grumpy old guy that spends his days brewing or reading, but he has a soft spot for teenagers that are just as quirky as him.
Ivor has a lot of kids; Olivia and Axel, Petra when she comes around, and the Ocelots. Petra came eventually around to the idea, since she’s occasionally popping in to see Olivia and Axel. The Ocelots were claimed as his children at a previous Building Competition. Aiden and Gill especially like Ivor, though Aiden doesn’t like to show it that much.
Anyway, Ivor is basically the main character, and his goal is to adopt a new child that desperately needs love.
Everything plays out normally, but with Ivor as the supervising adult.
I like to think that everything’s reasonably chill between the Ocelots and Axel & Olivia, due to Ivor, but they still have their tensions. I’m instead going to incorporate both teams into the story for the sake of it.
Ivor heads out into the woods just before Endercon, wanting to collect a few spider eyes for potions, and encounters Petra. She tells him about the deal and such, and into Endercon they go.
They get to Endercon and find the two teams chatting about the winner’s build. Ivor and Petra head into the alley, but Aiden follows in due to curiosity. Jesse shows up, Ivor and Aiden a bit taken aback that its a child wanting this Wither Skull. They get scammed, Jesse disappears, and Endercon search ensues.
They find the basement and the Wither concoction, and Jesse enters which causes them to scatter. Ivor then pulls an “I’m sorry I got lost on my way to the bathroom”, allowing the other children to escape.
Lmao, Gabriel confrontation time. Instead of hiding in the crowd, Jesse instead used backstage shenanigans to get into the roof. He speaks from above, taunting Gabriel, before jumping down to reveal himself. Of course, Gabriel doesn’t understand who this is straight away, but realises a bit too late. Witherstorm is released.
Petra is of course chosen to be rescued, because Ivor will choose his child over some guy any day.
Jesse’s name isn’t mentioned whatsoever until the gang find the Old Temple and original story.
Ellegaard and Magnus are extra bitter towards each other.
Ivor and Petra fight a Jesse and loses to him miserably, even with back up.
Soren is mildly terrified of a bunch of teenagers and their dad rocking up to his base in The End. He isn’t really too fond of company this time, as he feels constant guilt and hate for himself for the choices that he made.
The children decide that Ivor is too old to set of the Formidabomb, so Aiden is volunteered as tribute.
Neither Magnus or Ellegaard are sacrificed, because my thinking is “more people so less likely to get smacked.” Both live, as Aiden was given makeshift armour by Ivor, who apparey had stolen resources.
Jesse shows up to the gang’s shelter. Axel and Aiden immediately start pointing fingers at the child, much to Ivor’s dismay. Also, when the Order come out, they don’t know who they’re looking at until Maya mentions that Jesse was the one that soawned the Witherstorm.
Ellegaard and Magnus immediately start hassling the boy with questions, but when asked “Why did you gave the command block?”, Jesse immediately tossed that question to Soren. A bit of an arguement happens, but it is revealed that Soren abandoned Jesse.
Ellegaard stays with Petra in the shelter to try and help. Axel, Magnus, Aiden and Gill go to distract the Witherstorm. The rest go to the Farlands with Jesse to get the failsafe.
Reuben exists, he’s just the guard pig at Jesse’s lab.
The truth about the Order is revealed.
Ivor has a heart-to-heart moment with Jesse. He offers that, when this is all over, Jesse could come back with them and have a new start. Jesse does like the idea, but is unsure.
The children don’t let Ivor fight this fight against the Witherstorm, so its the teenagers (including Jesse) against the Witherstorm. Jesse and Gill end up inside the thing, because more Gill content.
Witherstorm dies, nobody important dies.
New Order of the Stone is formed by the teenagers, and Jesse takes Ivor’s offer to come join him and his other children in a brand new start.
And that is the first half of Season 1.
I haven’t thought any further ahead about the AU, but I am open to ideas.
