JADE PROVINCE - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest
New Crest

New Crest

Shang Simla, with love 🎎

 The clock ticked sixteen-and-a-half hours when the bus stopped at Shang Simla, just in front of the old and rustic grocery store.

  Twelve hours by train plus three hours and twenty minutes by bus now separated Jasmine from her family. The trip had ended, she felt so exhausted that she just wanted to get home and fall on the couch.

 The company that had dealt with all the bureaucracy, linked to Jasmine's lodging in the small village situated in the mountainous region north of New Crest, conniving the beauty of this place, fascinated and awake Jasmine a feeling of comfort as she was at home, which was very comforting the heart. The streets, the shops and the temples all created a perfect harmony in this beautiful province.

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8 years ago
Business World
Business World
Business World
Business World
Business World
Business World
Business World

Business world

Challenging time ⏳

 Good morning Shang Simla.

 Today, the day promises not to be easy...

 Meeting with Mr.Oiwa, elaborate a strategy contract for the overvaluation of the shares of the Landgraab group and still respond to a series of accumulated e-mails.

 Who said that the life of a stockbroker is easy?!


- Good morning Miss Baddeley. How are you and how is your stay in Shang Simla, New Crest's oldest province? - Asked Mr. Oiwa.

- I'm fine. I'm loving it, I confess. I am completely in love with this magnificent place. - Answered Jasmine.

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8 years ago
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla
Shang Simla

Shang Simla

Call my heart forever...🏮

 I felt a great peace of mind in this place almost forgotten since the first contact I had made on the floor.

 It was difficult to explain however I felt that a part of me had belonged to this place full of traditions.

 I believe I could stay here forever if I did not have a life away from here. The memories of certain were to be kept and recorded in photographs for when the longing beats I could revive the memory, after all to remember is to live...

  My dear, Shang Simla I will take you forever in my heart. Shang Simla

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8 years ago


Jumping mountains through valleys 🚌

 The season at Shang Simla will come to an end and I would expect a long drive to Willon Creek…

 I missed the children a lot and Josh was about to leave home and say goodbye or one even to new friends.

 I will miss you very much, I promise to return very soon but next time on vacation and family.

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