Anyway, have a Ra Ra Rasputin Ivor.

An Mcsm Au that’s been sitting in my mind for a while where the ender dragon, instead of being blipped out of existence, was sent to the overworld and turned into a pig.
Reuben ended up finding her and leading her back to the tree house where Jesse took her in and named her Jean.
Now she lives her surprisingly pleasant life as a pig, though she still holds a deep disdain for the Order of the Stone.
I has been thinking about Lapis Swap!
And have a reasonable timeline and event plan.
Witherstorm Arc:
Ivor starts off in a cottage next to the treehouse that Axel and Olivia stay in. Olivia’s playing her game of “Which would you rather fight?” while Ivor brews his potions. Axel gives them a scare with his creeper mask.
They head off, and Ivor convinces the two to plan their build out before they get to the competition, and the two decide to build a Witch with their fireworks machine.
Getting to the competition, Ivor greets the Ocelots with Olivia and Axel. Aiden and Axel really only have the tension, but Aiden is quick to get head ruffles from Ivor. Petra comes by and says hi, and the building competition starts.
Meh, you can decide who wins the competition.
The two groups then head to Endercon, Ivor heading off into the woods to collect some spider eyes for his potions. He obviously gets swarmed by mobs and Petra has to come and save the old man. Petra then tells Ivor about the deal, cause Ivor can smell Wither on her. He’s skeptical about the deal, but goes with it.
They get to Endercon, Ivor being the quirky dad-friend he is and checking up on his kiddos. He does that thing where he makes it obvious he’s keeping a secret, then leaves with Petra to do the deal. Aiden decides to follow the two, much to Petra’s dismay since the deal was supposed to be in private.
Petra leaves to find the unnamed-at-the-moment guy she’s doing the deal with, telling the other two to stay and stall if he showed up. Ivor chats with Aiden, before Jesse shows up. Ivor questions if Jesse was the one that wanted to deal with Petra, but is hit with “That’s none of your business.” Petra shows up and deal begins.
Jesse isn’t a con-man. He did actually plan to fullfil his side of the deal, actually having 3 diamonds to give Petra. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have the diamonds on him, so he panicked. He got the skull and fled, resulting in the chase.
Aiden and Petra inform the others about the problem while Ivors starts searching. He catches a glimpse of Jesse heading into the Show Hall, and slime block problem solving time.
They find the little basement area where Jesse supposedly resides. They take a look around, scanning the area. Ivor is quite fond of the place, admiring some of the potions scattered around and is impressed by the capabilities. He does have to take a moment to try and stop Axel from stealing things, especially when he tries to take the fancy potion, which he manages to do.
Maya finds the lever and pulls it, revealing the Soul Sand and Command Block. Lukas and Petra realise that its a formula for the Wither. They are collectively concerned as to why someone who was probably younger than them wanted to make a Wither. They then all scatter when they hear the boy return.
The group hear Jesse talking to himself as he wanders around frantically in the basement. “Where the heck did they go? I swear I had thise diamonds on me! I don’t need someone on my back right now, and I promised I would have her diamond. Ugh! I even had 3 diamonds I was going to give her!” Petra does feel bad since she realised he was actually going to fullfil that deal with more than he was going to offer to her.
Ivor decides to try and let his children escape, so he calls out to get attention. “Hello? Anyone here?” The children escape, and Ivor talks to Jesse for a short while before Jesse respectfully shows him the door.
“Oh there is someone down here. Wonderful!”
“What are you doing here? Wait hang on, you’re the guy that was with… Petra?”
“Oh yes! I was with her. Just making sure she was doing alright. Anyway, I was… looking for the bathroom.”
“Well, you took a wrong turn.”
“So I guessed, but may I ask- is this your little workshop down here?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I just wanted to say how wonderful it is! The potions, the books! I say, I wouldn’t mind a place like this myself. I assume that skull was the element to bring it all together?”
“O-oh… Yeah! Yeah, the skull… I thought it would, uh, bring the room together.”
“It would be a nice touch.”
“Yeah… anyway, you better be on your way. I’ll show you the door.”
“Why thank you, young man!”
Ivor comes out and finds that Gabriel’s show had started… and his children were doing a terrible job at trying to tell the warrior about the monster in the basement.
A voice comes from nearby, taunting Gabriel. Gabriel does respond to the voice, answering any questions thrown at him… until the source jumps down from above and onto the stage.
“So that’s what I did wrong? I didn’t work hard enough for you?!”
“Don’t pretend, Gabriel! You know you didn’t care! If you did, you would have worked hard to find me!”
“I-it, it can’t be…”
“Oh, but it can be!”
Jesse brings up the Wither formula with the lever and threatens Gabriel and the people in the room with it. Gabriel attempts to fight against Jesse, but ends up being tripped off the stage by the boy. The Wither is then unleashed, and instead of continuing to threaten with it, Jesse splashes a potion of invisibility on himself and leaves everyone to their sources.
Gabriel leaves everything up to the large group of children and their father figure. Ivor saves Petra from the tractor beam before he gets thrown into the Nether.
The adventure continues, but the group don’t encounter Jesse. Ivor supervises his kids as they continue on. They end up splitting up to go find Ellegaard and Magnus, Aiden and Axel to find Magnus, and Maya and Olivia to go find Ellegaard. Ivor does keep the amulet with him, but gives it to Aiden temporarily because he thought that Magnus would be hard to find.
The teens round up Magnus and Ellie, Boom Town getting destroyed in the process. The group of teams do start to lose a bit of respect for the two heroes when they witness the two start arguing, and Ivor being the one to have to break them up.
They head off to Soren’s fortress at dawn, get caught up in a few things, then Ivor finds out about Petra’s Wither Sickness.
“Have you tried milk?”
“You think I haven’t?”
The two then encounter Jesse in a room in Soren’s library. Petra actually pulls the sword out on Jesse first, so Jesse quickly moves to defend himself. Ivor tries to stop the fight, but then the other teens show up and Aiden, Maya and Axel are quick to jump into fight. Jesse is quick to try and defend himself and escape, using potions to defend himself, then a slowness potion to escape and lock them in the room.
They eventually get into the End and into Soren’s fortress. Lukas has a pout and confides in Ivor about his concerns for Petra. Ivor, being a good father, informs Lukas but tells him not to worry and that he has it covered.
Ivor keeps an eye on Petra, so Lukas, Olivia and Gill find Soren’s mini lab where they realise he’s outside with the Enderman. Gill finds and puts on the other costume, accidentally making himself the candidate to go out and find Soren.
When Soren comes in, he’s very nervous and a bit ignorant towards the teens. Ivor visibly doesn’t like that Soren is purposely ignoring the kids.
Enderman shenanigans, and Gill leads them out.
They have the Formidabomb, and Ivor quickly realises that the heroes that his kids looked up to weren’t really the heroes they thought they were. He goes to step up, but Aiden isn’t having any of that. Ivor then has none of the heroes offering their armours, solely because he doesn’t trust them. He gives Aiden a set of armour that he enchanted himself; not exactly flashy but it does the job.
No one dies, Witherstorm is in three, Gabriel has amnesia, shit’s gone sideways.
They escape the Storms and take shelter in the cave. Ivor, being the great father he is, checks in on all of his kids, letting them all vent onto him and he provides the comfort they need. The Order watch the man do his thing, Ellie and Magnus visibly saddened and guilty looking. Soren has a go at Ivor for being so focused on children rather than the situation at hand. Ellie and Magnus defend Ivor, so Soren storms off.
Ivor eventually goes outside, finding Soren pinned under the foot of a familiar chaos child. Ivor stands there, watching as the interaction between the two ensues.
“You left me to die!”
“N-now, now! Lets not get ahead of ourselves-“
“You left me! And you never told them, did you?!”
“That’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me Soren! You’ve done enough of that already!”
“Please just listen-”
“They cared for me! They loved me! But you had to ruin that for your own personal gain! You threw me away because you were afraid of me! You didn’t even consider anyone else’s emotions!”
“Please… Jesse-”
“You don’t have the right to use my name! And you will NEVER speak my name again!”
Ivor is quick to step in before Jesse drives a sword into Soren, and the commotion catches the attention of the rest of the gang. Jesse doesn’t take it too well at first.
“You’re defending him? Do you realise who you’re defending?!”
“Young man, you were going to drive a sword into him-”
“He’s a coward! A cruel, selfish coward! That’s the person you’re defending! He should die for what he did to-”
Ellegaard and Magnus step in, stopping Jesse in the moment. At first, they are horrified that their first encounter with Jesse after so many years is when the boy is trying to kill Soren. However, Jesse does win The two over easily.
“Jesse how could you…”
“Me?! He’s the one that left me to die!”
“Small fry, he told us you ran off!”
“What? No! He took me to the Farlands and left me! Alone! Defenseless! He left me to die!”
“Dude, Soren. Is that true?”
Soren is then left to admit the truth. Back when the Order were still together but doing their own things, they would share custody of Jesse. They would rotate each month, passing Jesse on to each other so he would get to spend time with them. Soren said that, the second time he was given Jesse, he became overwhelmed by the child. He wasn’t thinking when he did it.
Ellegaard and Magnus are pissed, Jesse wants to call bullshit, Ivor is furious with this ginger-bearded bastard, the teens felt really bad for this kid, and Gabriel doesn’t know what the fuck was going on.
Jesse admits that he did unleash the Witherstorm fully knowing it would destroy everything and he didn’t really care for it, but when it turned into 3 he realised that it wasn’t right. He originally thought he would be perfectly okay because the storms were following the amulet, but quickly learns that Ivor has holding the amulet, not Gabriel.
The group splits. Axel, Magnus, Ellegaard, Maya, Gill and Petra go and distract the Witherstorm for the group, much to Ivor’s dismay. Ivor, Lukas, Olivia, Aiden, Gabriel, Soren and Jesse head to the Farlands. Jesse is very reluctant to take Soren at first, but has a think, then allows it. Ivor provides Petra with a few different potions to keep her going, because Petra is stubborn and wants to fight.
The Farlands group gets to the swamp, and Ivor goes to search for food with Jesse. They find the witch’s hut, and Ivor is reluctant to go in, but Jesse goes in full swing and grabs the cake. The group then get attacked by witches and skeletons, so Jesse runs off to distract them while the others flee.
Maze shenanigans and they find Jesse’s lab. They enter, a room dark and full of bookshelves with twists and turns. They hear shuffling throughout the lab, which has them on edge… then they hear levers flip. Traps trigger left and right, different potions fired, loud growling noises filling the room. Everyone manages to find spots where everything missed, waiting until the level flicks and everything stops. They of course regroup and are on edge.
A large shadow patterns on the wall, and whatever it is turns the corner… and its a large, creature. Long skinny black legs, long black “fur” draping its body, and a large beast-like head that produced odd roars. Everyone is terrified of this thing, Lukas and Olivia clinging to each other for deal life, Aiden cowering behind Ivor who has a sword drawn, Gabriel actually trying to defend the group, and Soren going to flee but runs into a bookshelf. The thing approaches them and…
Jesse whistles from behind the group, telling the thing that the group is with him. The thing drops, the legs folding on themselves and the main body landing on the floor. It then runs to Jesse, the “fur” draping its body falling off in a cloth-like fashion and revealing… a pig. Jesse takes the mask off of the pig, picking it up and talking to it.
“You did a good job, Reuben. But these guys are with me.”
“I know, but they’re the best we have.”
“Oink oink!”
“I know he’s here but we’re just going to have to deal with him.”
“Its fine. He won’t touch anything. I’ll make sure of it.”
“… is this guy having a conversation with a pig?”
Jesse goes to leads the group down to the secret passageway, but Soren trips the trap, locking Ivor, Gabriel and Soren down in the passage. Jesse panicks and goes to find the redstone to fix it with Olivia’s help, while the men go down to continue. Jesse’s has his first puzzle, and instead of certain items from each adventure, he had presents from each member of the Order as his keys, with the final key being a gift from everyone in the Order. The second puzzle is still the Ender Dragon fight.
They get into the weapon room, where they find the End Crystals. Soren is panicking and starts spilling his tea, saying he thought he hidden the crystals deep into the Farlands where no one could find them. He then starts getting angry, saying he should have never given the command block to Jesse and never should have left such a child in the one place he did. Ivor starts forcing questions on Soren, getting the man to admit the truth. Soren tells the truth about the Ender Dragon, tells a but of history about Jesse and the Order, and why he abandoned the child.
Jesse and the teens are suddenly there, and Jesse snaps at Soren. Ivor also snaps at Soren and levtures the man, defending the child. Soren is now very guilty.
Jesse leads the teens and Ivor to the armour area, letting them choose their armour and make the super weapon. The teens leave the room when they have their armours and the weapons, leaving Ivor with Jesse. Ivor collects armour for the other teena, but has a heart-to-heart witb Jesse.
“So… you’ve just been here…? Alone…?”
“I wasn’t alone. I had Reuben.”
“Not for your earlier years, I assume…”
“… you shouldn’t have to be alone.”
“I can manage. It’s all I’ve known, and besides. After all this, I’ll be returning here again.”
“You shouldn’t have to.”
“It’s fine. I’ve lived this long already.”
“You were left alone for so long. No child- no one, should have to live alone like this… no wonder you wanted to fight back against the world. You were given such a rough start, and when you were given a chance, some rotten person had to ruin it for you.”
“May I use your name?”
“… yeah. You can use it.”
“Jesse, you shouldn’t have to live like this. I would like to offer you a real home.”
“You don’t have to.”
“You may have done some wrong doings, but you’re young. You only thought that you were doing something right, and you with your harsh conditions, I’m sure I would have one the same. So please, you and Reuben can come back with us… for a new start.”
“… I’ll consider it.”
Off to fight the Witherstorm they go. The teens don’t let Ivor fight it, so Ivor instead watches over a very weak Petra. Jesse and the teens go and fight the Storms. Gill is given the weapon to destroy the command block, and Jesse goes with him because he wants to set things right.
Everyone lives and the Storms are dead! New Order of the Stone is formed with the teen group. Jesse strays to the side though, him and Reuben staying by Ivor at the ceremony. Gabriel admits the truth to everyone on his own accord with Magnus and Ellie, all three having a very bug dislike towards Soren.
Jesse gives Petra the 3 diamonds he was meant to trade to her.
Portal Arc:
Jesse had been giving tips to the New Order for adventure and treasure spots, since they had been adventuring while he had been trying to fit into society with the help of Ivor. Jesse had been accidentally advising the town when people were having troubke making choices, which Ivor found quite intriguing.
The group come across the Flint & Steel, come back, find Jesse being a good person before they decide to drag him inside the Order Hall to sus out this Flint & Steel. They learn about the Eversource from Ivor, Jesse also commenting, and the group head off. Olivia, Maya, Axel and Gill stay behind for a bit of calm down time and help around town. Ivor and Jesse join the adventurers. Reuben stays home because he is happy house pig.
In Sky City, they chat around and talk to Milo, who they find is a bit quirky and shady. The group does get taken into the Founder’s Palace, but Petra and Aiden somehow get dragged off by Milo reluctantly. Jesse, Ivor and Lukas talk to the Founder, trying to tell her that they didn’t mean any harm. Jesse’s the one that gets through to her, explaining that they had no idea that building was against the law and only wanted to find somewhere they thought was safe. She allows them to stay in the Palace, and Hesse managed to convince her to send a few people out to find Petra and Aiden.
Aiden and Petra are actually interagated by Milo and his Build Club. They try and get crafting recipes and materials put of them, only actually getting an anvil and ladder recipe from the two. Petra beats a guy up and the two escape back to the street and get inside the Palace to where the others are.
Aiden and Petra tell the others and they all try and inform Isa. However, when they go to find her, they find the passage to the Eversource was open. They head down and find the guards and Isa battling against the Build Club. They jump in to help, Milo throwing a Creeper egg that explodes and creates a hole in the floor. Lukas gets thrown off the edge, followed by Jesse and Isa. Isa goes to put the blame on Jesse, but Jesse is quick to tell her he had no idea who those people were and all he knew was that his friends were captured by them and they were no good. Rest of the episode is basically the same, except they fight Milo.
Episode 6 is basically the same.
Episode 7 is basically the same, but Jesse connects more with Harper and is devastated when she gets chipped.
The Portal Arc is actually what shapes Jesse up to become a leader, and Ivor is happily watching this happen. The other teens are looking towards Jesse more and Jesse is actually allowing himself to connect with other around him.
Episode 8 is basically the same, but when Hadrian drags Jesse up to his office and the Home Gang are found to be locked behind obsidian, Hadrian starts poking.
“Come on bucko. You’re the leader. Surely you won’t let your teammates down-”
“Excuse me, but I am not the leader.”
“Oh? Then how come they look to you when something goes wrong?”
“But even if you aren’t, surely you won’t let your friends sit here and rot away. Or will you…?”
Jesse takes the deal, claiming that if any of them were to live out their life alone, it would be him. He doesn’t want them to live the life that he had to live, so he sacrifices his freedom to the deal. He wins though, so everything’s fine.
The teens all collectively decide that Jesse is the leader, much to Jesse’s dismay. Ivor does convince him by retelling the whole Portal Arc and how Jesse has grown on that journey.
It takes Jesse a very long time to accept himself as a leader, absolutely refusing the idea but is continuously being a leader without realising it. Its very entertaining to watch.
Season 2:
Season 2 is basically the same, but Maya and Gill are in the mix.
I thought Season 2 would be the same, but Romeo would have more eyes on Jesse this time around. A kid that went from nothing; no friends, no family, growing up all alone and abandoned, and yet that kid rose to have it all and is loved despite all his wrong doings. Romeo would definitely have eyes on someone like that.
Romeo doesn’t let Jesse go that easily though. He still keeps Jesse as his Champion, despite him not playing the game right in the Icy Palace. Gill and Maya are given the role of a being guards, but the plan becomes “Gill make a distraction while Maya gets as many companions on our side”. Maya does whatever it takes to rise in the ranks, and Gill becomes an inmate again real quick. Petra is forced to fight Jesse before Romeo runs of with Jesse’s identity.
Everything follows on normally.
Ninja Ivor and everyone gets big hugs from him.
Everything follows on normally, but Aiden and Lukas are being rebellious with their new group when they get to that. Reuben is hiding in a corner somewhere during all of this.
When its all over, Jesse hands Beacontown over to Radar since Jesse wants to settle down and help Romeo with redemption, since he knows a thing or two about redemption himself. Maya and Petra go adventuring, everything is happily ever after.
I’m open to ideas for Portal Arc and Season 2, since I’m not really following anything for those Arcs. Lapis Swap really only takes place in the Witherstorm Arc, and there are only minor changes with the rest of the Story Mode story.
I’m very open to more ideas for the story.

i wanted to draw this. friends who are also in a poly relationship are my weakness.
i made a couple of mistakes, but I think it was ok.
i’m sorry